Game::menu_t Game::ScenarioInfo(void) { Settings & conf = Settings::Get(); AGG::PlayMusic(MUS::MAINMENU); MapsFileInfoList lists; if(!PrepareMapsFileInfoList(lists, (conf.GameType(Game::TYPE_MULTI)))) { Dialog::Message(_("Warning"), _("No maps available!"), Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); return MAINMENU; } menu_t result = QUITGAME; LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); // cursor Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); cursor.Hide(); cursor.SetThemes(cursor.POINTER); Display & display = Display::Get(); Point top, pointDifficultyInfo, pointOpponentInfo, pointClassInfo; Rect rectPanel; Button* buttonSelectMaps = NULL; Button* buttonOk = NULL; Button* buttonCancel = NULL; // vector coord difficulty Rects coordDifficulty; coordDifficulty.reserve(5); const Sprite & ngextra = AGG::GetICN(ICN::NGEXTRA, 62); Dialog::FrameBorder* frameborder = NULL; // image background if(conf.QVGA()) { const u16 window_w = 380; const u16 window_h = 224; frameborder = new Dialog::FrameBorder(); frameborder->SetPosition((display.w() - window_w) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, (display.h() - window_h) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, window_w, window_h); frameborder->Redraw(); rectPanel = frameborder->GetArea(); pointDifficultyInfo = Point(rectPanel.x + 4, rectPanel.y + 24); pointOpponentInfo = Point(rectPanel.x + 4, rectPanel.y + 94); pointClassInfo = Point(rectPanel.x + 4, rectPanel.y + 148); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 1, rectPanel.y + 21, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 78, rectPanel.y + 21, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 154, rectPanel.y + 21, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 231, rectPanel.y + 21, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 308, rectPanel.y + 21, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); buttonOk = new Button(rectPanel.x + rectPanel.w / 2 - 160, rectPanel.y + rectPanel.h - 30, ICN::NGEXTRA, 66, 67); buttonCancel = new Button(rectPanel.x + rectPanel.w / 2 + 60, rectPanel.y + rectPanel.h - 30, ICN::NGEXTRA, 68, 69); const Sprite & background = AGG::GetICN(ICN::STONEBAK, 0); background.Blit(Rect(0, 0, window_w, window_h), rectPanel); Text text; text.Set(conf.CurrentFileInfo().name, Font::BIG); text.Blit(rectPanel.x + (rectPanel.w - text.w()) / 2, rectPanel.y + 5); } else { const Sprite &panel = AGG::GetICN(ICN::NGHSBKG, 0); const Sprite &back = AGG::GetICN(ICN::HEROES, 0); const Point top((display.w() - back.w()) / 2, (display.h() - back.h()) / 2); rectPanel = Rect(top.x + 204, top.y + 32, panel.w(), panel.h()); pointDifficultyInfo = Point(rectPanel.x + 24, rectPanel.y + 93); pointOpponentInfo = Point(rectPanel.x + 24, rectPanel.y + 202); pointClassInfo = Point(rectPanel.x + 24, rectPanel.y + 282); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 21, rectPanel.y + 91, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 98, rectPanel.y + 91, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 174, rectPanel.y + 91, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 251, rectPanel.y + 91, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); coordDifficulty.push_back(Rect(rectPanel.x + 328, rectPanel.y + 91, ngextra.w(), ngextra.h())); buttonSelectMaps = new Button(rectPanel.x + 309, rectPanel.y + 45, ICN::NGEXTRA, 64, 65); buttonOk = new Button(rectPanel.x + 31, rectPanel.y + 380, ICN::NGEXTRA, 66, 67); buttonCancel = new Button(rectPanel.x + 287, rectPanel.y + 380, ICN::NGEXTRA, 68, 69); back.Blit(top); } const bool reset_starting_settings = conf.MapsFile().empty() || ! IsFile(conf.MapsFile()); Players & players = conf.GetPlayers(); Interface::PlayersInfo playersInfo(true, !conf.QVGA(), !conf.QVGA()); // set first maps settings if(reset_starting_settings) conf.SetCurrentFileInfo(lists.front()); playersInfo.UpdateInfo(players, pointOpponentInfo, pointClassInfo); RedrawScenarioStaticInfo(rectPanel); RedrawDifficultyInfo(pointDifficultyInfo, !conf.QVGA()); playersInfo.RedrawInfo(); TextSprite* rating = conf.QVGA() ? NULL : new TextSprite(); if(rating) { rating->SetFont(Font::BIG); rating->SetPos(rectPanel.x + 166, rectPanel.y + 383); RedrawRatingInfo(*rating); } SpriteCursor levelCursor(ngextra); switch(conf.GameDifficulty()) { case Difficulty::EASY: levelCursor.Move(coordDifficulty[0]); break; case Difficulty::NORMAL: levelCursor.Move(coordDifficulty[1]); break; case Difficulty::HARD: levelCursor.Move(coordDifficulty[2]); break; case Difficulty::EXPERT: levelCursor.Move(coordDifficulty[3]); break; case Difficulty::IMPOSSIBLE: levelCursor.Move(coordDifficulty[4]); break; } levelCursor.Show(); if(buttonSelectMaps) buttonSelectMaps->Draw(); buttonOk->Draw(); buttonCancel->Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); while(le.HandleEvents()) { // press button if(buttonSelectMaps) le.MousePressLeft(*buttonSelectMaps) ? buttonSelectMaps->PressDraw() : buttonSelectMaps->ReleaseDraw(); le.MousePressLeft(*buttonOk) ? buttonOk->PressDraw() : buttonOk->ReleaseDraw(); le.MousePressLeft(*buttonCancel) ? buttonCancel->PressDraw() : buttonCancel->ReleaseDraw(); // click select if(buttonSelectMaps && (Game::HotKeyPress(Game::EVENT_BUTTON_SELECT) || le.MouseClickLeft(*buttonSelectMaps))) { const Maps::FileInfo* fi = Dialog::SelectScenario(lists); if(fi) { conf.SetCurrentFileInfo(*fi); playersInfo.UpdateInfo(players, pointOpponentInfo, pointClassInfo); cursor.Hide(); levelCursor.Hide(); RedrawScenarioStaticInfo(rectPanel); RedrawDifficultyInfo(pointDifficultyInfo, !conf.QVGA()); playersInfo.RedrawInfo(); if(rating) RedrawRatingInfo(*rating); // default difficulty normal levelCursor.Move(coordDifficulty[1]); levelCursor.Show(); conf.SetGameDifficulty(Difficulty::NORMAL); buttonOk->Draw(); buttonCancel->Draw(); } cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } else // click cancel if(HotKeyPress(EVENT_DEFAULT_EXIT) || le.MouseClickLeft(*buttonCancel)) { result = MAINMENU; break; } else // click ok if(HotKeyPress(EVENT_DEFAULT_READY) || le.MouseClickLeft(*buttonOk)) { DEBUG(DBG_GAME, DBG_INFO, "select maps: " << conf.MapsFile() << \ ", difficulty: " << Difficulty::String(conf.GameDifficulty())); result = STARTGAME; break; } else if(le.MouseClickLeft(rectPanel)) { const s32 index = coordDifficulty.GetIndex(le.GetMouseCursor()); // select difficulty if(0 <= index) { cursor.Hide(); levelCursor.Move(coordDifficulty[index]); conf.SetGameDifficulty(index); if(rating) RedrawRatingInfo(*rating); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } else // playersInfo if(playersInfo.QueueEventProcessing()) { cursor.Hide(); RedrawScenarioStaticInfo(rectPanel); levelCursor.Redraw(); RedrawDifficultyInfo(pointDifficultyInfo, !conf.QVGA()); playersInfo.RedrawInfo(); if(rating) RedrawRatingInfo(*rating); buttonOk->Draw(); buttonCancel->Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } } if(le.MousePressRight(rectPanel)) { if(buttonSelectMaps && le.MousePressRight(*buttonSelectMaps)) Dialog::Message(_("Scenario"), _("Click here to select which scenario to play."), Font::BIG); else if(0 <= coordDifficulty.GetIndex(le.GetMouseCursor())) Dialog::Message(_("Game Difficulty"), _("This lets you change the starting difficulty at which you will play. Higher difficulty levels start you of with fewer resources, and at the higher settings, give extra resources to the computer."), Font::BIG); else if(rating && le.MousePressRight(rating->GetRect())) Dialog::Message(_("Difficulty Rating"), _("The difficulty rating reflects a combination of various settings for your game. This number will be applied to your final score."), Font::BIG); else if(le.MousePressRight(*buttonOk)) Dialog::Message(_("OK"), _("Click to accept these settings and start a new game."), Font::BIG); else if(le.MousePressRight(*buttonCancel)) Dialog::Message(_("Cancel"), _("Click to return to the main menu."), Font::BIG); else playersInfo.QueueEventProcessing(); } } cursor.Hide(); if(result == STARTGAME) { players.SetStartGame(); if(conf.ExtGameUseFade()) display.Fade(); Game::ShowLoadMapsText(); // Load maps world.LoadMaps(conf.MapsFile()); } if(frameborder) delete frameborder; if(rating) delete rating; if(buttonSelectMaps) delete buttonSelectMaps; delete buttonOk; delete buttonCancel; return result; }
/* readonly: false, fade: false */ Dialog::answer_t Heroes::OpenDialog(bool readonly, bool fade) { if(Settings::Get().QVGA()) return PocketPC::HeroesOpenDialog(*this, readonly); Display & display = Display::Get(); Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); cursor.Hide(); cursor.SetThemes(cursor.POINTER); Dialog::FrameBorder background; background.SetPosition((display.w() - 640 - BORDERWIDTH * 2) / 2, (display.h() - 480 - BORDERWIDTH * 2) / 2, 640, 480); background.Redraw(); const Point cur_pt(background.GetArea().x, background.GetArea().y); Point dst_pt(cur_pt); // fade if(fade && Settings::Get().ExtGameUseFade()) display.Fade(); display.FillRect(0, 0, 0, Rect(dst_pt, 640, 480)); AGG::GetICN(ICN::HEROBKG, 0).Blit(dst_pt); AGG::GetICN(Settings::Get().ExtGameEvilInterface() ? ICN::HEROEXTE : ICN::HEROEXTG, 0).Blit(dst_pt); std::string message; // portrait dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 49; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 31; GetPortrait101x93().Blit(dst_pt, display); // name message = _("%{name} the %{race} ( Level %{level} )"); String::Replace(message, "%{name}", name); String::Replace(message, "%{race}", Race::String(race)); String::Replace(message, "%{level}", GetLevel()); Text text(message, Font::BIG); text.Blit(cur_pt.x + 320 - text.w() / 2, cur_pt.y + 1); // attack text.Set(_("Attack Skill"), Font::SMALL); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 196; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 34; text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); text.Set(GetString(GetAttack()), Font::BIG); dst_pt.y += 70; text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); const Rect rectAttackSkill(cur_pt.x + 156, cur_pt.y + 30, 80, 92); std::string attackDescription(_("Your attack skill is a bonus added to each creature's attack skill.")); message.clear(); GetAttack(&message); if(message.size()) { attackDescription.append("\n \n"); attackDescription.append(_("Current Modifiers:")); attackDescription.append("\n \n"); attackDescription.append(message); } // defense dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 284; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 34; text.Set(_("Defense Skill"), Font::SMALL); text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); dst_pt.y += 70; text.Set(GetString(GetDefense()), Font::BIG); text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); const Rect rectDefenseSkill(cur_pt.x + 156 + 88, cur_pt.y + 30, 80, 92); std::string defenseDescription(_("Your defense skill is a bonus added to each creature's defense skill.")); message.clear(); GetDefense(&message); if(message.size()) { defenseDescription.append("\n \n"); defenseDescription.append(_("Current Modifiers:")); defenseDescription.append("\n \n"); defenseDescription.append(message); } // spell dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 372; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 34; text.Set(_("Spell Power"), Font::SMALL); text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); dst_pt.y += 70; text.Set(GetString(GetPower()), Font::BIG); text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); const Rect rectSpellSkill(cur_pt.x + 156 + 2 * 88, cur_pt.y + 30, 80, 92); std::string powerDescription(_("Your spell power determines the length or power of a spell.")); message.clear(); GetPower(&message); if(message.size()) { powerDescription.append("\n \n"); powerDescription.append(_("Current Modifiers:")); powerDescription.append("\n \n"); powerDescription.append(message); } // knowledge dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 460; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 34; text.Set(_("Knowledge"), Font::SMALL); text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); dst_pt.y += 70; text.Set(GetString(GetKnowledge()), Font::BIG); text.Blit(dst_pt.x - text.w() / 2, dst_pt.y); const Rect rectKnowledgeSkill(cur_pt.x + 156 + 3 * 88, cur_pt.y + 30, 80, 92); std::string knowledgeDescription(_("Your knowledge determines how many spell points your hero may have. Under normal cirumstances, a hero is limited to 10 spell points per level of knowledge.")); message.clear(); GetKnowledge(&message); if(message.size()) { knowledgeDescription.append("\n \n"); knowledgeDescription.append(_("Current Modifiers:")); knowledgeDescription.append("\n \n"); knowledgeDescription.append(message); } // morale dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 514; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 35; MoraleIndicator moraleIndicator(*this); moraleIndicator.SetPos(dst_pt); moraleIndicator.Redraw(); // luck dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 552; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 35; LuckIndicator luckIndicator(*this); luckIndicator.SetPos(dst_pt); luckIndicator.Redraw(); // army format spread dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 515; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 63; const Sprite & sprite1 = AGG::GetICN(ICN::HSICONS, 9); sprite1.Blit(dst_pt); const Rect rectSpreadArmyFormat(dst_pt, sprite1.w(), sprite1.h()); const std::string descriptionSpreadArmyFormat = _("'Spread' combat formation spreads your armies from the top to the bottom of the battlefield, with at least one empty space between each army."); const Point army1_pt(dst_pt.x - 1, dst_pt.y - 1); // army format grouped dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 552; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 63; const Sprite & sprite2 = AGG::GetICN(ICN::HSICONS, 10); sprite2.Blit(dst_pt); const Rect rectGroupedArmyFormat(dst_pt, sprite2.w(), sprite2.h()); const std::string descriptionGroupedArmyFormat = _("'Grouped' combat formation bunches your army together in the center of your side of the battlefield."); const Point army2_pt(dst_pt.x - 1, dst_pt.y - 1); // cursor format SpriteCursor cursorFormat(AGG::GetICN(ICN::HSICONS, 11), Army::FORMAT_SPREAD == army.GetCombatFormat() ? army1_pt : army2_pt); cursorFormat.Show(Army::FORMAT_SPREAD == army.GetCombatFormat() ? army1_pt : army2_pt); // experience ExperienceIndicator experienceInfo(*this); experienceInfo.SetPos(Point(cur_pt.x + 514, cur_pt.y + 85)); experienceInfo.Redraw(); // spell points SpellPointsIndicator spellPointsInfo(*this); spellPointsInfo.SetPos(Point(cur_pt.x + 549, cur_pt.y + 87)); spellPointsInfo.Redraw(); // crest dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 49; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 130; AGG::GetICN(ICN::CREST, Color::NONE == color ? Color::GetIndex(Settings::Get().CurrentColor()) : Color::GetIndex(color)).Blit(dst_pt); // monster dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 156; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 130; SelectArmyBar selectArmy; selectArmy.SetArmy(army); selectArmy.SetPos(dst_pt); selectArmy.SetInterval(6); selectArmy.SetBackgroundSprite(AGG::GetICN(ICN::STRIP, 2)); selectArmy.SetCursorSprite(AGG::GetICN(ICN::STRIP, 1)); selectArmy.SetSaveLastTroop(); if(readonly) selectArmy.SetReadOnly(); const Castle* castle = inCastle(); if(castle) selectArmy.SetCastle(*castle); selectArmy.Redraw(); // secskill SecondarySkillBar secskill_bar; secskill_bar.SetPos(cur_pt.x + 3, cur_pt.y + 233); secskill_bar.SetInterval(5); secskill_bar.SetSkills(secondary_skills); secskill_bar.Redraw(); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 51; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 308; SelectArtifactsBar selectArtifacts(*this); selectArtifacts.SetPos(dst_pt); selectArtifacts.SetInterval(15); selectArtifacts.SetBackgroundSprite(AGG::GetICN(ICN::ARTIFACT, 0)); selectArtifacts.SetCursorSprite(AGG::GetICN(ICN::NGEXTRA, 62)); if(readonly) selectArtifacts.SetReadOnly(); selectArtifacts.Redraw(); // bottom small bar dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 22; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 460; const Sprite & bar = AGG::GetICN(ICN::HSBTNS, 8); bar.Blit(dst_pt); StatusBar statusBar; statusBar.SetCenter(dst_pt.x + bar.w() / 2, dst_pt.y + 11); // button prev dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 1; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 480 - 20; Button buttonPrevHero(dst_pt, ICN::HSBTNS, 4, 5); // button next dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 640 - 23; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 480 - 20; Button buttonNextHero(dst_pt, ICN::HSBTNS, 6, 7); // button dismiss dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 5; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 318; Button buttonDismiss(dst_pt, ICN::HSBTNS, 0, 1); // button exit dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 603; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 318; Button buttonExit(dst_pt, ICN::HSBTNS, 2, 3); LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); if(castle || readonly || Modes(NOTDISMISS)) { buttonDismiss.Press(); buttonDismiss.SetDisable(true); } if(readonly || 2 > world.GetKingdom(GetColor()).GetHeroes().size()) { buttonNextHero.Press(); buttonPrevHero.Press(); buttonNextHero.SetDisable(true); buttonPrevHero.SetDisable(true); } buttonPrevHero.Draw(); buttonNextHero.Draw(); buttonDismiss.Draw(); buttonExit.Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); bool redrawMorale = false; bool redrawLuck = false; // dialog menu loop while(le.HandleEvents()) { if(redrawMorale) { cursor.Hide(); moraleIndicator.Redraw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); redrawMorale = false; } if(redrawLuck) { cursor.Hide(); luckIndicator.Redraw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); redrawLuck = false; } // exit if(le.MouseClickLeft(buttonExit) || Game::HotKeyPress(Game::EVENT_DEFAULT_EXIT)) return Dialog::CANCEL; // heroes troops if(le.MouseCursor(selectArmy.GetArea())) { if(SelectArmyBar::QueueEventProcessing(selectArmy)) { redrawMorale = true; redrawLuck = true; } } if(le.MouseCursor(selectArtifacts.GetArea())) { SelectArtifactsBar::QueueEventProcessing(selectArtifacts); { redrawMorale = true; redrawLuck = true; } } // button click le.MousePressLeft(buttonExit) ? buttonExit.PressDraw() : buttonExit.ReleaseDraw(); if(buttonDismiss.isEnable()) le.MousePressLeft(buttonDismiss) ? buttonDismiss.PressDraw() : buttonDismiss.ReleaseDraw(); if(buttonPrevHero.isEnable()) le.MousePressLeft(buttonPrevHero) ? buttonPrevHero.PressDraw() : buttonPrevHero.ReleaseDraw(); if(buttonNextHero.isEnable()) le.MousePressLeft(buttonNextHero) ? buttonNextHero.PressDraw() : buttonNextHero.ReleaseDraw(); // prev hero if(buttonPrevHero.isEnable() && le.MouseClickLeft(buttonPrevHero)){ return Dialog::PREV; } // next hero if(buttonNextHero.isEnable() && le.MouseClickLeft(buttonNextHero)){ return Dialog::NEXT; } // dismiss if(buttonDismiss.isEnable() && le.MouseClickLeft(buttonDismiss) && Dialog::YES == Dialog::Message(GetName(), _("Are you sure you want to dismiss this Hero?"), Font::BIG, Dialog::YES | Dialog::NO)) { return Dialog::DISMISS; } if(le.MouseCursor(moraleIndicator.GetArea())) MoraleIndicator::QueueEventProcessing(moraleIndicator); else if(le.MouseCursor(luckIndicator.GetArea())) LuckIndicator::QueueEventProcessing(luckIndicator); else if(le.MouseCursor(experienceInfo.GetArea())) experienceInfo.QueueEventProcessing(); else if(le.MouseCursor(spellPointsInfo.GetArea())) spellPointsInfo.QueueEventProcessing(); // left click info if(le.MouseClickLeft(rectAttackSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Attack Skill"), attackDescription, Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); else if(le.MouseClickLeft(rectDefenseSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Defense Skill"), defenseDescription, Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); else if(le.MouseClickLeft(rectSpellSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Spell Power"), powerDescription, Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); else if(le.MouseClickLeft(rectKnowledgeSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Knowledge"), knowledgeDescription, Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); else if(!readonly && le.MouseClickLeft(rectSpreadArmyFormat) && Army::FORMAT_SPREAD != army.GetCombatFormat()) { cursor.Hide(); cursorFormat.Move(army1_pt); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); army.SetCombatFormat(Army::FORMAT_SPREAD); #ifdef WITH_NET FH2LocalClient::SendArmyCombatFormation(army); #endif } else if(!readonly && le.MouseClickLeft(rectGroupedArmyFormat) && Army::FORMAT_SPREAD == army.GetCombatFormat()) { cursor.Hide(); cursorFormat.Move(army2_pt); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); army.SetCombatFormat(Army::FORMAT_GROUPED); #ifdef WITH_NET FH2LocalClient::SendArmyCombatFormation(army); #endif } if(le.MouseCursor(secskill_bar.GetArea())) secskill_bar.QueueEventProcessing(); // right info if(le.MousePressRight(rectAttackSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Attack Skill"), attackDescription, Font::BIG); else if(le.MousePressRight(rectDefenseSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Defense Skill"), defenseDescription, Font::BIG); else if(le.MousePressRight(rectSpellSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Spell Power"), powerDescription, Font::BIG); else if(le.MousePressRight(rectKnowledgeSkill)) Dialog::Message(_("Knowledge"), knowledgeDescription, Font::BIG); else if(le.MousePressRight(rectSpreadArmyFormat)) Dialog::Message(_("Spread Formation"), descriptionSpreadArmyFormat, Font::BIG); else if(le.MousePressRight(rectGroupedArmyFormat)) Dialog::Message(_("Grouped Formation"), descriptionGroupedArmyFormat, Font::BIG); // status message if(le.MouseCursor(rectAttackSkill)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Attack Skill Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(rectDefenseSkill)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Defense Skill Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(rectSpellSkill)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Spell Power Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(rectKnowledgeSkill)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Knowledge Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(moraleIndicator.GetArea())) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Morale Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(luckIndicator.GetArea())) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Luck Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(experienceInfo.GetArea())) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Experience Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(spellPointsInfo.GetArea())) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("View Spell Points Info")); else if(le.MouseCursor(rectSpreadArmyFormat)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Set army combat formation to 'Spread'")); else if(le.MouseCursor(rectGroupedArmyFormat)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Set army combat formation to 'Grouped'")); else if(le.MouseCursor(buttonExit)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Exit hero")); else if(le.MouseCursor(buttonDismiss)) { if(Modes(NOTDISMISS)) statusBar.ShowMessage("Dismiss disabled, see game info"); else statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Dismiss hero")); } else if(le.MouseCursor(buttonPrevHero)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Show prev heroes")); else if(le.MouseCursor(buttonNextHero)) statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Show next heroes")); else // status message over artifact if(le.MouseCursor(selectArtifacts.GetArea())) { const s8 index = selectArtifacts.GetIndexFromCoord(le.GetMouseCursor()); if(0 <= index && index < HEROESMAXARTIFACT && bag_artifacts[index] != Artifact::UNKNOWN) { message = _("View %{art} Info"); String::Replace(message, "%{art}", bag_artifacts[index].GetName()); statusBar.ShowMessage(message); } else statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Hero Screen")); } else // status message over skill if(le.MouseCursor(secskill_bar.GetArea())) { const u8 ii = secskill_bar.GetIndexFromCoord(le.GetMouseCursor()); if(ii < secondary_skills.size()) { const Skill::Secondary & skill = secondary_skills[ii]; if(skill.isValid()) { message = _("View %{skill} Info"); String::Replace(message, "%{skill}", skill.GetName()); statusBar.ShowMessage(message); } else statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Hero Screen")); } else statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Hero Screen")); } else // status message over troops if(le.MouseCursor(selectArmy.GetArea())) { const s8 index1 = selectArmy.GetIndexFromCoord(le.GetMouseCursor()); if(0 <= index1) { const Army::Troop & troop1 = army.At(index1); const std::string & monster1 = troop1.GetName(); if(selectArmy.isSelected()) { const u8 index2 = selectArmy.Selected(); const Army::Troop & troop2 = army.At(index2); const std::string & monster2 = troop2.GetName(); if(index1 == index2) { message = _("View %{monster}"); String::Replace(message, "%{monster}", monster1); } else if(troop1.isValid() && troop2.isValid()) { message = troop1() == troop2() ? _("Combine %{monster1} armies") : _("Exchange %{monster2} with %{monster1}"); String::Replace(message, "%{monster1}", monster1); String::Replace(message, "%{monster2}", monster2); } else { message = _("Move and right click Redistribute %{monster}"); String::Replace(message, "%{monster}", monster2); } } else if(troop1.isValid()) { message = _("Select %{monster}"); String::Replace(message, "%{monster}", monster1); } else message = _("Empty"); statusBar.ShowMessage(message); } else statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Hero Screen")); } else // clear all statusBar.ShowMessage(_("Hero Screen")); } return Dialog::ZERO; }
void PocketPC::ThievesGuild(bool oracle) { Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); Display & display = Display::Get(); LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); cursor.Hide(); cursor.SetThemes(cursor.POINTER); const u16 window_w = 320; const u16 window_h = 224; Dialog::FrameBorder frameborder; frameborder.SetPosition((display.w() - window_w) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, (display.h() - window_h) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, window_w, window_h); frameborder.Redraw(); const Rect & dst_rt = frameborder.GetArea(); const Sprite & background = AGG::GetICN(ICN::STONEBAK, 0); background.Blit(Rect(0, 0, window_w, window_h), dst_rt); const Point & cur_pt = dst_rt; Point dst_pt(cur_pt); const u8 count = oracle ? 0xFF : world.GetKingdom(Settings::Get().CurrentColor()).GetCountBuilding(BUILD_THIEVESGUILD); std::vector<ValueColors> v; v.reserve(KINGDOMMAX); const Colors colors(Game::GetActualKingdomColors()); u16 textx = 115; u16 startx = 120; u16 maxw = 200; Text text; text.Set(Font::SMALL); // head 1 u8 ii = 0; for(ii = 0; ii < colors.size(); ++ii) { switch(ii+1) { case 1: text.Set(_("1st")); break; case 2: text.Set(_("2nd")); break; case 3: text.Set(_("3rd")); break; case 4: text.Set(_("4th")); break; case 5: text.Set(_("5th")); break; case 6: text.Set(_("6th")); break; default: break; } dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx + maxw / (colors.size() * 2) + ii * maxw / colors.size() - text.w() / 2; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 25; text.Blit(dst_pt); } // button exit const Rect rectExit(dst_rt.x + dst_rt.w - 26, dst_rt.y + 7, 25, 25); AGG::GetICN(ICN::TOWNWIND, 12).Blit(rectExit.x, rectExit.y); text.Set(_("Number of Towns:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 35; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetTownsInfo(v, colors); DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Number of Castles:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 47; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetCastlesInfo(v, colors); DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Number of Heroes:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 59; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetHeroesInfo(v, colors); DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Gold in Treasury:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 71; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetGoldsInfo(v, colors); if(1 < count) DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Wood & Ore:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 83; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetWoodOreInfo(v, colors); if(1 < count) DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Gems, Cr, Slf & Mer:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 95; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetGemsCrSlfMerInfo(v, colors); if(1 < count) DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Obelisks Found:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 107; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetObelisksInfo(v, colors); if(2 < count) DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Total Army Strength:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 119; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetArmyInfo(v, colors); if(3 < count) DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); text.Set(_("Income:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 131; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetIncomesInfo(v, colors); if(4 < count) DrawFlags(v, dst_pt, maxw, colors.size()); textx = 75; startx = 80; maxw = 240; // head 2 ii = 0; for(Colors::const_iterator color = colors.begin(); color != colors.end(); ++color) { text.Set(Color::String(*color), Font::SMALL); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx + maxw / (colors.size() * 2) + ii * maxw / colors.size() - text.w() / 2; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 145; text.Blit(dst_pt); ++ii; } text.Set(_("Best Hero:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 160; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; GetBestHeroArmyInfo(v, colors); DrawHeroIcons(v, dst_pt, maxw); text.Set(_("Best Hero Stats:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 200; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; //GetBestHeroStatsInfo(v); //if(1 < count) DrawHeroIcons(v, dst_pt, maxw); /* text.Set(_("Personality:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 388; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; //GetPersonalityInfo(v); //if(2 < count) DrawHeroIcons(v, dst_pt, maxw); text.Set(_("Best Monster:")); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + textx - text.w(); dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 429; text.Blit(dst_pt); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + startx; //GetBestMonsterInfo(v); //if(3 < count) DrawHeroIcons(v, dst_pt, maxw); //buttonExit.Draw(); */ cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); // message loop while(le.HandleEvents()) { if(le.MouseClickLeft(rectExit) || HotKeyCloseWindow) break; } }
bool ActionSpellTownPortal(Heroes & hero) { const Kingdom & kingdom = world.GetKingdom(hero.GetColor()); std::vector<s32> castles; Display & display = Display::Get(); Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); cursor.Hide(); cursor.SetThemes(cursor.POINTER); for(KingdomCastles::const_iterator it = kingdom.GetCastles().begin(); it != kingdom.GetCastles().end(); ++it) if(*it && !(*it)->GetHeroes().Guest()) castles.push_back((**it).GetIndex()); if(castles.empty()) { Dialog::Message("", _("No avaialble town. Spell Failed!!!"), Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); return false; } const u16 window_w = 280; const u16 window_h = 200; Dialog::FrameBorder* frameborder = new Dialog::FrameBorder(); frameborder->SetPosition((display.w() - window_w) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, (display.h() - window_h) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, window_w, window_h); frameborder->Redraw(); const Rect & area = frameborder->GetArea(); const Sprite & background = AGG::GetICN(ICN::STONEBAK, 0); background.Blit(Rect(0, 0, window_w, window_h), area); u16 result = Dialog::ZERO; CastleIndexListBox listbox(area, result); listbox.RedrawBackground(area); listbox.SetScrollButtonUp(ICN::LISTBOX, 3, 4, Point(area.x + 256, area.y + 55)); listbox.SetScrollButtonDn(ICN::LISTBOX, 5, 6, Point(area.x + 256, area.y + 145)); listbox.SetScrollSplitter(AGG::GetICN(ICN::LISTBOX, 10), Rect(area.x + 261, area.y + 78, 14, 64)); listbox.SetAreaMaxItems(5); listbox.SetAreaItems(Rect(area.x + 10, area.y + 60, 250, 100)); listbox.SetListContent(castles); listbox.Redraw(); ButtonGroups btnGroups(area, Dialog::OK|Dialog::CANCEL); btnGroups.Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); while(result == Dialog::ZERO && le.HandleEvents()) { result = btnGroups.QueueEventProcessing(); listbox.QueueEventProcessing(); if(!cursor.isVisible()) { listbox.Redraw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } } delete frameborder; // store if(result == Dialog::OK) return HeroesTownGate(hero, world.GetCastle(listbox.GetCurrent())); return false; }
void Dialog::ExtSettings(bool readonly) { Display & display = Display::Get(); const Settings & conf = Settings::Get(); // cursor Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); cursor.Hide(); cursor.SetThemes(cursor.POINTER); const u16 window_w = 320; const u16 window_h = conf.QVGA() ? 224 : 400; Dialog::FrameBorder frameborder; frameborder.SetPosition((display.w() - window_w) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, (display.h() - window_h) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, window_w, window_h); frameborder.Redraw(); const Rect & area = frameborder.GetArea(); const Sprite & background = AGG::GetICN(ICN::STONEBAK, 0); background.Blit(Rect(0, 0, window_w, window_h), area); Text text("FHeroes2 Settings", Font::YELLOW_BIG); text.Blit(area.x + (area.w - text.w()) / 2, area.y + 6); std::vector<u32> states; states.reserve(64); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_SAVE_REWRITE_CONFIRM); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_ALSO_CONFIRM_AUTOSAVE); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_REMEMBER_LAST_FOCUS); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_SHOW_SYSTEM_INFO); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_EVIL_INTERFACE); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_BATTLE_SHOW_GRID); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_BATTLE_SHOW_MOUSE_SHADOW); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_BATTLE_SHOW_MOVE_SHADOW); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_BATTLE_SHOW_DAMAGE); if(! conf.QVGA()) { states.push_back(Settings::GAME_CASTLE_FLASH_BUILDING); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_HIDE_INTERFACE); } if(!conf.PocketPC()) states.push_back(Settings::GAME_DYNAMIC_INTERFACE); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_AUTOSAVE_ON); states.push_back(Settings::GAME_AUTOSAVE_BEGIN_DAY); if(conf.VideoMode().w == 640 && conf.VideoMode().h == 480) states.push_back(Settings::GAME_USE_FADE); #ifdef BUILD_RELEASE states.push_back(Settings::GAME_SHOW_SDL_LOGO); #endif states.push_back(Settings::GAME_CONTINUE_AFTER_VICTORY); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_SHOW_VISITED_CONTENT); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_ABANDONED_MINE_RANDOM); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_SAVE_MONSTER_BATTLE); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_ALLOW_SET_GUARDIAN); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_GUARDIAN_TWO_DEFENSE); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_EXT_OBJECTS_CAPTURED); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_NOREQ_FOR_ARTIFACTS); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_SCOUTING_EXTENDED); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_ARTSPRING_SEPARATELY_VISIT); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_ARTIFACT_CRYSTAL_BALL); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_ONLY_FIRST_MONSTER_ATTACK); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_EYE_EAGLE_AS_SCHOLAR); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_BAN_WEEKOF); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_NEW_VERSION_WEEKOF); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_BAN_PLAGUES); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_BAN_MONTHOF_MONSTERS); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_STARTHERO_LOSSCOND4HUMANS); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_1HERO_HIRED_EVERY_WEEK); states.push_back(Settings::CASTLE_1HERO_HIRED_EVERY_WEEK); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_DWELLING_ACCUMULATE_UNITS); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_USE_UNIQUE_ARTIFACTS_ML); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_USE_UNIQUE_ARTIFACTS_RS); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_USE_UNIQUE_ARTIFACTS_PS); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_USE_UNIQUE_ARTIFACTS_SS); states.push_back(Settings::WORLD_DISABLE_BARROW_MOUNDS); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_BUY_BOOK_FROM_SHRINES); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_LEARN_SPELLS_WITH_DAY); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_COST_DEPENDED_FROM_LEVEL); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_REMEMBER_POINTS_RETREAT); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_SURRENDERING_GIVE_EXP); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_RECALCULATE_MOVEMENT); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_PATROL_ALLOW_PICKUP); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_AUTO_MOVE_BATTLE_DST); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_TRANSCRIBING_SCROLLS); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_ALLOW_BANNED_SECSKILLS); states.push_back(Settings::HEROES_ARENA_ANY_SKILLS); if(! conf.QVGA()) states.push_back(Settings::CASTLE_ALLOW_BUY_FROM_WELL); states.push_back(Settings::CASTLE_ALLOW_GUARDIANS); states.push_back(Settings::CASTLE_MAGEGUILD_POINTS_TURN); states.push_back(Settings::CASTLE_ALLOW_RECRUITS_SPECIAL); states.push_back(Settings::UNIONS_ALLOW_HERO_MEETINGS); states.push_back(Settings::UNIONS_ALLOW_CASTLE_VISITING); states.push_back(Settings::BATTLE_SOFT_WAITING); states.push_back(Settings::BATTLE_OBJECTS_ARCHERS_PENALTY); states.push_back(Settings::BATTLE_MERGE_ARMIES); states.push_back(Settings::BATTLE_ARCHMAGE_RESIST_BAD_SPELL); states.push_back(Settings::BATTLE_MAGIC_TROOP_RESIST); states.push_back(Settings::BATTLE_SKIP_INCREASE_DEFENSE); states.push_back(Settings::BATTLE_REVERSE_WAIT_ORDER); if(conf.PocketPC()) { states.push_back(Settings::POCKETPC_HIDE_CURSOR); states.push_back(Settings::POCKETPC_TAP_MODE); states.push_back(Settings::POCKETPC_LOW_MEMORY); states.push_back(Settings::POCKETPC_DRAG_DROP_SCROLL); #ifdef __PLAYBOOK__ states.push_back(Settings::POCKETPC_LOW_RESOLUTION); #endif } SettingsListBox listbox(area, readonly); const u16 ah = window_h - 60; listbox.RedrawBackground(area); listbox.SetScrollButtonUp(ICN::DROPLISL, 6, 7, Point(area.x + 295, area.y + 25)); listbox.SetScrollButtonDn(ICN::DROPLISL, 8, 9, Point(area.x + 295, area.y + ah + 5)); listbox.SetScrollSplitter(AGG::GetICN(ICN::DROPLISL, 13), Rect(area.x + 300, area.y + 49, 12, ah - 43)); listbox.SetAreaMaxItems(ah / 40); listbox.SetAreaItems(Rect(area.x + 10, area.y + 30, 290, ah + 5)); listbox.SetListContent(states); listbox.Redraw(); LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); ButtonGroups btnGroups(area, Dialog::OK|Dialog::CANCEL); btnGroups.Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); // message loop u16 result = Dialog::ZERO; while(result == Dialog::ZERO && le.HandleEvents()) { result = btnGroups.QueueEventProcessing(); listbox.QueueEventProcessing(); if(!cursor.isVisible()) { listbox.Redraw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } } // store if(result == Dialog::OK) { le.SetTapMode(conf.ExtPocketTapMode()); Settings::Get().BinarySave(); } }
void Castle::OpenMageGuild(void) { Display & display = Display::Get(); // cursor Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); cursor.Hide(); Dialog::FrameBorder frameborder; frameborder.SetPosition((display.w() - 640 - BORDERWIDTH * 2) / 2, (display.h() - 480 - BORDERWIDTH * 2) / 2, 640, 480); frameborder.Redraw(); const Point cur_pt(frameborder.GetArea().x, frameborder.GetArea().y); Point dst_pt(cur_pt); AGG::GetICN(ICN::STONEBAK, 0).Blit(dst_pt); std::string message; Text text; // bar dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 461; AGG::GetICN(ICN::WELLXTRA, 2).Blit(dst_pt); // text bar text.Set(_("The above spells have been added to your book."), Font::BIG); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 280 - text.w() / 2; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 461; text.Blit(dst_pt); const u8 level = GetLevelMageGuild(); // sprite ICN::icn_t icn = ICN::UNKNOWN; switch(race) { case Race::KNGT: icn = ICN::MAGEGLDK; break; case Race::BARB: icn = ICN::MAGEGLDB; break; case Race::SORC: icn = ICN::MAGEGLDS; break; case Race::WRLK: icn = ICN::MAGEGLDW; break; case Race::WZRD: icn = ICN::MAGEGLDZ; break; case Race::NECR: icn = ICN::MAGEGLDN; break; default: break; } const Sprite & sprite = AGG::GetICN(icn, level - 1); dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 90 - sprite.w() / 2; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 290 - sprite.h(); sprite.Blit(dst_pt); RowSpells spells5(Point(cur_pt.x + 250, cur_pt.y + 5), *this, 5); RowSpells spells4(Point(cur_pt.x + 250, cur_pt.y + 95), *this, 4); RowSpells spells3(Point(cur_pt.x + 250, cur_pt.y + 185), *this, 3); RowSpells spells2(Point(cur_pt.x + 250, cur_pt.y + 275), *this, 2); RowSpells spells1(Point(cur_pt.x + 250, cur_pt.y + 365), *this, 1); spells1.Redraw(); spells2.Redraw(); spells3.Redraw(); spells4.Redraw(); spells5.Redraw(); // button exit dst_pt.x = cur_pt.x + 578; dst_pt.y = cur_pt.y + 461; Button buttonExit(dst_pt, ICN::WELLXTRA, 0, 1); buttonExit.Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); // message loop while(le.HandleEvents()) { le.MousePressLeft(buttonExit) ? buttonExit.PressDraw() : buttonExit.ReleaseDraw(); if(le.MouseClickLeft(buttonExit) || HotKeyCloseWindow) break; if(spells1.QueueEventProcessing() || spells2.QueueEventProcessing() || spells3.QueueEventProcessing() || spells4.QueueEventProcessing() || spells5.QueueEventProcessing()); } }
void Dialog::MakeGiftResource(void) { Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); Display & display = Display::Get(); LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); const Settings & conf = Settings::Get(); cursor.Hide(); cursor.SetThemes(cursor.POINTER); const u16 window_w = 320; const u16 window_h = 224; Dialog::FrameBorder frameborder; frameborder.SetPosition((display.w() - window_w) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, (display.h() - window_h) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, window_w, window_h); frameborder.Redraw(); const Rect & box = frameborder.GetArea(); const Sprite & background = AGG::GetICN(ICN::STONEBAK, 0); background.Blit(Rect(0, 0, window_w, window_h), box); Kingdom & myKingdom = world.GetKingdom(conf.CurrentColor()); Funds funds1(myKingdom.GetFunds()); Funds funds2; Text text; text.Set("Select Recipients"); text.Blit(box.x + (box.w - text.w()) / 2, box.y + 5); SelectRecipientsColors selector(Point(box.x + 65, box.y + 28)); selector.Redraw(); text.Set("Your Funds"); text.Blit(box.x + (box.w - text.w()) / 2, box.y + 55); ResourceBar info1(funds1, box.x + 25, box.y + 80); info1.Redraw(); text.Set("Planned Gift"); text.Blit(box.x + (box.w - text.w()) / 2, box.y + 125); ResourceBar info2(funds2, box.x + 25, box.y + 150); info2.Redraw(); ButtonGroups btnGroups(box, Dialog::OK|Dialog::CANCEL); btnGroups.DisableButton1(true); btnGroups.Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); u8 count = Color::Count(selector.recipients); // message loop u16 result = Dialog::ZERO; while(result == Dialog::ZERO && le.HandleEvents()) { if(selector.QueueEventProcessing()) { u8 new_count = Color::Count(selector.recipients); cursor.Hide(); btnGroups.DisableButton1(0 == new_count || 0 == funds2.GetValidItems()); if(count != new_count) { funds1 = myKingdom.GetFunds(); funds2.Reset(); info1.Redraw(); info2.Redraw(); count = new_count; } btnGroups.Draw(); selector.Redraw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } else if(info2.QueueEventProcessing(funds1, count)) { cursor.Hide(); btnGroups.DisableButton1(0 == Color::Count(selector.recipients) || 0 == funds2.GetValidItems()); info1.Redraw(); info2.Redraw(); btnGroups.Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } result = btnGroups.QueueEventProcessing(); } if(Dialog::OK == result) { EventDate event; event.resource = funds2; = true; event.first = world.CountDay() + 1; event.subsequent = 0; event.colors = selector.recipients; event.message = "Gift from %{name}"; const Player* player = Settings::Get().GetPlayers().GetCurrent(); if(player) String::Replace(event.message, "%{name}", player->name); world.AddEventDate(event); if(1 < count) funds2 *= count; myKingdom.OddFundsResource(funds2); } }
Dialog::answer_t PocketPC::HeroesOpenDialog(Heroes & hero, bool readonly) { Cursor & cursor = Cursor::Get(); Display & display = Display::Get(); LocalEvent & le = LocalEvent::Get(); cursor.Hide(); cursor.SetThemes(cursor.POINTER); const u16 window_w = 320; const u16 window_h = 224; Dialog::FrameBorder frameborder; frameborder.SetPosition((display.w() - window_w) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, (display.h() - window_h) / 2 - BORDERWIDTH, window_w, window_h); frameborder.Redraw(); const Rect & dst_rt = frameborder.GetArea(); const Sprite & background = AGG::GetICN(ICN::STONEBAK, 0); const Sprite & backSprite = AGG::GetICN(ICN::SWAPWIN, 0); display.Blit(background, Rect(0, 0, window_w, window_h), dst_rt); // portrait display.Blit(AGG::GetICN(ICN::BRCREST, 6), dst_rt.x + 8, dst_rt.y); display.Blit(hero.GetPortrait50x46(), dst_rt.x + 12, dst_rt.y + 4); // name std::string message = _("%{name} the %{race} ( Level %{level} )"); String::Replace(message, "%{name}", hero.GetName()); String::Replace(message, "%{race}", Race::String(hero.GetRace())); String::Replace(message, "%{level}", hero.GetLevel()); Text text(message, Font::SMALL); text.Blit(dst_rt.x + 73, dst_rt.y + 1); // experience ExperienceIndicator experienceInfo(hero); experienceInfo.SetPos(Point(dst_rt.x + 205, dst_rt.y + 14)); experienceInfo.Redraw(); // spell points SpellPointsIndicator spellPointsInfo(hero); spellPointsInfo.SetPos(Point(dst_rt.x + 238, dst_rt.y + 16)); spellPointsInfo.Redraw(); // morale MoraleIndicator moraleIndicator(hero); moraleIndicator.SetPos(Point(dst_rt.x + 280, dst_rt.y + 20)); moraleIndicator.Redraw(); // luck LuckIndicator luckIndicator(hero); luckIndicator.SetPos(Point(dst_rt.x + 280, dst_rt.y + 60)); luckIndicator.Redraw(); // prim skill const Rect ras(dst_rt.x + 74, dst_rt.y + 14, 34, 34); display.Blit(backSprite, Rect(216, 51, ras.w, ras.h), ras); message.clear(); String::AddInt(message, hero.GetAttack()); text.Set(message); text.Blit(dst_rt.x + 74 + (34 - text.w()) / 2, dst_rt.y + 47); const Rect rds(dst_rt.x + 107, dst_rt.y + 14, 34, 34); display.Blit(backSprite, Rect(216, 84, rds.w, rds.h), rds); message.clear(); String::AddInt(message, hero.GetDefense()); text.Set(message); text.Blit(dst_rt.x + 107 + (34 - text.w()) / 2, dst_rt.y + 47); const Rect rps(dst_rt.x + 140, dst_rt.y + 14, 34, 34); display.Blit(backSprite, Rect(216, 117, rps.w, rps.h), rps); message.clear(); String::AddInt(message, hero.GetPower()); text.Set(message); text.Blit(dst_rt.x + 140 + (34 - text.w()) / 2, dst_rt.y + 47); const Rect rks(dst_rt.x + 173, dst_rt.y + 14, 34, 34); display.Blit(backSprite, Rect(216, 150, rks.w, rks.h), rks); message.clear(); String::AddInt(message, hero.GetKnowledge()); text.Set(message); text.Blit(dst_rt.x + 173 + (34 - text.w()) / 2, dst_rt.y + 47); // sec skill display.Blit(backSprite, Rect(21, 198, 267, 36), dst_rt.x + 7, dst_rt.y + 57); // secondary skill SecondarySkillBar secskill_bar; secskill_bar.SetPos(dst_rt.x + 9, dst_rt.y + 59); secskill_bar.SetUseMiniSprite(); secskill_bar.SetInterval(1); secskill_bar.SetSkills(hero.GetSecondarySkills()); secskill_bar.Redraw(); // army bar const Rect rt1(36, 267, 43, 53); Surface sfb1(rt1.w, rt1.h); sfb1.Blit(backSprite, rt1, 0, 0); Surface sfc1(rt1.w, rt1.h - 10); Cursor::DrawCursor(sfc1, 0xd6, true); SelectArmyBar selectArmy; selectArmy.SetArmy(hero.GetArmy()); selectArmy.SetPos(dst_rt.x + 50, dst_rt.y + 170); selectArmy.SetInterval(2); selectArmy.SetBackgroundSprite(sfb1); selectArmy.SetCursorSprite(sfc1); selectArmy.SetUseMons32Sprite(); selectArmy.SetSaveLastTroop(); if(readonly) selectArmy.SetReadOnly(); const Castle* castle = hero.inCastle(); if(castle) selectArmy.SetCastle(*castle); selectArmy.Redraw(); // art bar const Rect rt2(23, 347, 34, 34); Surface sfb2(rt2.w, rt2.h); sfb2.Blit(backSprite, rt2, 0, 0); Surface sfc2(rt2.w, rt2.h); Cursor::DrawCursor(sfc2, 0xd6, true); SelectArtifactsBar selectArtifacts(hero); selectArtifacts.SetPos(dst_rt.x + 37, dst_rt.y + 95); selectArtifacts.SetInterval(2); selectArtifacts.SetBackgroundSprite(sfb2); selectArtifacts.SetCursorSprite(sfc2); selectArtifacts.SetUseArts32Sprite(); if(readonly) selectArtifacts.SetReadOnly(); selectArtifacts.Redraw(); Button buttonDismiss(dst_rt.x + dst_rt.w / 2 - 160, dst_rt.y + dst_rt.h - 125, ICN::HSBTNS, 0, 1); Button buttonExit(dst_rt.x + dst_rt.w / 2 + 130, dst_rt.y + dst_rt.h - 125, ICN::HSBTNS, 2, 3); Button buttonPrev(dst_rt.x + 34, dst_rt.y + 200, ICN::TRADPOST, 3, 4); Button buttonNext(dst_rt.x + 275, dst_rt.y + 200, ICN::TRADPOST, 5, 6); if(castle || readonly) { buttonDismiss.Press(); buttonDismiss.SetDisable(true); } if(readonly || 2 > world.GetMyKingdom().GetHeroes().size()) { buttonNext.Press(); buttonPrev.Press(); buttonNext.SetDisable(true); buttonPrev.SetDisable(true); } buttonDismiss.Draw(); buttonExit.Draw(); buttonNext.Draw(); buttonPrev.Draw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); while(le.HandleEvents()) { le.MousePressLeft(buttonNext) ? buttonNext.PressDraw() : buttonNext.ReleaseDraw(); le.MousePressLeft(buttonPrev) ? buttonPrev.PressDraw() : buttonPrev.ReleaseDraw(); le.MousePressLeft(buttonExit) ? buttonExit.PressDraw() : buttonExit.ReleaseDraw(); if(buttonDismiss.isEnable()) le.MousePressLeft(buttonDismiss) ? buttonDismiss.PressDraw() : buttonDismiss.ReleaseDraw(); if(buttonNext.isEnable() && le.MouseClickLeft(buttonNext)) return Dialog::NEXT; else if(buttonPrev.isEnable() && le.MouseClickLeft(buttonPrev)) return Dialog::PREV; else // exit if(le.MouseClickLeft(buttonExit) || le.KeyPress(KEY_ESCAPE)) return Dialog::CANCEL; else // dismiss if(buttonDismiss.isEnable() && le.MouseClickLeft(buttonDismiss) && Dialog::YES == Dialog::Message(hero.GetName(), _("Are you sure you want to dismiss this Hero?"), Font::BIG, Dialog::YES | Dialog::NO)) { return Dialog::DISMISS; } // primary click info if(le.MouseClickLeft(ras)) Dialog::Message(_("Attack Skill"), _("Your attack skill is a bonus added to each creature's attack skill."), Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); else if(le.MouseClickLeft(rds)) Dialog::Message(_("Defense Skill"), _("Your defense skill is a bonus added to each creature's defense skill."), Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); else if(le.MouseClickLeft(rps)) Dialog::Message(_("Spell Power"), _("Your spell power determines the length or power of a spell."), Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); else if(le.MouseClickLeft(rks)) Dialog::Message(_("Knowledge"), _("Your knowledge determines how many spell points your hero may have. Under normal cirumstances, a hero is limited to 10 spell points per level of knowledge."), Font::BIG, Dialog::OK); if(le.MouseCursor(secskill_bar.GetArea())) secskill_bar.QueueEventProcessing(); // selector troops event if(le.MouseCursor(selectArmy.GetArea())) { if(selectArtifacts.isSelected()) selectArtifacts.Reset(); if(SelectArmyBar::QueueEventProcessing(selectArmy)) { cursor.Hide(); moraleIndicator.Redraw(); luckIndicator.Redraw(); cursor.Show(); display.Flip(); } } // selector artifacts event if(le.MouseCursor(selectArtifacts.GetArea())) { if(selectArmy.isSelected()) selectArmy.Reset(); SelectArtifactsBar::QueueEventProcessing(selectArtifacts); } if(le.MouseCursor(moraleIndicator.GetArea())) MoraleIndicator::QueueEventProcessing(moraleIndicator); else if(le.MouseCursor(luckIndicator.GetArea())) LuckIndicator::QueueEventProcessing(luckIndicator); else if(le.MouseCursor(experienceInfo.GetArea())) experienceInfo.QueueEventProcessing(); else if(le.MouseCursor(spellPointsInfo.GetArea())) spellPointsInfo.QueueEventProcessing(); } return Dialog::ZERO; }