int PhoneBookCollocated::run(int argc, char* argv[]) { Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator()->getProperties(); // // Create and install a factory for contacts. // ContactFactoryPtr contactFactory = new ContactFactory(); communicator()->addObjectFactory(contactFactory, Demo::Contact::ice_staticId()); // // Create the name index. // NameIndexPtr index = new NameIndex("name"); vector<Freeze::IndexPtr> indices; indices.push_back(index); // // Create an object adapter, use the evictor as servant locator. // Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("PhoneBook"); // // Create an evictor for contacts. // // When Freeze.Evictor.db.contacts.PopulateEmptyIndices is not 0 // and the Name index is empty, Freeze will traverse the database // to recreate the index during createXXXEvictor(). Therefore the // factories for the objects stored in evictor (contacts here) // must be registered before the call to createXXXEvictor(). // Freeze::EvictorPtr evictor = Freeze::createBackgroundSaveEvictor(adapter, _envName, "contacts", 0, indices); adapter->addServantLocator(evictor, "contact"); Ice::Int evictorSize = properties->getPropertyAsInt("EvictorSize"); if(evictorSize > 0) { evictor->setSize(evictorSize); } // // Completes the initialization of the contact factory. Note that ContactI/ // ContactFactoryI uses this evictor only when a Contact is destroyed, // which cannot happen during createXXXEvictor(). // contactFactory->setEvictor(evictor); // // Create the phonebook, and add it to the Object Adapter. // PhoneBookIPtr phoneBook = new PhoneBookI(evictor, contactFactory, index); adapter->add(phoneBook, communicator()->stringToIdentity("phonebook")); // // Everything ok, let's go. // int runParser(int, char*[], const Ice::CommunicatorPtr&); int status = runParser(argc, argv, communicator()); adapter->destroy(); return status; }
void allTests(Test::TestHelper* helper) { Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator = helper->communicator(); cout << "testing proxy endpoint information... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectPrxPtr p1 = communicator->stringToProxy("test -t:default -h tcphost -p 10000 -t 1200 -z --sourceAddress" "udp -h udphost -p 10001 --interface eth0 --ttl 5 --sourceAddress" "opaque -e 1.8 -t 100 -v ABCD"); Ice::EndpointSeq endps = p1->ice_getEndpoints(); Ice::EndpointInfoPtr info = endps[0]->getInfo(); Ice::TCPEndpointInfoPtr ipEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo(info); test(ipEndpoint); test(ipEndpoint->host == "tcphost"); test(ipEndpoint->port == 10000); test(ipEndpoint->timeout == 1200); #if !defined(ICE_OS_UWP) test(ipEndpoint->sourceAddress == ""); #endif test(ipEndpoint->compress); test(!ipEndpoint->datagram()); test((ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::TCPEndpointType && !ipEndpoint->secure()) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::SSLEndpointType && ipEndpoint->secure()) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSEndpointType && !ipEndpoint->secure()) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSSEndpointType && ipEndpoint->secure())); test((ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::TCPEndpointType && ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::TCPEndpointInfo, info)) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::SSLEndpointType && ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(IceSSL::EndpointInfo, info)) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSEndpointType && ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::WSEndpointInfo, info)) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSSEndpointType && ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::WSEndpointInfo, info))); Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr udpEndpoint = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::UDPEndpointInfo, endps[1]->getInfo()); test(udpEndpoint); test(udpEndpoint->host == "udphost"); test(udpEndpoint->port == 10001); #if !defined(ICE_OS_UWP) test(udpEndpoint->sourceAddress == ""); #endif test(udpEndpoint->mcastInterface == "eth0"); test(udpEndpoint->mcastTtl == 5); test(udpEndpoint->timeout == -1); test(!udpEndpoint->compress); test(!udpEndpoint->secure()); test(udpEndpoint->datagram()); test(udpEndpoint->type() == Ice::UDPEndpointType); Ice::OpaqueEndpointInfoPtr opaqueEndpoint = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::OpaqueEndpointInfo, endps[2]->getInfo()); test(opaqueEndpoint); Ice::EncodingVersion rev; rev.major = 1; rev.minor = 8; test(opaqueEndpoint->rawEncoding == rev); } cout << "ok" << endl; string defaultHost = communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Host"); #ifdef ICE_OS_UWP bool uwp = true; #else bool uwp = false; #endif if(!uwp || (communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") != "ssl" && communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") != "wss")) { cout << "test object adapter endpoint information... " << flush; { communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", "default -h -t 15000:udp -h"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); Ice::EndpointSeq endpoints = adapter->getEndpoints(); test(endpoints.size() == 2); Ice::EndpointSeq publishedEndpoints = adapter->getPublishedEndpoints(); test(endpoints == publishedEndpoints); Ice::TCPEndpointInfoPtr ipEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo(endpoints[0]->getInfo()); test(ipEndpoint); test(ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::TCPEndpointType || ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::SSLEndpointType || ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSEndpointType || ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSSEndpointType); test(ipEndpoint->host == ""); test(ipEndpoint->port > 0); test(ipEndpoint->timeout == 15000); Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr udpEndpoint = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::UDPEndpointInfo, endpoints[1]->getInfo()); test(udpEndpoint); test(udpEndpoint->host == ""); test(udpEndpoint->datagram()); test(udpEndpoint->port > 0); endpoints.pop_back(); test(endpoints.size() == 1); adapter->setPublishedEndpoints(endpoints); publishedEndpoints = adapter->getPublishedEndpoints(); test(endpoints == publishedEndpoints); adapter->destroy(); int port = helper->getTestPort(1); ostringstream portStr; portStr << port; communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", "default -h * -p " + portStr.str()); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter.PublishedEndpoints", helper->getTestEndpoint(1)); adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); endpoints = adapter->getEndpoints(); test(endpoints.size() >= 1); publishedEndpoints = adapter->getPublishedEndpoints(); test(publishedEndpoints.size() == 1); for(Ice::EndpointSeq::const_iterator p = endpoints.begin(); p != endpoints.end(); ++p) { ipEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo((*p)->getInfo()); test(ipEndpoint->port == port); } ipEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo(publishedEndpoints[0]->getInfo()); test(ipEndpoint->host == helper->getTestHost()); test(ipEndpoint->port == port); adapter->destroy(); } cout << "ok" << endl; } string endpoints = helper->getTestEndpoint() + ":" + helper->getTestEndpoint("udp") + " -c"; int port = helper->getTestPort(); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr base = communicator->stringToProxy("test:" + endpoints); TestIntfPrxPtr testIntf = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, base); cout << "test connection endpoint information... " << flush; { Ice::EndpointInfoPtr info = base->ice_getConnection()->getEndpoint()->getInfo(); Ice::TCPEndpointInfoPtr tcpinfo = getTCPEndpointInfo(info); test(tcpinfo->port == port); test(!tcpinfo->compress); test(tcpinfo->host == defaultHost); ostringstream os; Ice::Context ctx = testIntf->getEndpointInfoAsContext(); test(ctx["host"] == tcpinfo->host); test(ctx["compress"] == "false"); istringstream is(ctx["port"]); int portCtx; is >> portCtx; test(portCtx > 0); info = base->ice_datagram()->ice_getConnection()->getEndpoint()->getInfo(); Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr udp = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::UDPEndpointInfo, info); test(udp); test(udp->port == portCtx); test(udp->host == defaultHost); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing connection information... " << flush; { Ice::ConnectionPtr connection = base->ice_getConnection(); connection->setBufferSize(1024, 2048); Ice::TCPConnectionInfoPtr info = getTCPConnectionInfo(connection->getInfo()); test(info); test(!info->incoming); test(info->adapterName.empty()); test(info->localPort > 0); test(info->remotePort == port); if(defaultHost == "") { test(info->remoteAddress == defaultHost); test(info->localAddress == defaultHost); } #if !defined(ICE_OS_UWP) test(info->rcvSize >= 1024); test(info->sndSize >= 2048); #endif ostringstream os; Ice::Context ctx = testIntf->getConnectionInfoAsContext(); test(ctx["incoming"] == "true"); test(ctx["adapterName"] == "TestAdapter"); test(ctx["remoteAddress"] == info->localAddress); test(ctx["localAddress"] == info->remoteAddress); os.str(""); os << info->localPort; test(ctx["remotePort"] == os.str()); os.str(""); os << info->remotePort; test(ctx["localPort"] == os.str()); if(base->ice_getConnection()->type() == "ws" || base->ice_getConnection()->type() == "wss") { Ice::HeaderDict headers; Ice::WSConnectionInfoPtr wsinfo = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::WSConnectionInfo, connection->getInfo()); test(wsinfo); headers = wsinfo->headers; if(base->ice_getConnection()->type() == "wss") { IceSSL::ConnectionInfoPtr wssinfo = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(IceSSL::ConnectionInfo, wsinfo->underlying); test(wssinfo->verified); #if !defined(ICE_OS_UWP) && TARGET_OS_IPHONE==0 test(!wssinfo->certs.empty()); #endif } test(headers["Upgrade"] == "websocket"); test(headers["Connection"] == "Upgrade"); test(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] == ""); test(headers.find("Sec-WebSocket-Accept") != headers.end()); test(ctx["ws.Upgrade"] == "websocket"); test(ctx["ws.Connection"] == "Upgrade"); test(ctx["ws.Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] == ""); test(ctx["ws.Sec-WebSocket-Version"] == "13"); test(ctx.find("ws.Sec-WebSocket-Key") != ctx.end()); } connection = base->ice_datagram()->ice_getConnection(); connection->setBufferSize(2048, 1024); Ice::UDPConnectionInfoPtr udpinfo = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(Ice::UDPConnectionInfo, connection->getInfo()); test(!udpinfo->incoming); test(udpinfo->adapterName.empty()); test(udpinfo->localPort > 0); test(udpinfo->remotePort == port); if(defaultHost == "") { test(udpinfo->remoteAddress == defaultHost); test(udpinfo->localAddress == defaultHost); } #if !defined(ICE_OS_UWP) test(udpinfo->rcvSize >= 2048); test(udpinfo->sndSize >= 1024); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; testIntf->shutdown(); communicator->shutdown(); communicator->waitForShutdown(); }
TimeoutPrxPtr allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { string sref = "timeout:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 0); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr obj = communicator->stringToProxy(sref); test(obj); TimeoutPrxPtr timeout = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj); test(timeout); cout << "testing connect timeout... " << flush; { // // Expect ConnectTimeoutException. // TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_timeout(100)); timeout->holdAdapter(500); try { to->op(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectTimeoutException&) { // Expected. } } { // // Expect success. // timeout->op(); // Ensure adapter is active. TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_timeout(1000)); timeout->holdAdapter(500); try { to->op(); } catch(const Ice::ConnectTimeoutException&) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; // The sequence needs to be large enough to fill the write/recv buffers ByteSeq seq(2000000); cout << "testing connection timeout... " << flush; { // // Expect TimeoutException. // TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_timeout(100)); timeout->holdAdapter(500); try { to->sendData(seq); test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { // Expected. } } { // // Expect success. // timeout->op(); // Ensure adapter is active. TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_timeout(1000)); timeout->holdAdapter(500); try { ByteSeq seq(1000000); to->sendData(seq); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing invocation timeout... " << flush; { Ice::ConnectionPtr connection = obj->ice_getConnection(); TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_invocationTimeout(100)); test(connection == to->ice_getConnection()); try { to->sleep(750); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InvocationTimeoutException&) { } obj->ice_ping(); to = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_invocationTimeout(500)); test(connection == to->ice_getConnection()); try { to->sleep(250); } catch(const Ice::InvocationTimeoutException&) { test(false); } test(connection == to->ice_getConnection()); } { // // Expect InvocationTimeoutException. // TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_invocationTimeout(100)); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto f = to->sleep_async(750); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InvocationTimeoutException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback(); to->begin_sleep(750, newCallback_Timeout_sleep(cb, &Callback::responseEx, &Callback::exceptionEx)); cb->check(); #endif obj->ice_ping(); } { // // Expect success. // TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_invocationTimeout(500)); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto f = to->sleep_async(250); try { f.get(); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback(); to->begin_sleep(250, newCallback_Timeout_sleep(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception)); cb->check(); #endif } { // // Backward compatible connection timeouts // TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_invocationTimeout(-2)->ice_timeout(250)); Ice::ConnectionPtr con; try { con = to->ice_getConnection(); to->sleep(750); test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { try { con->getInfo(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { // Connection got closed as well. } } obj->ice_ping(); try { con = to->ice_getConnection(); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING to->sleep_async(750).get(); #else to->end_sleep(to->begin_sleep(750)); #endif test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { try { con->getInfo(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { // Connection got closed as well. } } obj->ice_ping(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing close timeout... " << flush; { TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, obj->ice_timeout(250)); Ice::ConnectionPtr connection = to->ice_getConnection(); timeout->holdAdapter(600); connection->close(false); try { connection->getInfo(); // getInfo() doesn't throw in the closing state. } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(650)); try { connection->getInfo(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::CloseConnectionException&) { // Expected. } timeout->op(); // Ensure adapter is active. } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing timeout overrides... " << flush; { // // Test Ice.Override.Timeout. This property overrides all // endpoint timeouts. // Ice::InitializationData initData; = communicator->getProperties()->clone();>setProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout", "250"); Ice::CommunicatorPtr comm = Ice::initialize(initData); TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, comm->stringToProxy(sref)); timeout->holdAdapter(700); try { to->sendData(seq); test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { // Expected. } // // Calling ice_timeout() should have no effect. // timeout->op(); // Ensure adapter is active. to = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, to->ice_timeout(1000)); timeout->holdAdapter(500); try { to->sendData(seq); test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { // Expected. } comm->destroy(); } { // // Test Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout. // Ice::InitializationData initData; = communicator->getProperties()->clone();>setProperty("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout", "250"); Ice::CommunicatorPtr comm = Ice::initialize(initData); timeout->holdAdapter(750); TimeoutPrxPtr to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, comm->stringToProxy(sref)); try { to->op(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectTimeoutException&) { // Expected. } // // Calling ice_timeout() should have no effect on the connect timeout. // timeout->op(); // Ensure adapter is active. timeout->holdAdapter(750); to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, to->ice_timeout(1000)); try { to->op(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectTimeoutException&) { // Expected. } // // Verify that timeout set via ice_timeout() is still used for requests. // timeout->op(); // Ensure adapter is active. to = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, to->ice_timeout(250)); to->ice_getConnection(); // Establish connection timeout->holdAdapter(750); try { to->sendData(seq); test(false); } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException&) { // Expected. } comm->destroy(); } { // // Test Ice.Override.CloseTimeout. // Ice::InitializationData initData; = communicator->getProperties()->clone();>setProperty("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout", "250"); Ice::CommunicatorPtr comm = Ice::initialize(initData); Ice::ConnectionPtr connection = comm->stringToProxy(sref)->ice_getConnection(); timeout->holdAdapter(500); IceUtil::Time now = IceUtil::Time::now(); comm->destroy(); test(IceUtil::Time::now() - now < IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(400)); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing invocation timeouts with collocated calls... " << flush; { communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TimeoutCollocated.AdapterId", "timeoutAdapter"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TimeoutCollocated"); adapter->activate(); TimeoutPrxPtr timeout = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TimeoutPrx, adapter->addWithUUID(ICE_MAKE_SHARED(TimeoutI))); timeout = timeout->ice_invocationTimeout(100); try { timeout->sleep(300); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InvocationTimeoutException&) { } try { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING timeout->sleep_async(300).get(); #else timeout->end_sleep(timeout->begin_sleep(300)); #endif test(false); } catch(const Ice::InvocationTimeoutException&) { } TimeoutPrxPtr batchTimeout = timeout->ice_batchOneway(); batchTimeout->ice_ping(); batchTimeout->ice_ping(); batchTimeout->ice_ping(); // Keep the server thread pool busy. #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING timeout->ice_invocationTimeout(-1)->sleep_async(300); #else timeout->ice_invocationTimeout(-1)->begin_sleep(300); #endif try { batchTimeout->ice_flushBatchRequests(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InvocationTimeoutException&) { } batchTimeout->ice_ping(); batchTimeout->ice_ping(); batchTimeout->ice_ping(); // Keep the server thread pool busy. #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING timeout->ice_invocationTimeout(-1)->sleep_async(300); #else timeout->ice_invocationTimeout(-1)->begin_sleep(300); #endif try { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING batchTimeout->ice_flushBatchRequests_async().get(); #else batchTimeout->end_ice_flushBatchRequests(batchTimeout->begin_ice_flushBatchRequests()); #endif test(false); } catch(const Ice::InvocationTimeoutException&) { } adapter->destroy(); } cout << "ok" << endl; return timeout; }
TestIntfPrxPtr allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { Ice::ObjectPrxPtr obj = communicator->stringToProxy("Test:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 0)); TestIntfPrxPtr test = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, obj); cout << "base... " << flush; { try { test->baseAsBase(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "Base.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "base (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->baseAsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "Base.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_baseAsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_baseAsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_baseAsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown derived... " << flush; { try { test->unknownDerivedAsBase(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "UnknownDerived.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown derived (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->unknownDerivedAsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "UnknownDerived.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_unknownDerivedAsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_unknownDerivedAsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_unknownDerivedAsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known derived as base... " << flush; { try { test->knownDerivedAsBase(); test(false); } catch(const KnownDerived& k) { test(k.b == "KnownDerived.b"); test(k.kd == "KnownDerived.kd"); test(k.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known derived as base (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->knownDerivedAsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownDerived& k) { test(k.b == "KnownDerived.b"); test(k.kd == "KnownDerived.kd"); test(k.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_knownDerivedAsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_knownDerivedAsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_knownDerivedAsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known derived as derived... " << flush; { try { test->knownDerivedAsKnownDerived(); test(false); } catch(const KnownDerived& k) { test(k.b == "KnownDerived.b"); test(k.kd == "KnownDerived.kd"); test(k.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known derived as derived (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->knownDerivedAsKnownDerived_async(); try { result.get(); } catch(const KnownDerived& k) { test(k.b == "KnownDerived.b"); test(k.kd == "KnownDerived.kd"); test(k.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_knownDerivedAsKnownDerived( newCallback_TestIntf_knownDerivedAsKnownDerived(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_knownDerivedAsKnownDerived)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown intermediate as base... " << flush; { try { test->unknownIntermediateAsBase(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "UnknownIntermediate.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown intermediate as base (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->unknownIntermediateAsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "UnknownIntermediate.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_unknownIntermediateAsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_unknownIntermediateAsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_unknownIntermediateAsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of known intermediate as base... " << flush; { try { test->knownIntermediateAsBase(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "KnownIntermediate.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of known intermediate as base (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->knownIntermediateAsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "KnownIntermediate.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_knownIntermediateAsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_knownIntermediateAsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_knownIntermediateAsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of known most derived as base... " << flush; { try { test->knownMostDerivedAsBase(); test(false); } catch(const KnownMostDerived& kmd) { test(kmd.b == "KnownMostDerived.b"); test( == ""); test(kmd.kmd == "KnownMostDerived.kmd"); test(kmd.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownMostDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of known most derived as base (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->knownMostDerivedAsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownMostDerived& kmd) { test(kmd.b == "KnownMostDerived.b"); test( == ""); test(kmd.kmd == "KnownMostDerived.kmd"); test(kmd.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownMostDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_knownMostDerivedAsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_knownMostDerivedAsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_knownMostDerivedAsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known intermediate as intermediate... " << flush; { try { test->knownIntermediateAsKnownIntermediate(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "KnownIntermediate.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known intermediate as intermediate (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->knownIntermediateAsKnownIntermediate_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "KnownIntermediate.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_knownIntermediateAsKnownIntermediate( newCallback_TestIntf_knownIntermediateAsKnownIntermediate(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_knownIntermediateAsKnownIntermediate)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known most derived exception as intermediate... " << flush; { try { test->knownMostDerivedAsKnownIntermediate(); test(false); } catch(const KnownMostDerived& kmd) { test(kmd.b == "KnownMostDerived.b"); test( == ""); test(kmd.kmd == "KnownMostDerived.kmd"); test(kmd.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownMostDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known most derived as intermediate (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->knownMostDerivedAsKnownIntermediate_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownMostDerived& kmd) { test(kmd.b == "KnownMostDerived.b"); test( == ""); test(kmd.kmd == "KnownMostDerived.kmd"); test(kmd.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownMostDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_knownMostDerivedAsKnownIntermediate( newCallback_TestIntf_knownMostDerivedAsKnownIntermediate(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_knownMostDerivedAsKnownIntermediate)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known most derived as most derived... " << flush; { try { test->knownMostDerivedAsKnownMostDerived(); test(false); } catch(const KnownMostDerived& kmd) { test(kmd.b == "KnownMostDerived.b"); test( == ""); test(kmd.kmd == "KnownMostDerived.kmd"); test(kmd.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownMostDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "non-slicing of known most derived as most derived (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->knownMostDerivedAsKnownMostDerived_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownMostDerived& kmd) { test(kmd.b == "KnownMostDerived.b"); test( == ""); test(kmd.kmd == "KnownMostDerived.kmd"); test(kmd.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownMostDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_knownMostDerivedAsKnownMostDerived( newCallback_TestIntf_knownMostDerivedAsKnownMostDerived(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_knownMostDerivedAsKnownMostDerived)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown most derived, known intermediate as base... " << flush; { try { test->unknownMostDerived1AsBase(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "UnknownMostDerived1.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown most derived, known intermediate as base (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->unknownMostDerived1AsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "UnknownMostDerived1.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_unknownMostDerived1AsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_unknownMostDerived1AsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_unknownMostDerived1AsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown most derived, known intermediate as intermediate... " << flush; { try { test->unknownMostDerived1AsKnownIntermediate(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "UnknownMostDerived1.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown most derived, known intermediate as intermediate (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->unknownMostDerived1AsKnownIntermediate_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "UnknownMostDerived1.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_unknownMostDerived1AsKnownIntermediate( newCallback_TestIntf_unknownMostDerived1AsKnownIntermediate(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_unknownMostDerived1AsKnownIntermediate)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown most derived, unknown intermediate as base... " << flush; { try { test->unknownMostDerived2AsBase(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "UnknownMostDerived2.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "slicing of unknown most derived, unknown intermediate as base (AMI)... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto result = test->unknownMostDerived2AsBase_async(); try { result.get(); test(false); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "UnknownMostDerived2.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; test->begin_unknownMostDerived2AsBase( newCallback_TestIntf_unknownMostDerived2AsBase(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_unknownMostDerived2AsBase)); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "unknown most derived in compact format... " << flush; { try { test->unknownMostDerived2AsBaseCompact(); test(false); } catch(const Base&) { // // For the 1.0 encoding, the unknown exception is sliced to Base. // test(test->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::Encoding_1_0); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { // // An UnknownUserException is raised for the compact format because the // most-derived type is unknown and the exception cannot be sliced. // test(test->ice_getEncodingVersion() != Ice::Encoding_1_0); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "preserved exceptions... " << flush; string localOAEndpoint; { ostringstream ostr; if(communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") == "bt") { ostr << "default -a *"; } else { ostr << "default -h *"; } localOAEndpoint = ostr.str(); } { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Relay", localOAEndpoint); RelayPrxPtr relay = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(RelayPrx, adapter->addWithUUID(ICE_MAKE_SHARED(RelayI))); adapter->activate(); try { test->relayKnownPreservedAsBase(relay); test(false); } catch(const KnownPreservedDerived& ex) { test(ex.b == "base"); test( == "preserved"); test(ex.kpd == "derived"); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cout << endl << "** OOPS" << endl << ex << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { test->relayKnownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(relay); test(false); } catch(const KnownPreservedDerived& ex) { test(ex.b == "base"); test( == "preserved"); test(ex.kpd == "derived"); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { test->relayUnknownPreservedAsBase(relay); test(false); } catch(const Preserved2& ex) { test(ex.b == "base"); test( == "preserved"); test(ex.kpd == "derived"); test(ex.p1->ice_id() == PreservedClass::ice_staticId()); PreservedClassPtr pc = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(PreservedClass, ex.p1); test(pc->bc == "bc"); test(pc->pc == "pc"); test(ex.p2 == ex.p1); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(const KnownPreservedDerived& ex) { // // For the 1.0 encoding, the unknown exception is sliced to KnownPreserved. // test(test->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::Encoding_1_0); test(ex.b == "base"); test( == "preserved"); test(ex.kpd == "derived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { test->relayUnknownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(relay); test(false); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(const Preserved2& ex) { test(ex.b == "base"); test( == "preserved"); test(ex.kpd == "derived"); test(ex.p1->ice_id() == PreservedClass::ice_staticId()); PreservedClassPtr pc = ICE_DYNAMIC_CAST(PreservedClass, ex.p1); test(pc->bc == "bc"); test(pc->pc == "pc"); test(ex.p2 == ex.p1); } catch(const KnownPreservedDerived& ex) { // // For the 1.0 encoding, the unknown exception is sliced to KnownPreserved. // test(test->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::Encoding_1_0); test(ex.b == "base"); test( == "preserved"); test(ex.kpd == "derived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } adapter->destroy(); } cout << "ok" << endl; return test; }
void ServerManagerI::startServer(const Ice::Current&) { for(::std::vector<Ice::CommunicatorPtr>::const_iterator i = _communicators.begin(); i != _communicators.end(); ++i) { (*i)->waitForShutdown(); (*i)->destroy(); } _communicators.clear(); // // Simulate a server: create a new communicator and object // adapter. The object adapter is started on a system allocated // port. The configuration used here contains the Ice.Locator // configuration variable. The new object adapter will register // its endpoints with the locator and create references containing // the adapter id instead of the endpoints. // Ice::CommunicatorPtr serverCommunicator = Ice::initialize(_initData); _communicators.push_back(serverCommunicator); // // Use fixed port to ensure that OA re-activation doesn't re-use previous port from // another OA (e.g.: TestAdapter2 is re-activated using port of TestAdapter). // int nRetry = 10; while(--nRetry > 0) { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter; Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter2; try { Ice::PropertiesPtr props =; serverCommunicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", getTestEndpoint(props, _nextPort++)); serverCommunicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter2.Endpoints", getTestEndpoint(props, _nextPort++)); adapter = serverCommunicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); adapter2 = serverCommunicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter2"); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr locator = serverCommunicator->stringToProxy("locator:" + getTestEndpoint(props, 0)); adapter->setLocator(ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(Ice::LocatorPrx, locator)); adapter2->setLocator(ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(Ice::LocatorPrx, locator)); Ice::ObjectPtr object = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(TestI, adapter, adapter2, _registry); _registry->addObject(adapter->add(object, Ice::stringToIdentity("test"))); _registry->addObject(adapter->add(object, Ice::stringToIdentity("test2"))); adapter->add(object, Ice::stringToIdentity("test3")); adapter->activate(); adapter2->activate(); break; } catch(const Ice::SocketException&) { if(nRetry == 0) { throw; } // Retry, if OA creation fails with EADDRINUSE (this can occur when running with JS web // browser clients if the driver uses ports in the same range as this test, ICE-8148) if(adapter) { adapter->destroy(); } if(adapter2) { adapter2->destroy(); } } } }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { cout << "testing proxy endpoint information... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectPrx p1 = communicator->stringToProxy("test -t:default -h tcphost -p 10000 -t 1200 -z --sourceAddress" "udp -h udphost -p 10001 --interface eth0 --ttl 5 --sourceAddress" "opaque -e 1.8 -t 100 -v ABCD"); Ice::EndpointSeq endps = p1->ice_getEndpoints(); Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr ipEndpoint = Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(endps[0]->getInfo()); test(ipEndpoint); test(ipEndpoint->host == "tcphost"); test(ipEndpoint->port == 10000); test(ipEndpoint->timeout == 1200); #if !defined(ICE_OS_WINRT) test(ipEndpoint->sourceAddress == ""); #endif test(ipEndpoint->compress); test(!ipEndpoint->datagram()); test((ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::TCPEndpointType && !ipEndpoint->secure()) || (ipEndpoint->type() == IceSSL::EndpointType && ipEndpoint->secure()) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSEndpointType && !ipEndpoint->secure()) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSSEndpointType && ipEndpoint->secure())); test((ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::TCPEndpointType && Ice::TCPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(ipEndpoint)) || (ipEndpoint->type() == IceSSL::EndpointType && IceSSL::EndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(ipEndpoint)) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSEndpointType && Ice::EndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(ipEndpoint)) || (ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSSEndpointType && Ice::EndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(ipEndpoint))); Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr udpEndpoint = Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(endps[1]->getInfo()); test(udpEndpoint); test(udpEndpoint->host == "udphost"); test(udpEndpoint->port == 10001); #if !defined(ICE_OS_WINRT) test(udpEndpoint->sourceAddress == ""); #endif test(udpEndpoint->mcastInterface == "eth0"); test(udpEndpoint->mcastTtl == 5); test(udpEndpoint->timeout == -1); test(!udpEndpoint->compress); test(!udpEndpoint->secure()); test(udpEndpoint->datagram()); test(udpEndpoint->type() == Ice::UDPEndpointType); Ice::OpaqueEndpointInfoPtr opaqueEndpoint = Ice::OpaqueEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(endps[2]->getInfo()); test(opaqueEndpoint); Ice::EncodingVersion rev; rev.major = 1; rev.minor = 8; test(opaqueEndpoint->rawEncoding == rev); } cout << "ok" << endl; string defaultHost = communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Host"); cout << "test object adapter endpoint information... " << flush; { communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", "default -t 15000:udp"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); Ice::EndpointSeq endpoints = adapter->getEndpoints(); test(endpoints.size() == 2); Ice::EndpointSeq publishedEndpoints = adapter->getPublishedEndpoints(); test(endpoints == publishedEndpoints); Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr ipEndpoint = Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(endpoints[0]->getInfo()); test(ipEndpoint); test(ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::TCPEndpointType || ipEndpoint->type() == IceSSL::EndpointType || ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSEndpointType || ipEndpoint->type() == Ice::WSSEndpointType); test(ipEndpoint->host == defaultHost); test(ipEndpoint->port > 0); test(ipEndpoint->timeout == 15000); Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr udpEndpoint = Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(endpoints[1]->getInfo()); test(udpEndpoint); test(udpEndpoint->host == defaultHost); test(udpEndpoint->datagram()); test(udpEndpoint->port > 0); adapter->destroy(); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", "default -h * -p 12020"); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter.PublishedEndpoints", "default -h -p 12020"); adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); endpoints = adapter->getEndpoints(); test(endpoints.size() >= 1); publishedEndpoints = adapter->getPublishedEndpoints(); test(publishedEndpoints.size() == 1); for(Ice::EndpointSeq::const_iterator p = endpoints.begin(); p != endpoints.end(); ++p) { ipEndpoint = Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast((*p)->getInfo()); test(ipEndpoint->port == 12020); } ipEndpoint = Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(publishedEndpoints[0]->getInfo()); test(ipEndpoint->host == ""); test(ipEndpoint->port == 12020); adapter->destroy(); } cout << "ok" << endl; Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy("test:default -p 12010:udp -p 12010 -c"); TestIntfPrx testIntf = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base); cout << "test connection endpoint information... " << flush; { Ice::EndpointInfoPtr info = base->ice_getConnection()->getEndpoint()->getInfo(); Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr ipinfo = Ice::IPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(info); test(ipinfo->port == 12010); test(!ipinfo->compress); test(ipinfo->host == defaultHost); ostringstream os; Ice::Context ctx = testIntf->getEndpointInfoAsContext(); test(ctx["host"] == ipinfo->host); test(ctx["compress"] == "false"); istringstream is(ctx["port"]); int port; is >> port; test(port > 0); info = base->ice_datagram()->ice_getConnection()->getEndpoint()->getInfo(); Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr udp = Ice::UDPEndpointInfoPtr::dynamicCast(info); test(udp); test(udp->port == 12010); test(udp->host == defaultHost); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing connection information... " << flush; { Ice::IPConnectionInfoPtr info = Ice::IPConnectionInfoPtr::dynamicCast(base->ice_getConnection()->getInfo()); test(info); test(!info->incoming); test(info->adapterName.empty()); test(info->localPort > 0); test(info->remotePort == 12010); if(defaultHost == "") { test(info->remoteAddress == defaultHost); test(info->localAddress == defaultHost); } ostringstream os; Ice::Context ctx = testIntf->getConnectionInfoAsContext(); test(ctx["incoming"] == "true"); test(ctx["adapterName"] == "TestAdapter"); test(ctx["remoteAddress"] == info->localAddress); test(ctx["localAddress"] == info->remoteAddress); os.str(""); os << info->localPort; test(ctx["remotePort"] == os.str()); os.str(""); os << info->remotePort; test(ctx["localPort"] == os.str()); info = Ice::IPConnectionInfoPtr::dynamicCast(base->ice_datagram()->ice_getConnection()->getInfo()); test(!info->incoming); test(info->adapterName.empty()); test(info->localPort > 0); test(info->remotePort == 12010); if(defaultHost == "") { test(info->remoteAddress == defaultHost); test(info->localAddress == defaultHost); } } cout << "ok" << endl; testIntf->shutdown(); communicator->shutdown(); communicator->waitForShutdown(); }