fdata get_finger_positions() { Leap::Frame frame = control.frame(); Leap::FingerList fingers = frame.fingers(); Leap::ToolList tools = frame.tools(); Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands(); //std::vector<std::pair<cl_float4, int>> positions; fdata hand_data; int p = 0; for(int i=0; i<40; i++) { hand_data.fingers[i] = 0.0f; } ///will explode if more than 2 for(int i=0; i<hands.count(); i++) { const Leap::Hand hand = hands[i]; Leap::FingerList h_fingers = hand.fingers(); float grab_strength = hand.grabStrength(); hand_data.grab_confidence[i] = grab_strength; for(int j=0; j<h_fingers.count(); j++) { const Leap::Finger finger = h_fingers[j]; float mfingerposx = finger.tipPosition().x; float mfingerposy = finger.tipPosition().y; float mfingerposz = finger.tipPosition().z; //cl_float4 ps = {mfingerposx, mfingerposy, mfingerposz, 0.0f}; //cl_float4 ps = {mfingerposx, mfingerposy, mfingerposz, 0.0f}; int id = finger.id(); hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposx; hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposy; hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposz; hand_data.fingers[p++] = 0.0f; //positions.push_back(std::pair<cl_float4, int>(ps, id)); } } return hand_data; }
// This controller mode just dumps out a bunch of the Leap Motion device data, which can then be // analyzed for other use. void LLLMImpl::modeDumpDebugInfo(Leap::HandList & hands) { S32 numHands = hands.count(); if (numHands == 1) { // Get the first hand Leap::Hand hand = hands[0]; // Check if the hand has any fingers Leap::FingerList finger_list = hand.fingers(); S32 num_fingers = finger_list.count(); if (num_fingers >= 1) { // Calculate the hand's average finger tip position Leap::Vector pos(0, 0, 0); Leap::Vector direction(0, 0, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fingers; ++i) { Leap::Finger finger = finger_list[i]; pos += finger.tipPosition(); direction += finger.direction(); // Lots of log spam LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Finger " << i << " string is " << finger.toString() << LL_ENDL; } pos = Leap::Vector(pos.x/num_fingers, pos.y/num_fingers, pos.z/num_fingers); direction = Leap::Vector(direction.x/num_fingers, direction.y/num_fingers, direction.z/num_fingers); LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Hand has " << num_fingers << " fingers with average tip position" << " (" << pos.x << ", " << pos.y << ", " << pos.z << ")" << " direction (" << direction.x << ", " << direction.y << ", " << direction.z << ")" << LL_ENDL; } Leap::Vector palm_pos = hand.palmPosition(); Leap::Vector palm_normal = hand.palmNormal(); LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Palm pos " << palm_pos.x << ", " << palm_pos.y << ", " << palm_pos.z << ". Normal: " << palm_normal.x << ", " << palm_normal.y << ", " << palm_normal.z << LL_ENDL; F32 ball_radius = (F32) hand.sphereRadius(); Leap::Vector ball_center = hand.sphereCenter(); LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Ball pos " << ball_center.x << ", " << ball_center.y << ", " << ball_center.z << ", radius " << ball_radius << LL_ENDL; } // dump_out_data }
GestureFrame LMRecorder::prepareDataClone(const Leap::Frame frame, double timestamp) { GestureFrame outputFrame; outputFrame.setTimestamp(timestamp); Leap::HandList handsInFrame = frame.hands(); for(int handIndex=0; handIndex<handsInFrame.count(); handIndex++) { Leap::Hand currHand = handsInFrame[handIndex]; //create GestureHand GestureHand gestureHand( currHand.id(), Vertex(currHand.palmPosition().x, currHand.palmPosition().y, currHand.palmPosition().z), Vertex(0, 0, 0/*currHand.stabilizedPalmPosition().x, currHand.stabilizedPalmPosition().y, currHand.stabilizedPalmPosition().z*/), Vertex(currHand.palmNormal().x, currHand.palmNormal().y, currHand.palmNormal().z), Vertex(currHand.direction().x, currHand.direction().y, currHand.direction().z) ); gestureHand.setOrderValue(currHand.palmPosition().x); Vertex planeNormalVec = gestureHand.getDirection().crossProduct(gestureHand.getPalmNormal()).getNormalized(); Leap::FingerList fingersInCurrHand = currHand.fingers(); for (int fingerIndex=0; fingerIndex<fingersInCurrHand.count(); fingerIndex++) { Leap::Finger currFinger = fingersInCurrHand[fingerIndex]; Leap::Vector leapFingerTipPos = currFinger.tipPosition(); Vertex fingerTipPos(leapFingerTipPos.x, leapFingerTipPos.y, leapFingerTipPos.z); float distance = getPointDistanceFromPlane(fingerTipPos, gestureHand.getPalmPosition(), planeNormalVec); //create GestureFinger GestureFinger gestureFinger( currFinger.id(), fingerTipPos, Vertex(currFinger.stabilizedTipPosition().x, currFinger.stabilizedTipPosition().y, currFinger.stabilizedTipPosition(). z), Vertex(currFinger.direction().x, currFinger.direction().y, currFinger.direction().z), currFinger.length(), currFinger.width() ); gestureFinger.setOrderValue(distance); gestureHand.addFinger(gestureFinger); } gestureHand.sortFingers(); outputFrame.addHand(gestureHand); } outputFrame.sortHands(); }
void jester::LeapMotionImpl::setFingerInJointData(Leap::Finger finger, Bone::BoneId bone) { std::pair<Bone::JointId, Bone::JointId> joints = Bone::BoneToJointsMap.find(bone)->second; glm::vec3 fingerTip(finger.tipPosition()[0], finger.tipPosition()[1], finger.tipPosition()[2]); glm::vec3 fingerDir(finger.direction()[0], finger.direction()[1], finger.direction()[2]); float fingerLength = finger.length(); JointFusionData fingerStartData; JointFusionData fingerEndData; fingerDir = glm::normalize(fingerDir); glm::vec3 fingerStart = fingerTip - fingerLength * fingerDir; glm::vec3 boneStart = glm::vec3(fingerStart / LeapMeasurmentScalingFactor); glm::vec3 boneEnd = glm::vec3(fingerTip / LeapMeasurmentScalingFactor); fingerStartData.position = boneStart; fingerEndData.position = boneEnd; fingerStartData.id = joints.first; fingerEndData.id = joints.second; fingerStartData.confidence = fingerEndData.confidence = LeapConfidence; kJointData.insert(std::pair<Bone::JointId, JointFusionData>(joints.first, fingerStartData)); kJointData.insert(std::pair<Bone::JointId, JointFusionData>(joints.second, fingerEndData)); }
// This mode tries to move the avatar and camera in Second Life. It's pretty rough and needs a lot of work void LLLMImpl::modeMoveAndCamTest1(Leap::HandList & hands) { S32 numHands = hands.count(); if (numHands == 1) { // Get the first hand Leap::Hand hand = hands[0]; // Check if the hand has any fingers Leap::FingerList finger_list = hand.fingers(); S32 num_fingers = finger_list.count(); F32 orbit_rate = 0.f; Leap::Vector pos(0, 0, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fingers; ++i) { Leap::Finger finger = finger_list[i]; pos += finger.tipPosition(); } pos = Leap::Vector(pos.x/num_fingers, pos.y/num_fingers, pos.z/num_fingers); if (num_fingers == 1) { // 1 finger - move avatar if (pos.x < -LM_DEAD_ZONE) { // Move left gAgent.moveLeftNudge(1.f); } else if (pos.x > LM_DEAD_ZONE) { gAgent.moveLeftNudge(-1.f); } /* if (pos.z < -LM_DEAD_ZONE) { gAgent.moveAtNudge(1.f); } else if (pos.z > LM_DEAD_ZONE) { gAgent.moveAtNudge(-1.f); } */ if (pos.y < -LM_DEAD_ZONE) { gAgent.moveYaw(-1.f); } else if (pos.y > LM_DEAD_ZONE) { gAgent.moveYaw(1.f); } } // end 1 finger else if (num_fingers == 2) { // 2 fingers - move camera around // X values run from about -170 to +170 if (pos.x < -LM_DEAD_ZONE) { // Camera rotate left gAgentCamera.unlockView(); orbit_rate = (llabs(pos.x) - LM_DEAD_ZONE) / LM_ORBIT_RATE_FACTOR; gAgentCamera.setOrbitLeftKey(orbit_rate); } else if (pos.x > LM_DEAD_ZONE) { gAgentCamera.unlockView(); orbit_rate = (pos.x - LM_DEAD_ZONE) / LM_ORBIT_RATE_FACTOR; gAgentCamera.setOrbitRightKey(orbit_rate); } if (pos.z < -LM_DEAD_ZONE) { // Camera zoom in gAgentCamera.unlockView(); orbit_rate = (llabs(pos.z) - LM_DEAD_ZONE) / LM_ORBIT_RATE_FACTOR; gAgentCamera.setOrbitInKey(orbit_rate); } else if (pos.z > LM_DEAD_ZONE) { // Camera zoom out gAgentCamera.unlockView(); orbit_rate = (pos.z - LM_DEAD_ZONE) / LM_ORBIT_RATE_FACTOR; gAgentCamera.setOrbitOutKey(orbit_rate); } if (pos.y < -LM_DEAD_ZONE) { // Camera zoom in gAgentCamera.unlockView(); orbit_rate = (llabs(pos.y) - LM_DEAD_ZONE) / LM_ORBIT_RATE_FACTOR; gAgentCamera.setOrbitUpKey(orbit_rate); } else if (pos.y > LM_DEAD_ZONE) { // Camera zoom out gAgentCamera.unlockView(); orbit_rate = (pos.y - LM_DEAD_ZONE) / LM_ORBIT_RATE_FACTOR; gAgentCamera.setOrbitDownKey(orbit_rate); } } // end 2 finger } }
// This mode tries to detect simple hand motion and either triggers an avatar gesture or // sends a chat message into SL in response. It is very rough, hard-coded for detecting // a hand wave (a SL gesture) or the wiggling-thumb gun trigger (a chat message sent to a // special version of the popgun). void LLLMImpl::modeGestureDetection1(Leap::HandList & hands) { static S32 trigger_direction = -1; S32 numHands = hands.count(); if (numHands == 1) { // Get the first hand Leap::Hand hand = hands[0]; // Check if the hand has any fingers Leap::FingerList finger_list = hand.fingers(); S32 num_fingers = finger_list.count(); static S32 last_num_fingers = 0; if (num_fingers == 1) { // One finger ... possibly reset the Leap::Finger finger = finger_list[0]; Leap::Vector finger_dir = finger.direction(); // Negative Z is into the screen - check that it's the largest component S32 abs_z_dir = llabs(finger_dir.z); if (finger_dir.z < -0.5 && abs_z_dir > llabs(finger_dir.x) && abs_z_dir > llabs(finger_dir.y)) { Leap::Vector finger_pos = finger.tipPosition(); Leap::Vector finger_vel = finger.tipVelocity(); LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "finger direction is " << finger_dir.x << ", " << finger_dir.y << ", " << finger_dir.z << ", position " << finger_pos.x << ", " << finger_pos.y << ", " << finger_pos.z << ", velocity " << finger_vel.x << ", " << finger_vel.y << ", " << finger_vel.z << LL_ENDL; } if (trigger_direction != -1) { LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Reset trigger_direction - one finger" << LL_ENDL; trigger_direction = -1; } } else if (num_fingers == 2) { Leap::Finger barrel_finger = finger_list[0]; Leap::Vector barrel_finger_dir = barrel_finger.direction(); // Negative Z is into the screen - check that it's the largest component F32 abs_z_dir = llabs(barrel_finger_dir.z); if (barrel_finger_dir.z < -0.5f && abs_z_dir > llabs(barrel_finger_dir.x) && abs_z_dir > llabs(barrel_finger_dir.y)) { Leap::Finger thumb_finger = finger_list[1]; Leap::Vector thumb_finger_dir = thumb_finger.direction(); Leap::Vector thumb_finger_pos = thumb_finger.tipPosition(); Leap::Vector thumb_finger_vel = thumb_finger.tipVelocity(); if ((thumb_finger_dir.x < barrel_finger_dir.x) ) { // Trigger gunfire if (trigger_direction < 0 && // Haven't fired thumb_finger_vel.x > 50.f && // Moving into screen thumb_finger_vel.z < -50.f && mChatMsgTimer.checkExpirationAndReset(LLLEAP_CHAT_MSG_INTERVAL)) { // Chat message looks like "/2343 LM2 gunfire" std::string gesture_chat_msg("/2343 LM2 gunfire"); //LLNearbyChatBar::sendChatFromViewer(gesture_chat_msg, CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT, FALSE); trigger_direction = 1; LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Sent gunfire chat" << LL_ENDL; } else if (trigger_direction > 0 && // Have fired, need to pull thumb back thumb_finger_vel.x < -50.f && thumb_finger_vel.z > 50.f) // Moving out of screen { trigger_direction = -1; LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Reset trigger_direction" << LL_ENDL; } } } else if (trigger_direction != -1) { LL_INFOS("LeapMotion") << "Reset trigger_direction - hand pos" << LL_ENDL; trigger_direction = -1; } } else if (num_fingers == 5 && num_fingers == last_num_fingers) { if (mGestureTimer.checkExpirationAndReset(LLLEAP_GESTURE_INTERVAL)) { // figure out a gesture to trigger std::string gestureString("/overhere"); LLGestureMgr::instance().triggerAndReviseString( gestureString ); } } last_num_fingers = num_fingers; } }
bool right_hand_finger_x_coordinate_comparator (Leap::Finger a, Leap::Finger b) { return a.tipPosition()[0] < b.tipPosition()[0]; }
int main() { //Leap Motion Vairables Leap::Controller controller; Leap::Frame frame; Leap::HandList hands; Leap::Hand h1; Leap::FingerList fingers; Leap::Finger index; Leap::Finger thumb; Leap::PointableList pointables; float indexX = 0, indexY = 0, indexZ = 0, thumbX = 0, thumbY = 0, thumbZ = 0, sum = 0; unsigned long cycles = 0; // TCP Variables WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET connectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; struct addrinfo* result = NULL; struct addrinfo* ptr = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; char cSendBuf[512][512]; char sSendBuf[512]; int iResult; int recvBufLen = DEFAULT_BUFLEN; int i = 0; iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); if (iResult != 0) { printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", iResult); return 1; } // Initialize all address info to 0 to start. SecureZeroMemory(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; // Doesn't matter if we use IPV4 or IPV6 hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; // TCP Stream sockets hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; // Resolve the server address and port iResult = getaddrinfo("", DEFAULT_PORT, &hints, &result); if (iResult != 0) { printf("getaddrinfo failed with error: %d\n", iResult); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // Attempt to connect to an address until one succeeds for (ptr = result; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next) { // create a socket for connecting to the server connectSocket = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol); if (connectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("socket failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError()); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // Connect to the server iResult = connect(connectSocket, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen); if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(connectSocket); connectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } break; } // Deallocate the address info freeaddrinfo(result); if (connectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Unable to connect to server!\n"); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // Setup serial port connection and needed variables. SerialPort.Open(PORT_NUM, BAUD); Controller[20].value = 9; //Verification Byte sent to make sure everything else ends up in the right location FillByteSize(); while (true) { cycles++; UpdateControllerState(); //Updates all values on the controller WORD wButtons = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.wButtons; //Stores all of the values from the controller into the controller structure Controller[0].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbRX; Controller[1].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbRY; Controller[2].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbLX; Controller[3].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbLY; Controller[4].value = (g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger); Controller[5].value = (g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger); Controller[6].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB); Controller[7].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB); Controller[8].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER); Controller[9].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER); Controller[10].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP); Controller[11].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN); Controller[12].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT); Controller[13].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT); Controller[14].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A); Controller[15].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B); Controller[16].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y); Controller[17].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X); Controller[18].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START); Controller[19].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK); CheckDeadZone(); if (controller.isConnected() == true) { sum = 0; frame = controller.frame(); hands = frame.hands(); h1 = hands[0]; fingers = frame.fingers(); thumb = fingers[0]; index = fingers[1]; pointables = frame.pointables(); Leapvalues[0].value = h1.palmVelocity().x; Leapvalues[1].value = h1.palmVelocity().y; Leapvalues[2].value = h1.palmVelocity().z; Leapvalues[3].value = h1.direction().pitch()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG; Leapvalues[4].value = h1.direction().yaw()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG; Leapvalues[5].value = h1.direction().roll()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG; indexX = index.tipPosition().x; indexY = index.tipPosition().y; indexZ = index.tipPosition().z; thumbX = thumb.tipPosition().x; thumbY = thumb.tipPosition().y; thumbZ = thumb.tipPosition().z; Leapvalues[6].value = sqrt(pow((indexX - thumbX), 2) + pow((indexY - thumbY), 2) + pow((indexZ - thumbZ), 2)); leapConnected = true; CheckLeapDeadZone(); } for (i = 6; i < NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++) //DO NOT SET TO <= NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS, NOT A MISTAKE. Verification bit should always keep its value { { Controller[i].value = AnalogToDigital(Controller[i].value); //converts all of the button presses on the controller to a binary value } } //turns all of the numerical values into buffers that can be passed to the arduino for (i = 0; i <= NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++) { _itoa_s(Controller[i].value, Controller[i].passedValue, 10); } /* for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++) { _itoa_s(Controller[i].value, cSendBuf[i], 10); cSendBuf[i][strlen(cSendBuf[i])] = '\0'; iResult = send(connectSocket, cSendBuf[0], (int)strlen(cSendBuf[0]), 0); printf("String sent: %s\n", cSendBuf[0]); // Check for errors if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(connectSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } } // Try to send the packet iResult = send(connectSocket, "\n", (int)strlen("\n"), 0); //printf("String sent: %s\n", sendBuf); // Check for errors if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(connectSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; }*/ if (leapConnected = true) { for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LEAP_INPUTS; i++) { _itoa_s(Leapvalues[i].value, Leapvalues[i].passedValue, 10); } } /*Values recieved in this order: 0) YAW 1) PITCH 2) ROLL 3) ACCELERATION ON X AXIS 4) ACCELERATION ON Y AXIS 5) ACCELERATION ON Z AXIS 6) SONAR SENSOR DISTANCE (IN METERS) */ if (SendData() == 1) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { while (SerialPort.ReadDataWaiting() < 3) { } if (i > 2 && i < 6) SerialPort.ReadData(received[i], 5); else SerialPort.ReadData(received[i], 4); std::cout << received[i] << ' '; // Added this 6.25.14 strcpy(sSendBuf, received[i]); sSendBuf[strlen(sSendBuf)] = '\0'; iResult = send(connectSocket, sSendBuf, (int)strlen(sSendBuf), 0); printf("String sent: %s\n", sSendBuf); // Check for errors if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(connectSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // Try to send the packet iResult = send(connectSocket, "\n", (int)strlen("\n"), 0); //printf("String sent: %s\n", sendBuf); // Check for errors if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(connectSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } } } //std::cout << recieved[0]; printf("\t%d", cycles); printf("\n"); //Sleep(500); <<'\t' << recieved[1] } closesocket(connectSocket); WSACleanup(); return 0; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::update(){ Leap::Vector pNormal; Leap::Frame frame = leapController.frame(); Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands(); Leap::Vector pt0; Leap::Vector pt1; if (!hands.isEmpty()) { fingerPos.clear(); sphereSize.clear(); sphereNorm.clear(); spherePos.clear(); //ofLogNotice("hand detected"); //----------------------------------- data collection ------------------------------------------------------------- for (int i = 0; i<hands.count(); i++) { if (i>1) break; Leap::Hand tempHand = hands[i]; Leap::FingerList tempfinger = tempHand.fingers(); for (int j = 0; j <= tempfinger.count(); j++) { ofVec3f pt; Leap::Finger finger = hands[i].fingers()[j]; Leap::Vector tempPT=finger.tipPosition(); pt.x=tempPT.x;pt.y=tempPT.y;pt.z=tempPT.z; fingerPos.push_back(pt); } pt0 = tempHand.palmNormal(); Leap::Vector center = tempHand.sphereCenter(); ofVec3f sp; sp.x = center.x; sp.y = center.y; sp.z = center.z; float r = tempHand.sphereRadius(); spherePos.push_back(sp); sphereSize.push_back(r); sphereNorm.push_back(pt0); ofLogNotice("hand " +ofToString(i) + "normal", ofToString(pt0.x) + " " + ofToString(pt0.y) + " " + ofToString(pt0.z)); ofLogNotice("hand " + ofToString(i) + "center ", ofToString(sp.x) + " " + ofToString(sp.y) + " " + ofToString(sp.z)); } //---------------------------------- state machine ------------------------------------------------------------------ if(phase1==true && phase2 == false && phase3==false && phase4 == false && phase5==false && phase6 == false && phase7 == false && (!fingerPos.empty())) { phase2 = true; state = 1; } if (phase2 == true && (sphereNorm.size()>=2)) { pt0 = sphereNorm[0]; pt1 = sphereNorm[1]; if (abs(abs(pt0.x)-abs(pt1.x))<0.04 && abs(abs(pt0.y)-abs(pt1.y))<0.04) { phase3 = true; phase2 = false; } } } // ofLogNotice("phase1: ", ofToString(phase1)); // ofLogNotice("phase2: ", ofToString(phase2)); // ofLogNotice("phase3: ", ofToString(phase3)); // ofLogNotice("phase4: ", ofToString(phase4)); // ofLogNotice("phase5: ", ofToString(phase5)); // ofLogNotice("phase6: ", ofToString(phase6)); // ofLogNotice("phase7: ", ofToString(phase7)); oldFrame = frame; preId = frame.id(); }
int main() { Leap::Controller controller; Leap::Frame frame; Leap::HandList hands; Leap::Hand h1; Leap::FingerList fingers; Leap::Finger index; Leap::Finger thumb; Leap::PointableList pointables; float indexX = 0, indexY = 0, indexZ = 0, thumbX = 0, thumbY = 0, thumbZ = 0, sum = 0, supersample[20]; int i = 0; // Setup serial port connection and needed variables. HANDLE hSerial = CreateFile(L"COM6", GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hSerial != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Port opened! \n"); DCB dcbSerialParams; GetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams); dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = CBR_14400; dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8; dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY; dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams); Sleep(1000); } else { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Serial port doesn't exist! \n"); } printf("Error while setting up serial port! \n"); } Controller[20].value = 9; //Verification Byte sent to make sure everything else ends up in the right location FillByteSize(); while (true) { UpdateControllerState(); //Updates all values on the controller WORD wButtons = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.wButtons; //Stores all of the values from the controller into the controller structure Controller[0].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbRX; Controller[1].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbRY; Controller[2].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbLX; Controller[3].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbLY; Controller[4].value = (g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger); Controller[5].value = (g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger); Controller[6].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB); Controller[7].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB); Controller[8].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER); Controller[9].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER); Controller[10].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP); Controller[11].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN); Controller[12].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT); Controller[13].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT); Controller[14].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A); Controller[15].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B); Controller[16].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y); Controller[17].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X); Controller[18].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START); Controller[19].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK); CheckDeadZone(); if (controller.isConnected() == true) { sum = 0; frame = controller.frame(); hands = frame.hands(); h1 = hands[0]; fingers = frame.fingers(); thumb = fingers[0]; index = fingers[1]; pointables = frame.pointables(); Leapvalues[0].value = h1.palmVelocity().x; Leapvalues[1].value = h1.palmVelocity().y; Leapvalues[2].value = h1.palmVelocity().z; Leapvalues[3].value = h1.direction().pitch()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG; Leapvalues[4].value = h1.direction().yaw()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG; indexX = index.tipPosition().x; indexY = index.tipPosition().y; indexZ = index.tipPosition().z; thumbX = thumb.tipPosition().x; thumbY = thumb.tipPosition().y; thumbZ = thumb.tipPosition().z; Leapvalues[5].value = sqrt(pow((indexX - thumbX), 2) + pow((indexY - thumbY), 2) + pow((indexZ - thumbZ), 2)); leapConnected = true; CheckLeapDeadZone(); } for (i = 6; i < NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++) //DO NOT SET TO <= NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS, NOT A MISTAKE. Verification bit should always keep its value { { Controller[i].value = AnalogToDigital(Controller[i].value); //converts all of the button presses on the controller to a binary value } } //turns all of the numerical values into buffers that can be passed to the arduino for (i = 0; i <= NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++) { _itoa_s(Controller[i].value, Controller[i].passedValue, 10); } for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LEAP_INPUTS; i++) { _itoa_s(Leapvalues[i].value, Leapvalues[i].passedValue, 10); } SendData(hSerial); std::cout << Controller[8].value << std::endl; } return 0; }
void LeapManager::nextFrame(Avatar& avatar) { // Apply the frame data directly to the avatar. Hand& hand = avatar.getHand(); // If we actually get valid Leap data, this will be set to true; bool gotRealData = false; if (controllersExist()) { _listener->onFrame(*_controller); } #ifndef LEAP_STUBS if (controllersExist()) { gotRealData = true; // First, see which palms and fingers are still valid. Leap::Frame& frame = _listener->lastFrame; // Note that this is O(n^2) at worst, but n is very small. // After this many frames of no data, assume the digit is lost. const int assumeLostAfterFrameCount = 10; // Increment our frame data counters for (size_t i = 0; i < hand.getNumPalms(); ++i) { PalmData& palm = hand.getPalms()[i]; palm.incrementFramesWithoutData(); if (palm.getFramesWithoutData() > assumeLostAfterFrameCount) { palm.setActive(false); } for (size_t f = 0; f < palm.getNumFingers(); ++f) { FingerData& finger = palm.getFingers()[f]; finger.incrementFramesWithoutData(); if (finger.getFramesWithoutData() > assumeLostAfterFrameCount) { finger.setActive(false); } } } size_t numLeapHands = frame.hands().count(); std::vector<PalmData*> palmAssignment(numLeapHands); // Look for matches for (size_t index = 0; index < numLeapHands; ++index) { PalmData* takeoverCandidate = NULL; palmAssignment[index] = NULL; Leap::Hand leapHand = frame.hands()[index]; int id = leapHand.id(); if (leapHand.isValid()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < hand.getNumPalms() && palmAssignment[index] == NULL; ++i) { PalmData& palm = hand.getPalms()[i]; if (palm.getLeapID() == id) { // Found hand with the same ID. We're set! palmAssignment[index] = &palm; palm.resetFramesWithoutData(); } else if (palm.getFramesWithoutData() > assumeLostAfterFrameCount) { takeoverCandidate = &palm; } } if (palmAssignment[index] == NULL) { palmAssignment[index] = takeoverCandidate; } if (palmAssignment[index] == NULL) { palmAssignment[index] = &hand.addNewPalm(); } } } // Apply the assignments for (size_t index = 0; index < numLeapHands; ++index) { if (palmAssignment[index]) { Leap::Hand leapHand = frame.hands()[index]; PalmData& palm = *(palmAssignment[index]); palm.resetFramesWithoutData(); palm.setLeapID(leapHand.id()); palm.setActive(true); const Leap::Vector pos = leapHand.palmPosition(); const Leap::Vector normal = leapHand.palmNormal(); palm.setRawPosition(glm::vec3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)); palm.setRawNormal(glm::vec3(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z)); } } // Look for fingers per palm for (size_t i = 0; i < hand.getNumPalms(); ++i) { PalmData& palm = hand.getPalms()[i]; if (palm.isActive()) { Leap::Hand leapHand = frame.hand(palm.getLeapID()); if (leapHand.isValid()) { int numLeapFingers = leapHand.fingers().count(); std::vector<FingerData*> fingerAssignment(numLeapFingers); // Look for matches for (size_t index = 0; index < numLeapFingers; ++index) { FingerData* takeoverCandidate = NULL; fingerAssignment[index] = NULL; Leap::Finger leapFinger = leapHand.fingers()[index]; int id = leapFinger.id(); if (leapFinger.isValid()) { for (size_t f = 0; f < palm.getNumFingers() && fingerAssignment[index] == NULL; ++f) { FingerData& finger = palm.getFingers()[f]; if (finger.getLeapID() == id) { // Found hand with the same ID. We're set! fingerAssignment[index] = &finger; } else if (finger.getFramesWithoutData() > assumeLostAfterFrameCount) { takeoverCandidate = &finger; } } // If we didn't find a match, but we found an unused finger, us it. if (fingerAssignment[index] == NULL) { fingerAssignment[index] = takeoverCandidate; } } } // Apply the assignments for (size_t index = 0; index < numLeapFingers; ++index) { if (fingerAssignment[index]) { Leap::Finger leapFinger = leapHand.fingers()[index]; FingerData& finger = *(fingerAssignment[index]); finger.resetFramesWithoutData(); finger.setLeapID(leapFinger.id()); finger.setActive(true); #ifdef USE_STABILIZED_DATA const Leap::Vector tip = leapFinger.stabilizedTipPosition(); #else const Leap::Vector tip = leapFinger.tipPosition(); #endif const Leap::Vector root = tip - leapFinger.direction() * leapFinger.length(); finger.setRawTipPosition(glm::vec3(tip.x, tip.y, tip.z)); finger.setRawRootPosition(glm::vec3(root.x, root.y, root.z)); } } } } } } #endif if (!gotRealData) { if (_doFakeFingers) { // There's no real Leap data and we need to fake it. for (size_t i = 0; i < hand.getNumPalms(); ++i) { static const glm::vec3 fakeHandOffsets[] = { glm::vec3( -500.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f), glm::vec3( 0.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f) }; static const glm::vec3 fakeHandFingerMirrors[] = { glm::vec3( -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) }; static const glm::vec3 fakeFingerPositions[] = { glm::vec3( -60.0f, 0.0f, -40.0f), glm::vec3( -20.0f, 0.0f, -60.0f), glm::vec3( 20.0f, 0.0f, -60.0f), glm::vec3( 60.0f, 0.0f, -40.0f), glm::vec3( -50.0f, 0.0f, 30.0f) }; PalmData& palm = hand.getPalms()[i]; palm.setActive(true); // Simulated data palm.setRawPosition(glm::vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) + fakeHandOffsets[i]); palm.setRawNormal(glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); for (size_t f = 0; f < palm.getNumFingers(); ++f) { FingerData& finger = palm.getFingers()[f]; finger.setActive(true); const float tipScale = 1.5f; const float rootScale = 0.75f; glm::vec3 fingerPos = fakeFingerPositions[f] * fakeHandFingerMirrors[i]; finger.setRawTipPosition(fingerPos * tipScale + fakeHandOffsets[i]); finger.setRawRootPosition(fingerPos * rootScale + fakeHandOffsets[i]); } } } else { // Just deactivate everything. for (size_t i = 0; i < hand.getNumPalms(); ++i) { PalmData& palm = hand.getPalms()[i]; palm.setActive(false); for (size_t f = 0; f < palm.getNumFingers(); ++f) { FingerData& finger = palm.getFingers()[f]; finger.setActive(false); } } } } hand.updateFingerTrails(); }