void RubySupportPart::slotRunTestUnderCursor()
    // if we can't save all parts, then the user canceled
    if ( partController()->saveAllFiles() == false )

    KParts::ReadOnlyPart *ro_part = dynamic_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart*>(partController()->activePart());
    QString prog;
    if (ro_part != 0) {
        prog = ro_part->url().path();
    } else

    KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* activeViewCursor = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>( ro_part->widget() );
    if (!activeViewCursor) return;

    unsigned int line, column;
    activeViewCursor->cursorPositionReal(&line, &column);
    CodeModelUtils::CodeModelHelper hlp(codeModel(), codeModel()->fileByName(prog));
    FunctionDom fun = hlp.functionAt(line, column);
    if (fun == 0) return;

    QFileInfo program(prog);
    QString cmd = QString("%1 -K%2 -C\"%3\" -I\"%4\" \"%5\" %6")
                          .arg(" -n " + fun->name());
void AStylePart::setCursorPos( KParts::Part *part, uint line, uint col )
	if (!part || !part->inherits("KTextEditor::Document")) return;

	KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *iface = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(part->widget());
	if (iface)
		iface->setCursorPositionReal( line, col );
 * Returns a the complete word defined by the current cursor position.
 * Attempts to extract a valid C symbol from the location of the cursor, by
 * starting at the current line and column, and looking forward and backward
 * for non-symbol characters.
 * @return	A C symbol under the cursor, if any, or QString::null otherwise
QString EditorPage::getWordUnderCursor(uint* pPosInWord)
	KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* pCursor;
	KTextEditor::EditInterface* pEditIf;
	QString sLine;
	uint nLine, nCol, nFrom, nTo, nLast, nLength;
	QChar ch;

	// Get a cursor object
	pCursor = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(m_pView);
	if (pCursor == NULL)
		return QString::null;

	// Get a pointer to the edit interface	
	pEditIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterface*>(m_pDoc);
	if (!pEditIf)
		return QString::null;
	// Get the line on which the cursor is positioned
	pCursor->cursorPositionReal(&nLine, &nCol);
	sLine = pEditIf->textLine(nLine);
	// Find the beginning of the current word
	for (nFrom = nCol; nFrom > 0;) {
		ch = sLine.at(nFrom - 1);
		if (!ch.isLetter() && !ch.isDigit() && ch != '_')
	// Find the end of the current word
	nLast = sLine.length();
	for (nTo = nCol; nTo < nLast;) {
		ch = sLine.at(nTo);
		if (!ch.isLetter() && !ch.isDigit() && ch != '_')
	// Mark empty words
	nLength = nTo - nFrom;
	if (nLength == 0)
		return QString::null;
	// Return the in-word position, if required
	if (pPosInWord != NULL)
		*pPosInWord = nCol - nFrom;
	// Extract the word under the cursor from the entire line
	return sLine.mid(nFrom, nLength);
void RubyDebuggerPart::slotRunToCursor()
    KParts::ReadWritePart *rwpart
        = dynamic_cast<KParts::ReadWritePart*>(partController()->activePart());
    KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *cursorIface
        = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(partController()->activeWidget());

    if (!rwpart || !rwpart->url().isLocalFile() || !cursorIface)

    uint line, col;
    cursorIface->cursorPosition(&line, &col);

    controller->slotRunUntil(rwpart->url().path(), line);
 * Returns the current position of the cursor.
 * @param	nLine	Holds the line on which the cursor is currently located
 * @param	nCol	Holds the column on which the cursor is currently located
 * @return	true if successful, false otherwise (cursor interface was not
 *			obtained)
bool EditorPage::getCursorPos(uint& nLine, uint& nCol)
	KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* pCursorIf;
	// Acquire the view cursor
	pCursorIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(m_pView);
	if (pCursorIf == NULL)
		return false;
	// Get the cursor position (adjusted to 1-based counting)
	pCursorIf->cursorPosition(&nLine, &nCol);
	return true;
int EditorTabWidget::currentDocumentLine()
  int index;
  uint line, col;
  KTextEditor::View* view;
  KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *vci;

  if((index = currentPageIndex()) == -1) return 0;

  Document_t d;
  d = *(m_docList.at(index));
  view = d.view;

  vci = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(view);
  vci->cursorPosition(&line, &col);
  return line+1;
void EditorTabWidget::gotoLineAtFile(const QString& filePath, int line)
  int index;
  KTextEditor::View* view;
  KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *vci;

  setCurrentDocument(filePath, true);

  if((index = currentPageIndex()) == -1) return;

  Document_t d;
  d = *(m_docList.at(index));
  view = d.view;

  vci = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(view);
  vci->setCursorPosition(line, 0);
    \fn SnippetWidget::insertIntoActiveView(QString text)
    Inserts the parameter text into the activ view
void SnippetWidget::insertIntoActiveView(QString text)
  //get the interfaces for the KTexteditor parts
  KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *cursorIface
	= dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(m_part->partController()->activeWidget());

  if (!cursorIface)

  KTextEditor::EditInterface* editIface
	= dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterface*>( m_part->partController()->activePart() );

  if (!editIface)

  uint line, col;
  cursorIface->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);

  editIface->insertText( line, col , text );
 * Moves the cursor to a given position.
 * @param	nLine	The cursor's new line number
 * @param	nCol	The cursor's new column number
 * @return	true if successful, false otherwise (cursor interface was not
 *			obtained)
bool EditorPage::setCursorPos(uint nLine, uint nCol)
	Kate::View* pKateView;
	KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* pCursorIf;
	// Cannot accept line 0
	if (nLine == 0)
		return false;
	// Adjust to 0-based counting
	// Acquire the view cursor
	pCursorIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(m_pView);
	if (pCursorIf == NULL)
		return false;
	// NOTE: The following code is a fix to a bug in Kate, which wrongly
	// calculates the column number in setCursorPosition.
	pKateView = dynamic_cast<Kate::View*>(m_pView);
	if (pKateView != NULL) {
		KTextEditor::EditInterface* pEditIf;
		const char* szLine;
		uint nRealCol;
		uint nTabAdjust;
		// Get a pointer to the edit interface
		pEditIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterface*>(m_pDoc);
		if (!pEditIf)
			return false;
		nRealCol = 0;
		// Check for out of bound line numbers
		if (nLine < pEditIf->numLines()) {
			// Get the contents of the requested line
			szLine = pEditIf->textLine(nLine).latin1();
			// Check for empty line
			if (szLine != NULL) {
				// The number of columns which a tab character adds
				nTabAdjust = pKateView->tabWidth() - 1;
				// Calculate the real column, based on the tab width
				for (; nRealCol < nCol && szLine[nRealCol] != 0; nRealCol++) {
					if (szLine[nRealCol] == '\t')
						nCol -= nTabAdjust;
		else {
			// Marker set beyond end of file, move to the last line
			nLine = pEditIf->numLines() - 1;
		// Set the cursor position
		pCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(nLine, nRealCol);
	else {
		// Non-Kate editors: set the cursor position normally
		pCursorIf->setCursorPosition(nLine, nCol);
	return true;
bool ProjectSession::saveToFile( const QString & sessionFileName, const QValueList< KDevPlugin * > plugins )
  QString section, keyword;
  QDomElement session = domdoc.documentElement();

  int nDocs = 0;
  QString docIdStr;

////  // read the information about the mainframe widget
////  QDomElement mainframeEl = session.namedItem("Mainframe").toElement();
////  if(mainframeEl.isNull()){
////    mainframeEl=domdoc.createElement("Mainframe");
////    session.appendChild( mainframeEl);
////  }
////  bool bMaxMode = ((QextMdiMainFrm*)m_pDocViewMan->parent())->isInMaximizedChildFrmMode();
////  mainframeEl.setAttribute("MaximizeMode", bMaxMode);

  // read the information about the documents
  QDomElement docsAndViewsEl = session.namedItem("DocsAndViews").toElement();
  if (docsAndViewsEl.isNull()) {
    docsAndViewsEl = domdoc.createElement("DocsAndViews");
    session.appendChild( docsAndViewsEl);
  else {
    // we need to remove the old ones before memorizing the current ones (to avoid merging)
    QDomNode n = docsAndViewsEl.firstChild();
    while ( !n.isNull() ) {
      QDomNode toBeRemoved = n;
      n = n.nextSibling();

	QPtrListIterator<KParts::Part> it( *PartController::getInstance()->parts() );
	for ( ; it.current(); ++it )

		KParts::ReadOnlyPart* pReadOnlyPart = dynamic_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart*>(it.current());
		if (!pReadOnlyPart)

		QString url = pReadOnlyPart->url().url();

		QDomElement docEl = domdoc.createElement("Doc" + docIdStr);
		docEl.setAttribute( "URL", url);
		docsAndViewsEl.appendChild( docEl);
		docEl.setAttribute( "NumberOfViews", 1);

		QDomElement viewEl = domdoc.createElement( "View0");
		docEl.appendChild( viewEl);

		if ( dynamic_cast<HTMLDocumentationPart*>(pReadOnlyPart) )
			viewEl.setAttribute("Type", "Documentation");
		else if ( pReadOnlyPart->inherits("KTextEditor::Document") )
			viewEl.setAttribute("Type", "Source");
			KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *iface = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(pReadOnlyPart->widget());
			if (iface) {
				unsigned int line, col;
				iface->cursorPosition(&line, &col);
				viewEl.setAttribute( "line", line );
			if ( KTextEditor::EncodingInterface * ei = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EncodingInterface*>( pReadOnlyPart ) )
				QString encoding = ei->encoding();
				if ( !encoding.isNull() )
					viewEl.setAttribute( "Encoding", encoding );
			viewEl.setAttribute("Type", "Other");

  QPtrListIterator<KParts::Part> it( *PartController::getInstance()->parts() );
  for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
////    QString partName = it.current()->name();
////    QMessageBox::information(0L,"",partName);

    KParts::ReadOnlyPart* pReadOnlyPart = dynamic_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart*>(it.current());
    if (!pReadOnlyPart)
      continue; // note: read-write parts are also a read-only part, they inherit from it

    HTMLDocumentationPart* pDocuPart = dynamic_cast<HTMLDocumentationPart*>(pReadOnlyPart);

    /// @todo Save relative path for project sharing?
    QString url = pReadOnlyPart->url().url();

    QDomElement docEl = domdoc.createElement("Doc" + docIdStr);
    docEl.setAttribute( "URL", url);
    docsAndViewsEl.appendChild( docEl);
////    docEl.setAttribute( "Type", "???");
////    // get the view list
////    QPtrList<KWpEditorPartriteView> viewList = pDoc->viewList();
////    // write the number of views
////    docEl.setAttribute( "NumberOfViews", viewList.count());
    docEl.setAttribute( "NumberOfViews", 1);
    // loop over all views of this document
    int nView = 0;
////    KWriteView* pView = 0L;
    QString viewIdStr;
////    for (viewList.first(), nView = 0; viewList.current() != 0; viewList.next(), nView++) {
////      pView = viewList.current();
////      if (pView != 0L) {
        viewIdStr.setNum( nView);
        QDomElement viewEl = domdoc.createElement( "View"+viewIdStr);
        docEl.appendChild( viewEl);
        // focus?
////        viewEl.setAttribute("Focus", (((CEditWidget*)pView->parentWidget()) == m_pDocViewMan->currentEditView()));
        viewEl.setAttribute("Type", "???");

    QDomElement viewPropertiesEl = domdoc.createElement("AdditionalSettings");
    emit sig_saveAdditionalViewProperties(url, &viewPropertiesEl);

    if (pReadOnlyPart->inherits("KTextEditor::Document")) {
      KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *iface = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>(pReadOnlyPart->widget());
      if (iface) {
        unsigned int line, col;
        iface->cursorPosition(&line, &col);
        viewEl.setAttribute( "line", line );

    if (pDocuPart) {
      docEl.setAttribute( "context", pDocuPart->context() );
  docsAndViewsEl.setAttribute("NumberOfDocuments", nDocs);

  // now also let the project-related plugins save their session stuff
  // read the information about the documents
  QDomElement pluginListEl = session.namedItem("pluginList").toElement();
  if (pluginListEl.isNull()) {
    pluginListEl = domdoc.createElement("pluginList");
    session.appendChild( pluginListEl);
  else {
    // we need to remove the old ones before memorizing the current ones (to avoid merging)
    QDomNode n = pluginListEl.firstChild();
    while ( !n.isNull() ) {
      QDomNode toBeRemoved = n;
      n = n.nextSibling();

	QValueList<KDevPlugin*>::ConstIterator itt = plugins.begin();
	while( itt != plugins.end() )
		KDevPlugin* pPlugin = (*itt);
		QString pluginName = pPlugin->instance()->instanceName();
		QDomElement pluginEl = domdoc.createElement(pluginName);

		// now plugin, save what you have!

		// if the plugin wrote anything, accept itt for the session, otherwise forget itt
		if (pluginEl.hasChildNodes() || pluginEl.hasAttributes())

  // Write it out to the session file on disc
  QFile f(sessionFileName);
  if ( f.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) {    // file opened successfully
    QTextStream t( &f );        // use a text stream
    t << domdoc.toCString();
  initXMLTree();  // clear and initialize the tree again

  return true;
void KDataToolPluginView::aboutToShow()
	QString word;
	m_singleWord = false;
	m_wordUnderCursor = QString::null;

	// unplug old actions, if any:
	KAction *ac;
	for ( ac = m_actionList.first(); ac; ac = m_actionList.next() ) {
	if (m_notAvailable) {
		delete m_notAvailable;
	if ( selectionInterface(m_view->document())->hasSelection() )
		word = selectionInterface(m_view->document())->selection();
		if ( word.find(' ') == -1 && word.find('\t') == -1 && word.find('\n') == -1 )
			m_singleWord = true;
			m_singleWord = false;
	} else {
		// No selection -> use word under cursor
		KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei;
		KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *ci;
		KTextEditor::View *v = (KTextEditor::View*)m_view; 
		ei = KTextEditor::editInterface(v->document());
		ci = KTextEditor::viewCursorInterface(v);
		uint line, col;
		ci->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
		QString tmp_line = ei->textLine(line);
		m_wordUnderCursor = "";
		// find begin of word:
		m_singleWord_start = 0;
		for(int i = col; i >= 0; i--) {
			QChar ch = tmp_line.at(i);
			if( ! (ch.isLetter() || ch == '-' || ch == '\'') )
				m_singleWord_start = i+1;
			m_wordUnderCursor = ch + m_wordUnderCursor;
		// find end of word:
		m_singleWord_end = tmp_line.length();
		for(uint i = col+1; i < tmp_line.length(); i++) {
			QChar ch = tmp_line.at(i);
			if( ! (ch.isLetter() || ch == '-' || ch == '\'') )
				m_singleWord_end = i;
			m_wordUnderCursor += ch;
		if( ! m_wordUnderCursor.isEmpty() )
			m_singleWord = true;
			m_singleWord_line = line;
		} else {
			m_notAvailable = new KAction(i18n("(not available)"), QString::null, 0, this, 
					SLOT(slotNotAvailable()), actionCollection(),"dt_n_av");

	KInstance *inst=instance();

	QValueList<KDataToolInfo> tools;
	tools += KDataToolInfo::query( "QString", "text/plain", inst );
	if( m_singleWord )
		tools += KDataToolInfo::query( "QString", "application/x-singleword", inst );

	m_actionList = KDataToolAction::dataToolActionList( tools, this,
		SLOT( slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo &, const QString & ) ) );

	for ( ac = m_actionList.first(); ac; ac = m_actionList.next() ) {

	if( m_actionList.isEmpty() ) {
		m_notAvailable = new KAction(i18n("(not available)"), QString::null, 0, this,
			SLOT(slotNotAvailable()), actionCollection(),"dt_n_av");