int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); ComplexNetsGui::MainWindow w;; return a.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { // We don't have arguments, we start the graphical interface. QApplication a(argc, argv); ComplexNetsGui::MainWindow w;; return a.exec(); } else { // We read the arguments sent at the command line. ProgramState *state = new ProgramState(); struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info = (struct gengetopt_args_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct gengetopt_args_info)); if (cmdline_parser(argc, argv, args_info) != 0) { usageErrorMessage("There was an error reading from the command line."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (args_info->input_file_given) { if (args_info->erdos_given || args_info->barabasi_given || args_info->hot_given || args_info->molloy_given || args_info->hyperbolic_given) { usageErrorMessage("Cannot load a graph from an input file and generate a model at the same time."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (args_info->weighted_given) { state->setWeighted(true); } if (args_info->digraph_given) { state->setDigraph(true); } string path = args_info->input_file_arg; try { state->readGraphFromFile(path.c_str()); cout << "Succesfully read graph from file " + path + "\n"; } catch (const FileNotFoundException& e) { errorMessage("The specified input was not found in the filesystem."); ERROR_EXIT; } catch (const DuplicatedEdgeLoading& ex) { errorMessage("The specified input file has duplicated edges."); ERROR_EXIT; } catch (...) { errorMessage("There were problems reading the input file."); ERROR_EXIT; } } else if (args_info->erdos_given) { if (!args_info->n_given) { usageErrorMessage("Erdos-Renyi graph generation requires a number of nodes."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->p_given) { usageErrorMessage("Erdos-Renyi graph generation requires a probability."); ERROR_EXIT; } int n = args_info->n_arg; float p = args_info->p_arg; VALIDATE_POS(n); VALIDATE_P(p); state->setErdosRenyiGraph(n, p); cout << "Succesfully created an Erdos-Renyi graph with " + to_string(n) + " nodes.\n"; } else if (args_info->barabasi_given) { if (!args_info->m0_given) { usageErrorMessage("Barabasi-Albert graph generation requires an initial number of nodes."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->m_given) { usageErrorMessage("Barabasi-Albert graph generation requires a number of nodes to attach with new nodes."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->n_given) { usageErrorMessage("Barabasi-Albert graph generation requires a number of nodes."); ERROR_EXIT; } int n = args_info->n_arg; int m0 = args_info->m0_arg; int m = args_info->m_arg; VALIDATE_POS(n); VALIDATE_POS(m0); VALIDATE_POS(m); if (m > m0) { usageErrorMessage("The number of nodes to attach cannot be greater than the initial number of nodes."); ERROR_EXIT; } state->setBarabasiAlbertGraph(m0, m, n); cout << "Succesfully created a Barabasi-Albert graph with " + to_string(n) + " nodes.\n"; } else if (args_info->hot_given) { if (!args_info->n_given) { usageErrorMessage("Extended Hot graph generation requires a number of nodes."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->m_given) { usageErrorMessage("Extended Hot graph generation requires the number of edges in each new vertex."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->xi_given) { usageErrorMessage("Extended Hot graph generation requires the parameter used to select the neighbors for a new vertex."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->q_given) { usageErrorMessage("Extended Hot graph generation requires the number of edges added in the graph after of connect a vertex."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->r_given) { usageErrorMessage("Extended Hot graph generation requires the parameter user to selected the edges in the graph after connecting a vertex."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->t_given) { usageErrorMessage("Extended Hot graph generation requires the parameter user select between how many loops the core is recalculated."); ERROR_EXIT; } int n = args_info->n_arg; int m = args_info->m_arg; float xi = args_info->xi_arg; int q = args_info->q_arg; float r = args_info->r_arg; int t = args_info->t_arg; VALIDATE_POS(n); VALIDATE_POS(m); VALIDATE_POS(q); VALIDATE_POS(xi); VALIDATE_POS(r); VALIDATE_POS(t); state->setExtendedHotGraph(m, n, xi, q, r, t); cout << "Succesfully created an Extended Hot graph with " + to_string(n) + " nodes.\n"; } else if (args_info->molloy_given) { if (!args_info->ks_given) { usageErrorMessage("A file with Ks and its nodes is needed to create a Molloy Reed graph."); ERROR_EXIT; } string path = args_info->ks_arg; state->setMolloyReedGraph(path); } else if (args_info->hyperbolic_given) { if (!args_info->n_given) { usageErrorMessage("Hiperbolic graph generation requires a number of nodes."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->a_given) { usageErrorMessage("Hiperbolic graph generation requires a radial density."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (!args_info->deg_given) { usageErrorMessage("Hiperbolic graph generation requires an average node degree."); ERROR_EXIT; } int n = args_info->n_arg; float a = args_info->a_arg; float c = args_info->deg_arg; state->setHiperbolicGraph(n, a, c); } else { usageErrorMessage("A network must be specified in order to work."); ERROR_EXIT; } if (args_info->betweenness_given) { //if (state->isWeighted()) { // errorMessage("Betweenness for weighted graphs is not supported."); // ERROR_EXIT; //}else{ printf("Weighted Betweenness"); int vertex_id = args_info->betweenness_arg; double ret = state->betweenness((unsigned int)args_info->betweenness_arg); if(ret != -1) { cout << "Betweenness for vertex " + to_string(vertex_id) + " is: " + to_string(ret) + ".\n"; }else { errorMessage("Invalid vertex id"); } //} } else if (args_info->ddist_given) { int degree = args_info->ddist_arg; if (!state->isDigraph()) { double ret = state->degreeDistribution(degree); if(ret != -1) { cout << "Degree distribution for degree " + to_string(degree) + " is: " + to_string(ret) + ".\n"; }else { cout << "There are no vertices with degree " + to_string(degree) + ".\n"; } } else { double ret1 = state->inDegreeDistribution(degree); double ret2 = state->outDegreeDistribution(degree); if(ret1 != -1) { cout << "In-Degree distribution for degree " + to_string(degree) + " is: " + to_string(ret1) + ".\n"; }else { cout << "There are no vertices with degree " + to_string(degree) + ".\n"; } if(ret2 != -1) { cout << "Out-Degree distribution for degree " + to_string(degree) + " is: " + to_string(ret2) + ".\n"; }else { cout << "There are no vertices with degree " + to_string(degree) + ".\n"; } } } else if (args_info->clustering_given) { int vertex_id = args_info->clustering_arg; double ret = state->clustering(vertex_id); if(ret != -1) { cout << "Clustering coefficient for vertex " + to_string(vertex_id) + " is: " + to_string(ret) + ".\n"; } else { errorMessage("Invalid vertex id"); } } else if (args_info->knn_given) { int vertex_id = args_info->knn_arg; double ret = state->clustering(vertex_id); if(ret != -1) { cout << "Nearest neighbors degree for vertex " + to_string(vertex_id) + " is: " + to_string(ret) + ".\n"; } else { errorMessage("Invalid vertex id"); } } else if (args_info->maxCliqueExact_given) { int max_time = args_info->maxCliqueExact_arg; std::list<int> ret = state->maxCliqueExact(max_time); if(!ret.empty()) { cout << "Max clique size is: " + to_string(ret.size()) + ".\n"; cout << "Max clique is: "; for(std::list<int>::iterator iterator = ret.begin();iterator != ret.end();iterator++){ cout << to_string<int>(*iterator).c_str() << " "; } cout << ".\n"; } else { errorMessage("Time out."); ERROR_EXIT; } } else if (args_info->maxCliqueAprox_given) { std::list<int> ret = state->maxCliqueAprox(); if(!ret.empty()) { cout << "Max clique size is: " + to_string(ret.size()) + ".\n"; cout << "Max clique is:"; for(std::list<int>::iterator iterator = ret.begin();iterator != ret.end();iterator++){ cout << " " << to_string<int>(*iterator).c_str() ; } cout << ".\n"; } else { errorMessage("Unknown error."); } }else if (args_info->shell_given) { int vertex_id = args_info->shell_arg; double ret = state->shellIndex(vertex_id); if(ret != -1) { cout << "Shell index for vertex " + to_string(vertex_id) + " is: " + to_string(ret) + ".\n"; } else { errorMessage("Invalid vertex id"); } } if (args_info->print_deg_given) { if (args_info->erdos_given || args_info->barabasi_given || args_info->hot_given || args_info->molloy_given || args_info->hyperbolic_given || args_info->input_file_given) { state->printDegrees(); } else { usageErrorMessage("You have specified the print-deg options but no graph was loaded or generated. Ignoring."); } } if (args_info->output_file_given) { string path = args_info->output_file_arg; if (args_info->betweenness_output_given || args_info->ddist_output_given || args_info->clustering_output_given || args_info->maxCliqueExact_output_given || args_info->maxCliqueAprox_output_given || args_info->knn_output_given || args_info->shell_output_given) { string functionMessage = ""; if (args_info->betweenness_output_given) { //if (state->isWeighted()) { // errorMessage("Betweenness for weighted graphs is not supported."); // ERROR_EXIT; //} else { state->exportBetweennessVsDegree(path); functionMessage = "betweenness"; //} } else if (args_info->ddist_output_given) { state->exportDegreeDistribution(path, args_info->log_bin_given, args_info->log_bin_arg); functionMessage = "degreeDistribution"; } else if (args_info->clustering_output_given) { state->exportClusteringVsDegree(path); functionMessage = "clustering coefficient"; } else if (args_info->knn_output_given) { state->exportNearestNeighborsDegreeVsDegree(path); functionMessage = "nearest neighbors degree"; } else if (args_info->shell_output_given) { if (state->isWeighted()) { errorMessage("Shell index for weighted graphs is not supported."); ERROR_EXIT; } else { state->exportShellIndexVsDegree(path); functionMessage = "shellIndex"; } } if (args_info->maxCliqueExact_output_given) { int max_time = args_info->maxCliqueExact_output_arg; if(!state->exportMaxCliqueExact(path, max_time)) { errorMessage("Time out."); ERROR_EXIT; } functionMessage = "max clique distribution"; } else if (args_info->maxCliqueAprox_output_given) { state->exportMaxCliqueAprox(path); functionMessage = "max clique distribution aproximation"; } cout << "Succesfully exported " + functionMessage + " in output file " + path + ".\n"; } else { state->exportCurrentGraph(path); cout << "Succesfully saved graph in file " + path + ".\n"; } } } }