void SliderGenerator::addSetting(libconfig::Config& cfg)
	libconfig::Setting& setting = cfg.getRoot().add(configGroupName, libconfig::Setting::TypeGroup);
	setting.add(mainTmplSettingName, libconfig::Setting::TypeString) = editMainTemplate->text().toStdString();
	setting.add(radioTmplSettingName, libconfig::Setting::TypeString) = editRadioTemplate->text().toStdString();
	setting.add(radioCheckedSettingName, libconfig::Setting::TypeString) = editRadioCheckedTemplate->text().toStdString();
	setting.add(slideTmplSettingName, libconfig::Setting::TypeString) = editSlideTemplate->text().toStdString();
	setting.add(labelTmplSettingName, libconfig::Setting::TypeString) = editLabelTemplate->text().toStdString();
	setting.add(cssSettingName, libconfig::Setting::TypeString) = editCSSControlTemplate->text().toStdString();
	setting.add(outfileSettingName, libconfig::Setting::TypeString) = editOutFile->text().toStdString();
void sanitycheck(libconfig::Config& cfg, libconfig::Setting& cfgnode, 
		const string& branch)
	// Check that a branch with the given name exists under cfgnode.
	if (!cfgnode.exists(branch))
		throw MissingParameterException("Cannot find `" + branch + "' attribute in query subtree.");

	// Check that the child has a name.
	if (!cfgnode[branch].exists("name"))
		throw MissingParameterException("Cannot find `name' attribute in query subtree.");

	// Check that the top-level contains a node of this name.
	string name = cfgnode[branch]["name"];
	if (!cfg.getRoot().exists(name))
		throw MissingParameterException("Cannot find description for node `" + name + "'.");

	// Check that the top-level node of this name names a type.
	if (!cfg.getRoot()[name].exists("type"))
		throw MissingParameterException("Cannot find mandatory `type' parameter in description for node `" + name + "'.");
  void open_config()
    libconfig::Config cfg;
    try  {
    catch(const libconfig::FileIOException &fioex)  {
    catch(const libconfig::ParseException &pex)   {

    const libconfig::Setting& config_root = cfg.getRoot();
    test_regex_manager = new RegexManager(TEMP_DIR, config_root, &test_ip_database, &test_swabber_interface);

文件: plugin.cpp 项目: udoprog/momd
void initialize_plugins(libconfig::Config& config)
    libconfig::Setting& root = config.getRoot();

    if (!root.exists("plugins")) {

    libconfig::Setting& plugins = root["plugins"];

    switch (plugins.getType())
    case libconfig::Setting::TypeArray:
    case libconfig::Setting::TypeString:
void ScanHdf5Op::init(libconfig::Config& root, libconfig::Setting& cfg)
    ZeroInputOp::init(root, cfg);

    filename = (const char*) root.getRoot()["path"];
    filename += "/";
    filename += (const char*) cfg["file"];

    // Remember partition id and total partitions.
    int pid = 0;
    cfg.lookupValue("thispartition", pid);
    int ptotal = 1;
    cfg.lookupValue("totalpartitions", ptotal);

    assert(ptotal > 0);
    assert(pid < ptotal);
    thispartition = pid;
    totalpartitions = ptotal;

    // Store dataset names.
    libconfig::Setting& grp = cfg["pick"];
    unsigned int size = grp.getLength();

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i)
        string n = grp[i];

    // Open file, open datasets.
    hdf5file = H5Fopen(filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i)
        hdf5sets.push_back(H5Dopen2(hdf5file, datasetnames[i].c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT));

    // Create schema from datasets, and check that types are supported.
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i)
        appendFromDataset(hdf5sets[i], schema);

    // Assert all datasets are vectors, not arrays.
    hid_t space;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i)
        space = H5Dget_space(hdf5sets[i]);
        assert(H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(space) == 1);

    // Assert all datasets have same length.
    // Remember data size.
    hsize_t length;

    assert(size != 0);
    space = H5Dget_space(hdf5sets[0]);
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space, &length, NULL);

    totaltuples = length;
    for (unsigned int i=1; i<size; ++i)
        space = H5Dget_space(hdf5sets[i]);
        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space, &length, NULL);
        assert(totaltuples == length);

    assert(hdf5sets.size() == hdf5space.size());

    sizeintup = buffsize/schema.getTupleSize();
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, &sizeintup, NULL);

    // Specify totaltuples for requested partition.
    unsigned long long step = totaltuples/totalpartitions;
    assert(totaltuples >= totalpartitions);
    origoffset = step * thispartition;
    totaltuples = ( thispartition == (totalpartitions - 1) )
                  ? totaltuples - origoffset
                  : step;
void constructsubtree(
		libconfig::Config& cfg,
		libconfig::Setting& cfgnode, 
		Operator** rootaddr, 			//< output
		Query::UserDefinedOpMapT& udops,
		int level,
		Query::OperatorDepthT& depthmap	//< output
	// Lookup name and type.
	string name = cfgnode["name"];
	string type = cfg.getRoot()[name]["type"];

	assert(*rootaddr == 0);

	// Based on type: 
	// 1. Allocate and chain in appropriate object
	// 2. Check syntax for child 
	// 3. sanitycheck() branch
	// 4. Recursively call self for children
	// 5. Initialize this node
	if (		type == "scan" 
			||  type == "partitionedscan"
			||  type == "parallelscan"
			||  type == "generator_int"
			||  type == "generator_long"
#ifdef ENABLE_HDF5
			||  type == "hdf5scan"
			||  type == "hdf5index"
			||  type == "hdf5random"
			||  type == "fastbitscan"
		// Scan operator, no children.
		ZeroInputOp* tmp = NULL;
		if (type == "scan")
			tmp = new ScanOp();
		else if (type == "partitionedscan")
			tmp = new PartitionedScanOp();
		else if (type == "parallelscan")
			tmp = new ParallelScanOp();
		else if (type == "generator_int")
			tmp = new IntGeneratorOp();
		else if (type == "generator_long")
			tmp = new LongGeneratorOp();
#ifdef ENABLE_HDF5
		else if (type == "hdf5scan")
			tmp = new ScanHdf5Op();
		else if (type == "hdf5index")
			tmp = new IndexHdf5Op();
		else if (type == "hdf5random")
			tmp = new RandomLookupsHdf5Op();
		else if (type == "fastbitscan")
			tmp = new FastBitScanOp();

		(*rootaddr) = tmp;
		depthmap[tmp] = level;
	else if (	type == "hashjoin" 
			||	type == "sortmergejoin"
			||	type == "mpsmjoin"
			||	type == "newmpsmjoin"
			||	type == "preprejoin"
			||	type == "indexhashjoin"
		// Dual-input operator
		DualInputOp* tmp = NULL;

		if (type == "hashjoin")
			tmp = new HashJoinOp();
		else if (type == "sortmergejoin")
			tmp = new SortMergeJoinOp();
		else if (type == "mpsmjoin")
			tmp = new OldMPSMJoinOp();
		else if (type == "newmpsmjoin")
			tmp = new MPSMJoinOp();
		else if (type == "preprejoin")
			tmp = new PresortedPrepartitionedMergeJoinOp();
		else if (type == "indexhashjoin")
			tmp = new IndexHashJoinOp();

		(*rootaddr) = tmp;
		depthmap[tmp] = level;

		sanitycheck(cfg, cfgnode, "build");
		constructsubtree(cfg, cfgnode["build"], &(tmp->buildOp), udops, level+1, depthmap);

		sanitycheck(cfg, cfgnode, "probe");
		constructsubtree(cfg, cfgnode["probe"], &(tmp->probeOp), udops, level+1, depthmap);
		// Single-input operator
		SingleInputOp* tmp = NULL;

		if (type == "aggregate_sum")
			tmp = new AggregateSum();
		else if (type == "aggregate_count")
			tmp = new AggregateCount();
		else if (type == "merge")
			tmp = new MergeOp();
		else if (type == "shmwriter")
			tmp = new MemSegmentWriter();
		else if (type == "filter")
			tmp = new Filter();
		else if (type == "cycle_accountant")
			tmp = new CycleAccountant();
		else if (type == "projection")
			tmp = new Project();
		else if (type == "checker_callstate")
			tmp = new CallStateChecker();
		else if (type == "printer_schema")
			tmp = new SchemaPrinter();
		else if (type == "printer_tuplecount")
			tmp = new TupleCountPrinter();
		else if (type == "printer_perfcount")
			tmp = new PerfCountPrinter();
		else if (type == "sort")
			tmp = new SortLimit();
		else if (type == "printer_bitentropy")
			tmp = new BitEntropyPrinter();
		else if (type == "consumer")
			tmp = new ConsumeOp();
		else if (type == "printer_callcount")
			tmp = new CallCountPrinter();
		else if (type == "threadidprepend")
			tmp = new ThreadIdPrependOp();
		else if (type == "partition")
			tmp = new PartitionOp();
			// It's a user-defined type?
			Query::UserDefinedOpMapT::iterator it;
			it = udops.find(type);

			// Not a user-defined type, no idea what is it.
			if (it == udops.end())
				throw MissingParameterException("`" + type + "' is neither a built-in nor a user-defined type.");

			// Claim ownership of operator.
			tmp = it->second;
			it->second = 0;

		(*rootaddr) = tmp;
		depthmap[tmp] = level;

		sanitycheck(cfg, cfgnode, "input");
		constructsubtree(cfg, cfgnode["input"], &(tmp->nextOp), udops, level+1, depthmap);

	// Call Operator::init on this node.
	assert(*rootaddr != 0);
	(*rootaddr)->init(cfg, cfg.lookup(name));
 * Constructs a query tree from the specified configuration file.
 * The pre-allocated user-defined operators are used if an operator type is
 * unknown. If a pre-allocated operator is used, its entry in the OpMap is
 * emptied, and it's now the responsibility of the Query to destroy the object.
 * @param cfg Configuration file to initialize tree with.
 * @param udops User-defined operator map. Each operator must have been
 * 		allocated with new. If it is used, the entry is set to NULL, and then
 * 		it becomes the Query responsibility to call delete on the operator
 * 		object.
void Query::create(libconfig::Config& cfg, UserDefinedOpMapT& udops)
	sanitycheck(cfg, cfg.getRoot(), "treeroot");

	constructsubtree(cfg, cfg.lookup("treeroot"), &tree, udops, 0, operatorDepth);
  * get the root
 libconfig::Setting& getRoot() { return config.getRoot(); }