void shutdown() { if (pub_.getTopic() != "") { pub_.shutdown(); } }
// bool publishFrame(Ogre::RenderWindow * render_object, const std::string frame_id) bool publishFrame(Ogre::RenderTexture * render_object, const std::string frame_id) { if (pub_.getTopic() == "") { return false; } if (frame_id == "") { return false; } // RenderTarget::writeContentsToFile() used as example int height = render_object->getHeight(); int width = render_object->getWidth(); // the results of pixel format have to be used to determine // image.encoding Ogre::PixelFormat pf = render_object->suggestPixelFormat(); uint pixelsize = Ogre::PixelUtil::getNumElemBytes(pf); uint datasize = width * height * pixelsize; // 1.05 multiplier is to avoid crash when the window is resized. // There should be a better solution. uchar *data = OGRE_ALLOC_T(uchar, datasize * 1.05, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_RENDERSYS); Ogre::PixelBox pb(width, height, 1, pf, data); render_object->copyContentsToMemory(pb, Ogre::RenderTarget::FB_AUTO); sensor_msgs::Image image; image.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); image.header.seq = image_id_++; image.header.frame_id = frame_id; image.height = height; image.width = width; image.step = pixelsize * width; if (pixelsize == 3) image.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGB8; // would break if pf changes else if (pixelsize == 4) image.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGBA8; // would break if pf changes else { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("unknown pixe format " << pixelsize << " " << pf); } image.is_bigendian = (OGRE_ENDIAN == OGRE_ENDIAN_BIG); image.data.resize(datasize); memcpy(&image.data[0], data, datasize); pub_.publish(image); OGRE_FREE(data, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_RENDERSYS); }
bool is_active() { return !pub_.getTopic().empty(); }
std::string get_topic() { return pub_.getTopic(); }