QString AbstractEditorSupport::functionAt(const CppModelManagerInterface *modelManager, const QString &fileName, int line, int column) { const CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = modelManager->snapshot(); const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document = snapshot.document(fileName); if (!document) return QString(); if (const CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol = document->lastVisibleSymbolAt(line, column)) if (const CPlusPlus::Scope *scope = symbol->enclosingScope()) if (const CPlusPlus::Scope *functionScope = scope->enclosingFunction()) if (const CPlusPlus::Symbol *function = functionScope) { const CPlusPlus::Overview o; QString rc = o.prettyName(function->name()); // Prepend namespace "Foo::Foo::foo()" up to empty root namespace for (const CPlusPlus::Symbol *owner = function->enclosingNamespace(); owner; owner = owner->enclosingNamespace()) { const QString name = o.prettyName(owner->name()); if (name.isEmpty()) { break; } else { rc.prepend(QLatin1String("::")); rc.prepend(name); } } return rc; } return QString(); }
CPlusPlus::Function *CppFunction::function(int line, int column, const QString &fileName) { const CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::instance()->snapshot(); const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document = snapshot.document(fileName); if (!document) return 0; CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol = document->lastVisibleSymbolAt(line, column); if (!symbol) return 0; // Find the enclosing function scope (which might be several levels up, or we might be standing on it) CPlusPlus::Scope *scope; if (symbol->isScope()) scope = symbol->asScope(); else scope = symbol->enclosingScope(); while (scope && !scope->isFunction() ) scope = scope->enclosingScope(); if (!scope) return 0; return scope->asFunction(); }
// Inline helper with integer error return codes. static inline int getUninitializedVariablesI(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot, const QString &functionName, const QString &file, int line, QStringList *uninitializedVariables) { uninitializedVariables->clear(); // Find document if (snapshot.isEmpty() || functionName.isEmpty() || file.isEmpty() || line < 1) return 1; const CPlusPlus::Snapshot::const_iterator docIt = snapshot.find(file); if (docIt == snapshot.end()) return 2; const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc = docIt.value(); // Look at symbol at line and find its function. Either it is the // function itself or some expression/variable. const CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbolAtLine = doc->lastVisibleSymbolAt(line, 0); if (!symbolAtLine) return 4; // First figure out the function to do a safety name check // and the innermost scope at cursor position const CPlusPlus::Function *function = 0; const CPlusPlus::Scope *innerMostScope = 0; if (symbolAtLine->isFunction()) { function = symbolAtLine->asFunction(); if (function->memberCount() == 1) // Skip over function block if (CPlusPlus::Block *block = function->memberAt(0)->asBlock()) innerMostScope = block; } else { if (const CPlusPlus::Scope *functionScope = symbolAtLine->enclosingFunction()) { function = functionScope->asFunction(); innerMostScope = symbolAtLine->isBlock() ? symbolAtLine->asBlock() : symbolAtLine->enclosingBlock(); } } if (!function || !innerMostScope) return 7; // Compare function names with a bit off fuzz, // skipping modules from a CDB symbol "lib!foo" or namespaces // that the code model does not show at this point CPlusPlus::Overview overview; const QString name = overview.prettyName(function->name()); if (!functionName.endsWith(name)) return 11; if (functionName.size() > name.size()) { const char previousChar = functionName.at(functionName.size() - name.size() - 1).toLatin1(); if (previousChar != ':' && previousChar != '!' ) return 11; } // Starting from the innermost block scope, collect declarations. SeenHash seenHash; blockRecursion(overview, innerMostScope, line, uninitializedVariables, &seenHash); return 0; }