bool AAResults::invalidate(Function &F, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
                           FunctionAnalysisManager::Invalidator &Inv) {
  // AAResults preserves the AAManager by default, due to the stateless nature
  // of AliasAnalysis. There is no need to check whether it has been preserved
  // explicitly. Check if any module dependency was invalidated and caused the
  // AAManager to be invalidated. Invalidate ourselves in that case.
  auto PAC = PA.getChecker<AAManager>();
  if (!PAC.preservedWhenStateless())
    return true;

  // Check if any of the function dependencies were invalidated, and invalidate
  // ourselves in that case.
  for (AnalysisKey *ID : AADeps)
    if (Inv.invalidate(ID, F, PA))
      return true;

  // Everything we depend on is still fine, so are we. Nothing to invalidate.
  return false;
bool LoopAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy::Result::invalidate(
    Function &F, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
    FunctionAnalysisManager::Invalidator &Inv) {
  // First compute the sequence of IR units covered by this proxy. We will want
  // to visit this in postorder, but because this is a tree structure we can do
  // this by building a preorder sequence and walking it in reverse.
  SmallVector<Loop *, 4> PreOrderLoops, PreOrderWorklist;
  // Note that we want to walk the roots in reverse order because we will end
  // up reversing the preorder sequence. However, it happens that the loop nest
  // roots are in reverse order within the LoopInfo object. So we just walk
  // forward here.
  // FIXME: If we change the order of LoopInfo we will want to add a reverse
  // here.
  for (Loop *RootL : *LI) {
    assert(PreOrderWorklist.empty() &&
           "Must start with an empty preorder walk worklist.");
    do {
      Loop *L = PreOrderWorklist.pop_back_val();
      PreOrderWorklist.append(L->begin(), L->end());
    } while (!PreOrderWorklist.empty());

  // If this proxy or the loop info is going to be invalidated, we also need
  // to clear all the keys coming from that analysis. We also completely blow
  // away the loop analyses if any of the standard analyses provided by the
  // loop pass manager go away so that loop analyses can freely use these
  // without worrying about declaring dependencies on them etc.
  // FIXME: It isn't clear if this is the right tradeoff. We could instead make
  // loop analyses declare any dependencies on these and use the more general
  // invalidation logic below to act on that.
  auto PAC = PA.getChecker<LoopAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy>();
  if (!(PAC.preserved() || PAC.preservedSet<AllAnalysesOn<Function>>()) ||
      Inv.invalidate<AAManager>(F, PA) ||
      Inv.invalidate<AssumptionAnalysis>(F, PA) ||
      Inv.invalidate<DominatorTreeAnalysis>(F, PA) ||
      Inv.invalidate<LoopAnalysis>(F, PA) ||
      Inv.invalidate<ScalarEvolutionAnalysis>(F, PA)) {
    // Note that the LoopInfo may be stale at this point, however the loop
    // objects themselves remain the only viable keys that could be in the
    // analysis manager's cache. So we just walk the keys and forcibly clear
    // those results. Note that the order doesn't matter here as this will just
    // directly destroy the results without calling methods on them.
    for (Loop *L : PreOrderLoops)

    // We also need to null out the inner AM so that when the object gets
    // destroyed as invalid we don't try to clear the inner AM again. At that
    // point we won't be able to reliably walk the loops for this function and
    // only clear results associated with those loops the way we do here.
    // FIXME: Making InnerAM null at this point isn't very nice. Most analyses
    // try to remain valid during invalidation. Maybe we should add an
    // `IsClean` flag?
    InnerAM = nullptr;

    // Now return true to indicate this *is* invalid and a fresh proxy result
    // needs to be built. This is especially important given the null InnerAM.
    return true;

  // Directly check if the relevant set is preserved so we can short circuit
  // invalidating loops.
  bool AreLoopAnalysesPreserved =

  // Since we have a valid LoopInfo we can actually leave the cached results in
  // the analysis manager associated with the Loop keys, but we need to
  // propagate any necessary invalidation logic into them. We'd like to
  // invalidate things in roughly the same order as they were put into the
  // cache and so we walk the preorder list in reverse to form a valid
  // postorder.
  for (Loop *L : reverse(PreOrderLoops)) {
    Optional<PreservedAnalyses> InnerPA;

    // Check to see whether the preserved set needs to be adjusted based on
    // function-level analysis invalidation triggering deferred invalidation
    // for this loop.
    if (auto *OuterProxy =
      for (const auto &OuterInvalidationPair :
           OuterProxy->getOuterInvalidations()) {
        AnalysisKey *OuterAnalysisID = OuterInvalidationPair.first;
        const auto &InnerAnalysisIDs = OuterInvalidationPair.second;
        if (Inv.invalidate(OuterAnalysisID, F, PA)) {
          if (!InnerPA)
            InnerPA = PA;
          for (AnalysisKey *InnerAnalysisID : InnerAnalysisIDs)

    // Check if we needed a custom PA set. If so we'll need to run the inner
    // invalidation.
    if (InnerPA) {
      InnerAM->invalidate(*L, *InnerPA);

    // Otherwise we only need to do invalidation if the original PA set didn't
    // preserve all Loop analyses.
    if (!AreLoopAnalysesPreserved)
      InnerAM->invalidate(*L, PA);

  // Return false to indicate that this result is still a valid proxy.
  return false;