void JSObjectProxy::addBindingsClass( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object & /*object*/ ) {
        KJS::Identifier clazzid;
        QObject *o = obj;
        Bindings::BindingObject *bo = dynamic_cast<Bindings::BindingObject *>( o );
        if ( bo ) {
            clazzid = KJS::Identifier( bo->jsClassName() ? bo->jsClassName() : obj->className() );
        } else {
            clazzid = KJS::Identifier( obj->className() );

        KJS::Object global = js->globalObject();
        if ( global.hasProperty( exec, clazzid ) ) {
            kdDebug( 80001 ) << "addBindingsClass() " << clazzid.qstring() << " already known" << endl;

            KJS::Object clazz = global.get( exec, clazzid ).toObject( exec );
            Bindings::JSFactoryImp *imp = dynamic_cast<Bindings::JSFactoryImp *>( clazz.imp() );
            if ( !imp ) {
                kdWarning() << "addBindingsClass() Class was not created by normal means" << endl;
                return ;

            kdDebug( 80001 ) << "addBindingsClass() Adding enums" << endl;
            imp->setDefaultValue( js->builtinObject().construct( exec, KJS::List() ) );
            addBindingsEnum( exec, clazz );
        } else {
            kdWarning() << "addBindingsClass() " << clazzid.qstring() << " not known" << endl;
KJS::List KJSEmbedPart::constructorList() const
    KJS::List items;

    KJS::Object obj = js->globalObject();
    KJS::ExecState *exec = js->globalExec();

    KJS::ReferenceList l = obj.propList( exec );
    KJS::ReferenceListIterator propIt = l.begin();
    while ( propIt != l.end() ) {

	KJS::Identifier name = propIt->getPropertyName( exec );

	if ( obj.hasProperty( exec, name ) ) {
	    KJS::Value v = obj.get( exec, name );
	    KJS::Object vobj = v.toObject( exec );

	    if ( vobj.implementsConstruct() )
		items.append( KJS::String( name.ustring() ) );


    return items;
    void JSObjectProxy::addSlotBinding( const QCString &name, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object ) {
        // Lookup and bind slot
        QMetaObject * mo = obj->metaObject();
        int slotid = mo->findSlot( name.data(), true );
        if ( slotid == -1 )
            return ;

        const QMetaData *md = mo->slot( slotid, true );
        if ( md->access != QMetaData::Public )
            return ;

        // Find signature
        int id = Bindings::JSSlotUtils::findSignature( name );
        //    kdDebug( 80001 )<<"JSObjectProxy::addSlotBinding()::slot:"<<name<<" id:"<<id<<endl;
        if ( id < 0 )
            return ;

        QCString jsname = name;
        jsname.replace( QRegExp( "\\([^\\)]*\\)" ), "" );

        // Find the return type, we only care if it is a pointer type
        const QUMethod *m = md->method;
        const char *retclass = 0;
        QCString ptr( "ptr" );

        if ( m->count && ( m->parameters->inOut == QUParameter::Out )
                && ( ptr == m->parameters->type->desc() ) ) {
            retclass = ( const char * ) m->parameters->typeExtra;
            //  kdDebug(80001) << "Return type is a pointer, type " << retclass << endl;

        // Create the Imp
        JSObjectProxyImp *imp = new JSObjectProxyImp( exec, JSObjectProxyImp::MethodSlot,
                                retclass ? retclass : "", id, name, this );

        if ( !object.hasProperty( exec, KJS::Identifier( jsname ) ) ) {
            // The identifier is unused
            object.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( jsname.data() ), KJS::Object( imp ) );
        } else {
            // The identifier has already been used
            QString s( name );
            QCString cs = QString( "%1%2" ).arg( jsname ).arg( s.contains( ',' ) + 1 ).ascii();
            //kdDebug(80001) << "Method " << jsname << " exists, using " << cs << " for " << s << endl;
            object.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( cs.data() ), KJS::Object( imp ) );