bool StoreListener::getAttachmentData(const idgs::actor::ActorMessagePtr& msg, idgs::actor::PbMessagePtr& key, idgs::actor::PbMessagePtr& value) {
  protobuf::MessageHelper& helper = idgs::util::singleton<protobuf::MessageHelper>::getInstance();
  const string& keyType = storeConfig->getStoreConfig().key_type();
  key = msg->getAttachement(STORE_ATTACH_KEY);
  if (!key) {
    key = helper.createMessage(keyType);
    if (!key) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "key type " << keyType << " is not registered.";
      return false;

    if (!msg->parseAttachment(STORE_ATTACH_KEY, key.get())) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "invalid key with type " << keyType;
      return false;

  const string& valueType = storeConfig->getStoreConfig().value_type();
  value = msg->getAttachement(STORE_ATTACH_VALUE);
  if (!value) {
    value = helper.createMessage(valueType);
    if (!key) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "value type " << valueType << " is not registered.";
      return false;

    if (!msg->parseAttachment(STORE_ATTACH_VALUE, value.get())) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "invalid value with type " << valueType;
      return false;

  return true;
void BaseRddPartition::transform(const idgs::actor::PbMessagePtr& key, const idgs::actor::PbMessagePtr& value) {
  if (!key.get()) {
    LOG(ERROR)<< getPartitionName() << " transform data, key is null";

  if(!value) {
    LOG(ERROR)<< getPartitionName() << " transform data, value is null";

  auto& downstreamPartition = rddLocal->getDownstreamPartition(partition);
  if (!downstreamPartition.empty()) {
    idgs::rdd::pb::RddResultCode code = idgs::rdd::pb::RRC_SUCCESS;
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < downstreamPartition.size(); ++ i) {
      auto& rddlocal = downstreamPartition[i]->getRddLocal();
      auto& ctx = transformerContexts.at(i);

      idgs::actor::PbMessagePtr outkey, outvalue;
      ctx.getExpressionContext()->setKeyValue(&key, &value);
      ctx.getExpressionContext()->setOutputKeyValue(&outkey, &outvalue);

      if (!rddlocal->isUpstreamSync()) {
        auto upstreamPartition = rddlocal->getUpstreamPartition(partition);
        if (upstreamPartition[0] == this) {
          if (ctx.getParamRdds().empty()) {
            std::vector<BaseRddPartition*> params;
            for (int32_t i = 1; i < upstreamPartition.size(); ++ i) {
        } else {

      code = rddlocal->getTransformer()->transform(&ctx, downstreamPartition[i]);
      if (code != idgs::rdd::pb::RRC_SUCCESS) {
        LOG(ERROR) << getPartitionName() << " transform error, caused by " << idgs::rdd::pb::RddResultCode_Name(code);