void cinderFFmpegApp::setupGui() { std::stringstream strTmp; m_Gui = ci::params::InterfaceGl("FFmpeg Player", ci::Vec2i(300,340)); // Video / Audio Infos m_Gui.addButton( "open", std::bind( &cinderFFmpegApp::open, this ) ); m_Gui.addButton( "clear all", std::bind( &cinderFFmpegApp::clearAll, this ) ); m_Gui.addSeparator(); strTmp << "label='file: '"; m_Gui.addText("file", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='video codec: '"; m_Gui.addText("video codec", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='audio codec: '"; m_Gui.addText("audio codec", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='width: '"; m_Gui.addText("width", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='height: '"; m_Gui.addText("height", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='fps: '"; m_Gui.addText("fps", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='bitrate: '"; m_Gui.addText("bitrate", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='audio channels: '"; m_Gui.addText("audio channels", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='audio sample rate: '"; m_Gui.addText("audio sample rate", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='frame: '"; m_Gui.addText("frame", strTmp.str()); strTmp.clear(); strTmp.str(""); strTmp << "label='time: '"; m_Gui.addText("time", strTmp.str()); m_Gui.addSeparator(); m_Gui.addButton( "play/pause", std::bind( &cinderFFmpegApp::pause, this ) ); m_Gui.addButton( "stop", std::bind( &cinderFFmpegApp::stop, this ) ); m_Gui.addButton( "toggle direction", std::bind( &cinderFFmpegApp::toggleDirection, this ) ); m_Gui.addSeparator(); m_Gui.addParam("speed", &m_fSpeed, "min=0 max=8.0 step=0.05"); m_Gui.addParam("0..none, 1..loop, 2..loopBidi", &m_iLoopMode, "min=0 max=2 step=1"); m_Gui.addParam("seek frame", &m_fSeekPos, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.01"); }
void Fluid2DParticlesApp::setup() { glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); gl::enableAlphaBlending(); gl::enableAdditiveBlending(); mRgbScale = 50; mDenScale = 50; mFluid2D.set( 192, 192 ); mFluid2D.setDensityDissipation( 0.99f ); mFluid2D.setRgbDissipation( 0.99f ); mVelScale = 3.0f*std::max( mFluid2D.resX(), mFluid2D.resY() ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Params", ivec2( 300, 400 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Stam Step", mFluid2D.stamStepAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Input Scale", &mVelScale, "min=0 max=10000 step=1" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Input Scale", &mDenScale, "min=0 max=1000 step=1" ); mParams.addParam( "Rgb Input Scale", &mRgbScale, "min=0 max=1000 step=1" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Dissipation", mFluid2D.velocityDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Dissipation", mFluid2D.densityDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addParam( "Rgb Dissipation", mFluid2D.rgbDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Viscosity", mFluid2D.velocityViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Viscosity", mFluid2D.densityViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addParam( "Rgb Viscosity", mFluid2D.rgbViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Confinement", mFluid2D.enableVorticityConfinementAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); std::vector<std::string> boundaries; boundaries.push_back( "None" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wall" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wrap" ); mParams.addParam( "Boundary Type", boundaries, mFluid2D.boundaryTypeAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Enable Buoyancy", mFluid2D.enableBuoyancyAddr() ); mParams.addParam( "Buoyancy Scale", mFluid2D.buoyancyScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=100 step=0.001" ); mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Scale", mFluid2D.vorticityScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=1 step=0.001" ); mFluid2D.setDt( 0.1f ); mFluid2D.enableDensity(); mFluid2D.enableRgb(); mFluid2D.enableVorticityConfinement(); mParticles.setup( getWindowBounds(), &mFluid2D ); }
void Fluid2DParticleSoupApp::setup() { glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mDenScale = 50; mRgbScale = 40; mFluid2D.set( 192, 192 ); mFluid2D.setDensityDissipation( 0.99f ); mFluid2D.setRgbDissipation( 0.99f ); mVelScale = 3.0f*std::max( mFluid2D.resX(), mFluid2D.resY() ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Params", Vec2i( 300, 400 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Stam Step", mFluid2D.stamStepAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Input Scale", &mVelScale, "min=0 max=10000 step=1" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Input Scale", &mDenScale, "min=0 max=1000 step=1" ); mParams.addParam( "Rgb Input Scale", &mRgbScale, "min=0 max=1000 step=1" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Dissipation", mFluid2D.velocityDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Dissipation", mFluid2D.densityDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addParam( "Rgb Dissipation", mFluid2D.rgbDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Viscosity", mFluid2D.velocityViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Viscosity", mFluid2D.densityViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addParam( "Rgb Viscosity", mFluid2D.rgbViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Confinement", mFluid2D.enableVorticityConfinementAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); std::vector<std::string> boundaries; boundaries.push_back( "None" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wall" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wrap" ); mParams.addParam( "Boundary Type", boundaries, mFluid2D.boundaryTypeAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Enable Buoyancy", mFluid2D.enableBuoyancyAddr() ); mParams.addParam( "Buoyancy Scale", mFluid2D.buoyancyScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=100 step=0.001" ); mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Scale", mFluid2D.vorticityScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=1 step=0.001" ); mFluid2D.setRgbDissipation( 0.9930f ); mFluid2D.enableDensity(); mFluid2D.enableRgb(); mFluid2D.enableVorticityConfinement(); mFluid2D.initSimData(); mParticleSoup.setup( &mFluid2D ); mColor = Colorf( 0.98f, 0.7f, 0.4f ); }
// Set up void MeshApp::setup() { // Start Kinect mKinect = Kinect::create(); mKinect->enableUserColor( false ); mKinect->removeBackground(); mKinect->start(); // Add callbacks mCallbackDepthId = mKinect->addDepthCallback(& MeshApp::onDepthData, this ); mCallbackSkeletonId = mKinect->addSkeletonTrackingCallback(& MeshApp::onSkeletonData, this ); mCallbackColorId = mKinect->addColorCallback(& MeshApp::onColorData, this ); // Set up the light. This application does not actually use OpenGL // lighting. Instead, it passes a light position and color // values to the shader. Per fragment lighting is calculated in GLSL. mLightAmbient = ColorAf( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); mLightDiffuse = ColorAf( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ); mLightPosition = Vec3f( 0.0f, -600.0f, 180.0f ); mLightShininess = 2.0f; mLightSpecular = ColorAf( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); // Set default properties mBrightTolerance = 0.2f; mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = isFullScreen(); mFullScreenPrev = mFullScreen; mMeshUvMix = 0.2f; mRemoveBackground = true; mRemoveBackgroundPrev = mRemoveBackground; mScale = Vec3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 500.0f ); mShowColor = false; mColorOffsetX = 0.0f; mColorOffsetY = 0.0f; // Create the parameters bar mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Parameters", Vec2i( 250, 500 ) ); mParams.addSeparator( "" ); mParams.addParam( "Bright tolerance", &mBrightTolerance, "min=0.000 max=1.000 step=0.001 keyDecr=b keyIncr=B" ); mParams.addParam( "Remove background", &mRemoveBackground, "key=c" ); mParams.addParam( "Scale", &mScale ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Eye point", &mEyePoint ); mParams.addParam( "Look at", &mLookAt ); mParams.addParam( "Rotation", &mRotation ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Show Color", &mShowColor, "key=d" ); mParams.addParam( "Color offset X", &mColorOffsetX, "min=0.000 max=1.000 step=0.001 keyDecr=e keyIncr=E" ); mParams.addParam( "Color offset Y", &mColorOffsetY, "min=0.000 max=1.000 step=0.001 keyDecr=f keyIncr=F" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Light position", &mLightPosition ); mParams.addParam( "Light shininess", &mLightShininess, "min=0.000 max=10000.000 step=0.001 keyDecr=g keyIncr=G" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams.addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen, "key=h" ); mParams.addButton( "Save screen shot", bind(& MeshApp::screenShot, this ), "key=space" ); mParams.addButton( "Quit", bind(& MeshApp::quit, this ), "key=esc" ); // Initialize texture mTextureFormat.setInternalFormat( GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI ); mTextureDepth = gl::Texture( Surface32f( kMeshWidth, kMeshHeight, false, SurfaceChannelOrder::RGBA ), mTextureFormat ); // Initialize mesh initMesh(); // Run first window resize resize(); }
void Fluid2DTextureApp::setup() { mFrameRate = 0.0f; mTex = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadResource( RES_IMAGE ) ) ); mFluid2D.enableTexCoord(); mFluid2D.setTexCoordViscosity( 1.0f ); mDenScale = 50; mFluid2D.set( 192, 192 ); mFluid2D.setDensityDissipation( 0.99f ); mVelScale = 0.50f*std::max( mFluid2D.resX(), mFluid2D.resY() ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Params", ivec2( 300, 400 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Stam Step", mFluid2D.stamStepAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Input Scale", &mVelScale, "min=0 max=10000 step=1" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Input Scale", &mDenScale, "min=0 max=1000 step=1" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Dissipation", mFluid2D.velocityDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Dissipation", mFluid2D.densityDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addParam( "TexCoord Dissipation", mFluid2D.texCoordDissipationAddr(), "min=0.0001 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Viscosity", mFluid2D.velocityViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Viscosity", mFluid2D.densityViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addParam( "TexCoord Viscosity", mFluid2D.texCoordViscosityAddr(), "min=0.000001 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); //mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Confinement", mFluid2D.enableVorticityConfinementAddr() ); //mParams.addSeparator(); std::vector<std::string> boundaries; boundaries.push_back( "None" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wall" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wrap" ); mParams.addParam( "Boundary Type", boundaries, mFluid2D.boundaryTypeAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Enable Buoyancy", mFluid2D.enableBuoyancyAddr() ); mParams.addParam( "Buoyancy Scale", mFluid2D.buoyancyScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=100 step=0.001" ); mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Scale", mFluid2D.vorticityScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=1 step=0.001" ); mTriMesh = ci::TriMesh::create( TriMesh::Format().positions(2).texCoords0(2) ); // Points and texture coordinates for( int j = 0; j < mFluid2D.resY(); ++j ) { for( int i = 0; i < mFluid2D.resX(); ++i ) { mTriMesh->appendPosition( vec2( 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); mTriMesh->appendTexCoord0( vec2( 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); } } // Triangles for( int j = 0; j < mFluid2D.resY() - 1; ++j ) { for( int i = 0; i < mFluid2D.resX() - 1; ++i ) { int idx0 = (j + 0)*mFluid2D.resX() + (i + 0 ); int idx1 = (j + 1)*mFluid2D.resX() + (i + 0 ); int idx2 = (j + 1)*mFluid2D.resX() + (i + 1 ); int idx3 = (j + 0)*mFluid2D.resX() + (i + 1 ); mTriMesh->appendTriangle( idx0, idx1, idx2 ); mTriMesh->appendTriangle( idx0, idx2, idx3 ); } } //console() << mFluid2D << std::endl; }
void Fluid2DCamAppApp::setup() { glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mVelThreshold = 0.75f; mNumActiveFlowVectors = 0; #if defined( CINDER_MSW ) mVelScale = 0.5f; mDenScale = 0.0025f; #elif defined( CINDER_MAC ) mVelScale = 2.0f; mDenScale = 0.007f; #endif mFluid2D.set( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY ); mFluid2D.enableDensity(); mFluid2D.enableVorticityConfinement(); mFluid2D.setNumPressureIters( 24 ); mFluid2D.initSimData(); // Create these so we can create the textures ahead of time mSurfVel0 = Surface32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY, false, SurfaceChannelOrder::RGB ); mSurfVel1 = Surface32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY, false, SurfaceChannelOrder::RGB ); mChanDen0 = Channel32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY ); mChanDen1 = Channel32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY ); mChanDiv = Channel32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY ); mChanPrs = Channel32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY ); mChanCurl = Channel32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY ); mChanCurlLen = Channel32f( mFluid2DResX, mFluid2DResY ); mTexVel0 = gl::Texture( mSurfVel0 ); mTexVel1 = gl::Texture( mSurfVel1 ); mTexDen0 = gl::Texture( mChanDen0 ); mTexDen1 = gl::Texture( mChanDen1 ); mTexDiv = gl::Texture( mChanDiv ); mTexPrs = gl::Texture( mChanPrs ); mTexCurl = gl::Texture( mChanCurl ); mTexCurlLen = gl::Texture( mChanCurlLen ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Params", Vec2i( 300, 400 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Stam Step", mFluid2D.stamStepAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Threshold", &mVelThreshold, "min=0 max=2 step=0.001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Input Scale", &mVelScale, "min=0 max=10 step=0.001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Input Scale", &mDenScale, "min=0 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Dissipation", mFluid2D.velocityDissipationAddr(), "min=0 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Dissipation", mFluid2D.densityDissipationAddr(), "min=0 max=1 step=0.0001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Velocity Viscosity", mFluid2D.velocityViscosityAddr(), "min=0 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addParam( "Density Viscosity", mFluid2D.densityViscosityAddr(), "min=0 max=10 step=0.000001" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Confinement", mFluid2D.enableVorticityConfinementAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); std::vector<std::string> boundaries; boundaries.push_back( "None" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wall" ); boundaries.push_back( "Wrap" ); mParams.addParam( "Boundary Type", boundaries, mFluid2D.boundaryTypeAddr() ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Enable Buoyancy", mFluid2D.enableBuoyancyAddr() ); mParams.addParam( "Buoyancy Scale", mFluid2D.buoyancyScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=100 step=0.001" ); mParams.addParam( "Vorticity Scale", mFluid2D.vorticityScaleAddr(), "min=0 max=1 step=0.001" ); // Camera try { mCapture = Capture( 640, 480 ); mCapture.start(); } catch( ... ) { console() << "Failed to initialize capture" << std::endl; } }
// Set up void KinectApp::setup() { // Set up OpenGL glLineWidth( 2.0f ); gl::color( ColorAf::white() ); // Set up camera mCamera.lookAt( Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f ), Vec3f::zero() ); mCamera.setPerspective( 45.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 1.0f, 1000.0f ); // Define drawing body defineBody(); // Initialize parameters mBinaryMode = false; mBinaryModePrev = mBinaryMode; mCapture = true; mCapturePrev = mCapture; mDeviceCount = 0; mEnabledAudio = true; mEnabledAudioPrev = true; mEnabledDepth = true; mEnabledDepthPrev = mEnabledDepth; mEnabledNearMode = false; mEnabledNearModePrev = mEnabledNearMode; mEnabledSkeletons = true; mEnabledSkeletonsPrev = mEnabledSkeletons; mEnabledStats = true; mEnabledVideo = true; mEnabledVideoPrev = mEnabledVideo; mFrameRateApp = 0.0f; mFrameRateDepth = 0.0f; mFrameRateSkeletons = 0.0f; mFrameRateVideo = 0.0f; mFullScreen = isFullScreen(); mInverted = false; mInvertedPrev = mInverted; mRemoveBackground = false; mRemoveBackgroundPrev = mRemoveBackground; mUserCount = 0; // Start image capture startKinect(); // Start audio capture startAudio(); // Setup the parameters mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Parameters", Vec2i( 245, 500 ) ); mParams.addText( "DEVICE" ); mParams.addParam( "Device count", & mDeviceCount, "", true ); mParams.addParam( "Device angle", & mCameraAngle, "min=-" + toString( Kinect::MAXIMUM_TILT_ANGLE ) + " max=" + toString( Kinect::MAXIMUM_TILT_ANGLE ) + " step=1" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addText( "STATISTICS"); mParams.addParam( "Collect statistics", & mEnabledStats, "key=t" ); mParams.addParam( "App frame rate", & mFrameRateApp, "", true ); mParams.addParam( "Depth frame rate", & mFrameRateDepth, "", true ); mParams.addParam( "Skeleton frame rate", & mFrameRateSkeletons, "", true ); mParams.addParam( "Video frame rate", & mFrameRateVideo, "", true ); mParams.addParam( "User count", & mUserCount, "", true ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addText( "CAPTURE" ); mParams.addParam( "Capture", & mCapture, "key=c" ); mParams.addParam( "Audio", & mEnabledAudio, "key=a" ); mParams.addParam( "Depth", & mEnabledDepth, "key=d" ); mParams.addParam( "Skeletons", & mEnabledSkeletons, "key=k" ); mParams.addParam( "Video", & mEnabledVideo, "key=v" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addText( "DEPTH IMAGE"); mParams.addParam( "Remove background", & mRemoveBackground, "key=b" ); mParams.addParam( "Binary depth mode", & mBinaryMode, "key=w" ); mParams.addParam( "Invert binary image", & mInverted, "key=i" ); mParams.addParam( "Near mode", & mEnabledNearMode, "key=n" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addText( "APPLICATION" ); mParams.addParam( "Full screen", & mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams.addButton( "Screen shot", std::bind(& KinectApp::screenShot, this ), "key=s" ); mParams.addButton( "Quit", std::bind( & KinectApp::quit, this ), "key=esc" ); }
void VboMeshSampleApp::setup() { // Setting an unrealistically high frame rate effectively // disables frame rate limiting setFrameRate( 10000.0f ); setWindowSize( 800, 600 ); // Set up OpenGL to work with default lighting glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH ); gl::enable( GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH ); glHint( GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST ); gl::enable( GL_NORMALIZE ); gl::enableAlphaBlending(); gl::enableDepthRead(); gl::enableDepthWrite(); // Load the texture map mTexture = gl::Texture( loadImage( loadResource( RES_TEXTURE ) ) ); // Define properties mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mLightEnabled = true; mMeshIndex = 0; mNumSegments = 48; mNumSegmentsPrev = mNumSegments; mScale = Vec3f::one(); mTextureEnabled = true; mWireframe = false; // Set up the arcball mArcball = Arcball( getWindowSize() ); mArcball.setRadius( (float)getWindowHeight() * 0.5f ); // Set up the camera mCamera = CameraPersp( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), 60.0f, 0.0001f, 10.0f ); mCamera.lookAt( Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f ), Vec3f::zero() ); // Set up the light mLight = new gl::Light( gl::Light::DIRECTIONAL, 0 ); mLight->setAmbient( ColorAf::white() ); mLight->setDiffuse( ColorAf::white() ); mLight->setDirection( Vec3f::one() ); mLight->setPosition( Vec3f::one() * -1.0f ); mLight->setSpecular( ColorAf::white() ); mLight->enable(); // Define the mesh titles for the params GUI mMeshTitles.push_back( "Cube" ); mMeshTitles.push_back( "Sphere" ); mMeshTitles.push_back( "Cylinder" ); mMeshTitles.push_back( "Cone" ); mMeshTitles.push_back( "Circle" ); mMeshTitles.push_back( "Square" ); mMeshTitles.push_back( "Ring" ); mMeshTitles.push_back( "Custom" ); // Set up the params GUI mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Params", Vec2i( 200, 320 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Enable light", &mLightEnabled, "key=l" ); mParams.addParam( "Enable texture", &mTextureEnabled, "key=t" ); mParams.addParam( "Mesh type", mMeshTitles, &mMeshIndex, "keyDecr=m keyIncr=M" ); mParams.addParam( "Scale", &mScale ); mParams.addParam( "Segments", &mNumSegments, "keyDecr=s keyIncr=S min=3 max=1024 step=1" ); mParams.addParam( "Wireframe", &mWireframe, "key=w" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams.addButton( "Screen shot", bind( &VboMeshSampleApp::screenShot, this ), "key=space" ); mParams.addButton( "Quit", bind( &VboMeshSampleApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); // Generate meshes createMeshes(); }