void ICPSlowdometry::initICPModel(unsigned short * depth,
                                  const float depthCutoff,
                                  const Eigen::Matrix4f & modelPose)
    depth_tmp[0].upload(depth, sizeof(unsigned short) * width, height, width);

    for(int i = 1; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        pyrDown(depth_tmp[i - 1], depth_tmp[i]);

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        createVMap(intr(i), depth_tmp[i], vmaps_g_prev_[i], depthCutoff);
        createNMap(vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i]);


    Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> Rcam = modelPose.topLeftCorner(3, 3);
    Eigen::Vector3f tcam = modelPose.topRightCorner(3, 1);

    Mat33 &  device_Rcam = device_cast<Mat33>(Rcam);
    float3& device_tcam = device_cast<float3>(tcam);

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        tranformMaps(vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i], device_Rcam, device_tcam, vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i]);

void ICPOdometry::initICPModel(const DeviceArray2D<unsigned short>& depth,
                               const float depthCutoff,
                               const Eigen::Matrix4f & modelPose)
    depth_tmp[0] = depth;

    for(int i = 1; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        pyrDown(depth_tmp[i - 1], depth_tmp[i]);

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        createVMap(intr(i), depth_tmp[i], vmaps_g_prev_[i], depthCutoff);
        createNMap(vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i]);


    Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> Rcam = modelPose.topLeftCorner(3, 3);
    Eigen::Vector3f tcam = modelPose.topRightCorner(3, 1);

    Mat33 &  device_Rcam = device_cast<Mat33>(Rcam);
    float3& device_tcam = device_cast<float3>(tcam);

    if (modelPose != Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity())
      for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        tranformMaps(vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i], device_Rcam, device_tcam, vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i]);

	void DiriniVisualizer::addCloud(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud_, Eigen::Matrix3f R, Eigen::Vector3f t)
		Eigen::Matrix4f H = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

		H.topLeftCorner(3,3) = R;
		H.topRightCorner(3,1) = t;

		addCloud(cloud_, H);
	void DiriniVisualizer::addCloud(boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> > points, Eigen::Matrix3f R, Eigen::Vector3f t)
		Eigen::Matrix4f H = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

		H.topLeftCorner(3,3) = R;
		H.topRightCorner(3,1) = t;

		addCloud(points, H);
void RGBDOdometry::initICPModel(GPUTexture * predictedVertices,
                                GPUTexture * predictedNormals,
                                const float depthCutoff,
                                const Eigen::Matrix4f & modelPose)
    cudaArray * textPtr;

    cudaGraphicsMapResources(1, &predictedVertices->cudaRes);
    cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&textPtr, predictedVertices->cudaRes, 0, 0);
    cudaMemcpyFromArray(vmaps_tmp.ptr(), textPtr, 0, 0, vmaps_tmp.sizeBytes(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
    cudaGraphicsUnmapResources(1, &predictedVertices->cudaRes);

    cudaGraphicsMapResources(1, &predictedNormals->cudaRes);
    cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&textPtr, predictedNormals->cudaRes, 0, 0);
    cudaMemcpyFromArray(nmaps_tmp.ptr(), textPtr, 0, 0, nmaps_tmp.sizeBytes(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
    cudaGraphicsUnmapResources(1, &predictedNormals->cudaRes);

    copyMaps(vmaps_tmp, nmaps_tmp, vmaps_g_prev_[0], nmaps_g_prev_[0]);

    for(int i = 1; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        resizeVMap(vmaps_g_prev_[i - 1], vmaps_g_prev_[i]);
        resizeNMap(nmaps_g_prev_[i - 1], nmaps_g_prev_[i]);

    Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> Rcam = modelPose.topLeftCorner(3, 3);
    Eigen::Vector3f tcam = modelPose.topRightCorner(3, 1);

    mat33 device_Rcam = Rcam;
    float3 device_tcam = *reinterpret_cast<float3*>(tcam.data());

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PYRS; ++i)
        tranformMaps(vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i], device_Rcam, device_tcam, vmaps_g_prev_[i], nmaps_g_prev_[i]);

文件: Feature.cpp 项目: weeks-yu/WReg
bool Feature::getTransformationByRANSAC(Eigen::Matrix4f &result_transform,
	Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> &result_information,
	int &point_count, int &point_corr_count,
	float &rmse, vector<cv::DMatch> *matches, // output vars. if matches == nullptr, do not return inlier match
	const Feature* earlier, const Feature* now,
	PointCloudCuda *pcc,
	const vector<cv::DMatch> &initial_matches)
	if (matches != nullptr)	matches->clear();

	if (initial_matches.size() < (unsigned int) Config::instance()->get<int>("min_matches"))
		return false;

	unsigned int min_inlier_threshold = (unsigned int)(initial_matches.size() * Config::instance()->get<float>("min_inliers_percent"));
	std::vector<cv::DMatch> inlier; //holds those feature correspondences that support the transformation
	float inlier_error; //all squared errors

	// a point is an inlier if it's no more than max_dist_m m from its partner apart
	const float max_dist_m = Config::instance()->get<float>("max_dist_for_inliers");
	const float squared_max_dist_m = max_dist_m * max_dist_m;

	// best values of all iterations (including invalids)
	float best_error = 1e6, best_error_invalid = 1e6;
	unsigned int best_inlier_invalid = 0, best_inlier_cnt = 0, valid_iterations = 0;
	Eigen::Matrix4f transformation;

	const unsigned int sample_size = 3;// chose this many randomly from the correspondences:

	unsigned int ransac_iterations = Config::instance()->get<int>("ransac_max_iteration");
	int threads = Config::instance()->get<int>("icpcuda_threads");
	int blocks = Config::instance()->get<int>("icpcuda_blocks");
	float corr_percent = Config::instance()->get<float>("coresp_percent");
	Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> information = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Identity();
	int pc = 1.0, pcorrc = 0.0;

	bool *used = new bool[initial_matches.size()];
	memset(used, 0, initial_matches.size() * sizeof(bool));
	vector<int> sample_matches_indices(3);
	vector<cv::DMatch> sample_matches_vector(3);

	for (unsigned int n_iter = 0; n_iter < ransac_iterations; n_iter++)
		for (int i = 0; i < sample_matches_indices.size(); i++)
			used[sample_matches_indices[i]] = false;
		while (sample_matches_indices.size() < sample_size)
			int id = rand() % initial_matches.size();
			if (!used[id])
				used[id] = true;

		bool valid; // valid is false iff the sampled points clearly aren't inliers themself 
		transformation = Feature::getTransformFromMatches(valid,
			sample_matches_vector, max_dist_m);

		if (!valid) continue; // valid is false iff the sampled points aren't inliers themself 
		if (transformation != transformation) continue; //Contains NaN

		//test whether samples are inliers (more strict than before)
		Feature::computeInliersAndError(inlier, inlier_error, nullptr,
			sample_matches_vector, transformation,
			earlier->feature_pts_3d, now->feature_pts_3d,
		if (inlier_error > 1000) continue; //most possibly a false match in the samples

		Feature::computeInliersAndError(inlier, inlier_error, nullptr,
			initial_matches, transformation,
			earlier->feature_pts_3d, now->feature_pts_3d,

		if (inlier.size() < min_inlier_threshold || inlier_error > max_dist_m)


		//Performance hacks:
		///Iterations with more than half of the initial_matches inlying, count twice
		if (inlier.size() > initial_matches.size() * 0.5) n_iter++;
		///Iterations with more than 80% of the initial_matches inlying, count threefold
		if (inlier.size() > initial_matches.size() * 0.8) n_iter++;

		if (inlier_error < best_error)
		{ //copy this to the result
			if (pcc != nullptr)
				Eigen::Vector3f t = transformation.topRightCorner(3, 1);
				Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> rot = transformation.topLeftCorner(3, 3);
				pcc->getCoresp(t, rot, information, pc, pcorrc, threads, blocks);

			result_transform = transformation;
			result_information = information;
			point_count = pc;
			point_corr_count = pcorrc;
			if (matches != nullptr) *matches = inlier;
			best_inlier_cnt = inlier.size();
			rmse = inlier_error;
			best_error = inlier_error;

		float new_inlier_error;

		transformation = Feature::getTransformFromMatches(valid,
			earlier->feature_pts_3d, now->feature_pts_3d, inlier); // compute new trafo from all inliers:
		if (transformation != transformation) continue; //Contains NaN
		Feature::computeInliersAndError(inlier, new_inlier_error, nullptr,
			initial_matches, transformation,
			earlier->feature_pts_3d, now->feature_pts_3d,

		if(inlier.size() < min_inlier_threshold || new_inlier_error > max_dist_m)

		if (new_inlier_error < best_error) 
			if (pcc != nullptr)
				Eigen::Vector3f t = transformation.topRightCorner(3, 1);
				Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> rot = transformation.topLeftCorner(3, 3);
				pcc->getCoresp(t, rot, information, pc, pcorrc, threads, blocks);

			result_transform = transformation;
			if (pcc != nullptr)
				result_information = information;
			point_count = pc;
			point_corr_count = pcorrc;
			if (matches != nullptr) *matches = inlier;
			best_inlier_cnt = inlier.size();
			rmse = new_inlier_error;
			best_error = new_inlier_error;
	} //iterations
	if (pcc == nullptr)
		result_information = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Identity();
	return best_inlier_cnt >= min_inlier_threshold;
	void DiriniVisualizer::addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f point, Eigen::Matrix4f transform_)