bool KHTMLReader::parse_font(DOM::Element e) { // fixme don't hardcode 12 font size ... QString face = e.getAttribute("face").string(); QColor color = parsecolor("#000000"); if (!e.getAttribute("color").string().isEmpty()) color = parsecolor(e.getAttribute("color").string()); QString size = e.getAttribute("size").string(); int isize = -1; if (size.startsWith('+')) isize = 12 + size.right(size.length() - 1).toInt(); else if (size.startsWith('-')) isize = 12 - size.right(size.length() - 1).toInt(); else isize = 12 + size.toInt(); _writer->formatAttribute(state()->paragraph, "FONT", "name", face); if ((isize >= 0) && (isize != 12)) _writer->formatAttribute(state()->paragraph, "SIZE", "value", QString("%1").arg(isize)); _writer->formatAttribute(state()->paragraph, "COLOR", "red", QString("%1").arg(; _writer->formatAttribute(state()->paragraph, "COLOR", "green", QString("%1").arg(; _writer->formatAttribute(state()->paragraph, "COLOR", "blue", QString("%1").arg(; return true; }
bool KHTMLReader::parse_CommonAttributes(DOM::Element e) { kDebug(30503) << "entering KHTMLReader::parse_CommonAttributes"; kDebug(30503) << "tagName is" << e.tagName().string(); QString s = e.getAttribute("align").string(); if (!s.isEmpty()) { _writer->formatAttribute(state()->paragraph, "FLOW", "align", s); } QRegExp rx("h[0-9]+"); if (0 =="class").string())) // example: <p class="h1" style="text-align:left; "> { _writer->layoutAttribute(state()->paragraph, "NAME", "value", e.getAttribute("class").string()); } return true; }
bool KHTMLReader::parse_a(DOM::Element e) { QString url = e.getAttribute("href").string(); if (!url.isEmpty()) { QString linkName; DOM::Text t = e.firstChild(); if (t.isNull()) { /* Link without text -> just drop it*/ return false; /* stop parsing recursively */ } linkName =; t.setData(DOM::DOMString("#")); // replace with '#' _writer->createLink(state()->paragraph, linkName, url); } return true; /* stop parsing recursively */ }
bool KHTMLReader::parse_table(DOM::Element e) { if (_writer->isInTable()) { // We are already inside of a table. Tables in tables are not supported // yet. So, just add that table-content as text. for (DOM::Node rows = e.firstChild().firstChild();!rows.isNull();rows = rows.nextSibling()) if (!rows.isNull() && rows.nodeName().string().toLower() == "tr") for (DOM::Node cols = rows.firstChild();!cols.isNull();cols = cols.nextSibling()) if (!cols.isNull()) parseNode(cols); return false; } DOM::Element table_body = e.firstChild(); if (table_body.isNull()) { // If the table_body is empty, we don't continue cause else // KHTML will throw a DOM::DOMException if we try to access // the null element. return true; } int tableno = _writer->createTable(); int nrow = 0; int ncol = 0; bool has_borders = false; QColor bgcolor = parsecolor("#FFFFFF"); if (!table_body.getAttribute("bgcolor").string().isEmpty()) bgcolor = parsecolor(table_body.getAttribute("bgcolor").string()); if ((e.getAttribute("border").string().toInt() > 0)) has_borders = true; // fixme rewrite this proper //(maybe using computed sizes from khtml if thats once exported) for (DOM::Node rowsnode = table_body.firstChild();!rowsnode.isNull();rowsnode = rowsnode.nextSibling()) { DOM::Element rows = rowsnode; if (!rows.isNull() && rows.tagName().string().toLower() == "tr") { QColor obgcolor = bgcolor; if (!rows.getAttribute("bgcolor").string().isEmpty()) bgcolor = parsecolor(rows.getAttribute("bgcolor").string()); ncol = 0; for (DOM::Node colsnode = rows.firstChild();!colsnode.isNull();colsnode = colsnode.nextSibling()) { DOM::Element cols = colsnode; const QString nodename = cols.isNull() ? QString() : cols.nodeName().string().toLower(); if (nodename == "td" || nodename == "th") { QColor bbgcolor = bgcolor; if (!cols.getAttribute("bgcolor").string().isEmpty()) bgcolor = parsecolor(cols.getAttribute("bgcolor").string()); pushNewState(); QRect colrect = cols.getRect(); state()->frameset = _writer->createTableCell(tableno, nrow, ncol, 1, colrect); state()->frameset.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("bkRed",; state()->frameset.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("bkGreen",; state()->frameset.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("bkBlue",; if (has_borders) { state()->frameset.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("lWidth", 1); state()->frameset.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("rWidth", 1); state()->frameset.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("bWidth", 1); state()->frameset.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("tWidth", 1); } // fixme don't guess. get it right. state()->paragraph = _writer->addParagraph(state()->frameset); parseNode(cols); _writer->cleanUpParagraph(state()->paragraph); popState(); ncol++; bgcolor = bbgcolor; } } nrow++; bgcolor = obgcolor; } } _writer->finishTable(tableno/*,0,0,r.right()-r.left(),r.bottom()*/); // FIXME find something better. startNewParagraph(false, false); _writer->createInline(state()->paragraph, _writer->fetchTableCell(tableno, 0, 0)); startNewParagraph(false, false); return false; // we do our own recursion }