void StatusDataWriter::DumpCheckableStatusAttrs(std::ostream& fp, const Checkable::Ptr& checkable) { CheckResult::Ptr cr = checkable->GetLastCheckResult(); EventCommand::Ptr eventcommand = checkable->GetEventCommand(); CheckCommand::Ptr checkcommand = checkable->GetCheckCommand(); fp << "\t" << "check_command=" << CompatUtility::GetCommandName(checkcommand) << "!" << CompatUtility::GetCheckableCommandArgs(checkable) << "\n" "\t" "event_handler=" << CompatUtility::GetCommandName(eventcommand) << "\n" "\t" "check_interval=" << (checkable->GetCheckInterval() / 60.0) << "\n" "\t" "retry_interval=" << (checkable->GetRetryInterval() / 60.0) << "\n" "\t" "has_been_checked=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->HasBeenChecked()) << "\n" "\t" "should_be_scheduled=" << checkable->GetEnableActiveChecks() << "\n" "\t" "event_handler_enabled=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->GetEnableEventHandler()) << "\n"; TimePeriod::Ptr checkPeriod = checkable->GetCheckPeriod(); if (checkPeriod) fp << "\t" "check_period" "\t" << checkPeriod->GetName() << "\n"; if (cr) { fp << "\t" << "check_execution_time=" << Convert::ToString(cr->CalculateExecutionTime()) << "\n" "\t" "check_latency=" << Convert::ToString(cr->CalculateLatency()) << "\n"; } Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable); if (service) { fp << "\t" "current_state=" << service->GetState() << "\n" "\t" "last_hard_state=" << service->GetLastHardState() << "\n" "\t" "last_time_ok=" << static_cast<int>(service->GetLastStateOK()) << "\n" "\t" "last_time_warn=" << static_cast<int>(service->GetLastStateWarning()) << "\n" "\t" "last_time_critical=" << static_cast<int>(service->GetLastStateCritical()) << "\n" "\t" "last_time_unknown=" << static_cast<int>(service->GetLastStateUnknown()) << "\n"; } else { int currentState = host->GetState(); if (currentState != HostUp && !host->IsReachable()) currentState = 2; /* hardcoded compat state */ fp << "\t" "current_state=" << currentState << "\n" "\t" "last_hard_state=" << host->GetLastHardState() << "\n" "\t" "last_time_up=" << static_cast<int>(host->GetLastStateUp()) << "\n" "\t" "last_time_down=" << static_cast<int>(host->GetLastStateDown()) << "\n"; } fp << "\t" "state_type=" << checkable->GetStateType() << "\n" "\t" "last_check=" << static_cast<long>(host->GetLastCheck()) << "\n"; if (cr) { fp << "\t" "plugin_output=" << CompatUtility::GetCheckResultOutput(cr) << "\n" "\t" "long_plugin_output=" << CompatUtility::GetCheckResultLongOutput(cr) << "\n" "\t" "performance_data=" << PluginUtility::FormatPerfdata(cr->GetPerformanceData()) << "\n"; } fp << "\t" << "next_check=" << static_cast<long>(checkable->GetNextCheck()) << "\n" "\t" "current_attempt=" << checkable->GetCheckAttempt() << "\n" "\t" "max_attempts=" << checkable->GetMaxCheckAttempts() << "\n" "\t" "last_state_change=" << static_cast<long>(checkable->GetLastStateChange()) << "\n" "\t" "last_hard_state_change=" << static_cast<long>(checkable->GetLastHardStateChange()) << "\n" "\t" "last_update=" << static_cast<long>(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" "\t" "notifications_enabled=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->GetEnableNotifications()) << "\n" "\t" "active_checks_enabled=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->GetEnableActiveChecks()) << "\n" "\t" "passive_checks_enabled=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->GetEnablePassiveChecks()) << "\n" "\t" "flap_detection_enabled=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->GetEnableFlapping()) << "\n" "\t" "is_flapping=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->IsFlapping()) << "\n" "\t" "percent_state_change=" << checkable->GetFlappingCurrent() << "\n" "\t" "problem_has_been_acknowledged=" << (checkable->GetAcknowledgement() != AcknowledgementNone ? 1 : 0) << "\n" "\t" "acknowledgement_type=" << checkable->GetAcknowledgement() << "\n" "\t" "acknowledgement_end_time=" << checkable->GetAcknowledgementExpiry() << "\n" "\t" "scheduled_downtime_depth=" << checkable->GetDowntimeDepth() << "\n" "\t" "last_notification=" << CompatUtility::GetCheckableNotificationLastNotification(checkable) << "\n" "\t" "next_notification=" << CompatUtility::GetCheckableNotificationNextNotification(checkable) << "\n" "\t" "current_notification_number=" << CompatUtility::GetCheckableNotificationNotificationNumber(checkable) << "\n" "\t" "is_reachable=" << Convert::ToLong(checkable->IsReachable()) << "\n"; }
void Notification::BeginExecuteNotification(NotificationType type, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, bool force, bool reminder, const String& author, const String& text) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Attempting to send " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "'."; Checkable::Ptr checkable = GetCheckable(); if (!force) { TimePeriod::Ptr tp = GetPeriod(); if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': not in timeperiod '" << tp->GetName() << "'"; return; } double now = Utility::GetTime(); Dictionary::Ptr times = GetTimes(); if (times && type == NotificationProblem) { Value timesBegin = times->Get("begin"); Value timesEnd = times->Get("end"); if (timesBegin != Empty && timesBegin >= 0 && now < checkable->GetLastHardStateChange() + timesBegin) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': before specified begin time (" << Utility::FormatDuration(timesBegin) << ")"; /* we need to adjust the next notification time * to now + begin delaying the first notification */ double nextProposedNotification = now + timesBegin + 1.0; if (GetNextNotification() > nextProposedNotification) SetNextNotification(nextProposedNotification); return; } if (timesEnd != Empty && timesEnd >= 0 && now > checkable->GetLastHardStateChange() + timesEnd) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': after specified end time (" << Utility::FormatDuration(timesEnd) << ")"; return; } } unsigned long ftype = type; Log(LogDebug, "Notification") << "Type '" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "', TypeFilter: " << NotificationFilterToString(GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap()) << " (FType=" << ftype << ", TypeFilter=" << GetTypeFilter() << ")"; if (!(ftype & GetTypeFilter())) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': type '" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' does not match type filter: " << NotificationFilterToString(GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap()) << "."; return; } /* ensure that recovery notifications are always sent, no state filter checks necessary */ if (type != NotificationRecovery) { Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable); unsigned long fstate; String stateStr; if (service) { fstate = ServiceStateToFilter(service->GetState()); stateStr = NotificationServiceStateToString(service->GetState()); } else { fstate = HostStateToFilter(host->GetState()); stateStr = NotificationHostStateToString(host->GetState()); } Log(LogDebug, "Notification") << "State '" << stateStr << "', StateFilter: " << NotificationFilterToString(GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap()) << " (FState=" << fstate << ", StateFilter=" << GetStateFilter() << ")"; if (!(fstate & GetStateFilter())) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '" << GetName() << "': state '" << stateStr << "' does not match state filter: " << NotificationFilterToString(GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap()) << "."; return; } } } else { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Not checking " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notification filters for notification object '" << GetName() << "': Notification was forced."; } { ObjectLock olock(this); UpdateNotificationNumber(); double now = Utility::GetTime(); SetLastNotification(now); if (type == NotificationProblem && GetInterval() <= 0) SetNoMoreNotifications(true); else SetNoMoreNotifications(false); if (type == NotificationProblem && GetInterval() > 0) SetNextNotification(now + GetInterval()); if (type == NotificationProblem) SetLastProblemNotification(now); } std::set<User::Ptr> allUsers; std::set<User::Ptr> users = GetUsers(); std::copy(users.begin(), users.end(), std::inserter(allUsers, allUsers.begin())); for (const UserGroup::Ptr& ug : GetUserGroups()) { std::set<User::Ptr> members = ug->GetMembers(); std::copy(members.begin(), members.end(), std::inserter(allUsers, allUsers.begin())); } std::set<User::Ptr> allNotifiedUsers; Array::Ptr notifiedProblemUsers = GetNotifiedProblemUsers(); for (const User::Ptr& user : allUsers) { String userName = user->GetName(); if (!user->GetEnableNotifications()) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Disabled notifications for user '" << userName << "'. Not sending notification."; continue; } if (!CheckNotificationUserFilters(type, user, force, reminder)) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "Notification filters for user '" << userName << "' not matched. Not sending notification."; continue; } /* on recovery, check if user was notified before */ if (type == NotificationRecovery) { if (!notifiedProblemUsers->Contains(userName)) { Log(LogNotice, "Notification") << "We did not notify user '" << userName << "' for a problem before. Not sending recovery notification."; continue; } } Log(LogInformation, "Notification") << "Sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : "") << "'" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' notification '" << GetName() << " for user '" << userName << "'"; Utility::QueueAsyncCallback(boost::bind(&Notification::ExecuteNotificationHelper, this, type, user, cr, force, author, text)); /* collect all notified users */ allNotifiedUsers.insert(user); /* store all notified users for later recovery checks */ if (type == NotificationProblem && !notifiedProblemUsers->Contains(userName)) notifiedProblemUsers->Add(userName); } /* if this was a recovery notification, reset all notified users */ if (type == NotificationRecovery) notifiedProblemUsers->Clear(); /* used in db_ido for notification history */ Service::OnNotificationSentToAllUsers(this, checkable, allNotifiedUsers, type, cr, author, text, MessageOrigin::Ptr()); }