int main(){ JSONNode n = read_formatted("input.json"); JSONNode n1 = read_formatted("input1.json"); test *tst = new test(); int status; //n.set_name(abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(*tst).name(), 0,0,&status )); n.push_back(JSONNode("FF::Node_Subclass", abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(*tst).name(), 0,0,&status ))); if(n1.type()==JSON_NULL){ std::cout<<"null"<<std::endl; } JSONNode n2 (JSON_NODE); n2.set_name("Child1"); n2.push_back(JSONNode("id",1)); n.set_name("Parrent"); n.push_back(n2); JSONNode::iterator it =n.find_nocase("String Node"); if(it->as_string()=="-1"){std::cout<<it->as_int()<<std::endl;} it->as_int()!=-1 ? (std::cout<< "it is"<<std::endl) : (std::cout<<"Mapper Warning: processor id is -1"<<std::endl); if ("String Node")==""){ std::cout<<"ha ha ha"<<std::endl; } std::cout<< "This is the name: "<<<<std::endl;"String Node")=""; bool x =true; n.push_back(JSONNode("MyBOOLNODE", x)); n["String Node"]=x; //n.erase(n.find_nocase("String Node")); write_formatted(n1, "out1.json"); write_formatted(n, "out.json"); JSONNode::const_iterator i =n.find_nocase("ArrayOfNumbers"); std::string strLowerCase= "ARRAYOfNUMbers"; std::string myTest= "ff::ff_farm<adaptive_loadbalancer, ff::ff_gatherer>"; std::transform(myTest.begin(), myTest.end(), myTest.begin(), ::tolower); std::size_t found = myTest.find("adaptive_loadbalancer"); if (found!=std::string::npos) std::cout << "first 'needle' found at: " << found << '\n'; std::cout<< "here it is: " << myTest<< std::endl; JSONNode n_ar ="ArrayOfNumbers"); std::cout<<"here :"<<n_ar[0].as_int()<< std::endl; // if (0 == strcasecmp("hello", "HELLO")) if(strcasecmp((i->name()).c_str(), strLowerCase.c_str()) == 0) //if(!(n2.empty())) std::cout<<"haha"<<i->size()<<std::endl; std::cout<<i->name()<<std::endl; std::cout<<((i->as_array()).begin()+1)->as_int()<<std::endl; std::cout<<((i->as_array()).at(1)).as_int()<<std::endl; std::cout<<((i->as_array())[1]).as_int()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<i->as_string()<<std::endl; //JSONNode c(JSON_ARRAY); //c=i->as_array(); //JSONNode nk=; //JSONNode::const_iterator it = c.begin(); //std::cout <<nk.as_int()<<std::endl; return 0; }
void Rig::loadJSON(JSONNode root) { //JSONNode::const_iterator i = root.begin(); JSONNode::iterator i = root.begin(); auto version = root.find("version"); if (version == root.end()) { Logger::log(ERR, "No version specified for input file. Aborting load."); return; } else { stringstream ss; stringstream ss2(version->as_string()); ss << LumiverseCore_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << LumiverseCore_VERSION_MINOR; float libVer; float fileVer; ss >> libVer; ss2 >> fileVer; if (fileVer < libVer) { // Friendly warning if you're loading an old file. Logger::log(WARN, "File created against earlier version of Lumiverse. Check logs for any load problems."); } else if (fileVer > libVer) { // Loading newer file with older library. Logger::log(WARN, "File created against newer version of Lumiverse. Check logs for any load problems."); } } while (i != root.end()){ // get the node name and value as a string std::string nodeName = i->name(); if (nodeName == "devices") { loadDevices(*i); Logger::log(INFO, "Device load complete"); } else if (nodeName == "patches") { i->push_back(*root.find("jsonPath")); loadPatches(*i); Logger::log(INFO, "Patch load complete"); } else if (nodeName == "refreshRate") { setRefreshRate(i->as_int()); } //increment the iterator ++i; } }
void Rig::loadPatches(JSONNode root) { JSONNode::iterator i = root.begin(); // for this we want to iterate through all children and have the device class // parse the sub-element. while (i != root.end()){ if (i->name() == "jsonPath") { i++; continue; } // get the node name and value as a string std::string nodeName = i->name(); stringstream ss; ss << "Loading patch " << nodeName; Logger::log(INFO, ss.str()); Patch* patch; auto type = i->find("type"); if (type == i->end()) { stringstream ss; ss << "Unable to determine Patch type for " << nodeName << ". Patch not loaded."; Logger::log(WARN, ss.str()); } string patchType = type->as_string(); // New patch types will need new seralization definitions. if (patchType == "DMXPatch") { patch = (Patch*) new DMXPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); } #ifdef USE_ARNOLD else if (patchType == "PhotoPatch") { patch = (Patch*) new PhotoPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&PhotoPatch::onDeviceChanged, (PhotoPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } else if (patchType == "PhotoAnimationPatch") { patch = (Patch*) new PhotoAnimationPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&PhotoAnimationPatch::onDeviceChanged, (PhotoAnimationPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } else if (patchType == "ArnoldAnimationPatch") { i->push_back(*root.find("jsonPath")); patch = (Patch*) new ArnoldAnimationPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&ArnoldAnimationPatch::onDeviceChanged, (ArnoldAnimationPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } else if (patchType == "ArnoldPatch") { i->push_back(*i->find("jsonPath")); patch = (Patch*) new ArnoldPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&ArnoldPatch::onDeviceChanged, (ArnoldPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } #endif else { stringstream ss; ss << "Unknown Patch type " << patchType << " in Patch ID " << nodeName << "Patch not loaded."; Logger::log(WARN, ss.str()); } //increment the iterator ++i; } }
listener_ptr makeStreamListener(StreamingDevice* dev, ClientConn* client, JSONNode &n){ std::auto_ptr<WSStreamListener> listener(new WSStreamListener()); listener->id = jsonIntProp(n, "id"); listener->device = dev; listener->client = client; listener->decimateFactor = jsonIntProp(n, "decimateFactor", 1); // Prevent divide by 0 if (listener->decimateFactor == 0) listener->decimateFactor = 1; int start = jsonIntProp(n, "start", -1); if (start < 0){ // Negative indexes are relative to latest sample start = (dev->buffer_max()) + start + 1; } if (start < 0) listener->index = 0; else listener->index = start; listener->count = jsonIntProp(n, "count"); JSONNode j_streams ="streams"); for(JSONNode::iterator i=j_streams.begin(); i!=j_streams.end(); i++){ listener->streams.push_back( dev->findStream( jsonStringProp(*i, "channel"), jsonStringProp(*i, "stream"))); } JSONNode::iterator t = n.find("trigger"); if (t != n.end() && (t->type()) == JSON_NODE){ JSONNode &trigger = *t; string type = jsonStringProp(trigger, "type", "in"); if (type == "in"){ listener->triggerType = INSTREAM; listener->triggerLevel = jsonFloatProp(trigger, "level"); listener->triggerStream = dev->findStream( jsonStringProp(trigger, "channel"), jsonStringProp(trigger, "stream")); }else if (type == "out"){ listener->triggerType = OUTSOURCE; listener->triggerChannel = dev->channelById(jsonStringProp(trigger, "channel")); if (!listener->triggerChannel) throw ErrorStringException("Trigger channel not found"); }else{ throw ErrorStringException("Invalid trigger type"); } listener->triggerRepeat = jsonBoolProp(trigger, "repeat", true); listener->triggerHoldoff = jsonIntProp(trigger, "holdoff", 0); listener->triggerOffset = jsonIntProp(trigger, "offset", 0); if (listener->triggerOffset<0 && -listener->triggerOffset >= listener->triggerHoldoff){ // Prevent big negative offsets that could cause infinite loops listener->triggerHoldoff = -listener->triggerOffset; } listener->triggerForce = jsonIntProp(trigger, "force", 0); listener->triggerForceIndex = listener->index + listener->triggerForce; } return listener_ptr(listener.release()); }
inline bool jsonBoolProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, bool def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_BOOL) return i->as_bool(); else return def; }
inline double jsonFloatProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, double def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_NUMBER) return i->as_float(); else return def; }
inline int jsonIntProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, int def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_NUMBER) return i->as_int(); else return def; }
inline string jsonStringProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, string def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_STRING) return i->as_string(); else return def; }
inline double jsonFloatProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_NUMBER) return i->as_float(); else throw ErrorStringException(string("JSON missing float property: ") + prop); }
inline bool jsonBoolProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_BOOL) return i->as_bool(); else throw ErrorStringException(string("JSON missing bool property: ") + prop); }
inline string jsonStringProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_STRING) return i->as_string(); else throw ErrorStringException(string("JSON missing string property: ") + prop); }