QDateTime GPSDataParser::findPrevDate(const QDateTime& dateTime, int secs)
    // We will find the item in GPS data list where the time is
    // at the maximum smaller than 'secs' mn of the value to match.
    QDateTime itemFound = dateTime.addSecs((-1)*secs);
    bool found = false;

    for (GPSDataMap::ConstIterator it = m_GPSDataMap.constBegin();
        it != m_GPSDataMap.constEnd(); ++it )
        if (it.key() < dateTime)
            if (it.key() > itemFound)
                itemFound = it.key();
                found = true;

    if (found)
        return itemFound;

    return QDateTime();
void KMLGPSDataParser::CreateTrackPoints(QDomElement& parent, QDomDocument& root, int timeZone, int altitudeMode)
    kmlDocument = &root;
    //kDebug(AREA_CODE_LOADING) << "creation d'un trackpoint" ;

    // create the points
    QDomElement kmlPointsFolder = addKmlElement(parent, QLatin1String("Folder"));
    addKmlTextElement(kmlPointsFolder, QLatin1String("name"),       i18n("Points"));
    addKmlTextElement(kmlPointsFolder, QLatin1String("visibility"), QLatin1String("0"));
    addKmlTextElement(kmlPointsFolder, QLatin1String("open"),       QLatin1String("0"));
    int i = 0;

    // cache the end to not recalculate it with large number of points
    GPSDataMap::ConstIterator end (m_GPSDataMap.constEnd());

    for (GPSDataMap::ConstIterator it = m_GPSDataMap.constBegin(); it != end; ++it, ++i)
        QDomElement kmlPointPlacemark = addKmlElement(kmlPointsFolder, QLatin1String("Placemark"));
        addKmlTextElement(kmlPointPlacemark, QLatin1String("name"), QString::fromUtf8("%1 %2 ").arg(i18n("Point")).arg(i));
        addKmlTextElement(kmlPointPlacemark, QLatin1String("styleUrl"), QLatin1String("#track"));
        QDomElement kmlTimeStamp      = addKmlElement(kmlPointPlacemark, QLatin1String("TimeStamp"));
        // GPS device are sync in time by satellite using GMT time.
        // If the camera time is different than GMT time, we want to
        // convert the GPS time to localtime of the picture to be display
        // in the same timeframe
        QDateTime GPSLocalizedTime = it.key().addSecs(timeZone*3600);

        addKmlTextElement(kmlTimeStamp, QLatin1String("when"), GPSLocalizedTime.toString(QLatin1String("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ")));
        QDomElement kmlGeometry = addKmlElement(kmlPointPlacemark, QLatin1String("Point"));
        addKmlTextElement(kmlPointPlacemark, QLatin1String("visibility"), QLatin1String("0"));

        if (it.value().latitude())
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, QLatin1String("coordinates"),
                              QString::fromUtf8("%1,%2,%3 ")
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, QLatin1String("coordinates"), QString::fromUtf8("%1,%2 ").arg(it.value().longitude()).arg(it.value().latitude()));
        if (altitudeMode == 2 )
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, QLatin1String("altitudeMode"), QLatin1String("absolute"));
        else if (altitudeMode == 1 )
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, QLatin1String("altitudeMode"), QLatin1String("relativeToGround"));
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, QLatin1String("altitudeMode"), QLatin1String("clampToGround"));
QString KMLGPSDataParser::lineString()
    QString line = QLatin1String("");
    // cache the end to not recalculate it with large number of points
    GPSDataMap::ConstIterator end (m_GPSDataMap.constEnd());

    for (GPSDataMap::ConstIterator it = m_GPSDataMap.constBegin(); it != end; ++it )
        line += QString::fromUtf8("%1,%2,%3 ").arg(it.value().longitude()).arg(it.value().latitude()).arg(it.value().altitude());

    return line;
bool GPSDataParser::matchDate(const QDateTime& photoDateTime, int maxGapTime, int timeZone,
                              bool interpolate, int interpolationDstTime,
                              GPSDataContainer& gpsData)
    // GPS device are sync in time by satelite using GMT time.
    // If the camera time is different than GMT time, we need to convert it to GMT time
    // Using the time zone.
    QDateTime cameraGMTDateTime = photoDateTime.addSecs(timeZone*(-1));

    kDebug( 51000 ) << "cameraGMTDateTime: " << cameraGMTDateTime << endl;

    // We trying to find the right date in the GPS points list.
    bool findItem = false;
    int nbSecItem = maxGapTime;
    int nbSecs;

    for (GPSDataMap::ConstIterator it = m_GPSDataMap.constBegin();
         it != m_GPSDataMap.constEnd(); ++it )
        // Here we check a possible accuracy in seconds between the
        // Camera GMT time and the GPS device GMT time.

        nbSecs = abs(cameraGMTDateTime.secsTo( it.key() ));

        // We tring to find the minimal accuracy.
        if( nbSecs < maxGapTime && nbSecs < nbSecItem)
            gpsData   = m_GPSDataMap[it.key()];
            findItem  = true;
            nbSecItem = nbSecs;

    if (findItem) return true;

    // If we can't find it, we will trying to interpolate the GPS point.

    if (interpolate)
        // The interpolate GPS point will be separate by at the maximum of 'interpolationDstTime'
        // seconds before and after the next and previous real GPS point found.

        QDateTime prevDateTime = findPrevDate(cameraGMTDateTime, interpolationDstTime);
        QDateTime nextDateTime = findNextDate(cameraGMTDateTime, interpolationDstTime);

        if (!nextDateTime.isNull() && !prevDateTime.isNull())
            GPSDataContainer prevGPSPoint = m_GPSDataMap[prevDateTime];
            GPSDataContainer nextGPSPoint = m_GPSDataMap[nextDateTime];

            double alt1 = prevGPSPoint.altitude();
            double lon1 = prevGPSPoint.longitude();
            double lat1 = prevGPSPoint.latitude();
            uint   t1   = prevDateTime.toTime_t();
            double alt2 = nextGPSPoint.altitude();
            double lon2 = nextGPSPoint.longitude();
            double lat2 = nextGPSPoint.latitude();
            uint   t2   = nextDateTime.toTime_t();
            uint   tCor = cameraGMTDateTime.toTime_t();

            if (tCor-t1 != 0)
                gpsData.setAltitude(alt1  + (alt2-alt1) * (tCor-t1)/(t2-t1));
                gpsData.setLatitude(lat1  + (lat2-lat1) * (tCor-t1)/(t2-t1));
                gpsData.setLongitude(lon1 + (lon2-lon1) * (tCor-t1)/(t2-t1));
                return true;

    return false;