void KMimeTypeTest::testHasServiceType2() // with services coming from ksycoca
    KService::Ptr katepart = KService::serviceByDesktopPath( "katepart.desktop" );
    QVERIFY( !katepart.isNull() );
    QVERIFY( katepart->hasMimeType( "text/plain" ) );
    QVERIFY( katepart->hasMimeType( "text/x-patch" ) ); // due to inheritance
    QVERIFY( !katepart->hasMimeType( "image/png" ) );
    QVERIFY( katepart->hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ) );
    QVERIFY( katepart->hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadWritePart" ) );
    QVERIFY( !katepart->hasServiceType( "KTextEditor/Plugin" ) );

    KService::Ptr ktexteditor_insertfile = KService::serviceByDesktopPath( "ktexteditor_insertfile.desktop" );
    QVERIFY( !ktexteditor_insertfile.isNull() );
    QVERIFY( ktexteditor_insertfile->hasServiceType( "KTextEditor/Plugin" ) );
    QVERIFY( !ktexteditor_insertfile->hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ) );
void KMimeTypeTest::testHasServiceType2() // with services coming from ksycoca
    KService::Ptr faketextpart = KService::serviceByDesktopPath("faketextpart.desktop");
    QVERIFY(faketextpart->hasMimeType("text/x-patch"));     // due to inheritance

    KService::Ptr textPlugin = KService::serviceByDesktopPath("faketextplugin.desktop");
文件: docpart.cpp 项目: KDE/kile
bool DocumentationViewer::urlSelected(const QString &url, int button, int state, const QString &_target, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &args, const KParts::BrowserArguments & /* browserArgs */)
	QUrl cURL = completeURL(url);
	QMimeDatabase db;
	QString mime = db.mimeTypeForUrl(cURL).name();

	//load this URL in the embedded viewer if KHTML can handle it, or when mimetype detection failed
	KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName("khtml");
	if (db.mimeTypeForUrl(cURL).isDefault() || (service && service->hasServiceType(mime))) {
		KHTMLPart::urlSelected(url, button, state, _target, args);
	//KHTML can't handle it, look for an appropriate application
	else {
		KService::List offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(mime, "Type == 'Application'");
		if(offers.isEmpty()) {
			KMessageBox::error(view(), i18n("No KDE service found for the MIME type \"%1\".", mime));
			return false;
		QList<QUrl> lst;
		KRun::runService(*(offers.first()), lst, view());
	return true;
文件: arkviewer.cpp 项目: aelog/ark
void ArkViewer::view(const QString& fileName)
    QMimeDatabase db;
    QMimeType mimeType = db.mimeTypeForFile(fileName);
    qCDebug(ARK) << "viewing" << fileName << "with mime type:" << mimeType.name();
    KService::Ptr viewer = ArkViewer::getViewer(mimeType.name());

    const bool needsExternalViewer = (viewer &&
    if (needsExternalViewer) {
        // We have already resolved the MIME type and the service above.
        // So there is no point in using KRun::runUrl() which would need
        // to do the same again.

        qCDebug(ARK) << "Using external viewer";

        const QList<QUrl> fileUrlList = {QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName)};
        // The last argument (tempFiles) set to true means that the temporary
        // file will be removed when the viewer application exits.
        KRun::runService(*viewer, fileUrlList, nullptr, true);

    qCDebug(ARK) << "Attempting to use internal viewer";
    bool viewInInternalViewer = true;
    if (!viewer) {
        // No internal viewer available for the file.  Ask the user if it
        // should be previewed as text/plain.

        qCDebug(ARK) << "Internal viewer not available";

        int response;
        if (!mimeType.isDefault()) {
            // File has a defined MIME type, and not the default
            // application/octet-stream.  So it could be viewable as
            // plain text, ask the user.
            response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr,
                xi18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this type of file<nl/>(%1).<nl/><nl/>Do you want to try to view it as plain text?", mimeType.name()),
                i18nc("@title:window", "Cannot Preview File"),
                KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Preview as Text"), QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("text-plain"))),
        else {
            // No defined MIME type, or the default application/octet-stream.
            // There is still a possibility that it could be viewable as plain
            // text, so ask the user.  Not the same as the message/question
            // above, because the wording and default are different.
            response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr,
                xi18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this unknown type of file.<nl/><nl/>Do you want to try to view it as plain text?"),
                i18nc("@title:window", "Cannot Preview File"),
                KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Preview as Text"), QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("text-plain"))),

        if (response == KMessageBox::Cancel) {
            viewInInternalViewer = false;
        else {						// set for viewer later
            mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("text/plain"));

    if (viewInInternalViewer) {
        qCDebug(ARK) << "Opening internal viewer";
        ArkViewer *internalViewer = new ArkViewer();
        if (internalViewer->viewInInternalViewer(fileName, mimeType)) {
            // The internal viewer is showing the file, and will
            // remove the temporary file in its destructor.  So there
            // is no more to do here.
        else {
            KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this file."));
            delete internalViewer;

    // Only get here if there is no internal viewer available or could be
    // used for the file, and no external viewer was opened.  Nothing can be
    // done with the temporary file, so remove it now.
    qCDebug(ARK) << "Removing temporary file:" << fileName;
void ArkViewer::view(const QString& fileName, QWidget *parent)
    KMimeType::Ptr mimeType = KMimeType::findByPath(fileName);
    kDebug() << "MIME type" << mimeType->name();
    KService::Ptr viewer = ArkViewer::getViewer(mimeType);

    const bool needsExternalViewer = (!viewer.isNull() &&
    if (needsExternalViewer) {
        // We have already resolved the MIME type and the service above.
        // So there is no point in using KRun::runUrl() which would need
        // to do the same again.

        const KUrl::List fileUrlList = KUrl(fileName);
        // The last argument (tempFiles) set to true means that the temporary
        // file will be removed when the viewer application exits.
        KRun::run(*viewer, fileUrlList, parent, true);

    bool viewInInternalViewer = true;
    if (viewer.isNull()) {
        // No internal viewer available for the file.  Ask the user if it
        // should be previewed as text/plain.

        int response;
        if (!mimeType->isDefault()) {
            // File has a defined MIME type, and not the default
            // application/octet-stream.  So it could be viewable as
            // plain text, ask the user.
            response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(parent,
                i18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this type of file<nl/>(%1).<nl/><nl/>Do you want to try to view it as plain text?", mimeType->name()),
                i18nc("@title:window", "Cannot Preview File"),
                KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Preview as Text"), KIcon(QLatin1String("text-plain"))),
        else {
            // No defined MIME type, or the default application/octet-stream.
            // There is still a possibility that it could be viewable as plain
            // text, so ask the user.  Not the same as the message/question
            // above, because the wording and default are different.
            response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(parent,
                i18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this unknown type of file.<nl/><nl/>Do you want to try to view it as plain text?"),
                i18nc("@title:window", "Cannot Preview File"),
                KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Preview as Text"), KIcon(QLatin1String("text-plain"))),

        if (response == KMessageBox::Cancel) {
            viewInInternalViewer = false;
        else {						// set for viewer later
            mimeType = KMimeType::mimeType(QLatin1String("text/plain"));

    if (viewInInternalViewer) {
        ArkViewer *internalViewer = new ArkViewer(parent, Qt::Window);
        if (internalViewer->viewInInternalViewer(fileName, mimeType)) {
            // The internal viewer is showing the file, and will
            // remove the temporary file in dialogClosed().  So there
            // is no more to do here.
        else {
            KMessageBox::sorry(parent, i18n("The internal viewer cannot preview this file."));
            delete internalViewer;

    // Only get here if there is no internal viewer available or could be
    // used for the file, and no external viewer was opened.  Nothing can be
    // done with the temporary file, so remove it now.