unsigned int PrintLatex::fill(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/,
                              Geom::PathVector const &pathv, Geom::Affine const &transform, SPStyle const *style,
                              Geom::OptRect const & /*pbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*dbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*bbox*/)
    if (!_stream) {
        return 0; // XXX: fixme, returning -1 as unsigned.

    if (style->fill.isColor()) {
        Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os;
        float rgb[3];
        float fill_opacity;


        sp_color_get_rgb_floatv(&style->fill.value.color, rgb);
        os << "{\n\\newrgbcolor{curcolor}{" << rgb[0] << " " << rgb[1] << " " << rgb[2] << "}\n";
        os << "\\pscustom[linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=curcolor";
        if (fill_opacity!=1.0) {
            os << ",opacity="<<fill_opacity;

        os << "]\n{\n";

        print_pathvector(os, pathv, transform);

        os << "}\n}\n";

        fprintf(_stream, "%s", os.str().c_str());

    return 0;
unsigned int PrintLatex::stroke(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/,
                                Geom::PathVector const &pathv, Geom::Affine const &transform, SPStyle const *style,
                                Geom::OptRect const & /*pbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*dbox*/, Geom::OptRect const & /*bbox*/)
    if (!_stream) {
        return 0; // XXX: fixme, returning -1 as unsigned.

    if (style->stroke.isColor()) {
        Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os;
        float rgb[3];
        float stroke_opacity;
        Geom::Affine tr_stack = m_tr_stack.top();
        double const scale = tr_stack.descrim();

        sp_color_get_rgb_floatv(&style->stroke.value.color, rgb);
        os << "{\n\\newrgbcolor{curcolor}{" << rgb[0] << " " << rgb[1] << " " << rgb[2] << "}\n";

        os << "\\pscustom[linewidth=" << style->stroke_width.computed*scale<< ",linecolor=curcolor";
        if (stroke_opacity!=1.0) {

        if (style->stroke_dasharray_set &&
                style->stroke_dash.n_dash &&
                style->stroke_dash.dash) {
            int i;
            os << ",linestyle=dashed,dash=";
            for (i = 0; i < style->stroke_dash.n_dash; i++) {
                if ((i)) {
                    os << " ";
                os << style->stroke_dash.dash[i];

        os <<"]\n{\n";

        print_pathvector(os, pathv, transform);

        os << "}\n}\n";

        fprintf(_stream, "%s", os.str().c_str());

    return 0;
unsigned int PrintLatex::begin (Inkscape::Extension::Print *mod, SPDocument *doc)
    Inkscape::SVGOStringStream os;
    int res;
    FILE *osf = NULL;
    const gchar * fn = NULL;
    gsize bytesRead = 0;
    gsize bytesWritten = 0;
    GError* error = NULL;

    fn = mod->get_param_string("destination");
    gchar* local_fn = g_filename_from_utf8( fn,
                                            -1,  &bytesRead,  &bytesWritten, &error);
    fn = local_fn;

    /* TODO: Replace the below fprintf's with something that does the right thing whether in
     * gui or batch mode (e.g. --print=blah).  Consider throwing an exception: currently one of
     * the callers (sp_print_document_to_file, "ret = mod->begin(doc)") wrongly ignores the
     * return code.
    if (fn != NULL) {
        while (isspace(*fn)) fn += 1;
        Inkscape::IO::dump_fopen_call(fn, "K");
        osf = Inkscape::IO::fopen_utf8name(fn, "w+");
        if (!osf) {
            fprintf(stderr, "inkscape: fopen(%s): %s\n", fn, strerror(errno));
            return 0;
        _stream = osf;


    /* fixme: this is kinda icky */
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WIN32__)
    (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

    res = fprintf(_stream, "%%LaTeX with PSTricks extensions\n");
    /* flush this to test output stream as early as possible */
    if (fflush(_stream)) {
        /*g_print("caught error in sp_module_print_plain_begin\n");*/
        if (ferror(_stream)) {
            g_print("Error %d on output stream: %s\n", errno,
        g_print("Printing failed\n");
        /* fixme: should use pclose() for pipes */
        _stream = NULL;
        return 0;

    // width and height in pt
    _width = doc->getWidth().value("pt");
    _height = doc->getHeight().value("pt");

    if (res >= 0) {

        os << "%%Creator: " << PACKAGE_STRING << "\n";
	os << "%%Please note this file requires PSTricks extensions\n";

        os << "\\psset{xunit=.5pt,yunit=.5pt,runit=.5pt}\n";
        // from now on we can output px, but they will be treated as pt
        os << "\\begin{pspicture}(" << doc->getWidth().value("px") << "," << doc->getHeight().value("px") << ")\n";

    m_tr_stack.push( Geom::Scale(1, -1) * Geom::Translate(0, doc->getHeight().value("px")));  /// @fixme hardcoded doc2dt transform

    return fprintf(_stream, "%s", os.str().c_str());