TemporaryRef<CompositingRenderTarget> CompositorD3D9::CreateRenderTargetFromSource(const gfx::IntRect &aRect, const CompositingRenderTarget *aSource) { RefPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> texture; HRESULT hr = device()->CreateTexture(aRect.width, aRect.height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, byRef(texture), NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportFailure(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("CompositorD3D9::CreateRenderTargetFromSource: Failed to create texture"), hr); return nullptr; } if (aSource) { nsRefPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> sourceSurface = static_cast<const CompositingRenderTargetD3D9*>(aSource)->GetD3D9Surface(); nsRefPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> destSurface; hr = texture->GetSurfaceLevel(0, getter_AddRefs(destSurface)); if (FAILED(hr)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to get texture surface level for dest."); } if (sourceSurface && destSurface) { RECT sourceRect; sourceRect.left = aRect.x; sourceRect.right = aRect.XMost(); sourceRect.top = aRect.y; sourceRect.bottom = aRect.YMost(); RECT destRect; destRect.left = 0; destRect.right = aRect.width; destRect.top = 0; destRect.bottom = aRect.height; // copy the source to the dest hr = device()->StretchRect(sourceSurface, &sourceRect, destSurface, &destRect, D3DTEXF_NONE); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportFailure(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("CompositorD3D9::CreateRenderTargetFromSource: Failed to update texture"), hr); } } } RefPtr<CompositingRenderTargetD3D9> rt = new CompositingRenderTargetD3D9(texture, INIT_MODE_NONE, IntSize(aRect.width, aRect.height)); return rt; }
TemporaryRef<CompositingRenderTarget> CompositorD3D11::CreateRenderTargetFromSource(const gfx::IntRect &aRect, const CompositingRenderTarget* aSource) { CD3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, aRect.width, aRect.height, 1, 1, D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE | D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET); RefPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> texture; mDevice->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, byRef(texture)); NS_ASSERTION(texture, "Could not create texture"); if (!texture) { return nullptr; } if (aSource) { const CompositingRenderTargetD3D11* sourceD3D11 = static_cast<const CompositingRenderTargetD3D11*>(aSource); D3D11_BOX srcBox; srcBox.left = aRect.x; srcBox.top = aRect.y; srcBox.front = 0; srcBox.right = aRect.XMost(); srcBox.bottom = aRect.YMost(); srcBox.back = 0; const IntSize& srcSize = sourceD3D11->GetSize(); if (srcBox.right <= srcSize.width && srcBox.bottom <= srcSize.height) { mContext->CopySubresourceRegion(texture, 0, 0, 0, 0, sourceD3D11->GetD3D11Texture(), 0, &srcBox); } else { NS_WARNING("Could not copy render target - source rect out of bounds"); } } RefPtr<CompositingRenderTargetD3D11> rt = new CompositingRenderTargetD3D11(texture); rt->SetSize(IntSize(aRect.width, aRect.height)); return rt; }
void CompositorD3D9::FinishMixBlend(const gfx::IntRect& aBackdropRect, const gfx::Rect& aBackdropDest, const gfx::Matrix4x4& aBackdropTransform, RefPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> aBackdrop, gfx::CompositionOp aBlendMode) { HRESULT hr; RefPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> source = CreateTexture(aBackdropRect, mCurrentRT, aBackdropRect.TopLeft()); if (!source) { return; } // Slow path - do everything in software. Unfortunately this requires // a lot of copying, since we have to readback the source and backdrop, // then upload the blended result, then blit it back. IDirect3DDevice9* d3d9Device = device(); // Query geometry/format of the two surfaces. D3DSURFACE_DESC backdropDesc, sourceDesc; if (FAILED(aBackdrop->GetLevelDesc(0, &backdropDesc)) || FAILED(source->GetLevelDesc(0, &sourceDesc))) { gfxCriticalNote << "Failed to query mix-blend texture descriptor"; return; } MOZ_ASSERT(backdropDesc.Format == D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8); MOZ_ASSERT(sourceDesc.Format == D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8); // Acquire a temporary data surface for the backdrop texture. RefPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> backdropSurface = GetSurfaceOfTexture(aBackdrop); if (!backdropSurface) { return; } RefPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> tmpBackdrop = CreateDataSurfaceForTexture(d3d9Device, backdropSurface, backdropDesc); if (!tmpBackdrop) { return; } // New scope for locks and temporary surfaces. { // Acquire a temporary data surface for the source texture. RefPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> sourceSurface = GetSurfaceOfTexture(source); if (!sourceSurface) { return; } RefPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> tmpSource = CreateDataSurfaceForTexture(d3d9Device, sourceSurface, sourceDesc); if (!tmpSource) { return; } // Perform the readback and blend in software. AutoSurfaceLock backdropLock(tmpBackdrop); AutoSurfaceLock sourceLock(tmpSource, D3DLOCK_READONLY); if (!backdropLock.Okay() || !sourceLock.Okay()) { return; } RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> source = Factory::CreateWrappingDataSourceSurface( sourceLock.Bits(), sourceLock.Pitch(), gfx::IntSize(sourceDesc.Width, sourceDesc.Height), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8); RefPtr<DrawTarget> dest = Factory::CreateDrawTargetForData( BackendType::CAIRO, backdropLock.Bits(), gfx::IntSize(backdropDesc.Width, backdropDesc.Height), backdropLock.Pitch(), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8); // The backdrop rect is rounded out - account for any difference between // it and the actual destination. gfx::Rect destRect( aBackdropDest.x - aBackdropRect.x, aBackdropDest.y - aBackdropRect.y, aBackdropDest.width, aBackdropDest.height); dest->DrawSurface( source, destRect, destRect, gfx::DrawSurfaceOptions(), gfx::DrawOptions(1.0f, aBlendMode)); } // Upload the new blended surface to the backdrop texture. d3d9Device->UpdateSurface(tmpBackdrop, nullptr, backdropSurface, nullptr); // Finally, drop in the new backdrop. We don't need to do another // DrawPrimitive() since the software blend will have included the // final OP_OVER step for us. RECT destRect = { aBackdropRect.x, aBackdropRect.y, aBackdropRect.XMost(), aBackdropRect.YMost() }; hr = d3d9Device->StretchRect(backdropSurface, nullptr, mCurrentRT->GetD3D9Surface(), &destRect, D3DTEXF_NONE); if (FAILED(hr)) { gfxCriticalNote << "StretcRect with mix-blend failed " << hexa(hr); } }