static void skillgui_cairo_render_textpara(GVJ_t *job, pointf p, textpara_t *para) { #ifdef USE_GVPLUGIN_TIMETRACKER __tt.ping_start(__ttc_text); ++__num_text; #endif SkillGuiCairoRenderInstructor *cri = (SkillGuiCairoRenderInstructor *)job->context; Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cairo = cri->get_cairo(); obj_state_t *obj = job->obj; Cairo::FontWeight weight = Cairo::FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL; Cairo::FontSlant slant = Cairo::FONT_SLANT_NORMAL; char *fontweight = NULL; char *fontslant = NULL; if (obj->type == CLUSTER_OBJTYPE) { fontweight = agget(obj->, (char *)"fontweight"); fontslant = agget(obj->, (char *)"fontslant"); } else if (obj->type == ROOTGRAPH_OBJTYPE) { fontweight = agget(obj->u.g, (char *)"fontweight"); fontslant = agget(obj->u.g, (char *)"fontslant"); } else if (obj->type == NODE_OBJTYPE) { fontweight = agget(obj->u.n, (char *)"fontweight"); fontslant = agget(obj->u.n, (char *)"fontslant"); } else if (obj->type == EDGE_OBJTYPE) { fontweight = agget(obj->u.e, (char *)"fontweight"); fontslant = agget(obj->u.e, (char *)"fontslant"); } if (fontweight && (strcmp(fontweight, "bold") == 0)) { weight = Cairo::FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD; p.x -= 8; } if (fontslant && (strcmp(fontslant, "italic") == 0)) { slant = Cairo::FONT_SLANT_ITALIC; } double offsetx = 0.0; double offsety = 0.0; double rotate = 0.0; if ( (obj->type == EDGE_OBJTYPE) && (strcmp(para->str, obj->headlabel) == 0) ) { char *labelrotate = agget(obj->u.e, (char *)"labelrotate"); if (labelrotate && (strlen(labelrotate) > 0)) { rotate = fawkes::deg2rad(atof(labelrotate)); } char *labeloffsetx = agget(obj->u.e, (char *)"labeloffsetx"); if (labeloffsetx && (strlen(labeloffsetx) > 0)) { offsetx = atof(labeloffsetx); } char *labeloffsety = agget(obj->u.e, (char *)"labeloffsety"); if (labeloffsety && (strlen(labeloffsety) > 0)) { offsety = atof(labeloffsety); } } //__tt.ping_start(__ttc_text_1); Cairo::Matrix old_matrix; cairo->get_matrix(old_matrix); if (__fontname) { cairo->select_font_face(__fontname, slant, weight); } else { cairo->select_font_face(para->fontname, slant, weight); } cairo->set_font_size(para->fontsize); //cairo->set_font_options ( Cairo::FontOptions() ); //cairo->set_line_width(1.0); Cairo::TextExtents extents; cairo->get_text_extents(para->str, extents); if (para->just == 'r') { p.x -= extents.width; } else if (para->just != 'l') { p.x -= extents.width / 2.0; } cairo->move_to(p.x + offsetx, -p.y + offsety); cairo->rotate(rotate); skillgui_cairo_set_color(cairo, &(obj->pencolor)); cairo->text_path( para->str ); cairo->fill(); cairo->set_matrix(old_matrix); //__tt.ping_end(__ttc_text_5); #ifdef USE_GVPLUGIN_TIMETRACKER __tt.ping_end(__ttc_text); #endif }
void ValidationPanel::refresh() { // update the label crn::StringUTF8 lab = "<span font_desc=\"" + Config::GetFont() + "\">" + title + "</span>"; lab += " ("; lab += nelem; lab += ")"; auto *labw = get_label_widget(); auto *llab = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Label*>(labw); if (llab) llab->set_markup(lab.CStr()); else set_label(lab.CStr()); if (/*(positions.size() != elements.size()) ||*/ (dispw <= 0) || (disph <= 0) || locked) return; Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> win = da.get_window(); if (win) { // if the drawing area is fully created // create a buffer Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixmap> pm = Gdk::Pixmap::create(win, dispw, disph); // clear the buffer pm->draw_rectangle(da_gc, true, 0, 0, dispw, disph); int offset = -int(scroll.get_value()); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cc = pm->create_cairo_context(); // draw the words for (const ValidationPanel::ElementList::value_type &el : elements) { if (!el.second.empty()) { int by = positions[el.second.begin()->first].Y; int ey = by; for (const ValidationPanel::ElementCluster::value_type &w : el.second) { int y = positions[w.first].Y + w.second.img->get_height(); if (y > ey) ey = y; } if ((el.first == elements.rbegin()->first) && (ey < disph)) { // fill till the end of the display ey = disph; } ValidationPanel::set_color(cc, el.first); cc->rectangle(0, by + offset, dispw, ey - by); cc->fill(); } for (const ValidationPanel::ElementCluster::value_type &w : el.second) { Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> wpb = w.second.img; pm->draw_pixbuf(da_gc, wpb, 0, 0, positions[w.first].X, positions[w.first].Y + offset, w.second.img->get_width(), w.second.img->get_height(), Gdk::RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0); } } // draw the mark if (mark.size() > 1) { cc->set_source_rgb(1.0, 0, 0); cc->move_to(mark.front().X, mark.front().Y + offset); for (size_t tmp = 1; tmp < mark.size(); ++tmp) { cc->line_to(mark[tmp].X, mark[tmp].Y + offset); } cc->stroke(); } // copy pixmap to drawing area win->draw_drawable(da_gc, pm, 0, 0, 0, 0); } }
// main drawing routine bool Draw::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr) { int num_cells = b.num_bowls + 2; double inv_num_cells = 1.0 / num_cells; Gtk::Allocation alloc = get_allocation(); Pango::FontDescription font("Monospace"); font.set_size(std::min(alloc.get_width(), alloc.get_height()) * .1 * Pango::SCALE); cr->set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // draw bg draw_img(cr, bg_board, 0.0, 0.0, alloc.get_width() / (bg_board->get_width() - .5), alloc.get_height() / (bg_board->get_height() - .5)); // draw bg for left store draw_img(cr, bg_store, 0.0, 0.0, alloc.get_width() / (bg_store->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bg_store->get_height() - .5)); // l store beads for(auto & j: b.l_store.beads) { draw_img(cr, bead_imgs[j.color_i], alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_height() - .5) * .5); draw_img(cr, bead_s_img, alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_s_img->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_s_img->get_height() - .5) * .5); } // draw # for left store draw_num(cr, font, b.l_store.beads.size(), alloc.get_width() * .5 * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() * .5); // draw bg for right store draw_img(cr, bg_store, alloc.get_width() * (1.0 - inv_num_cells), 0, alloc.get_width() / (bg_store->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bg_store->get_height() - .5)); // r store beads for(auto & j: b.r_store.beads) { draw_img(cr, bead_imgs[j.color_i], alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_height() - .5) * .5); draw_img(cr, bead_s_img, alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_s_img->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_s_img->get_height() - .5) * .5); } // draw # for right store draw_num(cr, font, b.r_store.beads.size(), alloc.get_width() * (1.0 - .5 * inv_num_cells), alloc.get_height() * .5); // draw bowls for(size_t i = 0; i < b.top_row.size(); ++i) { // draw upper row hint if(hint_player == PLAYER_2 && show_hint && hint_i == (int)i) { draw_img(cr, hint_img, alloc.get_width() * (i + 1) * inv_num_cells, 0.0, alloc.get_width() / (hint_img->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (hint_img->get_height() - .5) * .5); } // upper row bgs draw_img(cr, bg_bowl, alloc.get_width() * (i + 1) * inv_num_cells, 0, alloc.get_width() / (bg_bowl->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bg_bowl->get_height() - .5) * .5); // upper row beads for(auto & j: b.top_row[i].beads) { draw_img(cr, bead_imgs[j.color_i], alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_height() - .5) * .5); draw_img(cr, bead_s_img, alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_s_img->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_s_img->get_height() - .5) * .5); } // upper row txt draw_num(cr, font, b.top_row[i].beads.size(), alloc.get_width() * (2 * i + 3) * .5 * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() * .25); // draw lower row hint if(hint_player == PLAYER_1 && show_hint && hint_i == (int)i) { draw_img(cr, hint_img, alloc.get_width() * (i + 1) * inv_num_cells, .5 * alloc.get_height(), alloc.get_width() / (hint_img->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (hint_img->get_height() - .5) * .5); } // lower row bgs draw_img(cr, bg_bowl, alloc.get_width() * (i + 1) * inv_num_cells, .5 * alloc.get_height(), alloc.get_width() / (bg_bowl->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bg_bowl->get_height() - .5) * .5); // lower row beads for(auto & j: b.bottom_row[i].beads) { draw_img(cr, bead_imgs[j.color_i], alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_imgs[j.color_i]->get_height() - .5) * .5); draw_img(cr, bead_s_img, alloc.get_width() * j.pos[0], alloc.get_height() * j.pos[1], alloc.get_width() / (bead_s_img->get_width() - .5) * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() / (bead_s_img->get_height() - .5) * .5); } // lower row txt draw_num(cr, font, b.bottom_row[i].beads.size(), alloc.get_width() * (2 * i + 3) * .5 * inv_num_cells, alloc.get_height() * .75); } return true; }
void OutputFile::generate() { unsigned E=es.size(); bool cleanupRoutes=false; if(routes==NULL) { cleanupRoutes=true; routes = new vector<straightener::Route*>(E); for(unsigned i=0;i<E;i++) { straightener::Route* r=new straightener::Route(2); r->xs[0]=rs[es[i].first]->getCentreX(); r->ys[0]=rs[es[i].first]->getCentreY(); r->xs[1]=rs[es[i].second]->getCentreX(); r->ys[1]=rs[es[i].second]->getCentreY(); (*routes)[i]=r; } } #if defined (CAIRO_HAS_SVG_SURFACE) && defined (CAIRO_HAS_PDF_SURFACE) double width,height,r=2; if(rects) r=rs[0]->width()/2; double xmin=DBL_MAX, ymin=xmin; double xmax=-DBL_MAX, ymax=xmax; for (unsigned i=0;i<rs.size();i++) { double x=rs[i]->getCentreX(), y=rs[i]->getCentreY(); xmin=min(xmin,x); ymin=min(ymin,y); xmax=max(xmax,x); ymax=max(ymax,y); } xmax+=2*r; ymax+=2*r; xmin-=2*r; ymin-=2*r; width=xmax-xmin; height=ymax-ymin; Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr; openCairo(cr,width,height); /* set background colour cr->save(); // save the state of the context cr->set_source_rgb(0.86, 0.85, 0.47); cr->paint(); // fill image with the color cr->restore(); // color is back to black now */ cr->set_line_width(1.); cr->set_font_size(8); cr->save(); if(rc) for(Clusters::const_iterator c=rc->clusters.begin();c!=rc->clusters.end();c++) { draw_cluster_boundary(cr,**c,xmin,ymin); } if(curvedEdges) draw_curved_edges(cr,es,xmin,ymin); else draw_edges(cr,*routes,xmin,ymin); Cairo::TextExtents te; for (unsigned i=0;i<rs.size();i++) { if(!rects) { double x=rs[i]->getCentreX()-xmin, y=rs[i]->getCentreY()-ymin; cr->arc(x,y,r, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); cr->fill(); } else { double x=rs[i]->getMinX()-xmin+0.5, y=rs[i]->getMinY()-ymin+0.5; std::string str; if(labels.size()==rs.size()) { str=labels[i]; } else { std::stringstream s; s<<i; str=s.str(); } cr->get_text_extents(str,te); /* double llx = x-te.width/2.-1; double lly = y-te.height/2.-1; cr->rectangle(llx,lly,te.width+2,te.height+2); */ cr->rectangle(x,y, rs[i]->width()-1,rs[i]->height()-1); cr->stroke_preserve(); cr->save(); cr->set_source_rgba(245./255., 233./255., 177./255., 0.6); cr->fill(); cr->restore(); if(labels.size()==rs.size()) { cr->move_to(x-te.x_bearing+te.width/2.,y-te.y_bearing+te.height/2.); cr->show_text(str); } cr->stroke(); } } cr->show_page(); std::cout << "Wrote file \"" << fname << "\"" << std::endl; #else std::cout << "WARNING: cola::OutputFile::generate(): No SVG file produced." << std::endl << " You must have cairomm (and cairo with SVG support) " << "this to work." << std::endl; #endif if(cleanupRoutes) { for(unsigned i=0;i<E;i++) { delete (*routes)[i]; } delete routes; } }
bool Canvas::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose * evt) { Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> window = get_window(); if (!window) return false; // no window yet? if (!seen_first_expose_event) { seen_first_expose_event = true; main->controlsWindow().starting_position(); } Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = window->create_cairo_context(); if (!surface) return true; // Haven't rendered yet? Nothing we can do if (evt) { cr->rectangle(evt->area.x, evt->area.y, evt->area.width, evt->area.height); cr->clip(); } cr->set_source(surface, 0, 0); cr->paint(); if (main->dragrect.is_active() && main->dragrect.surface_valid()) { cr->save(); cr->set_source(main->dragrect.get_surface(), 0, 0); cr->paint(); cr->restore(); } if (main->hud_active()) { Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface>& sfc = main->get_hud_surface(); if (sfc) cr->set_source(sfc, 0, 0); // TODO HUD position cr->paint(); } return true; }
bool studio::Widget_Preview::redraw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> &cr) { //And render the drawing area Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pxnew, px = currentbuf; cairo_surface_t* cs; bool use_cairo= preview->get_use_cairo(); if(use_cairo) { if(current_surface) cs=cairo_surface_reference(current_surface); else return true; } int dw = draw_area.get_width(); int dh = draw_area.get_height(); if(use_cairo && !cs) return true; else if(!use_cairo && !px) return true; //made not need this line //if ( draw_area.get_height() == 0 || px->get_height() == 0 || px->get_width() == 0) // return true; //figure out the scaling factors... float sx, sy; float q = 1 / preview->get_zoom(); int nw, nh; int w,h; // grab the source dimensions if(use_cairo) { w=cairo_image_surface_get_width(cs); h=cairo_image_surface_get_height(cs); } else { w=px->get_width(); h=px->get_height(); } Gtk::Entry* entry = zoom_preview.get_entry(); String str(entry->get_text()); Glib::ustring text = str; const char *c = text.c_str(); if (text == _("Fit") || text == "fit") { sx = dw / (float)w; sy = dh/ (float)h; //synfig::info("widget_preview redraw: now to scale the bitmap: %.3f x %.3f",sx,sy); //round to smallest scale (fit entire thing in window without distortion) if(sx > sy) sx = sy; //cleanup previous size request draw_area.set_size_request(); } //limit zoom level from 0.01 to 10 times else if (atof(c) > 1000) { sx = sy = 10 * q; } else if (atof(c) <= 0 ) { sx = sy = 0 ; draw_area.set_size_request(0, 0); } else sx = sy = atof(c) / 100 * q; //scale to a new pixmap and then copy over to the window nw = (int)(w * sx); nh = (int)(h * sx); if(nw == 0 || nh == 0)return true; if(!use_cairo) pxnew = px->scale_simple(nw, nh, Gdk::INTERP_NEAREST); //except "Fit" or "fit", we need to set size request for scrolled window if (text != _("Fit") && text != "fit") { draw_area.set_size_request(nw, nh); dw = draw_area.get_width(); dh = draw_area.get_height(); } //synfig::info("Now to draw to the window..."); //copy to window Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> wind = draw_area.get_window(); if(!wind) synfig::warning("The destination window is broken..."); if(!use_cairo) { /* Options for drawing... 1) store with alpha, then clear and render with alpha every frame - more time consuming + more expandable 2) store with just pixel info - less expandable + faster + better memory footprint */ //px->composite(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>& dest, int dest_x, int dest_y, int dest_width, int dest_height, double offset_x, double offset_y, double scale_x, double scale_y, InterpType interp_type, int overall_alpha) const cr->save(); Gdk::Cairo::set_source_pixbuf( cr, //cairo context pxnew, //pixbuf //coordinates to place center of the preview window (dw - nw) / 2, (dh - nh) / 2 ); cr->paint(); cr->restore(); } else { cr->save(); cr->scale(sx, sx); cairo_set_source_surface(cr->cobj(), cs, (dw - nw)/(2*sx), (dh - nh)/(2*sx)); cairo_pattern_set_filter(cairo_get_source(cr->cobj()), CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST); cairo_surface_destroy(cs); cr->paint(); cr->restore(); } //synfig::warning("Refresh the draw area"); //make sure the widget refreshes return false; }
void OutputFile::draw_cluster_boundary(Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> const &cr, Cluster &c, const double xmin, const double ymin) { c.computeBoundary(rs); cr->save(); // background cr->set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.7, 224./255.); cr->move_to(c.hullX[0]-xmin,c.hullY[0]-ymin); for(unsigned i=1;i<c.hullX.size();i++) { cr->line_to(c.hullX[i]-xmin,c.hullY[i]-ymin); } cr->line_to(c.hullX[0]-xmin,c.hullY[0]-ymin); cr->fill(); cr->restore(); // outline cr->move_to(c.hullX[0]-xmin,c.hullY[0]-ymin); for(unsigned i=1;i<c.hullX.size();i++) { cr->line_to(c.hullX[i]-xmin,c.hullY[i]-ymin); } cr->line_to(c.hullX[0]-xmin,c.hullY[0]-ymin); cr->stroke(); }
bool PhotoPreview::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr) { if (!Image) return false; int Width,Height; Gtk::Allocation Allocation = get_allocation(); Width=Allocation.get_width(); Height=Allocation.get_height(); if (Width<=1 || Height<=1) return false; /* Scale the photo */ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> Scaled; /* Preserve aspect ratio */ double ImageAspectRatio,PreviewAspectRatio; PreviewAspectRatio=(float)Width/Height; ImageAspectRatio=(float)Image->get_width()/Image->get_height(); if (ImageAspectRatio<PreviewAspectRatio) { Width=Height*ImageAspectRatio; } else { Height=Width/ImageAspectRatio; } Scaled=Image->scale_simple( Width, Height, Gdk::INTERP_BILINEAR); if (Cfg->GetFlipPreview()) Scaled=Scaled->flip(); Gdk::Cairo::set_source_pixbuf(cr, Scaled, (Allocation.get_width()/2)-(Scaled->get_width()/2), (Allocation.get_height()/2)-(Scaled->get_height()/2) ); cr->paint(); double TimeLeft=Util::TimeDiff(&PhotoTime,NULL); double MinDim=get_width(); if (get_height()<MinDim) MinDim=get_height(); if (Overlay.length()==0 && TimeLeft>0) { double TotalTime=Cfg->GetCountdownCount()*(Cfg->GetCountdownTimeout()/1000.0); unsigned int Whole=floor(Cfg->GetCountdownCount()*TimeLeft/TotalTime); float Frac=(Cfg->GetCountdownCount()*TimeLeft/TotalTime)-Whole; Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> Context = get_window()->create_cairo_context(); Context->set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0,0.5); Context->translate(get_width()/2.0,get_height()/2.0); /* Draw the fractional portion of the countdown */ Context->save(); Context->rotate(M_PI/2.0); Context->arc(0.0,0.0,MinDim/4.0,0,Frac*2*M_PI); Context->fill(); Context->restore(); /* Draw the Whole portion of the countdown */ Context->save(); Context->set_font_size(MinDim/2.0); char StrBuf[1024]; snprintf(StrBuf,sizeof(StrBuf),"%d",Whole+1); Cairo::TextExtents Extents; Context->get_text_extents(StrBuf,Extents); Context->translate(-Extents.width/2.0,Extents.height/2.0); Context->show_text(StrBuf); Context->stroke(); Context->restore(); } if (Overlay.length()) { Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> Context = get_window()->create_cairo_context(); Context->set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0,0.5); Context->translate(get_width()/2.0,get_height()/2.0); Context->save(); Context->set_font_size(MinDim/2.0); Cairo::TextExtents Extents; Context->get_text_extents(Overlay,Extents); Context->translate(-Extents.width/2.0,Extents.height/2.0); Context->show_text(Overlay); Context->stroke(); Context->restore(); } return true; }
void NodeRenderer::icon(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr, IconCache& cache) { // path to icon not set if (s->icon.str().size() == 0 || s->icon_width == 0.0 || s->icon_height == 0.0) return; cr->save(); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> image = cache.getIcon(s->icon.str()); double width = s->icon_width < 0 ? image->get_width() : s->icon_width; double height = s->icon_height < 0 ? image->get_height() : s->icon_height; double x0 = floor(location.x - width/2.0); double y0 = floor(location.y - height/2.0); cr->translate(x0, y0); cr->scale(width / image->get_width(), height / image->get_height()); cr->set_source(image, 0, 0); cr->paint(); cr->restore(); }
/** * Render the Preview * @param Cairo::Context cr * @return Gtk::Window::on_draw(cr) */ bool Preview::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr) { Configuration::Theme theme = Configuration::getTheme(); if (theme.forPreview().enabled()) { cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreview().background().red, theme.forPreview().background().green, theme.forPreview().background().blue, theme.forPreview().background().alpha); Utilities::RoundedRectangle(cr, 0, 0, this->get_width(), this->get_height(), theme.forPreview().roundedRatious()); cr->fill(); } if (!m_isActive) { return Gtk::Window::on_draw(cr); } if (m_previewtems.size() < 1) { this->hideMe(); return Gtk::Window::on_draw(cr); } int idx = 0; for (DockItem* item : m_previewtems) { if (item->m_window == NULL || item->m_xid == 0 || !item->visible) continue; int pos_x = 20 + (m_previewWidth * idx); int pos_y = 16; int pos_width = m_previewWidth - DEF_PREVIEW_LEFT_MARGING; int pos_height = 20; cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreview().foreground().red, theme.forPreview().foreground().green, theme.forPreview().foreground().blue, theme.forPreview().foreground().alpha); cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreview().lineWith()); if (item->m_imageLoadedRequired) cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreview().lineWith() + 0.5); if (theme.getPreviewBinaryValue() == 0) { Utilities::RoundedRectangle(cr, DEF_PREVIEW_LEFT_MARGING + (m_previewWidth * idx), 16, m_previewWidth, m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING, theme.forPreview().roundedRatious()); cr->stroke(); } else { cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreview().lineWith()); int pos_x = DEF_PREVIEW_LEFT_MARGING + (m_previewWidth * idx); int y_pos = 16; int width = m_previewWidth; int height = m_previewHeight; int value = theme.getPreviewBinaryValue(); /* Vertical Left*/ int bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 3); if (bit == 1) { cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreview().lineWith()); cr->move_to(pos_x, y_pos); cr->line_to(pos_x, y_pos); cr->line_to(pos_x, y_pos + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->stroke(); } /* Top */ bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 2); if (bit == 1) { cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreview().lineWith()); cr->move_to(pos_x, y_pos); cr->line_to(pos_x, y_pos); cr->line_to(pos_x + (m_previewWidth), y_pos); cr->stroke(); } /* Right vertical */ bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 1); if (bit == 1) { cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreview().lineWith()); cr->move_to(pos_x + m_previewWidth, y_pos); cr->line_to(pos_x + m_previewWidth, y_pos); cr->line_to(pos_x + m_previewWidth, y_pos + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->stroke(); } bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 0); if (bit == 1) { cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreview().lineWith()); cr->move_to(pos_x, y_pos + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->line_to(pos_x, y_pos + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->line_to(pos_x + m_previewWidth, y_pos + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->stroke(); } } // TEXT // draw title and create clipping rectangle // JG cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreviewTitle().background().red, theme.forPreviewTitle().background().green, theme.forPreviewTitle().background().blue, theme.forPreviewTitle().foreground().alpha); cr->rectangle(pos_x, pos_y + 2, pos_width + 2, pos_height); // cr->clip_preserve(); cr->fill(); // JG cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreviewTitle().foreground().red, theme.forPreviewTitle().foreground().green, theme.forPreviewTitle().foreground().blue, theme.forPreviewTitle().foreground().alpha); cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreviewTitle().lineWith()); cr->rectangle(pos_x, pos_y + 2, pos_width + 2, pos_height); cr->stroke(); // draw title the clipping rectangle //cr->set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); cr->rectangle(pos_x, pos_y + 2, pos_width, pos_height); cr->clip_preserve(); cr->stroke(); cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreviewTitleText().foreground().red, theme.forPreviewTitleText().foreground().green, theme.forPreviewTitleText().foreground().blue, theme.forPreviewTitleText().foreground().alpha); auto layout = create_pango_layout(item->m_titlename); layout->set_font_description(font); //cr->set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // white text cr->move_to(pos_x, pos_y + 2); layout->show_in_cairo_context(cr); cr->reset_clip(); // Reset the clipping if (item->m_imageLoadedRequired) { GdkPixbuf *scaledpb = getScaledPixbuf(item); if (scaledpb == nullptr) { continue; } // show the loaded image. showPreview(cr, scaledpb, idx); // Checks if the image have movement. if (item->isMovementDetected(scaledpb) && !item->m_isDynamic) { item->m_isDynamic = true; } // if no movement has been detected, means that the image // is static and we don't need to reload it again if (++item->m_frames > 3 && !item->m_isDynamic) { item->m_scaledPixbuf = scaledpb; item->m_frames = 0; item->m_imageLoadedRequired = false; } // if the image is static do not unreference the scaledpb. if (item->m_imageLoadedRequired) g_object_unref(scaledpb); } else { // show the loaded static image. showPreview(cr, item->m_scaledPixbuf, idx); } // selector if (m_currentIndex == idx) { // rectangle background selector pos_x = DEF_PREVIEW_LEFT_MARGING + (m_previewWidth * m_currentIndex); pos_y = 16; pos_width = m_previewWidth + 1; pos_height = m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING; if (m_previewtems.size() > 1) { cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreviewSelector().background().red, theme.forPreviewSelector().background().green, theme.forPreviewSelector().background().blue, theme.forPreviewSelector().background().alpha); Utilities::RoundedRectangle(cr, pos_x, pos_y, pos_width, pos_height, theme.forPreviewSelector().roundedRatious()); cr->fill(); } cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreviewSelector().foreground().red, theme.forPreviewSelector().foreground().green, theme.forPreviewSelector().foreground().blue, theme.forPreviewSelector().foreground().alpha); cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreviewSelector().lineWith()); if (theme.getPreviewSelectorBinaryValue() == 0) { Utilities::RoundedRectangle(cr, pos_x, pos_y, pos_width, pos_height, theme.forPreviewSelector().roundedRatious()); cr->stroke(); } else { int value = theme.getPreviewSelectorBinaryValue(); // /* Vertical Left*/ int bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 3); if (bit == 1) { cr->move_to(pos_x, pos_y); cr->line_to(pos_x, pos_y); cr->line_to(pos_x, pos_y + (pos_height)); cr->stroke(); } /* Top */ bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 2); if (bit == 1) { cr->move_to(pos_x, pos_y); cr->line_to(pos_x, pos_y); cr->line_to(pos_x + (pos_width), pos_y); cr->stroke(); } /* Right vertical */ bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 1); if (bit == 1) { cr->move_to(pos_x + pos_width, pos_y); cr->line_to(pos_x + pos_width, pos_y); cr->line_to(pos_x + pos_width, pos_y + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->stroke(); } bit = CHECK_BIT(value, 0); if (bit == 1) { cr->move_to(pos_x, pos_y + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->line_to(pos_x, pos_y + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->line_to(pos_x + m_previewWidth, pos_y + (m_previewHeight - DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING)); cr->stroke(); } } cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().background().red, theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().background().green, theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().background().blue, theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().background().alpha); pos_x = (m_previewWidth - 5) + (m_previewWidth * m_currentIndex); cr->move_to(pos_x + 3, DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING); cr->rectangle(pos_x, 18, DEF_PREVIEW_LEFT_MARGING, DEF_PREVIEW_LEFT_MARGING + 2); cr->fill(); cr->set_source_rgba( theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().foreground().red, theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().foreground().green, theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().foreground().blue, theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().foreground().alpha); cr->set_line_width(theme.forPreviewSelectorClose().lineWith()); // Close X text cr->move_to(pos_x + 3, DEF_PREVIEW_RIGHT_MARGING - 1); cr->show_text("X"); } idx++; } return Gtk::Window::on_draw(cr); }
bool ColorSlider::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> &cr) { Color color(color_); static const slider_color_func jump_table[int(TYPE_END)] = { slider_color_TYPE_R, slider_color_TYPE_G, slider_color_TYPE_B, slider_color_TYPE_Y, slider_color_TYPE_U, slider_color_TYPE_V, slider_color_TYPE_HUE, slider_color_TYPE_SAT, slider_color_TYPE_A, }; slider_color_func color_func(jump_table[int(type)]); float amount; switch(type) { case TYPE_R: amount=color.get_r(); break; case TYPE_G: amount=color.get_g(); break; case TYPE_B: amount=color.get_b(); break; case TYPE_Y: amount=color.get_y(); break; case TYPE_U: amount=color.get_u()+0.5; break; case TYPE_V: amount=color.get_v()+0.5; break; case TYPE_HUE: amount=Angle::rot(color.get_uv_angle()).get(); amount-=floor(amount); break; case TYPE_SAT: amount=color.get_s()*2.0; break; case TYPE_A: amount=color.get_a(); break; default: amount=0; break; } if(use_colorspace_gamma() && (type<TYPE_U)) amount=gamma_in(amount); const int height(get_height()); const int width(get_width()); Gdk::Rectangle ca(0,0,width,height); const Color bg1(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); const Color bg2(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); int i; for(i=width-1;i>=0;i--) { color_func(color, (use_colorspace_gamma() && type<TYPE_U) ? gamma_out(float(i)/float(width)) : (float(i)/float(width))); const Color c1( colorconv_apply_gamma( Color::blend(color,bg1,1.0).clamped() )); const Color c2( colorconv_apply_gamma( Color::blend(color,bg2,1.0).clamped() )); assert(c1.is_valid()); assert(c2.is_valid()); if((i*2/height)&1) { cr->set_source_rgb(c1.get_r(), c1.get_g(), c1.get_b()); cr->rectangle(ca.get_x()+i, ca.get_y(), 1, height/2); cr->fill(); cr->set_source_rgb(c2.get_r(), c2.get_g(), c2.get_b()); cr->rectangle(ca.get_x()+i, ca.get_y()+height/2, 1, height/2); cr->fill(); } else { cr->set_source_rgb(c2.get_r(), c2.get_g(), c2.get_b()); cr->rectangle(ca.get_x()+i, ca.get_y(), 1, height/2); cr->fill(); cr->set_source_rgb(c1.get_r(), c1.get_g(), c1.get_b()); cr->rectangle(ca.get_x()+i, ca.get_y()+height/2, 1, height/2); cr->fill(); } } get_style_context()->render_arrow( cr, 1.5*M_PI, (int(amount*width)-height/2), 0, height ); cr->set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1); cr->rectangle(ca.get_x()+1, ca.get_y()+1, width-3, height-3); cr->stroke(); cr->set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); cr->rectangle(ca.get_x(), ca.get_y(), width-1, height-1); cr->stroke(); return true; }
void DependencyArrow::draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& context) const { // the way to compute the (tcx, tcy) single control point of the // quadratic double dX = mControlPoint.getX() - mOrigin->getX(); double dY = mControlPoint.getY() - mOrigin->getY(); double d1 = std::sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY); double d = d1; dX = mDestination->getX() - mControlPoint.getX(); dY = mDestination->getY() - mControlPoint.getY(); d += std::sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY); double t = d1/d; double t1 = 1.0 - t; double tSq = t * t; double denom = 2.0 * t * t1; double tcx = (mControlPoint.getX() - t1 * t1 * mOrigin->getX() - tSq * mDestination->getX()) / denom; double tcy = (mControlPoint.getY() - t1 * t1 * mOrigin->getY() - tSq * mDestination->getY()) / denom; // from the single point of the quadratic to the both of the cubic double tcxq1 = mOrigin->getX() + 2. * (tcx - mOrigin->getX()) / 3.; double tcyq1 = mOrigin->getY() + 2. * (tcy - mOrigin->getY()) / 3.; double tcxq2 = mDestination->getX() + 2. * (tcx - mDestination->getX()) / 3.; double tcyq2 = mDestination->getY() + 2. * (tcy - mDestination->getY()) / 3.; // and now to draw, std::valarray< double > dashes(2); double angle = atan2 (mDestination->getY() - tcyq2, mDestination->getX() - tcxq2) + M_PI; double x1 = mDestination->getX() + 9 * std::cos(angle - 0.35); double y1 = mDestination->getY() + 9 * std::sin(angle - 0.35); double x2 = mDestination->getX() + 9 * std::cos(angle + 0.35); double y2 = mDestination->getY() + 9 * std::sin(angle + 0.35); dashes[0] = 8.0; dashes[1] = 3.0; context->save(); context->set_line_width(1); context->move_to(mDestination->getX(), mDestination->getY()); context->line_to(x1,y1); context->line_to(x2,y2); context->line_to(mDestination->getX(), mDestination->getY()); context->fill(); context->set_dash(dashes,0.); context->move_to(mOrigin->getX(), mOrigin->getY()); context->curve_to(tcxq1, tcyq1, tcxq2, tcyq2, mDestination->getX(), mDestination->getY()); context->stroke(); context->restore(); }
static void draw_page (GtkPrintOperation */*operation*/, GtkPrintContext *context, gint /*page_nr*/, gpointer user_data) { struct workaround_gtkmm *junk = (struct workaround_gtkmm*)user_data; //printf("%s %d\n",__FUNCTION__, page_nr); if (junk->_tab->as_bitmap()) { // Render as exported PNG gdouble width = sp_document_width(junk->_doc); gdouble height = sp_document_height(junk->_doc); gdouble dpi = junk->_tab->bitmap_dpi(); std::string tmp_png; std::string tmp_base = "inkscape-print-png-XXXXXX"; int tmp_fd; if ( (tmp_fd = Inkscape::IO::file_open_tmp (tmp_png, tmp_base)) >= 0) { close(tmp_fd); guint32 bgcolor = 0x00000000; Inkscape::XML::Node *nv = sp_repr_lookup_name (junk->_doc->rroot, "sodipodi:namedview"); if (nv && nv->attribute("pagecolor")) bgcolor = sp_svg_read_color(nv->attribute("pagecolor"), 0xffffff00); if (nv && nv->attribute("inkscape:pageopacity")) bgcolor |= SP_COLOR_F_TO_U(sp_repr_get_double_attribute (nv, "inkscape:pageopacity", 1.0)); sp_export_png_file(junk->_doc, tmp_png.c_str(), 0.0, 0.0, width, height, (unsigned long)(width * dpi / PX_PER_IN), (unsigned long)(height * dpi / PX_PER_IN), dpi, dpi, bgcolor, NULL, NULL, true, NULL); // This doesn't seem to work: //context->set_cairo_context ( Cairo::Context::create (Cairo::ImageSurface::create_from_png (tmp_png) ), dpi, dpi ); // // so we'll use a surface pattern blat instead... // // but the C++ interface isn't implemented in cairomm: //context->get_cairo_context ()->set_source_surface(Cairo::ImageSurface::create_from_png (tmp_png) ); // // so do it in C: { Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> png = Cairo::ImageSurface::create_from_png (tmp_png); cairo_t *cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context); cairo_matrix_t m; cairo_get_matrix(cr, &m); cairo_scale(cr, PT_PER_IN / dpi, PT_PER_IN / dpi); // FIXME: why is the origin offset?? cairo_set_source_surface(cr, png->cobj(), -16.0, -16.0); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_set_matrix(cr, &m); } // Clean up unlink (tmp_png.c_str()); } else { g_warning(_("Could not open temporary PNG for bitmap printing")); } } else { // Render as vectors Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoRenderer renderer; Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoRenderContext *ctx = renderer.createContext(); // ctx->setPSLevel(CAIRO_PS_LEVEL_3); ctx->setTextToPath(false); ctx->setFilterToBitmap(true); ctx->setBitmapResolution(72); cairo_t *cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context); cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_get_target(cr); /** Call cairo_win32_printing_surface directly as a workaround until GTK uses this call. When GTK uses cairo_win32_printing_surface this automatically reverts. */ #ifdef WIN32 if (cairo_surface_get_type (surface) == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_WIN32) { HDC dc = cairo_win32_surface_get_dc (surface); surface = _cairo_win32_printing_surface_create (dc); } #endif bool ret = ctx->setSurfaceTarget (surface, true); if (ret) { ret = renderer.setupDocument (ctx, junk->_doc, TRUE, NULL); if (ret) { renderer.renderItem(ctx, junk->_base); ret = ctx->finish(); } else { g_warning(_("Could not set up Document")); } } else { g_warning(_("Failed to set CairoRenderContext")); } // Clean up renderer.destroyContext(ctx); } }
bool AdvEnvGUIScope::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* event) { Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> window = get_window(); if (window) { float len, x, y, xscale, yscale; Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int width = allocation.get_width(); const int height = allocation.get_height(); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = window->create_cairo_context(); cr->set_line_width(2.0); cr->set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cr->paint(); cr->set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.8, 0.0); cr->rectangle(event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height); cr->clip(); cr->move_to(width, height); len = m_valueDelay + m_valueAttackTime1 + m_valueAttackTime2 + m_valueAttackTime3 + m_valueAttackTime4 + m_valueReleaseTime1 + m_valueReleaseTime2 + m_valueReleaseTime3 + SUSTAIN_LEN; xscale = (float) width / len; yscale = (float) (height - 6); x = m_valueDelay * xscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height); x += m_valueAttackTime1 * xscale; y = m_valueAttackLevel1 * yscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height - (int) y); x += m_valueAttackTime2 * xscale; y = m_valueAttackLevel2 * yscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height - (int) y); x += m_valueAttackTime3 * xscale; y = m_valueAttackLevel3 * yscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height - (int) y); x += m_valueAttackTime4 * xscale; y = m_valueSustain * yscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height - (int) y); x += SUSTAIN_LEN * xscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height - (int) y); x += m_valueReleaseTime1 * xscale; y = m_valueReleaseLevel1 * yscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height - (int) y); x += m_valueReleaseTime2 * xscale; y = m_valueReleaseLevel2 * yscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height - (int) y); x += m_valueReleaseTime3 * xscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height); x = m_valueDelay * xscale; cr->line_to((int) x, height); cr->stroke(); } return true; }
void NodeSurface::DrawNodeText( Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> refCairo, TopologyNode* pNode, int x, int y ) { refCairo->save(); // Set the font parameters refCairo->select_font_face( "monospace", Cairo::FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, Cairo::FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD ); refCairo->set_font_size( 24 ); // Set draw color to black refCairo->set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); char idCaption[128]; TopologyNode::NodeType nodeType = pNode->GetNodeType(); switch (nodeType) { case TopologyNode::COMPUTER: sprintf( idCaption, "PC" ); break; case TopologyNode::BUS: { refCairo->set_font_size( 18 ); InterfaceType interfaceType = pNode->GetInterfaceType(); switch (interfaceType) { case INTERFACE_IEEE1394: sprintf( idCaption, "1394 Bus" ); break; case INTERFACE_USB2: sprintf( idCaption, "USB Bus" ); break; case INTERFACE_GIGE: sprintf( idCaption, "GigE Bus" ); break; default: sprintf( idCaption, "Bus" ); break; } } break; case TopologyNode::CAMERA: sprintf( idCaption, "ID: %d", pNode->GetDeviceId() ); break; case TopologyNode::NODE: sprintf( idCaption, "Node" ); break; } Cairo::TextExtents textExtents; refCairo->get_text_extents( idCaption, textExtents ); refCairo->move_to( x - (textExtents.width / 2) , y + (textExtents.height / 2) ); refCairo->show_text( idCaption ); refCairo->restore(); }
bool CPagePreview::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose *event) { Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> window = get_window(); if(window) { // get the cairo context amd allocation Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = window->create_cairo_context(); Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int width = allocation.get_width(); const int height = allocation.get_height(); // coordinates for the center of the window int xc, yc; xc = width / 2; yc = height / 2; // clip to the area indicated by the expose event so that we only redraw // the portion of the window that needs to be redrawn cr->rectangle(event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height); cr->clip(); // draw a neat shadow cr->set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.4); cr->begin_new_path(); cr->move_to( xborder+offset,yborder+offset ); cr->line_to( width-xborder+offset,yborder+offset ); cr->line_to( width-xborder+offset,height-yborder+offset ); cr->line_to( xborder+offset,height-yborder+offset ); cr->close_path(); cr->fill(); // draw the page outline cr->set_source_rgb(0.0,0.0,0.0); // black cr->set_line_width( 2.0 ); cr->begin_new_path(); cr->move_to( xborder-offset,yborder-offset ); cr->line_to( width-xborder-offset,yborder-offset ); cr->line_to( width-xborder-offset,height-yborder-offset ); cr->line_to( xborder-offset,height-yborder-offset ); cr->close_path(); cr->stroke_preserve(); // fill the page with white cr->save(); cr->set_source_rgb(1.0,1.0,1.0); // white cr->fill_preserve(); cr->restore(); // draw the page margin cr->set_source_rgb( 0.8,0.8,0.8 ); // light grey cr->set_line_width( 1.0 ); cr->begin_new_path(); cr->move_to( uleft.x, uleft.y ); cr->line_to( lright.x, uleft.y ); cr->line_to( lright.x, lright.y ); cr->line_to( uleft.x, lright.y ); cr->close_path(); cr->stroke(); // and the image preview ImagePixbuf->render_to_drawable( get_window(), get_style()->get_black_gc(), 0, 0, xpos, ypos, ImagePixbuf->get_width(), //image->get_width(), ImagePixbuf->get_height(), //image->get_height(), Gdk::RGB_DITHER_NONE,0,0 ); // */ return true; } }
void NodeSurface::DrawPorts( Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> refCairo, TopologyNode* pNode ) { refCairo->save(); const float k_divisor = 255.0; float red = 38 / k_divisor; float green = 199 / k_divisor; float blue = 38 / k_divisor; refCairo->set_source_rgb( red, green, blue ); refCairo->set_source_rgb( 0, 0, 0 ); refCairo->set_line_width( 5 ); int numChildren = 0; for ( unsigned int i=0; i < pNode->GetNumPorts(); i++ ) { if ( pNode->GetPortType(i) == TopologyNode::CONNECTED_TO_CHILD ) { numChildren++; } } int childIndex = 0; for ( unsigned int i=0; i < pNode->GetNumPorts(); i++ ) { TopologyNode::PortType currPort = pNode->GetPortType(i); switch (currPort) { case TopologyNode::NOT_CONNECTED: break; case TopologyNode::CONNECTED_TO_PARENT: { refCairo->move_to( sk_nodeWidth/2 - sk_portWidth/2, 0 ); refCairo->rel_line_to( sk_portWidth, 0 ); refCairo->rel_line_to( 0, sk_portHeight ); refCairo->rel_line_to( -sk_portWidth, 0 ); refCairo->fill(); } break; case TopologyNode::CONNECTED_TO_CHILD: { int startX = (sk_nodeWidth / (numChildren+1)) * (childIndex+1); refCairo->move_to( startX - sk_portWidth/2, sk_nodeHeight ); refCairo->rel_line_to( sk_portWidth, 0 ); refCairo->rel_line_to( 0, -sk_portHeight ); refCairo->rel_line_to( -sk_portWidth, 0 ); refCairo->fill(); childIndex++; } break; default: break; } } refCairo->restore(); }
void ItemView::drawBackground(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr, const int width, const int height) { //fill background if (isSelected()) { cr->set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1); cr->rectangle(0, 0, width, height); cr->fill(); } else { cr->set_source_rgb(0.98, 0.98, 0.98); cr->rectangle(0, 0, width, height); cr->fill(); } //time area Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::LinearGradient> linearGradientTime = Cairo::LinearGradient::create(0, 0, 0, height); //set color by status ColorMode colorMode = getColorMode(); if (colorMode == COLOR_INACTIVE) { //gray linearGradientTime->add_color_stop_rgb(0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75); linearGradientTime->add_color_stop_rgb(1, 0.65, 0.65, 0.65); } if (colorMode == COLOR_ALARM) { //orange linearGradientTime->add_color_stop_rgb(0, 1.00, 0.60, 0.30); linearGradientTime->add_color_stop_rgb(1, 0.90, 0.50, 0.20); } if (colorMode == COLOR_OK) { //green linearGradientTime->add_color_stop_rgb(0, 0.40, 0.70, 0.45); linearGradientTime->add_color_stop_rgb(1, 0.30, 0.60, 0.35); } cr->set_source(linearGradientTime); cr->rectangle(0, 0, TIME_WIDTH, height); cr->fill(); if (isSelected()) drawInnerShadow(cr, width, height); }
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> ImagesStorage::loadFrenchCard(Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> sourceImages, Preference::Card card) { Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> cardImage = Cairo::ImageSurface::create(Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, sourceImages->get_width() / 13.0, sourceImages->get_height() / 5.0); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cardsImagesDrawer = Cairo::Context::create( cardImage ); cardsImagesDrawer->set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1); double x = getFrenchCardCoord(card, CT_X, sourceImages->get_width()); double y = getFrenchCardCoord(card, CT_Y, sourceImages->get_height()); cardsImagesDrawer->set_source(sourceImages, -x, -y); cardsImagesDrawer->rectangle(0, 0, sourceImages->get_width() / 13.0, sourceImages->get_height() / 5.0); cardsImagesDrawer->clip(); cardsImagesDrawer->paint(); return cardImage; }
int main() { Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> surface = Cairo::ImageSurface::create(Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 600, 400); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = Cairo::Context::create(surface); cr->save(); // save the state of the context cr->set_source_rgb(0.86, 0.85, 0.47); cr->paint(); // fill image with the color cr->restore(); // color is back to black now cr->save(); // draw a border around the image cr->set_line_width(20.0); // make the line wider cr->rectangle(0.0, 0.0, surface->get_width(), surface->get_height()); cr->stroke(); cr->set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7); // draw a circle in the center of the image cr->arc(surface->get_width() / 2.0, surface->get_height() / 2.0, surface->get_height() / 4.0, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); cr->stroke(); // draw a diagonal line cr->move_to(surface->get_width() / 4.0, surface->get_height() / 4.0); cr->line_to(surface->get_width() * 3.0 / 4.0, surface->get_height() * 3.0 / 4.0); cr->stroke(); cr->restore(); #ifdef CAIRO_HAS_PNG_FUNCTIONS std::string filename = "image.png"; surface->write_to_png(filename); std::cout << "Wrote png file \"" << filename << "\"" << std::endl; #else std::cout << "You must compile cairo with PNG support for this example to work." << std::endl; #endif }
/* * draw edges bundled. That is, edges are drawn as splines, with the control points * between adjacent edges outgoing from a particular node shared if the angle between them * is less than pi/8 */ void OutputFile::draw_curved_edges(Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> &cr, vector<cola::Edge> const & es, const double xmin, const double ymin) { using namespace bundles; vector<CNode> nodes(rs.size()); vector<CEdge> edges(es.size()); for (unsigned i=0;i<es.size();i++) { CEdge *e=&edges[i]; unsigned start=es[i].first; unsigned end=es[i].second; e->startID=start; e->endID=end; nodes[start].x=rs[start]->getCentreX()-xmin; nodes[start].y=rs[start]->getCentreY()-ymin; nodes[end].x=rs[end]->getCentreX()-xmin; nodes[end].y=rs[end]->getCentreY()-ymin; e->x0=nodes[start].x; e->x1=nodes[start].x; e->x2=nodes[end].x; e->x3=nodes[end].x; e->y0=nodes[start].y; e->y1=nodes[start].y; e->y2=nodes[end].y; e->y3=nodes[end].y; nodes[end].edges.push_back(e); nodes[start].edges.push_back(e); } for (unsigned i=0;i<nodes.size();i++) { CNode u=nodes[i]; if(u.edges.size()<2) continue; for (unsigned j=0;j<u.edges.size();j++) { CBundle* b=new CBundle(u); b->addEdge(u.edges[j]); u.bundles.push_back(b); } u.bundles.sort(clockwise()); /* printf("Sorted: \n"); list<CBundle*>::iterator i,j; for(list<CBundle*>::iterator i=u.bundles.begin();i!=u.bundles.end();i++) { CBundle* a=*i; a->dump(); printf(" angle=%f\n",a->yangle()); } printf("---------\n"); */ while(true) { double minAngle=DBL_MAX; list<CBundle*>::iterator mini,minj,i,j; for(i=u.bundles.begin();i!=u.bundles.end();i++) { j=i; if(++j==u.bundles.end()) { j=u.bundles.begin(); } CBundle* a=*i; CBundle* b=*j; double angle=b->yangle()-a->yangle(); if(angle<0) angle+=2*M_PI; //printf("between "); //a->dump(); b->dump(); //printf(" angle=%f\n",angle); if(angle<minAngle) { minAngle=angle; mini=i; minj=j; } } if(minAngle>cos(M_PI/8.)) break; CBundle* a=*mini; CBundle* b=*minj; //a->dump(); //b->dump(); b->merge(a); //printf("***Merged on %f***: ",minAngle); //b->dump(); //printf("\n"); u.bundles.erase(mini); if(u.bundles.size() < 2) break; } for(list<CBundle*>::iterator i=u.bundles.begin();i!=u.bundles.end();i++) { CBundle* b=*i; for(unsigned i=0;i<b->edges.size();i++) { CEdge* e=b->edges[i]; if(e->x0==u.x&&e->y0==u.y) { e->x1=b->x1(); e->y1=b->y1(); } else { e->x2=b->x1(); e->y2=b->y1(); } } } } cr->save(); // background cr->set_source_rgba(0,0,1,0.2); for (unsigned i=0;i<edges.size();i++) { CEdge &e=edges[i]; cr->move_to(e.x0,e.y0); cr->curve_to(e.x1,e.y1,e.x2,e.y2,e.x3,e.y3); cr->stroke(); } cr->restore(); }
void MapDrawArea::ClearDrawingArea(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr) { cr->set_source_rgb(255,255,255); cr->paint(); }
bool Widget_Curves::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> &cr) { const int h(get_height()); const int w(get_width()); get_style_context()->render_background(cr, 0, 0, w, h); if(!time_adjustment_ || !range_adjustment_ || !h || !w) return false; if(!curve_list_.size()) return false; const Real t_begin(time_adjustment_->get_lower()); const Real t_end(time_adjustment_->get_upper()); const Real dt((t_end-t_begin)/w); const Real r_bottom(range_adjustment_->get_value()); const Real r_top(r_bottom+range_adjustment_->get_page_size()); const Real dr((r_top-r_bottom)/h); Real r_max(-100000000); Real r_min(100000000); std::list<CurveStruct>::iterator curve_iter; //Figure out maximum number of channels for(curve_iter=curve_list_.begin();curve_iter!=curve_list_.end();++curve_iter) { int channels(curve_iter->channels.size()); if(channels>MAX_CHANNELS) { channels=MAX_CHANNELS; synfig::warning("Not allowed more than %d channels! Truncating...", MAX_CHANNELS); } } // and use it when sizing the points vector<Gdk::Point> points[MAX_CHANNELS]; // Draw zero mark cr->set_source_rgb(0.31, 0.31, 0.31); cr->rectangle(0, round_to_int((0-r_bottom)/dr), w, 0); cr->stroke(); // This try to find a valid canvas to show the keyframes of those // valuenodes. If not canvas found then no keyframes marks are shown. synfig::Canvas::Handle canvas=0; for(curve_iter=curve_list_.begin();curve_iter!=curve_list_.end();++curve_iter) { canvas=curve_iter->value_desc.get_canvas(); if(canvas) break; } if(canvas) { // Draw vertical lines for the keyframes marks. const synfig::KeyframeList& keyframe_list(canvas->keyframe_list()); synfig::KeyframeList::const_iterator iter; for(iter=keyframe_list.begin();iter!=keyframe_list.end();++iter) { if(!iter->get_time().is_valid()) continue; const int x((int)((float)w/(t_end-t_begin)*(iter->get_time()-t_begin))); if(iter->get_time()>=t_begin && iter->get_time()<t_end) { cr->set_source_rgb(0.63, 0.5, 0.5); cr->rectangle(x, 0, 1, h); cr->fill(); } } } // Draw current time cr->set_source_rgb(0, 0, 1); cr->rectangle(round_to_int((time_adjustment_->get_value()-t_begin)/dt), 0, 0, h); cr->stroke(); // Draw curves for the valuenodes stored in the curve list for(curve_iter=curve_list_.begin();curve_iter!=curve_list_.end();++curve_iter) { Real t; int i; int channels(curve_iter->channels.size()); for(i=0;i<channels;i++) points[i].clear(); for(i=0,t=t_begin;i<w;i++,t+=dt) { for(int chan=0;chan<channels;chan++) { Real x(curve_iter->get_value(chan,t,dt)); r_max=max(r_max,x); r_min=min(r_min,x); points[chan].push_back( Gdk::Point( i, round_to_int( ( x-r_bottom )/dr ) ) ); } } // Draw the graph curves with 0.5 width cr->set_line_width(0.5); for(int chan=0;chan<channels;chan++) { // Draw the curve std::vector<Gdk::Point> &p = points[chan]; for(std::vector<Gdk::Point>::iterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) { if (i == p.begin()) cr->move_to(i->get_x(), i->get_y()); else cr->line_to(i->get_x(), i->get_y()); } const Gdk::Color &color = curve_iter->channels[chan].color; cr->set_source_rgb(color.get_red_p(), color.get_green_p(), color.get_blue_p()); cr->stroke(); Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout(Pango::Layout::create(get_pango_context())); layout->set_text(curve_iter->channels[chan].name); cr->move_to(1, points[chan][0].get_y()+1); layout->show_in_cairo_context(cr); } } if(!curve_list_.empty()) { range_adjustment_->set_upper(r_max+range_adjustment_->get_page_size()/2); range_adjustment_->set_lower(r_min-range_adjustment_->get_page_size()/2); } return true; }
void MapDrawArea::DrawObstacles(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr) { // Get size characteristics of the window Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int width = allocation.get_width(); const int height = allocation.get_height(); const int lesser = MIN(width, height); // We should be able to just store the obstacles and path once // Do need to update based on the window size std::vector<Coord> vObstacles = guiMapData.copyObstacles(); Coord maxXY = guiMapData.copyMaxCoord(); Coord originCoord = guiMapData.copyStartCoord(); Coord goalCoord = guiMapData.copyEndCoord(); // These have to be updated each iteration originCoord.x = int( float(width)*float(originCoord.x)/float(maxXY.x) ); originCoord.y = int( float(height)*float(originCoord.y)/float(maxXY.y) ); goalCoord.x = int( float(width)*float(goalCoord.x)/float(maxXY.x) ); goalCoord.y = int( float(height)*float(goalCoord.y)/float(maxXY.y) ); // Draw obstacles std::vector<Coord> scaledObstacleCoord; std::vector<Coord> rawObstacleCoord = guiMapData.copyObstacles(); Coord stdCoord; // Adjust obstacle values based on window size for(std::vector<Coord>::const_iterator itr=rawObstacleCoord.begin();itr!=rawObstacleCoord.end();++itr) { stdCoord.x = int( float(width)*float(itr->x)/float(maxXY.x) ); stdCoord.y = int( height*float(itr->y)/float(maxXY.y) ); scaledObstacleCoord.push_back(stdCoord); } cr->save(); cr->set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // black for obstacles cr->set_line_width(lesser * 0.005); cr->set_line_cap(Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND); // Plot obstacles for(std::vector<Coord>::iterator itr=scaledObstacleCoord.begin();itr != scaledObstacleCoord.end();++itr) { cr->move_to( itr->x,itr->y ); cr->line_to( itr->x,itr->y ); cr->stroke(); } // Plot start/end coord cr->save(); cr->set_line_width(lesser * 0.015); cr->set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // red for start point cr->move_to( originCoord.x,originCoord.y ); cr->line_to( originCoord.x,originCoord.y ); cr->stroke(); cr->save(); cr->set_source_rgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // green for end point cr->move_to( goalCoord.x,goalCoord.y ); cr->line_to( goalCoord.x,goalCoord.y ); cr->stroke(); }
Cairo::RefPtr<CairoContext> CairoContext::create(Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> const &target) { cairo_t *ct = cairo_create(target->cobj()); Cairo::RefPtr<CairoContext> ret(new CairoContext(ct, true)); return ret; }
bool ClockDrawArea::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& context){ //Get the drawing area auto allocation = get_allocation(); const int width = allocation.get_width(); const int height = allocation.get_height(); //Set the scale to a unit square context->scale(width, height); //Set (0.5, 0.5) to (0, 0). convenient to draw with arc. context->translate(0.5, 0.5); //Paint the background of the window; context->save(); context->set_source_rgba(0.337, 0.612, 0.117, 0.9); context->paint(); context->restore(); //Draw the outer edge of the clock context->set_line_width(3 * m_LineWidth); context->arc(0, 0, m_Radius, 0, 2 * M_PI); //Paint the background color of the clock context->save(); context->set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8); context->fill_preserve(); context->restore(); //Draw a center point for good looking context->stroke(); context->arc(0, 0, 0.05 * m_Radius, 0, 2 * M_PI); context->stroke(); //Draw ticks context->save(); double l = 1; for(int i = 0; i <= 11; i++){ if((i % 3) == 0) { l = m_Radius * 0.8; }else{ l = m_Radius * 0.9; } context->move_to(l * cos(i * 2* M_PI /12), l * sin(i * 2 * M_PI /12)); context->line_to(m_Radius * cos(i * 2 * M_PI /12), m_Radius * sin(i * 2 * M_PI /12)); } context->stroke(); context->restore(); //Get the current time from system and save info to a timeinfo struct time_t rawTime; time(&rawTime); struct tm * timeinfo = localtime(&rawTime); //Calculate the angle of hands of the clock auto radSeconds = (timeinfo->tm_sec * 2 * M_PI /60) - M_PI/2; auto radMinutes = (timeinfo->tm_min * 2 * M_PI /60) - M_PI/2; auto radHours = (timeinfo->tm_hour * 2 * M_PI /12) - M_PI/2 + timeinfo->tm_min * 2 * M_PI /(60 * 12); //Draw the hands of the clock context->save(); //The hand of seconds context->set_source_rgba(0.823, 0.322, 0.155, 0.9); context->set_line_width(m_LineWidth); l = 0.9 * m_Radius; context->move_to(0,0); context->line_to(l * cos(radSeconds), l * sin(radSeconds)); context->stroke(); //The hand of minutes context->set_source_rgba(0.632, 0.802, 0.266, 0.9); context->set_line_width(2 * m_LineWidth); l = 0.8 * m_Radius; context->move_to(0,0); context->line_to(l * cos(radMinutes), l * sin(radMinutes)); context->stroke(); //The hand of hours context->set_source_rgba(0.104, 0.582, 0.723, 0.9); context->set_line_width(3 * m_LineWidth); l = 0.65 * m_Radius; context->move_to(0,0); context->line_to(l * cos(radHours), l * sin(radHours)); context->stroke(); context->restore(); return true; }
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> TextSurface::create_cairo_surface(const std::string& text, const TextProperties& text_props, Cairo::TextExtents& out_text_extents, Cairo::FontExtents& out_font_extents) { { // get TextExtents and FontExtents Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> tmp_surface = Cairo::ImageSurface::create(Cairo::FORMAT_RGB24, 0, 0); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = Cairo::Context::create(tmp_surface); cr->set_font_size(text_props.get_font_size()); cr->select_font_face(text_props.get_font(), Cairo::FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, Cairo::FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cr->get_text_extents(text, out_text_extents); cr->get_font_extents(out_font_extents); } Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> surface = Cairo::ImageSurface::create(Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, static_cast<int>(out_text_extents.width + text_props.get_line_width()), static_cast<int>(out_text_extents.height + text_props.get_line_width())); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = Cairo::Context::create(surface); // set the font cr->set_font_size(text_props.get_font_size()); cr->select_font_face(text_props.get_font(), Cairo::FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, Cairo::FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); if (text_props.get_line_width() != 0) { // create path cr->move_to(-out_text_extents.x_bearing + text_props.get_line_width()/2.0, -out_text_extents.y_bearing + text_props.get_line_width()/2.0); cr->text_path(text); // paint cr->set_line_width(text_props.get_line_width()); cr->set_line_join(Cairo::LINE_JOIN_ROUND); cr->set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cr->stroke(); } // print text cr->move_to(-out_text_extents.x_bearing + text_props.get_line_width()/2.0, -out_text_extents.y_bearing + text_props.get_line_width()/2.0); cr->set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); double y = -out_text_extents.y_bearing - out_font_extents.ascent; // toying around with color gradients if (false) { Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::LinearGradient> gradient = Cairo::LinearGradient::create(0, y, 0, y + out_font_extents.ascent + out_font_extents.descent); gradient->add_color_stop_rgb(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); gradient->add_color_stop_rgb(0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); gradient->add_color_stop_rgb(0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2); gradient->add_color_stop_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); cr->set_source(gradient); } cr->show_text(text); return surface; }
void NodeSurface::DrawRoundedRectangle( Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> refCairo, double x, double y, double width, double height, double radius, double red, double green, double blue, bool selected ) { refCairo->save(); if ( (radius > height/2.0) || (radius > width/2.0) ) { radius = std::min(height / 2, width / 2); } refCairo->move_to( x, y + radius ); refCairo->arc( x + radius, y + radius, radius, sk_pi, -sk_pi / 2.0 ); refCairo->line_to( x + width - radius, y ); refCairo->arc( x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, -sk_pi / 2.0, 0 ); refCairo->line_to( x + width, y + height - radius ); refCairo->arc( x + width - radius, y + height - radius, radius, 0, sk_pi / 2.0 ); refCairo->line_to( x + radius, y + height ); refCairo->arc( x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, sk_pi / 2.0, sk_pi ); refCairo->close_path(); refCairo->set_source_rgb( red, green, blue ); refCairo->fill_preserve(); if ( selected == true ) { refCairo->set_source_rgb( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); refCairo->set_line_width( 2 ); refCairo->stroke(); } else { refCairo->set_source_rgb( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); refCairo->set_line_width( 1 ); refCairo->stroke(); } refCairo->restore(); }
bool toggle::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* event) { // This is where we draw on the window Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> window = get_window(); if(window) { Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int width = allocation.get_width(); const int height = allocation.get_height() - (allocation.get_height()/3); const int height_offset = allocation.get_height()/6; // coordinates for the center of the window int xc, yc; xc = width / 2; yc = height / 2; Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = window->create_cairo_context(); cr->set_line_width(6.0); // clip to the area indicated by the expose event so that we only redraw // the portion of the window that needs to be redrawn cr->rectangle(event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height); cr->clip(); // background grad Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::LinearGradient> back_grad = Cairo::LinearGradient::create( 0,0,0,allocation.get_height() ); switch (pos_mode) { case 0: back_grad->add_color_stop_rgba(0,top_colour.get_red_p(),top_colour.get_green_p(),top_colour.get_blue_p(),1); back_grad->add_color_stop_rgba(1,bottom_colour.get_red_p(),bottom_colour.get_green_p(),bottom_colour.get_blue_p(),1); break; case 1: back_grad->add_color_stop_rgba(0,top_colour.get_red_p(),top_colour.get_green_p(),top_colour.get_blue_p(),1); back_grad->add_color_stop_rgba(1, (bottom_colour.get_red_p() + top_colour.get_red_p())/2, (bottom_colour.get_green_p() + top_colour.get_green_p())/2, (bottom_colour.get_blue_p() + top_colour.get_blue_p())/2, 1); break; case 2: back_grad->add_color_stop_rgba(0, (bottom_colour.get_red_p() + top_colour.get_red_p())/2, (bottom_colour.get_green_p() + top_colour.get_green_p())/2, (bottom_colour.get_blue_p() + top_colour.get_blue_p())/2, 1); back_grad->add_color_stop_rgba(1,bottom_colour.get_red_p(),bottom_colour.get_green_p(),bottom_colour.get_blue_p(),1); break; } // fill background if (rounded<5) { rounded_rectangle(cr,rounded, grad_top_colour, grad_bottom_colour, event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height,pos_mode, top_colour.to_string(),bottom_colour.to_string() ); } else { cr->rectangle(event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height); } cr->set_source(back_grad); cr->fill(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // draw text label cr->select_font_face("Bitstream Vera Sans", Cairo::FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, Cairo::FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cr->set_font_size(width/4.5); cr->set_source_rgba(0.9,0.9,0.9,0.8); Cairo::FontOptions font_options; font_options.set_hint_style(Cairo::HINT_STYLE_NONE); font_options.set_hint_metrics(Cairo::HINT_METRICS_OFF); font_options.set_antialias(Cairo::ANTIALIAS_GRAY); int x_font_centre = (width/2) - ((width/5) * (label.length()/3.5)); cr->set_font_options(font_options); cr->move_to(x_font_centre,height/3.5); cr->show_text(label); cr->move_to(x_font_centre,allocation.get_height() - (height_offset/3) ); cr->set_line_width(width/14); cr->set_source_rgba(0.8,0.8,0.8,1.0); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::LinearGradient> grad2 = Cairo::LinearGradient::create(width/4, 0,width-(width/4), 0 ); grad2->add_color_stop_rgba(0.0,0.2,0.2,0.2,1); grad2->add_color_stop_rgba(0.4,0.8,0.8,0.8,1); grad2->add_color_stop_rgba(1.0,0.4,0.4,0.4,1); cr->set_source(grad2); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::LinearGradient> toggle_grad1; Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::RadialGradient> grad_led; stringstream slider_value; switch (val) { case 0: slider_value.str("Off"); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/2.8), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.5); cr->fill(); toggle_grad1 = Cairo::LinearGradient::create( (allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9),allocation.get_width()/3,allocation.get_height()/3 ); toggle_grad1->add_color_stop_rgba(0,0.2,0.2,0.2,1); toggle_grad1->add_color_stop_rgba(0.5,0.4,0.4,0.4,1); toggle_grad1->add_color_stop_rgba(1,0.0,0.0,0.0,1); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/3), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source(toggle_grad1); cr->fill(); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/5), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.5); cr->fill(); grad_led = Cairo::RadialGradient::create( (allocation.get_width()/2), (allocation.get_height()/2), 0, (allocation.get_width()/2), (allocation.get_height()/2) ,(allocation.get_width()/2.5)); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(0,0.0,0.2,0.0,1); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(0.3,0.0,0.01,0.0,1); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(0.8,0.0,0.01,0.0,1); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/6), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source(grad_led); cr->fill(); break; case 1: slider_value.str("On"); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/2.8), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.5); cr->fill(); toggle_grad1 = Cairo::LinearGradient::create( (allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9),allocation.get_width()/3,allocation.get_height()/3 ); toggle_grad1->add_color_stop_rgba(0,0.2,0.2,0.2,1); toggle_grad1->add_color_stop_rgba(0.3,0.4,0.4,0.4,1); toggle_grad1->add_color_stop_rgba(1,0.0,0.0,0.0,1); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/3), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source(toggle_grad1); cr->fill(); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/5), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.5); cr->fill(); grad_led = Cairo::RadialGradient::create( (allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), 0, (allocation.get_width()/2), (allocation.get_height()/2) ,(allocation.get_width()/2.5)); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(0,0.0,0.9,0.0,1); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(0.3,0.0,0.1,0.0,1); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(0.9,0.0,0.10,0.0,1); grad_led->add_color_stop_rgba(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1); cr->arc((allocation.get_width()/1.9), (allocation.get_height()/1.9), (allocation.get_width()/6), 0.0, 2 * M_PI); cr->set_source(grad_led); cr->fill(); break; } x_font_centre = (width/2) - ((width/5) * (slider_value.str().length()/3.5)); cr->move_to(x_font_centre,allocation.get_height() - (height_offset/1.5) ); cr->set_source_rgba(0.9,0.9,0.9,0.8); cr->show_text(slider_value.str()); } return true; }
static void skillgui_cairo_render_begin_page(GVJ_t *job) { #ifdef USE_GVPLUGIN_TIMETRACKER __tt.ping_start(__ttc_page); __tt.ping_start(__ttc_beginpage); #endif SkillGuiCairoRenderInstructor *cri = (SkillGuiCairoRenderInstructor *)job->context; obj_state_t *obj = job->obj; if (obj && obj->type == ROOTGRAPH_OBJTYPE) { __fontname = agget(obj->u.g, (char *)"fontname"); } float bbwidth = job->bb.UR.x - job->bb.LL.x; float bbheight = job->bb.UR.y - job->bb.LL.y; cri->set_bb(bbwidth, bbheight); cri->set_pad(job->pad.x, job->pad.y); Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cairo = cri->get_cairo(); double pad_x, pad_y; cri->get_pad(pad_x, pad_y); // For internal calculations we need to care about the padding //bbwidth += 2 * pad_x; //bbheight += 2 * pad_y; double avwidth, avheight; cri->get_dimensions(avwidth, avheight); float translate_x = 0; float translate_y = 0; if ( cri->scale_override() ) { float zoom = cri->get_scale(); float zwidth = bbwidth * zoom; float zheight = bbheight * zoom; translate_x += (avwidth - zwidth ) / 2.; translate_y += (avheight - zheight) / 2.; double translate_x, translate_y; cri->get_translation(translate_x, translate_y); cairo->translate(translate_x, translate_y); cairo->scale(zoom, zoom); } else { float zoom_w = avwidth / bbwidth; float zoom_h = avheight / bbheight; float zoom = std::min(zoom_w, zoom_h); if (bbwidth > avwidth || bbheight > avheight) { float zwidth = bbwidth * zoom; float zheight = bbheight * zoom; translate_x += (avwidth - zwidth ) / 2.; translate_y += (avheight - zheight) / 2. + zheight; } else { zoom = 1.0; translate_x += (avwidth - bbwidth) / 2.; translate_y += (avheight - bbheight) / 2. + bbheight; } cri->set_scale(zoom); cri->set_translation(translate_x, translate_y); cairo->translate(translate_x + pad_x * zoom, translate_y - pad_y * zoom); cairo->scale(zoom, zoom); } #ifdef USE_GVPLUGIN_TIMETRACKER __num_ellipse = 0; __num_bezier = 0; __num_polygon = 0; __num_polyline = 0; __num_text = 0; __tt.ping_end(__ttc_beginpage); #endif }