void CSSStyleSheetImpl::recomputeNamespaceInfo()

    m_namespaces = new QList<CSSNamespaceRuleImpl *>;
    m_defaultNamespace = NamespaceName::fromId(anyNamespace);

    // Compute list of all the @namespace nodes, as well as the default one.
    for (int i = 0; i < m_lstChildren->count(); ++i) {
        StyleBaseImpl *b = m_lstChildren->at(i);
        if (b->isRule() && static_cast<CSSRuleImpl *>(b)->type() == DOM::CSSRule::NAMESPACE_RULE) {
            CSSNamespaceRuleImpl *nr = static_cast<CSSNamespaceRuleImpl *>(b);
            DOM::DOMString prefix = nr->prefix();
            DOM::DOMString uri    = nr->namespaceURI();

            if (uri.isNull()) {

            if (nr->isDefault()) {
                m_defaultNamespace = NamespaceName::fromString(uri);

Value DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::tryGet(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
    kdDebug(6070) << "DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::tryGet " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
    const HashEntry *entry = Lookup::findEntry(&DOMCSSStyleDeclarationTable, propertyName);
            case CssText:
                return String(styleDecl.cssText());
            case Length:
                return Number(styleDecl.length());
            case ParentRule:
                return getDOMCSSRule(exec, styleDecl.parentRule());

    // Look in the prototype (for functions) before assuming it's a name
    Object proto = Object::dynamicCast(prototype());
    if(proto.isValid() && proto.hasProperty(exec, propertyName))
        return proto.get(exec, propertyName);

    bool ok;
    long unsigned int u = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
        return String(DOM::CSSStyleDeclaration(styleDecl).item(u));

    // pixelTop returns "CSS Top" as number value in unit pixels
    // posTop returns "CSS top" as number value in unit pixels _if_ its a
    // positioned element. if it is not a positioned element, return 0
    // from MSIE documentation ### IMPLEMENT THAT (Dirk)
    bool asNumber;
    QString p = cssPropertyName(propertyName, asNumber);

    kdDebug(6070) << "DOMCSSStyleDeclaration: converting to css property name: " << p << (asNumber ? "px" : "") << endl;

        DOM::CSSValue v = styleDecl.getPropertyCSSValue(p);
        if(!v.isNull() && v.cssValueType() == DOM::CSSValue::CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE)
            return Number(static_cast< DOM::CSSPrimitiveValue >(v).getFloatValue(DOM::CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX));

    DOM::DOMString str = const_cast< DOM::CSSStyleDeclaration & >(styleDecl).getPropertyValue(p);
        return String(str);

    // see if we know this css property, return empty then
    if(DOM::getPropertyID(p.latin1(), p.length()))
        return String(DOM::DOMString(""));

    return DOMObject::tryGet(exec, propertyName);
UString::UString(const DOM::DOMString &d)
  if (d.isNull()) {

  unsigned int len = d.length();
  UChar *dat = new UChar[len];
  memcpy(dat, d.unicode(), len * sizeof(UChar));
  rep = UString::Rep::create(dat, len);
void CSSStyleSheetImpl::addNamespace(CSSParser* p, const DOM::DOMString& prefix, const DOM::DOMString& uri)
    if (uri.isEmpty())

    m_namespaces = new CSSNamespace(prefix, uri, m_namespaces);
    if (prefix.isEmpty())
        // Set the default namespace on the parser so that selectors that omit namespace info will
        // be able to pick it up easily.
        p->defaultNamespace = XmlNamespaceTable::getNamespaceID(uri, false);
void MediaListImpl::setMediaText(const DOM::DOMString &value)
    QString val = value.string();
    QStringList list = QStringList::split( ',', value.string() );
    for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
        DOMString medium = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
        if( medium != "" )
            m_lstMedia.append( medium );
void CSSStyleSheetImpl::addNamespace(CSSParser* p, const DOM::DOMString& prefix, const DOM::DOMString& uri)
    int exceptioncode = 0;
    if (uri.isEmpty())

    m_namespaces = new CSSNamespace(prefix, uri, m_namespaces);

    if (prefix.isEmpty()) {
        Q_ASSERT(m_doc != 0);

        m_defaultNamespace = m_doc->getId(NodeImpl::NamespaceId, uri.implementation(), false, false, &exceptioncode);
void MetabarFunctions::toggle(DOM::DOMString item)
    DOM::HTMLDocument doc = m_html->htmlDocument();
    DOM::HTMLElement node = static_cast<DOM::HTMLElement>(doc.getElementById(item));

    if(!node.isNull()) {
        DOM::NodeList children = node.childNodes();
        DOM::CSSStyleDeclaration style = node.style();
        DOM::DOMString expanded = node.getAttribute("expanded");

        bool isExpanded = expanded == "true";

        int height = 0;
        if(!isExpanded) {
            height = getHeight(node);

        DOM::DOMString att = isExpanded ? "false" : "true";
        node.setAttribute("expanded", att);

        KConfig config("metabarrc");

        if(config.readBoolEntry("AnimateResize", false)) {
            resizeMap[item.string()] = height;

            if(!timer->isActive()) {
        else {
            style.setProperty("height", QString("%1px").arg(height), CSS_PRIORITY);
KJSO KJS::getString(DOM::DOMString s)
  if (s.isNull())
    return Null();
    return String(s);
UString::UString(const DOM::DOMString &d)
        // we do a conversion here as null DOMStrings shouldn't cross
        // the boundary to kjs. They should either be empty strings
        // or explicitly converted to KJS::Null via getString().

    unsigned int len = d.length();
    UChar *dat = new UChar[len];
    memcpy(dat, d.unicode(), len * sizeof(UChar));
    rep = UString::Rep::create(dat, len);
    inline void to_lower_case_ascii(dom::DOMString &s)
      typedef dom::DOMString::const_iterator iter;
      typedef dom::DOMString::value_type char_type;
      typedef dom::DOMString::traits_type traits;
      iter const b = s.begin();
      iter const e = s.end();
      iter i = b;
      traits::int_type v;
      for (;;) {
        if (i == e) return; // Nothing needs to be done
        v = traits::to_int_type(*i);
        if (0x7F < v) {
          s = dom::to_lower_case(s); // Full Unicode upper casing
        if (0x41 <= v && v <= 0x5A) break; // Detect upper case ASCII

      dom::DOMString s2;
      s2.append(b, i);
      s2.append(1, traits::to_char_type(v + 0x20)); // Convert detected character
      for (;;) {
        if (++i == e) break;
        char_type c = *i;
        v = traits::to_int_type(c);
        if (0x7F < v) {
          s = dom::to_lower_case(s); // Full Unicode upper casing
        if (0x41 <= v && v <= 0x5A) c = traits::to_char_type(v + 0x20);
        s2.append(1, c);

      s = s2;
void MediaListImpl::setMediaText(const DOM::DOMString &value)
    const QString val = value.string();
    const QStringList list = QStringList::split( ',', val );

    const QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = list.end();

    for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it )
        const DOMString medium = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
        if( !medium.isEmpty() )
            m_lstMedia.append( medium );
void DOMTreeView::initializeCSSInfoFromElement(const DOM::Element &element)
  DOM::Document doc = element.ownerDocument();
  DOM::AbstractView view = doc.defaultView();
  DOM::CSSStyleDeclaration styleDecl = view.getComputedStyle(element,

  unsigned long l = styleDecl.length();
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items;
  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
    DOM::DOMString name = styleDecl.item(i);
    DOM::DOMString value = styleDecl.getPropertyValue(name);

    QStringList values;
    items.append(new QTreeWidgetItem(static_cast<QTreeWidget*>(0), values));

  cssProperties->insertTopLevelItems(0, items);
void CSSStyleSheetImpl::determineNamespace(Q_UINT32& id, const DOM::DOMString& prefix)
    // If the stylesheet has no namespaces we can just return.  There won't be any need to ever check
    // namespace values in selectors.
    if (!m_namespaces)
    if (prefix.isEmpty())
        id = makeId(noNamespace, localNamePart(id)); // No namespace. If an element/attribute has a namespace, we won't match it.
    else if (prefix == "*")
        id = makeId(anyNamespace, localNamePart(id)); // We'll match any namespace.
    else {
        CSSNamespace* ns = m_namespaces->namespaceForPrefix(prefix);
        if (ns)
            // Look up the id for this namespace URI.
            id = makeId(XmlNamespaceTable::getNamespaceID(ns->uri(), false), localNamePart(id));
void CSSStyleSheetImpl::determineNamespace(NamespaceName &namespacename, const DOM::DOMString &prefix)
    if (prefix.isEmpty()) {
        namespacename = NamespaceName::fromId(emptyNamespace);    // No namespace. If an element/attribute has a namespace, we won't match it.
    } else if (prefix == "*") {
        namespacename = NamespaceName::fromId(anyNamespace);    // We'll match any namespace.
    } else {
        if (!m_namespaces) {

        // To lookup the name, we go backwards, so the latest one wins
        for (int p = m_namespaces->count() - 1; p >= 0; --p) {
            CSSNamespaceRuleImpl *ns = m_namespaces->at(p);
            if (ns->prefix() == prefix) {
                namespacename = NamespaceName::fromString(ns->namespaceURI());
void CSSStyleSheetImpl::determineNamespace(Q_UINT32& id, const DOM::DOMString& prefix)
    // If the stylesheet has no namespaces we can just return.  There won't be any need to ever check
    // namespace values in selectors.
    if (!m_namespaces)

    if (prefix.isEmpty())
         id = makeId(emptyNamespace, localNamePart(id)); // No namespace. If an element/attribute has a namespace, we won't match it.
    else if (prefix == "*")
        id = makeId(anyNamespace, localNamePart(id)); // We'll match any namespace.
    else {
        int exceptioncode = 0;
        CSSNamespace* ns = m_namespaces->namespaceForPrefix(prefix);
        if (ns) {
            Q_ASSERT(m_doc != 0);

            // Look up the id for this namespace URI.
            Q_UINT16 nsid = m_doc->getId(NodeImpl::NamespaceId, 0, 0, ns->uri().implementation(), false, false, &exceptioncode);
            id = makeId(nsid, localNamePart(id));
    inline bool validate_xml_1_0_name(dom::DOMString const &name)
      typedef dom::DOMString::const_iterator iter;
      typedef dom::DOMString::traits_type traits;
      typedef traits::int_type int_type;
      iter const begin = name.begin(), end = name.end();
      for (iter i=begin; i!=end; ++i) {
        int_type const v = traits::to_int_type(*i);
        if (v < 0xC0) { // 0x0 <= v < 0xC0
          if (v < 0x5B) { // 0x0 <= v < 0x5B
            if (v < 0x41) { // 0x0 <= v < 0x41
              if (v < 0x30) { // 0x0 <= v < 0x30
                if (v != 0x2D && v != 0x2E) return 0;
                // '-' or '.'  -->  good unless first char!
                if (i == begin) return 0;
              else if (0x3A <= v) { // 0x3A <= v < 0x41
                if (v != 0x3A) return 0;
                // ':'  -->  good!
              else { // '0' <= v <= '9'  -->  good unless first char!
                if (i == begin) return 0;
            else {} // 'A' <= v <= 'Z'  -->  good!
          else if (v < 0x7B) { // 0x5B <= v < 0x7B
            if (v < 0x61) { // 0x5B <= v < 0x61
              if (v != 0x5F) return 0;
              // '_'  -->  good!
            else {} // 'a' <= v <= 'z'  -->  good!
          else { // 0x7B <= v < 0xC0
            if (v != 0xB7) return 0;
            // 0xB7  -->  good unless first char!
            if (i == begin) return 0;
        else if (v <= 0x3000) { // 0xC0 <= v <= 0x3000
          if (v < 0x2000) { // 0xC0 <= v < 0x2000
            if (v <= 0x37E) { // 0xC0 <= v <= 0x37E
              if (v < 0x300) { // 0xC0 <= v < 0x300
                if (v <= 0xF7) { // 0xC0 <= v <= 0xF7
                  if (v == 0xD7 || v == 0xF7) return 0;
                  // 0xC0 <= v < 0xD7  or  0xD7 < v < 0xF7  -->  good!
                else {} // 0xF7 < v < 0x300  -->  good!
              else { // 0x300 <= v <= 0x37E
                if (v < 0x370) { // 0x300 <= v < 0x370  -->  good unless first char!
                  if (i == begin) return 0;
                else { // 0x370 <= v <= 0x37E
                  if (v == 0x37E) return 0;
                  // 0x370 <= v < 0x37E  -->  good!
            else {} // 0x37E < v < 0x2000  -->  good!
          else { // 0x2000 <= v <= 0x3000
            if (v < 0x2190) { // 0x2000 <= v < 0x2190
              if (v < 0x2070) { // 0x2000 <= v < 0x2070
                if (v <= 0x203E) { // 0x2000 <= v <= 0x203E
                  if (v < 0x200E) { // 0x2000 <= v < 0x200E
                    if (v <= 0x200B) return 0; // 0x2000 <= v <= 0x200B  -->  bad!
                    // 0x200B < v < 0x200E  -->  good!
                  else return 0; // 0x200E <= v <= 0x203E  -->  bad!
                else { // 0x203E < v < 0x2070
                  if (v <= 0x2040) { // 0x203E < v <= 0x2040  -->  good unless first char!
                    if (i == begin) return 0;
                  else return 0; // 0x2040 < v < 0x2070  -->  bad!
              else {} // 0x2070 <= v < 0x2190  -->  good!
            else { // 0x2190 <= v <= 0x3000
              if (v < 0x2C00) return 0; // 0x2190 <= v < 0x2C00  -->  bad!
              if (0x2FF0 <= v) return 0; // 0x2FF0 <= v <= 0x3000  -->  bad!
              // 0x2C00 <= v < 0x2FF0  -->  good!
        else { // 0x3000 < v <= 0xFFFF
          if (0xD800 <= v) { // 0xD800 <= v <= 0xFFFF
            if (v < 0xDC00) { // 0xD800 <= v < 0xDC00
              // Combine UTF-16 surrogates
              if (++i == end) return 0; // Incomplete surrogate pair
              int_type const v2 = traits::to_int_type(*i);
              if (v2 < 0xDC00 || 0xE000 <= v2) return 0; // Invalid high surrogate
              core::UIntFast32 w = 0x10000 + (core::UIntFast32(v-0xD800)<<10) + (v2-0xDC00);
              if (0xF0000 <= w) return 0; // 0xF0000 <= w  -->  bad!
              // 0x10000 <= w < 0xF0000  -->  good!
            else { // 0xDC00 <= v <= 0xFFFF
              if (v < 0xFDD0) { // 0xDC00 <= v < 0xFDD0
                if (v < 0xF900) return 0; // 0xDC00 <= v < 0xF900  -->  bad!
                // 0xF900 <= v < 0xFDD0  -->  good!
              else { // 0xFDD0 <= v <= 0xFFFF
                if (v < 0xFDF0) return 0; // 0xFDD0 <= v < 0xFDF0  -->  bad!
                if (0xFFFE <= v) return 0; // 0xFFFE or 0xFFFF  -->  bad!
                // 0xFDF0 <= v < 0xFFFE  -->  good!
          else {} // 0x3000 < v < 0xD800  -->  good!

      return 1;
void XBLDocumentImpl::setPrototypeBinding(const DOM::DOMString& id, XBLPrototypeBinding* binding)
    m_prototypeBindingTable.replace(id.string(), binding);