LinkResult ProgramGL::link(const gl::Data &data, gl::InfoLog &infoLog,
                           gl::Shader *fragmentShader, gl::Shader *vertexShader,
                           const std::vector<std::string> &transformFeedbackVaryings,
                           GLenum transformFeedbackBufferMode,
                           int *registers, std::vector<gl::LinkedVarying> *linkedVaryings,
                           std::map<int, gl::VariableLocation> *outputVariables)
    // Reset the program state, delete the current program if one exists

    ShaderGL *vertexShaderGL = GetImplAs<ShaderGL>(vertexShader);
    ShaderGL *fragmentShaderGL = GetImplAs<ShaderGL>(fragmentShader);

    // Generate a new program, make sure one doesn't already exist
    ASSERT(mProgramID == 0);
    mProgramID = mFunctions->createProgram();

    // Attach the shaders
    mFunctions->attachShader(mProgramID, vertexShaderGL->getShaderID());
    mFunctions->attachShader(mProgramID, fragmentShaderGL->getShaderID());

    // TODO: bind attribute locations?

    // Link and verify

    GLint linkStatus = GL_FALSE;
    mFunctions->getProgramiv(mProgramID, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus);
    ASSERT(linkStatus == GL_TRUE);
    if (linkStatus == GL_FALSE)
        // Linking failed, put the error into the info log
        GLint infoLogLength = 0;
        mFunctions->getProgramiv(mProgramID, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);

        std::vector<char> buf(infoLogLength);
        mFunctions->getProgramInfoLog(mProgramID, infoLogLength, nullptr, &buf[0]);

        mProgramID = 0;

        TRACE("\n%s", &buf[0]);

        // TODO, return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY or just fail the link? This is an unexpected case
        return LinkResult(false, gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR));

    // Query the uniform information
    // TODO: A lot of this logic should be done at the gl::Program level
    GLint activeUniformMaxLength = 0;
    mFunctions->getProgramiv(mProgramID, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &activeUniformMaxLength);

    std::vector<GLchar> uniformNameBuffer(activeUniformMaxLength);

    GLint uniformCount = 0;
    mFunctions->getProgramiv(mProgramID, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &uniformCount);
    for (GLint i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++)
        GLsizei uniformNameLength = 0;
        GLint uniformSize = 0;
        GLenum uniformType = GL_NONE;
        mFunctions->getActiveUniform(mProgramID, i, uniformNameBuffer.size(), &uniformNameLength, &uniformSize, &uniformType, &uniformNameBuffer[0]);

        std::string uniformName = gl::ParseUniformName(std::string(&uniformNameBuffer[0], uniformNameLength), nullptr);

        for (size_t arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < static_cast<size_t>(uniformSize); arrayIndex++)
            std::string locationName = uniformName;
            if (uniformSize > 1)
                locationName += "[" + Str(arrayIndex) + "]";

            GLint location = mFunctions->getUniformLocation(mProgramID, locationName.c_str());
            if (location >= 0)
                // Make sure the uniform index array is large enough
                if (static_cast<size_t>(location) >= mUniformIndex.size())
                    mUniformIndex.resize(location + 1);

                mUniformIndex[location] = gl::VariableLocation(uniformName, arrayIndex, static_cast<unsigned int>(mUniforms.size()));

        // ANGLE uses 0 to identify an non-array uniform.
        unsigned int arraySize = (uniformSize > 1) ? static_cast<unsigned int>(uniformSize) : 0;

        // TODO: determine uniform precision
        mUniforms.push_back(new gl::LinkedUniform(uniformType, GL_NONE, uniformName, arraySize, -1, sh::BlockMemberInfo::getDefaultBlockInfo()));

    // Query the attribute information
    GLint activeAttributeMaxLength = 0;
    mFunctions->getProgramiv(mProgramID, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH, &activeAttributeMaxLength);

    std::vector<GLchar> attributeNameBuffer(activeAttributeMaxLength);

    GLint attributeCount = 0;
    mFunctions->getProgramiv(mProgramID, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &attributeCount);
    for (GLint i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
        GLsizei attributeNameLength = 0;
        GLint attributeSize = 0;
        GLenum attributeType = GL_NONE;
        mFunctions->getActiveAttrib(mProgramID, i, attributeNameBuffer.size(), &attributeNameLength, &attributeSize, &attributeType, &attributeNameBuffer[0]);

        std::string attributeName(&attributeNameBuffer[0], attributeNameLength);

        // TODO: determine attribute precision
        setShaderAttribute(static_cast<size_t>(i), attributeType, GL_NONE, attributeName, attributeSize, i);

    return LinkResult(true, gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR));
gl::Error HLSLCompiler::compileToBinary(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const std::string &hlsl, const std::string &profile,
                                        const std::vector<CompileConfig> &configs, const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *overrideMacros,
                                        ID3DBlob **outCompiledBlob, std::string *outDebugInfo) const

    if (gl::perfActive())
        std::string sourcePath = getTempPath();
        std::string sourceText = FormatString("#line 2 \"%s\"\n\n%s", sourcePath.c_str(), hlsl.c_str());
        writeFile(sourcePath.c_str(), sourceText.c_str(), sourceText.size());

    const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *macros = overrideMacros ? overrideMacros : NULL;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < configs.size(); ++i)
        ID3DBlob *errorMessage = NULL;
        ID3DBlob *binary = NULL;

        HRESULT result = mD3DCompileFunc(hlsl.c_str(), hlsl.length(), gl::g_fakepath, macros, NULL, "main", profile.c_str(),
                                         configs[i].flags, 0, &binary, &errorMessage);

        if (errorMessage)
            std::string message = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(errorMessage->GetBufferPointer());

            TRACE("\n%s", hlsl.c_str());
            TRACE("\n%s", message.c_str());

            if (message.find("error X3531:") != std::string::npos)   // "can't unroll loops marked with loop attribute"
                macros = NULL;   // Disable [loop] and [flatten]

                // Retry without changing compiler flags

        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            *outCompiledBlob = binary;

            (*outDebugInfo) += "// COMPILER INPUT HLSL BEGIN\n\n" + hlsl + "\n// COMPILER INPUT HLSL END\n";
            (*outDebugInfo) += "\n\n// ASSEMBLY BEGIN\n\n";
            (*outDebugInfo) += "// Compiler configuration: " + configs[i].name + "\n// Flags:\n";
            for (size_t fIx = 0; fIx < ArraySize(CompilerFlagInfos); ++fIx)
                const char *flagName = GetCompilerFlagName(configs[i].flags, fIx);
                if (flagName != nullptr)
                    (*outDebugInfo) += std::string("// ") + flagName + "\n";

            (*outDebugInfo) += "// Macros:\n";
            if (macros == nullptr)
                (*outDebugInfo) += "// - : -\n";
                for (const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *mIt = macros; mIt->Name != nullptr; ++mIt)
                    (*outDebugInfo) += std::string("// ") + mIt->Name + " : " + mIt->Definition + "\n";

            (*outDebugInfo) += "\n" + disassembleBinary(binary) + "\n// ASSEMBLY END\n";

            return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
            if (result == E_OUTOFMEMORY)
                *outCompiledBlob = NULL;
                return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "HLSL compiler had an unexpected failure, result: 0x%X.", result);

            infoLog.append("Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with %s flags.", configs[i].name.c_str());

            if (i + 1 < configs.size())
                infoLog.append(" Retrying with %s.\n", configs[i + 1].name.c_str());

    // None of the configurations succeeded in compiling this shader but the compiler is still intact
    *outCompiledBlob = NULL;
    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
gl::Error HLSLCompiler::compileToBinary(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const std::string &hlsl, const std::string &profile,
                                        const std::vector<CompileConfig> &configs, const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *overrideMacros,
                                        ID3DBlob **outCompiledBlob, std::string *outDebugInfo)


    if (gl::DebugAnnotationsActive())
        std::string sourcePath = getTempPath();
        std::string sourceText = FormatString("#line 2 \"%s\"\n\n%s", sourcePath.c_str(), hlsl.c_str());
        writeFile(sourcePath.c_str(), sourceText.c_str(), sourceText.size());

    const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *macros = overrideMacros ? overrideMacros : nullptr;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < configs.size(); ++i)
        ID3DBlob *errorMessage = nullptr;
        ID3DBlob *binary = nullptr;
        HRESULT result         = S_OK;

            TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "D3DCompile");
            result = mD3DCompileFunc(hlsl.c_str(), hlsl.length(), gl::g_fakepath, macros, nullptr,
                                     "main", profile.c_str(), configs[i].flags, 0, &binary,

        if (errorMessage)
            std::string message = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(errorMessage->GetBufferPointer());

            TRACE("\n%s", hlsl.c_str());
            TRACE("\n%s", message.c_str());

            if ((message.find("error X3531:") != std::string::npos ||  // "can't unroll loops marked with loop attribute"
                 message.find("error X4014:") != std::string::npos) && // "cannot have gradient operations inside loops with divergent flow control",
                                                                       // even though it is counter-intuitive to disable unrolling for this error,
                                                                       // some very long shaders have trouble deciding which loops to unroll and
                                                                       // turning off forced unrolls allows them to compile properly.
                macros != nullptr)
                macros = nullptr;   // Disable [loop] and [flatten]

                // Retry without changing compiler flags

        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            *outCompiledBlob = binary;

            (*outDebugInfo) += "// COMPILER INPUT HLSL BEGIN\n\n" + hlsl + "\n// COMPILER INPUT HLSL END\n";

            (*outDebugInfo) += "\n\n// ASSEMBLY BEGIN\n\n";
            (*outDebugInfo) += "// Compiler configuration: " + configs[i].name + "\n// Flags:\n";
            for (size_t fIx = 0; fIx < ArraySize(CompilerFlagInfos); ++fIx)
                if (IsCompilerFlagSet(configs[i].flags, CompilerFlagInfos[fIx].mFlag))
                    (*outDebugInfo) += std::string("// ") + CompilerFlagInfos[fIx].mName + "\n";

            (*outDebugInfo) += "// Macros:\n";
            if (macros == nullptr)
                (*outDebugInfo) += "// - : -\n";
                for (const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *mIt = macros; mIt->Name != nullptr; ++mIt)
                    (*outDebugInfo) += std::string("// ") + mIt->Name + " : " + mIt->Definition + "\n";

            std::string disassembly;
            ANGLE_TRY(disassembleBinary(binary, &disassembly));
            (*outDebugInfo) += "\n" + disassembly + "\n// ASSEMBLY END\n";
            return gl::NoError();

        if (result == E_OUTOFMEMORY)
            *outCompiledBlob = nullptr;
            return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "HLSL compiler had an unexpected failure, result: 0x%X.", result);

        infoLog << "Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with " << configs[i].name << " flags. ("
                << profile << ")";

        if (i + 1 < configs.size())
            infoLog << " Retrying with " << configs[i + 1].name;

    // None of the configurations succeeded in compiling this shader but the compiler is still intact
    *outCompiledBlob = nullptr;
    return gl::NoError();