GLWindow::glAddGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList &matrix,
			 const CompRegion            &region,
			 const CompRegion            &clip,
			 unsigned int                maxGridWidth,
			 unsigned int                maxGridHeight)
    WRAPABLE_HND_FUNCTN (glAddGeometry, matrix, region, clip)

    BoxRec full;
    int    nMatrix = matrix.size ();

    full = clip.handle ()->extents;
    if (region.handle ()->extents.x1 > full.x1)
	full.x1 = region.handle ()->extents.x1;
    if (region.handle ()->extents.y1 > full.y1)
	full.y1 = region.handle ()->extents.y1;
    if (region.handle ()->extents.x2 < full.x2)
	full.x2 = region.handle ()->extents.x2;
    if (region.handle ()->extents.y2 < full.y2)
	full.y2 = region.handle ()->extents.y2;

    if (full.x1 < full.x2 && full.y1 < full.y2)
	BoxPtr  pBox;
	int     nBox;
	BoxPtr  pClip;
	int     nClip;
	BoxRec  cbox;
	int     it, x1, y1, x2, y2;
	bool    rect = true;

	for (it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++)
	    if (matrix[it].xy != 0.0f || matrix[it].yx != 0.0f)
		rect = false;

	pBox = const_cast <Region> (region.handle ())->rects;
	nBox = const_cast <Region> (region.handle ())->numRects;

	while (nBox--)
	    x1 = pBox->x1;
	    y1 = pBox->y1;
	    x2 = pBox->x2;
	    y2 = pBox->y2;


	    if (x1 < full.x1)
		x1 = full.x1;
	    if (y1 < full.y1)
		y1 = full.y1;
	    if (x2 > full.x2)
		x2 = full.x2;
	    if (y2 > full.y2)
		y2 = full.y2;

	    if (x1 < x2 && y1 < y2)
		nClip = const_cast <Region> (clip.handle ())->numRects;

		if (nClip == 1)
		    addQuads (priv->vertexBuffer, matrix, nMatrix,
			      x1, y1, x2, y2,
			      maxGridWidth, maxGridHeight);
		    pClip = const_cast <Region> (clip.handle ())->rects;

		    while (nClip--)
			cbox = *pClip;


			if (cbox.x1 < x1)
			    cbox.x1 = x1;
			if (cbox.y1 < y1)
			    cbox.y1 = y1;
			if (cbox.x2 > x2)
			    cbox.x2 = x2;
			if (cbox.y2 > y2)
			    cbox.y2 = y2;

			if (cbox.x1 < cbox.x2 && cbox.y1 < cbox.y2)
			    addQuads (priv->vertexBuffer, matrix, nMatrix,
				      cbox.x1, cbox.y1, cbox.x2, cbox.y2,
				      maxGridWidth, maxGridHeight);
GridAnim::addGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList &matrix,
		       const CompRegion            &region,
		       const CompRegion            &clip,
		       unsigned int                maxGridWidth,
		       unsigned int                maxGridHeight)
    unsigned int nMatrix = matrix.size ();
    int nVertices, nIndices;
    GLushort *i;
    GLfloat *v;
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    float winContentsY, winContentsHeight;
    float deformedX, deformedY;
    float deformedZ = 0;
    int nVertX, nVertY;
    int vSize;
    float gridW, gridH;
    bool rect = true;
    bool notUsing3dCoords = !using3D ();

    if (region.isEmpty ()) // nothing to do

    GLWindow::Geometry &geometry = GLWindow::get (mWindow)->geometry ();

    for (unsigned int it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++)
	if (matrix[it].xy != 0.0f || matrix[it].yx != 0.0f)
	    rect = false;

    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
				  mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
				  mWindow->output ());

    // window output (contents + decorations + shadows) coordinates and size
    int ox = outRect.x ();
    int oy = outRect.y ();
    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    // to be used if event is shade/unshade
    winContentsY = oy + outExtents.top;
    winContentsHeight = oheight - outExtents.top - outExtents.bottom;

    geometry.texUnits = (int)nMatrix;

    if (geometry.vCount == 0)
	// reset
	geometry.indexCount = 0;
	geometry.texCoordSize = 4;
    geometry.vertexStride = 3 + geometry.texUnits * geometry.texCoordSize;
    vSize = geometry.vertexStride;

    nVertices = geometry.vCount;
    nIndices = geometry.indexCount;

    v = geometry.vertices + (nVertices * vSize);
    i = geometry.indices + nIndices;

    // For each clip passed to this function
    foreach (const CompRect &pClip, region.rects ())
	x1 = pClip.x1 ();
	y1 = pClip.y1 ();
	x2 = pClip.x2 ();
	y2 = pClip.y2 ();

	gridW = (float)owidth / (mGridWidth - 1);

	if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
	    mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
	    if (y1 < winContentsY)	// if at top part
		gridH = mDecorTopHeight;
	    else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight)  // if at bottom
		gridH = mDecorBottomHeight;
	    else			// in window contents (only in Y coords)
		float winContentsHeight =
		    oheight - (mDecorTopHeight + mDecorBottomHeight);
		gridH = winContentsHeight / (mGridHeight - 3);
	    gridH = (float)oheight / (mGridHeight - 1);

	// nVertX, nVertY: number of vertices for this clip in x and y dimensions
	// + 2 to avoid running short of vertices in some cases
	nVertX = ceil ((x2 - x1) / gridW) + 2;
	nVertY = (gridH ? ceil ((y2 - y1) / gridH) : 0) + 2;

	// Allocate 4 indices for each quad
	int newIndexSize = nIndices + ((nVertX - 1) * (nVertY - 1) * 4);

	if (newIndexSize > geometry.indexSize)
	    if (!geometry.moreIndices (newIndexSize))

	    i = geometry.indices + nIndices;
	// Assign quad vertices to indices
	for (int jy = 0; jy < nVertY - 1; jy++)
	    for (int jx = 0; jx < nVertX - 1; jx++)
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * (2 * jy + 1) + jx;
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * (2 * jy + 1) + jx + 1;
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * 2 * jy + jx + 1;
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * 2 * jy + jx;

		nIndices += 4;

	// Allocate vertices
	int newVertexSize =
	    (nVertices + nVertX * (2 * nVertY - 2)) * vSize;
	if (newVertexSize > geometry.vertexSize)
	    if (!geometry.moreVertices (newVertexSize))

	    v = geometry.vertices + (nVertices * vSize);

	float rowTexCoordQ = 1;
	float prevRowCellWidth = 0;	// this initial value won't be used
	float rowCellWidth = 0;
	int clipRowSize = nVertX * vSize;

	// For each vertex
	float y = y1;
	for (int jy = 0; jy < nVertY; jy++)
	    float topiyFloat;
	    bool applyOffsets = true;

	    if (y > y2)
		y = y2;

	    // Do calculations for y here to avoid repeating
	    // them unnecessarily in the x loop

	    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
		mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
		if (y1 < winContentsY)	// if at top part
		    topiyFloat = (y - oy) / mDecorTopHeight;
		    topiyFloat = MIN (topiyFloat, 0.999);	// avoid 1.0
		    applyOffsets = false;
		else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight)	// if at bottom
		    topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 2) +
			(mDecorBottomHeight ? (y - winContentsY -
					       winContentsHeight) /
			 mDecorBottomHeight : 0);
		    applyOffsets = false;
		else		// in window contents (only in Y coords)
		    topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 3) *
			(y - winContentsY) / winContentsHeight + 1;
		topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 1) * (y - oy) / oheight;
	    // topiy should be at most (mGridHeight - 2)
	    int topiy = (int)(topiyFloat + 1e-4);

	    if (topiy == mGridHeight - 1)
	    int bottomiy = topiy + 1;
	    float iny = topiyFloat - topiy;
	    float inyRest = 1 - iny;

	    // End of calculations for y

	    float x = x1;
	    for (int jx = 0; jx < nVertX; jx++)
		if (x > x2)
		    x = x2;

		// find containing grid cell (leftix rightix) x (topiy bottomiy)
		float leftixFloat =
		    (mGridWidth - 1) * (x - ox) / owidth;
		int leftix = (int)(leftixFloat + 1e-4);

		if (leftix == mGridWidth - 1)
		int rightix = leftix + 1;

		// GridModel::GridObjects that are at top, bottom, left, right corners of quad
		GridModel::GridObject *objToTopLeft =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + leftix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToTopRight =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + rightix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomLeft =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + leftix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomRight =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + rightix]);

		Point3d &objToTopLeftPos = objToTopLeft->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToTopRightPos = objToTopRight->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToBottomLeftPos = objToBottomLeft->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToBottomRightPos = objToBottomRight->mPosition;

		// find position in cell by taking remainder of flooring
		float inx = leftixFloat - leftix;
		float inxRest = 1 - inx;

		// Interpolate to find deformed coordinates

		float hor1x = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.x () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.x ());
		float hor1y = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.y () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.y ());
		float hor1z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 :
			       inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.z () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.z ());
		float hor2x = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.x () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.x ());
		float hor2y = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.y () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.y ());
		float hor2z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 :
			       inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.z () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.z ());

		deformedX = inyRest * hor1x + iny * hor2x;
		deformedY = inyRest * hor1y + iny * hor2y;
		deformedZ = inyRest * hor1z + iny * hor2z;

		// Texture coordinates (s, t, r, q)

		if (mUseQTexCoord)
		    if (jx == 1)
			rowCellWidth = deformedX - v[-3];

		    // do only once per row for all rows except row 0
		    if (jy > 0 && jx == 1)
			rowTexCoordQ = (rowCellWidth / prevRowCellWidth);

			for (unsigned int it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++, v += 4)
			    // update first column
			    // (since we didn't know rowTexCoordQ before)
			    v[-vSize]     *= rowTexCoordQ; // multiply s & t by q
			    v[-vSize + 1] *= rowTexCoordQ;
			    v[-vSize + 3] = rowTexCoordQ;  // copy q
			v -= nMatrix * 4;

		// Loop for each texture element
		// (4 texture coordinates for each one)
		for (unsigned int it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++, v += 4)
		    float offsetY = 0;

		    if (rect)
			if (applyOffsets && y < y2)
			    offsetY = objToTopLeft->mOffsetTexCoordForQuadAfter.y ();
			v[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix[it], x); // s
			v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix[it], y + offsetY); // t
			if (applyOffsets && y < y2)
			    // FIXME:
			    // The correct y offset below produces wrong
			    // texture coordinates for some reason.
			    offsetY = 0;
			    // offsetY = objToTopLeft->offsetTexCoordForQuadAfter.y;
			v[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_XY (matrix[it], x, y + offsetY); // s
			v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_YX (matrix[it], x, y + offsetY); // t
		    v[2] = 0; // r

		    if (0 < jy && jy < nVertY - 1)
			// copy s, t, r to duplicate row
			memcpy (v + clipRowSize, v, 3 * sizeof (GLfloat));
			v[3 + clipRowSize] = 1; // q

		    if (applyOffsets &&
			objToTopLeft->mOffsetTexCoordForQuadBefore.y () != 0)
			// After copying to next row, update texture y coord
			// by following object's offset
			offsetY = objToTopLeft->mOffsetTexCoordForQuadBefore.y ();
			if (rect)
			    v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix[it], y + offsetY);
			    v[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_XY (matrix[it],
						      x, y + offsetY);
			    v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_YX (matrix[it],
						      x, y + offsetY);
		    if (mUseQTexCoord)
			v[3] = rowTexCoordQ; // q

			if (jx > 0)	// since column 0 is updated when jx == 1
			    // multiply s & t by q
			    v[0] *= rowTexCoordQ;
			    v[1] *= rowTexCoordQ;
			v[3] = 1; // q

		v[0] = deformedX;
		v[1] = deformedY;
		v[2] = deformedZ;

		// Copy vertex coordinates to duplicate row
		if (0 < jy && jy < nVertY - 1)
		    memcpy (v + clipRowSize, v, 3 * sizeof (GLfloat));


		// increment x properly (so that coordinates fall on grid intersections)
		x = rightix * gridW + ox;

		v += 3; // move on to next vertex
	    if (mUseQTexCoord)
		prevRowCellWidth = rowCellWidth;

	    if (0 < jy && jy < nVertY - 1)
		v += clipRowSize;	// skip the duplicate row
		nVertices += nVertX;
	    // increment y properly (so that coordinates fall on grid intersections)
	    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
		mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
		y += gridH;
		y = bottomiy * gridH + oy;
    geometry.vCount = nVertices;
    geometry.indexCount = nIndices;