Sky::Sky( DBCFile::Iterator data ) { pos = Vec3D( data->getFloat( LightDB::PositionX ) / skymul, data->getFloat( LightDB::PositionY ) / skymul, data->getFloat( LightDB::PositionZ ) / skymul ); r1 = data->getFloat( LightDB::RadiusInner ) / skymul; r2 = data->getFloat( LightDB::RadiusOuter ) / skymul; //gLog( "New sky (%i) at (%f,%f,%f) with (%f > %f).\n", data->getInt( LightDB::ID ), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, r1, r2 ); for (int i=0; i<36; i++) mmin[i] = -2; global = ( pos.x == 0.0f && pos.y == 0.0f && pos.z == 0.0f ); int FirstId = data->getInt( LightDB::DataIDs ) * 18; for( int i = 0; i < 18; i++ ) { try { DBCFile::Record rec = gLightIntBandDB.getByID( FirstId + i ); int entries = rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Entries ); if ( entries == 0 ) mmin[i] = -1; else { mmin[i] = rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Times ); for( int l = 0; l < entries; l++ ) { SkyColor sc( rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Times + l ), rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Values + l ) ); colorRows[i].push_back( sc ); } } } catch (LightIntBandDB::NotFound) { } } }
Skies::Skies( int mapid ) { gLog( "Skies::Skies( %i );\n", mapid ); numSkies = 0; cs = -1; stars = 0; for( DBCFile::Iterator i = gLightDB.begin(); i != gLightDB.end(); ++i ) { if( mapid == i->getUInt( LightDB::Map ) ) { Sky s( i ); skies.push_back( s ); numSkies++; } } // sort skies from smallest to largest; global last. // smaller skies will have precedence when calculating weights to achieve smooth transitions etc. std::sort( skies.begin( ), skies.end( ) ); stars = new Model( "Environments\\Stars\\Stars.mdx", true ); }
void ExtractGameobjectModels() { printf("Extracting GameObject models..."); DBCFile dbc(LocaleMpq, "DBFilesClient\\GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc"); if(! { printf("Fatal error: Invalid GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc file format!\n"); exit(1); } std::string basepath = szWorkDirWmo; basepath += "/"; std::string path; FILE * model_list = fopen((basepath + "temp_gameobject_models").c_str(), "wb"); for (DBCFile::Iterator it = dbc.begin(); it != dbc.end(); ++it) { path = it->getString(1); if (path.length() < 4) continue; FixNameCase((char*)path.c_str(), path.size()); char * name = GetPlainName((char*)path.c_str()); FixNameSpaces(name, strlen(name)); char * ch_ext = GetExtension(name); if (!ch_ext) continue; strToLower(ch_ext); bool result = false; if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".wmo")) result = ExtractSingleWmo(path); else if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".mdl")) // TODO: extract .mdl files, if needed continue; else //if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".mdx") || !strcmp(ch_ext, ".m2")) result = ExtractSingleModel(path); if (result) { uint32 displayId = it->getUInt(0); uint32 path_length = strlen(name); fwrite(&displayId, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(&path_length, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(name, sizeof(char), path_length, model_list); } } fclose(model_list); printf("Done!\n"); }
void Menu::createMapList() { for (DBCFile::Iterator i = gMapDB.begin(); i != gMapDB.end(); ++i) { MapEntry e; e.mapID = i->getInt(MapDB::MapID); = i->getLocalizedString(MapDB::Name); e.areaType = i->getUInt(MapDB::AreaType); if (e.areaType == 3) = i->getString(MapDB::InternalName); if (e.areaType < 0 || e.areaType > 3 || !World::IsEditableWorld(e.mapID)) continue; mMaps.push_back(e); } }
void Menu::loadMap(int mapID) { delete gWorld; gWorld = NULL; for (DBCFile::Iterator it = gMapDB.begin(); it != gMapDB.end(); ++it) { if (it->getInt(MapDB::MapID) == mapID) { gWorld = new World(it->getString(MapDB::InternalName)); mGUIMinimapWindow->show(); return; } } LogError << "Map with ID " << mapID << " not found. Failed loading." << std::endl; }
Skies::Skies(unsigned int mapid) { numSkies = 0; cs = -1; stars = 0; for (DBCFile::Iterator i = gLightDB.begin(); i != gLightDB.end(); ++i) { if (mapid == i->getUInt(LightDB::Map)) { Sky s(i); skies.push_back(s); numSkies++; } } if (numSkies == 0) { for (DBCFile::Iterator i = gLightDB.begin(); i != gLightDB.end(); ++i) { if (0 == i->getUInt(LightDB::Map)) { Sky s(i); skies.push_back(s); numSkies++; break; } } } // sort skies from smallest to largest; global last. // smaller skies will have precedence when calculating weights to achieve smooth transitions etc. std::sort(skies.begin(), skies.end()); stars = ModelManager::add("Environments\\Stars\\Stars.mdx"); }
void UIWaterTypeBrowser::buildTypeList() { removeChild( WaterTypeList ); WaterTypeList = new UIListView(4,24,width() - 8,height() - 28,20); WaterTypeList->clickable( true ); addChild(WaterTypeList); //LiquidTypeDB::getLiquidName(gWorld->getWaterType(tileX, tileY)); for( DBCFile::Iterator i = gLiquidTypeDB.begin(); i != gLiquidTypeDB.end(); ++i ) { UIFrame *curFrame = new UIFrame(1,1,1,1); std::stringstream ss; ss << i->getInt(LiquidTypeDB::ID) << "-" << LiquidTypeDB::getLiquidName(i->getInt(LiquidTypeDB::ID)); UIButton *tempButton = new UIButton(0.0f, 0.0f, 200.0f, 28.0f, ss.str(), "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark.blp", "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark.blp", boost::bind(&UIWaterTypeBrowser::setWaterTypeID, this, _1, _2), //steff: kidding me? we talked about this some h before u did this i->getInt(LiquidTypeDB::ID) ); tempButton->setLeft(); curFrame->addChild(tempButton); WaterTypeList->addElement(curFrame); } WaterTypeList->recalcElements(1); }
Sky::Sky(DBCFile::Iterator data) { pos = Vec3D(data->getFloat(LightDB::PositionX) / skymul, data->getFloat(LightDB::PositionY) / skymul, data->getFloat(LightDB::PositionZ) / skymul); r1 = data->getFloat(LightDB::RadiusInner) / skymul; r2 = data->getFloat(LightDB::RadiusOuter) / skymul; for (int i = 0; i<36; ++i) mmin[i] = -2; global = (pos.x == 0.0f && pos.y == 0.0f && pos.z == 0.0f); int FirstId = data->getInt(LightDB::DataIDs) * 18 - 17; // cromons light fix ;) Thanks for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) { try { DBCFile::Record rec = gLightIntBandDB.getByID(FirstId + i); int entries = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Entries); if (entries == 0) mmin[i] = -1; else { mmin[i] = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times); for (int l = 0; l < entries; l++) { SkyColor sc(rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times + l), rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Values + l)); colorRows[i].push_back(sc); } } } catch (...) { LogError << "When trying to intialize sky " << data->getInt(LightDB::ID) << ", there was an error with getting an entry in a DBC (" << i << "). Sorry." << std::endl; DBCFile::Record rec = gLightIntBandDB.getByID(i); int entries = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Entries); if (entries == 0) mmin[i] = -1; else { mmin[i] = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times); for (int l = 0; l < entries; l++) { SkyColor sc(rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times + l), rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Values + l)); colorRows[i].push_back(sc); } } } } /* unsigned int SKYFOG = data->getInt( LightDB::DataIDs ); unsigned int ID = data->getInt( LightDB::ID ); DBCFile::Record rec = gLightParamsDB.getByID( SKYFOG ); unsigned int skybox = rec.getInt( LightParamsDB::skybox); if ( skybox == 0 ) alt_sky=NULL; else{ DBCFile::Record rec = gLightSkyboxDB.getByID(skybox); std::string skyname= rec.getString(LightSkyboxDB::filename); alt_sky=new Model(skyname); // if this is ever uncommented, use ModelManager:: Log << "Loaded sky " << skyname << std::endl; } */ }
void ExtractGameobjectModels() { printf("\n"); printf("Extracting GameObject models...\n"); DBCFile dbc("DBFilesClient\\GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc"); if (! { printf("Fatal error: Invalid GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc file format!\n"); exit(1); } std::string basepath = szWorkDirWmo; basepath += "/"; std::string path; StringSet failedPaths; FILE* model_list = fopen((basepath + "temp_gameobject_models").c_str(), "wb"); for (DBCFile::Iterator it = dbc.begin(); it != dbc.end(); ++it) { path = it->getString(1); if (path.length() < 4) continue; fixnamen((char*)path.c_str(), path.size()); char* name = GetPlainName((char*)path.c_str()); fixname2(name, strlen(name)); char* ch_ext = GetExtension(name); if (!ch_ext) continue; strToLower(ch_ext); bool result = false; if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".wmo")) { result = ExtractSingleWmo(path); } else if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".mdl")) { // TODO: extract .mdl files, if needed continue; } else //if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".mdx") || !strcmp(ch_ext, ".m2")) { result = ExtractSingleModel(path, failedPaths); } if (result) { uint32 displayId = it->getUInt(0); uint32 path_length = strlen(name); fwrite(&displayId, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(&path_length, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(name, sizeof(char), path_length, model_list); } } fclose(model_list); if (!failedPaths.empty()) { printf("Warning: Some models could not be extracted, see below\n"); for (StringSet::const_iterator itr = failedPaths.begin(); itr != failedPaths.end(); ++itr) printf("Could not find file of model %s\n", itr->c_str()); printf("A few of these warnings are expected to happen, so be not alarmed!\n"); } printf("Done!\n"); }
int main() { InitMPQs(); FILE* fo = fopen("display_bounding_boxes.sql", "w"); DBCFile displayInfo("DBFilesClient\\CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc"); DBCFile modelInfo("DBFilesClient\\CreatureModelData.dbc");;; std::map<uint32, DBCFile::Record> modelInfoEntries; std::map<std::string, ModelCache> modelCache; for (DBCFile::Iterator itr = modelInfo.begin(); itr != modelInfo.end(); ++itr) { unsigned int entry = itr->getInt(0); modelInfoEntries.insert(std::make_pair(entry, *itr)); } for (DBCFile::Iterator itr = displayInfo.begin(); itr != displayInfo.end(); ++itr) { unsigned int displayid = itr->getInt(0); unsigned int modelentry = itr->getInt(1); float modelscale = itr->getFloat(4); std::map<uint32, DBCFile::Record>::iterator modelitr = modelInfoEntries.find(modelentry); if (modelitr == modelInfoEntries.end()) { printf("Cannot find model entry for display %u (entry %u)\n", displayid, modelentry); continue; } DBCFile::Record modelrec = modelitr->second; const char* modelname = modelrec.getString(2); std::string strmodelname(modelname); replace(strmodelname, ".mdx", ".m2", 0); replace(strmodelname, ".MDX", ".m2", 0); M2Header* header; M2Attachment* attachments; M2Bone* bones; uint16* bonelookups; std::map<std::string, ModelCache>::iterator cacheitr = modelCache.find(modelname); if (cacheitr == modelCache.end()) { MPQFile modelf(strmodelname.c_str()); if (modelf.isEof()) { printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", strmodelname.c_str()); continue; } printf("Processing %u", displayid); header = (M2Header*)malloc(sizeof(M2Header));, sizeof(M2Header)); printf(" %u attachments %u bone lookups %u bones\n", header->nAttachments, header->nBoneLookupTable, header->nBones); attachments = (M2Attachment*)malloc(header->nAttachments * sizeof(M2Attachment));>ofsAttachments);, header->nAttachments * sizeof(M2Attachment)); bonelookups = (uint16*)malloc(header->nBoneLookupTable * sizeof(uint16));>ofsBoneLookupTable);, header->nBoneLookupTable * sizeof(uint16)); bones = (M2Bone*)malloc(header->nBones * sizeof(M2Bone));>ofsBones);, header->nBones * sizeof(M2Bone)); ModelCache cacheentry; cacheentry.attachments = attachments; cacheentry.bones = bones; cacheentry.bonelookups = bonelookups; cacheentry.header = header; modelCache.insert(std::make_pair(modelname, cacheentry)); } else { header = cacheitr->second.header; bones = cacheitr->second.bones; bonelookups = cacheitr->second.bonelookups; attachments = cacheitr->second.attachments; } //try and get the bone for (uint32 i = 0; i < header->nAttachments; ++i) { if (attachments[i].bone > header->nBoneLookupTable) { printf("Attachment %u requests bonelookup %u (too large, bonelookup table is only %u entries)\n", i, attachments[i].bone, header->nBoneLookupTable); continue; } uint16 boneindex = bonelookups[attachments[i].bone]; if (boneindex > header->nBones) { printf("Attachment %u requests bone %u (too large, bone table is only %u entries)\n", i, boneindex, header->nBones); continue; } M2Bone & bone = bones[boneindex]; //printf("Attachment %u (bone pivot %f %f %f offset %f %f %f)\n", attachments[i].id, bone.pivotpoint[0], bone.pivotpoint[1], bone.pivotpoint[2], attachments[i].pos[0], attachments[i].pos[1], attachments[i].pos[2]); float realpos[3]; realpos[0] = (/*bone.pivotpoint[0] +*/ attachments[i].pos[0]) * modelscale; realpos[1] = (/*bone.pivotpoint[1] +*/ attachments[i].pos[1]) * modelscale; realpos[2] = (/*bone.pivotpoint[2] +*/ attachments[i].pos[2]) * modelscale; //fix coord system // float tmp = realpos[2]; // realpos[2] = realpos[1]; // realpos[1] = -tmp; //fprintf(fo, "insert into `display_attachment_points` VALUES (%u, %u, %f, %f, %f);\n", displayid, attachments[i].id, attachments[i].pos[0], attachments[i].pos[1], attachments[i].pos[2]); //printf("Attachmnent %u point %f %f %f pivot %f %f %f\n", attachments[i].id, realpos[0], realpos[1], realpos[2], bone.pivotpoint[0], bone.pivotpoint[1], bone.pivotpoint[2]); } float boundlow[3]; boundlow[0] = header->boundingbox1[0] * modelscale; boundlow[1] = header->boundingbox1[1] * modelscale; boundlow[2] = header->boundingbox1[2] * modelscale; float boundhigh[3]; boundhigh[0] = header->boundingbox2[0] * modelscale; boundhigh[1] = header->boundingbox2[1] * modelscale; boundhigh[2] = header->boundingbox2[2] * modelscale; float boundradius = header->boundingradius * modelscale; fprintf(fo, "insert into `display_bounding_boxes` VALUES (%u, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", displayid, boundlow[0], boundlow[1], boundlow[2], boundhigh[0], boundhigh[1], boundhigh[2], boundradius); } fclose(fo); return 0; }
void ExtractGameobjectModels(int iCoreNumber, const void *szRawVMAPMagic) { printf("\n"); printf("Extracting GameObject models...\n"); DBCFile dbc("DBFilesClient\\GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc"); if (! { printf("Fatal error: Invalid GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc file format!\n"); exit(1); } std::string basepath = szWorkDirWmo; basepath += "/"; std::string path; StringSet failedPaths; FILE* model_list = fopen((basepath + "temp_gameobject_models").c_str(), "wb"); for (DBCFile::Iterator it = dbc.begin(); it != dbc.end(); ++it) { path = it->getString(1); if (path.length() < 4) { continue; } string name; string ch_ext = GetExtension(path); if (ch_ext.empty()) { continue; } bool result = false; if (ch_ext == "wmo") { name = GetUniformName(path); result = ExtractSingleWmo(path, iCoreNumber, szRawVMAPMagic); } else { result = ExtractSingleModel(path, name, failedPaths, iCoreNumber, szRawVMAPMagic); } if (result && FileExists((basepath + name).c_str())) { uint32 displayId = it->getUInt(0); uint32 path_length = name.length(); fwrite(&displayId, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(&path_length, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(name.c_str(), sizeof(char), path_length, model_list); } } fclose(model_list); if (!failedPaths.empty()) { printf("\n Warning: Some models could not be extracted, see below\n"); for (StringSet::const_iterator itr = failedPaths.begin(); itr != failedPaths.end(); ++itr) { printf(" Could not find file of model %s\n", itr->c_str()); } printf("\n A few of these warnings are expected to happen, so be not alarmed!\n"); } printf("\n Asset Extraction Complete !\n"); }
void ExtractGameobjectModels(char* input_path) { HANDLE localeFile; char localMPQ[512]; sprintf(localMPQ, "%smisc.MPQ", input_path); if (FileExists(localMPQ)==false) { // Use misc.mpq printf(localMPQ, "%s/Data/%s/locale-%s.MPQ", input_path); } if (!SFileOpenArchive(localMPQ, 0, MPQ_OPEN_READ_ONLY, &localeFile)) { exit(1); } printf("Extracting GameObject models..."); DBCFile dbc(localeFile, "DBFilesClient\\GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc"); if(! { printf("Fatal error: Invalid GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc file format!\n"); exit(1); } std::string basepath = szWorkDirWmo; basepath += "/"; std::string path; FILE * model_list = fopen((basepath + "temp_gameobject_models").c_str(), "wb"); for (DBCFile::Iterator it = dbc.begin(); it != dbc.end(); ++it) { path = it->getString(1); if (path.length() < 4) continue; FixNameCase((char*)path.c_str(), path.size()); char * name = GetPlainName((char*)path.c_str()); FixNameSpaces(name, strlen(name)); char * ch_ext = GetExtension(name); if (!ch_ext) continue; strToLower(ch_ext); bool result = false; if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".wmo")) result = ExtractSingleWmo(path); else if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".mdl")) // TODO: extract .mdl files, if needed continue; else //if (!strcmp(ch_ext, ".mdx") || !strcmp(ch_ext, ".m2")) result = ExtractSingleModel(path); if (result) { uint32 displayId = it->getUInt(0); uint32 path_length = strlen(name); fwrite(&displayId, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(&path_length, sizeof(uint32), 1, model_list); fwrite(name, sizeof(char), path_length, model_list); } } fclose(model_list); printf("Done!\n"); }