QSharedPointer<QSGDepthStencilBuffer> QSGDepthStencilBufferManager::bufferForFormat(const QSGDepthStencilBuffer::Format &fmt) { Hash::const_iterator it = m_buffers.constFind(fmt); if (it != m_buffers.constEnd()) return it.value().toStrongRef(); return QSharedPointer<QSGDepthStencilBuffer>(); }
QSGDepthStencilBufferManager::~QSGDepthStencilBufferManager() { for (Hash::const_iterator it = m_buffers.constBegin(), cend = m_buffers.constEnd(); it != cend; ++it) { QSGDepthStencilBuffer *buffer = it.value().data(); buffer->free(); buffer->m_manager = 0; } }
static Mapping hashToBiMap(const Hash &hash) { Mapping biMap; Hash::const_iterator it = hash.constBegin(); const Hash::const_iterator end = hash.constEnd(); for ( ; it != end; ++it) biMap.insert(Mapping::value_type(it.key(), it.value())); return biMap; }
void KCTimeDict::save(QDataStream &str) const { Hash::const_iterator it = m_hash.constBegin(); const Hash::const_iterator end = m_hash.constEnd(); for (; it != end; ++it) { str << it.key() << it.value(); } str << QString() << quint32(0); }
void ActionSignalMapper::slotMapTriggered(bool status) { QAction *s = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender()); if (!s) { return; } Hash::const_iterator it = m_stringHash.constFind(s); if (it != m_stringHash.constEnd()) { emit mappedTriggered(it.value(), status); } }
void AncestorMoveMonitor::dump() { #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG TRACE_CONTEXT(AncestorMoveMonitor::dump, EVideoInternal); for(Hash::const_iterator it = m_hash.begin(); it != m_hash.end(); ++it) { const QObject *ancestor = it.key(); TRACE("ancestor 0x%08x", ancestor); const TargetList& targetList = it.value(); VideoOutput* target = 0; foreach(target, targetList) { TRACE(" target 0x%08x", target); } }
/* Brief: TODO description * Parameter: index, TODO description * Parameter: role, TODO description * * Note: This function is called */ QVariant CDailyWeatherModel::data( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { int column = index.column(); int row = index.row(); //qDebug("from inside Data(), row:%i, col:%i, role=%i, counter=%i", row, column, role, counter); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { if (mStation == NULL) return QVariant("n/a"); if (column == CDailyWeatherModel::YEAR) return QVariant(mYear); else if (column == CDailyWeatherModel::DOY) return QVariant(row+1); else { // Note: Be sure to use pointer here! Else, the map will be returned by value. This means // that a copy of this huge map will be made whenever this function is called (whenever // the model needs to be updated or the table needs to be redraen - potentially many times. // This will lag the interface. Hash* hash = mStation->getWeather(); QString yr = QString::number(mYear); QString doy = QString::number(row+1); Pair pair(yr, doy); // Find item in weather map with key Hash::const_iterator iter = hash->find(pair); // (Year, Day of Year) not found in weather data map for the current station if(iter == hash->end()) return QVariant("n/a"); return QVariant(iter.value()->at(column-2)); } } else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) return QVariant(Qt::AlignCenter); else return QVariant(); }
bool AncestorMoveMonitor::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { TRACE_CONTEXT(AncestorMoveMonitor::eventFilter, EVideoInternal); if(event->type() == QEvent::Move || event->type() == QEvent::ParentChange) { //TRACE_ENTRY("watched 0x%08x event.type %d", watched, event->type()); const Hash::const_iterator it = m_hash.find(watched); if(it != m_hash.end()) { const TargetList& targetList = it.value(); VideoOutput* target = 0; foreach(target, targetList) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::Move: // Notify the target that its ancestor has moved target->ancestorMoved(); break; case QEvent::ParentChange: // Update ancestor list for the target registerTarget(target); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); } } } //TRACE_EXIT_0(); } // The event is never consumed by this filter return false; }