void Tokenize(const string& code, CodeToken::List& tokens) { CodeError::List errors; auto codeFile = CodeFile::Parse(code, 0, errors); TEST_ASSERT(errors.size() == 0); TEST_ASSERT(codeFile->lines.size() == 1); tokens = codeFile->lines[0]->tokens; }
repeat with the current number from first number to last number add the current number to the result end end phrase main print "1+ ... +100 = " & sum from 1 to 100 end )tinymoe"; vector<string> codes; CodeError::List errors; codes.push_back(GetCodeForStandardLibrary()); codes.push_back(code); auto assembly = SymbolAssembly::Parse(codes, errors); TEST_ASSERT(errors.size() == 0); TEST_ASSERT(assembly->symbolModules.size() == 2); } TEST_CASE(TestParseNamedBlockModule) { string code = R"tinymoe( module hello world using standard library sentence print (message) redirect to "printf" end phrase sum from (first number) to (last number) set the result to 0