文件: esmtool.cpp 项目: eroen/openmw
void loadCell(ESM::Cell &cell, ESM::ESMReader &esm, Arguments& info)
    bool quiet = (info.quiet_given || info.mode == "clone");
    bool save = (info.mode == "clone");

    // Skip back to the beginning of the reference list
    // FIXME: Changes to the references backend required to support multiple plugins have
    //  almost certainly broken this following line. I'll leave it as is for now, so that
    //  the compiler does not complain.
    cell.restore(esm, 0);

    // Loop through all the references
    ESM::CellRef ref;
    if(!quiet) std::cout << "  References:\n";
    while(cell.getNextRef(esm, ref))
        if (save) {

        if(quiet) continue;

        std::cout << "    Refnum: " << ref.mRefnum << std::endl;
        std::cout << "    ID: '" << ref.mRefID << "'\n";
        std::cout << "    Owner: '" << ref.mOwner << "'\n";
        std::cout << "    Enchantment charge: '" << ref.mEnchantmentCharge << "'\n";
        std::cout << "    Uses/health: '" << ref.mCharge << "'\n";
        std::cout << "    Gold value: '" << ref.mGoldValue << "'\n";
        std::cout << "    Blocked: '" << static_cast<int>(ref.mReferenceBlocked) << "'" << std::endl;
    /// Run through references and store IDs
    void listRefs(const ESMStore &store, ESMReader &esm)
        assert (cell);

        if (cell->context.filename.empty())
            return; // this is a dynamically generated cell -> skipping.

        // Reopen the ESM reader and seek to the right position.
        cell->restore (esm);

        CellRef ref;

        // Get each reference in turn
        while (cell->getNextRef (esm, ref))
            std::string lowerCase;

            std::transform (ref.refID.begin(), ref.refID.end(), std::back_inserter (lowerCase),
                (int(*)(int)) std::tolower);

            mIds.push_back (lowerCase);

        std::sort (mIds.begin(), mIds.end());
    void loadRefs(const ESMStore &store, ESMReader &esm)
      assert (cell);

        if (cell->context.filename.empty())
            return; // this is a dynamically generated cell -> skipping.

      // Reopen the ESM reader and seek to the right position.

      CellRef ref;

      // Get each reference in turn
      while(cell->getNextRef(esm, ref))
            std::string lowerCase;

            std::transform (ref.refID.begin(), ref.refID.end(), std::back_inserter (lowerCase),
                (int(*)(int)) std::tolower);

            int rec = store.find(ref.refID);

            ref.refID = lowerCase;

          /* We can optimize this further by storing the pointer to the
             record itself in store.all, so that we don't need to look it
             up again here. However, never optimize. There are infinite
             opportunities to do that later.
            case REC_ACTI: activators.find(ref, store.activators); break;
            case REC_ALCH: potions.find(ref, store.potions); break;
            case REC_APPA: appas.find(ref, store.appas); break;
            case REC_ARMO: armors.find(ref, store.armors); break;
            case REC_BOOK: books.find(ref, store.books); break;
            case REC_CLOT: clothes.find(ref, store.clothes); break;
            case REC_CONT: containers.find(ref, store.containers); break;
            case REC_CREA: creatures.find(ref, store.creatures); break;
            case REC_DOOR: doors.find(ref, store.doors); break;
            case REC_INGR: ingreds.find(ref, store.ingreds); break;
            case REC_LEVC: creatureLists.find(ref, store.creatureLists); break;
            case REC_LEVI: itemLists.find(ref, store.itemLists); break;
            case REC_LIGH: lights.find(ref, store.lights); break;
            case REC_LOCK: lockpicks.find(ref, store.lockpicks); break;
            case REC_MISC: miscItems.find(ref, store.miscItems); break;
            case REC_NPC_: npcs.find(ref, store.npcs); break;
            case REC_PROB: probes.find(ref, store.probes); break;
            case REC_REPA: repairs.find(ref, store.repairs); break;
            case REC_STAT: statics.find(ref, store.statics); break;
            case REC_WEAP: weapons.find(ref, store.weapons); break;

            case 0: std::cout << "Cell reference " + ref.refID + " not found!\n"; break;
              std::cout << "WARNING: Ignoring reference '" << ref.refID << "' of unhandled type\n";
文件: store.cpp 项目: darkf/openmw
void Store<ESM::Cell>::load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id)
    // Don't automatically assume that a new cell must be spawned. Multiple plugins write to the same cell,
    //  and we merge all this data into one Cell object. However, we can't simply search for the cell id,
    //  as many exterior cells do not have a name. Instead, we need to search by (x,y) coordinates - and they
    //  are not available until both cells have been loaded! So first, proceed as usual.
    // All cells have a name record, even nameless exterior cells.
    std::string idLower = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(id);
    ESM::Cell *cell = new ESM::Cell;
    cell->mName = id;

    //First part of cell loading

    //Handling MovedCellRefs, there is no way to do it inside loadcell
    while (esm.isNextSub("MVRF")) {
        ESM::CellRef ref;
        ESM::MovedCellRef cMRef;
        cell->getNextMVRF(esm, cMRef);

        MWWorld::Store<ESM::Cell> &cStore = const_cast<MWWorld::Store<ESM::Cell>&>(mEsmStore->get<ESM::Cell>());
        ESM::Cell *cellAlt = const_cast<ESM::Cell*>(cStore.searchOrCreate(cMRef.mTarget[0], cMRef.mTarget[1]));

        // Get regular moved reference data. Adapted from CellStore::loadRefs. Maybe we can optimize the following
        //  implementation when the oher implementation works as well.
        cell->getNextRef(esm, ref);
        std::string lowerCase;

        std::transform (ref.mRefID.begin(), ref.mRefID.end(), std::back_inserter (lowerCase),
            (int(*)(int)) std::tolower);

        // Add data required to make reference appear in the correct cell.
        // We should not need to test for duplicates, as this part of the code is pre-cell merge.
        // But there may be duplicates here!
        ESM::CellRefTracker::iterator iter = std::find(cellAlt->mLeasedRefs.begin(), cellAlt->mLeasedRefs.end(), ref.mRefnum);
        if (iter == cellAlt->mLeasedRefs.end())
          *iter = ref;

    //Second part of cell loading

    if(cell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior)
        // Store interior cell by name, try to merge with existing parent data.
        ESM::Cell *oldcell = const_cast<ESM::Cell*>(search(idLower));
        if (oldcell) {
            // push the new references on the list of references to manage
            // copy list into new cell
            cell->mContextList = oldcell->mContextList;
            // have new cell replace old cell
            *oldcell = *cell;
        } else
            mInt[idLower] = *cell;
        // Store exterior cells by grid position, try to merge with existing parent data.
        ESM::Cell *oldcell = const_cast<ESM::Cell*>(search(cell->getGridX(), cell->getGridY()));
        if (oldcell) {
            // push the new references on the list of references to manage
            // copy list into new cell
            cell->mContextList = oldcell->mContextList;
            // merge lists of leased references, use newer data in case of conflict
            for (ESM::MovedCellRefTracker::const_iterator it = cell->mMovedRefs.begin(); it != cell->mMovedRefs.end(); it++) {
                // remove reference from current leased ref tracker and add it to new cell
                ESM::MovedCellRefTracker::iterator itold = std::find(oldcell->mMovedRefs.begin(), oldcell->mMovedRefs.end(), it->mRefnum);
                if (itold != oldcell->mMovedRefs.end()) {
                    ESM::MovedCellRef target0 = *itold;
                    ESM::Cell *wipecell = const_cast<ESM::Cell*>(search(target0.mTarget[0], target0.mTarget[1]));
                    ESM::CellRefTracker::iterator it_lease = std::find(wipecell->mLeasedRefs.begin(), wipecell->mLeasedRefs.end(), it->mRefnum);
                    *itold = *it;
            cell->mMovedRefs = oldcell->mMovedRefs;
            // have new cell replace old cell
            *oldcell = *cell;
        } else
            mExt[std::make_pair(cell->mData.mX, cell->mData.mY)] = *cell;
    delete cell;