std::wostream &CSharpTabCodeGen::COND_KEYS()
	out << L'\t';
	int totalTrans = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Loop the state's transitions. */
		for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sc = st->stateCondList; sc.lte(); sc++ ) {
			/* Lower key. */
			out << ALPHA_KEY( sc->lowKey ) << L", ";
			if ( ++totalTrans % IALL == 0 )
				out << L"\n\t";

			/* Upper key. */
			out << ALPHA_KEY( sc->highKey ) << L", ";
			if ( ++totalTrans % IALL == 0 )
				out << L"\n\t";

	/* Output one last number so we don't have to figure out when the last
	 * entry is and avoid writing a comma. */
	if ( keyOps->alphType->isChar )
		out << L"(char) " << 0 << L"\n";
		out << 0 << L"\n";

	return out;
void RedFsmAp::makeFlat()
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		if ( st->stateCondList.length() == 0 ) {
			st->condLowKey = 0;
			st->condHighKey = 0;
		else {
			st->condLowKey = st->stateCondList.head->lowKey;
			st->condHighKey = st->stateCondList.tail->highKey;

			unsigned long long span = keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, st->condHighKey );
			st->condList = new GenCondSpace*[ span ];
			memset( st->condList, 0, sizeof(GenCondSpace*)*span );

			for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sci = st->stateCondList; sci.lte(); sci++ ) {
				unsigned long long base, trSpan;
				base = keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, sci->lowKey )-1;
				trSpan = keyOps->span( sci->lowKey, sci->highKey );
				for ( unsigned long long pos = 0; pos < trSpan; pos++ )
					st->condList[base+pos] = sci->condSpace;

		if ( st->outRange.length() == 0 ) {
			st->lowKey = st->highKey = 0;
			st->transList = 0;
		else {
			st->lowKey = st->outRange[0].lowKey;
			st->highKey = st->outRange[st->outRange.length()-1].highKey;
			unsigned long long span = keyOps->span( st->lowKey, st->highKey );
			st->transList = new RedTransAp*[ span ];
			memset( st->transList, 0, sizeof(RedTransAp*)*span );
			for ( RedTransList::Iter trans = st->outRange; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
				unsigned long long base, trSpan;
				base = keyOps->span( st->lowKey, trans->lowKey )-1;
				trSpan = keyOps->span( trans->lowKey, trans->highKey );
				for ( unsigned long long pos = 0; pos < trSpan; pos++ )
					st->transList[base+pos] = trans->value;

			/* Fill in the gaps with the default transition. */
			for ( unsigned long long pos = 0; pos < span; pos++ ) {
				if ( st->transList[pos] == 0 )
					st->transList[pos] = st->defTrans;
void CodeGenData::closeMachine()
	for ( GenActionList::Iter a = actionList; a.lte(); a++ )
		resolveTargetStates( a->inlineList );

	/* Note that even if we want a complete graph we do not give the error
	 * state a default transition. All machines break out of the processing
	 * loop when in the error state. */

	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sci = st->stateCondList; sci.lte(); sci++ )
			st->stateCondVect.append( sci );
std::ostream &JavaTabCodeGen::COND_SPACES()
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Loop the state's transitions. */
		for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sc = st->stateCondList; sc.lte(); sc++ ) {
			/* Cond Space id. */
			ARRAY_ITEM( KEY( sc->condSpace->condSpaceId ), false );

	/* Output one last number so we don't have to figure out when the last
	 * entry is and avoid writing a comma. */
	ARRAY_ITEM( INT(0), true );
	return out;
std::ostream &RubyTabCodeGen::COND_KEYS()
    int totalTrans = 0;
    for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
        /* Loop the state's transitions. */
        for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sc = st->stateCondList; sc.lte(); sc++ ) {
            /* Lower key. */
            ARRAY_ITEM( KEY( sc->lowKey ), ++totalTrans, false );
            ARRAY_ITEM( KEY( sc->highKey ), ++totalTrans, false );

    /* Output one last number so we don't have to figure out when the last
     * entry is and avoid writing a comma. */
    ARRAY_ITEM( INT(0), ++totalTrans, true );
    return out;
std::ostream &TabCodeGen::COND_SPACES()
	out << '\t';
	int totalTrans = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Loop the state's transitions. */
		for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sc = st->stateCondList; sc.lte(); sc++ ) {
			/* Cond Space id. */
			out << sc->condSpace->condSpaceId << ", ";
			if ( ++totalTrans % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";

	/* Output one last number so we don't have to figure out when the last
	 * entry is and avoid writing a comma. */
	out << 0 << "\n";
	return out;
std::ostream &OCamlTabCodeGen::COND_KEYS()
	out << '\t';
	int totalTrans = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Loop the state's transitions. */
		for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sc = st->stateCondList; sc.lte(); sc++ ) {
			/* Lower key. */
			out << ALPHA_KEY( sc->lowKey ) << ARR_SEP();
			if ( ++totalTrans % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";

			/* Upper key. */
			out << ALPHA_KEY( sc->highKey ) << ARR_SEP();
			if ( ++totalTrans % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";

	/* Output one last number so we don't have to figure out when the last
	 * entry is and avoid writing a comma. */
	out << 0 << "\n";
	return out;