bool GZCompressAction::execute(log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p) const { if (source.exists(p)) { apr_pool_t* pool = p.getAPRPool(); apr_procattr_t* attr; apr_status_t stat = apr_procattr_create(&attr, pool); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); stat = apr_procattr_io_set(attr, APR_NO_PIPE, APR_FULL_BLOCK, APR_FULL_BLOCK); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); stat = apr_procattr_cmdtype_set(attr, APR_PROGRAM_PATH); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); // // set child process output to destination file // apr_file_t* child_out; apr_int32_t flags = APR_FOPEN_READ | APR_FOPEN_WRITE | APR_FOPEN_CREATE | APR_FOPEN_TRUNCATE; stat =, flags, APR_OS_DEFAULT, p); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); stat = apr_procattr_child_out_set(attr, child_out, NULL); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); // // redirect the child's error stream to this processes' error stream // apr_file_t* child_err; stat = apr_file_open_stderr(&child_err, pool); if (stat == APR_SUCCESS) { stat = apr_procattr_child_err_set(attr, child_err, NULL); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); } const char** args = (const char**) apr_palloc(pool, 4 *sizeof(*args)); int i = 0; args[i++] = "gzip"; args[i++] = "-c"; args[i++] = Transcoder::encode(source.getPath(), p); args[i++] = NULL; apr_proc_t pid; stat = apr_proc_create(&pid, "gzip", args, NULL, attr, pool); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); apr_proc_wait(&pid, NULL, NULL, APR_WAIT); stat = apr_file_close(child_out); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); if (deleteSource) { source.deleteFile(p); } return true; } return false; }
bool TimeBasedRollingPolicy::isMapFileEmpty(log4cxx::helpers::Pool& pool){ apr_finfo_t finfo; apr_status_t st = apr_stat(&finfo, _mapFileName.c_str(), APR_FINFO_SIZE, pool.getAPRPool()); if (st != APR_SUCCESS){ LogLog::warn(LOG4CXX_STR("apr_stat failed.")); } if (st == APR_SUCCESS && !finfo.size) return true; return false; }
bool ZipCompressAction::execute(log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p) const { if (source.exists(p)) { apr_pool_t* pool = p.getAPRPool(); apr_procattr_t* attr; apr_status_t stat = apr_procattr_create(&attr, pool); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); stat = apr_procattr_io_set(attr, APR_NO_PIPE, APR_NO_PIPE, APR_FULL_BLOCK); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); stat = apr_procattr_cmdtype_set(attr, APR_PROGRAM_PATH); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); // // redirect the child's error stream to this processes' error stream // apr_file_t* child_err; stat = apr_file_open_stderr(&child_err, pool); if (stat == APR_SUCCESS) { stat = apr_procattr_child_err_set(attr, child_err, NULL); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); } const char** args = (const char**) apr_palloc(pool, 5 *sizeof(*args)); int i = 0; args[i++] = "zip"; args[i++] = "-q"; args[i++] = Transcoder::encode(destination.getPath(), p); args[i++] = Transcoder::encode(source.getPath(), p); args[i++] = NULL; if (destination.exists(p)) { destination.deleteFile(p); } apr_proc_t pid; stat = apr_proc_create(&pid, "zip", args, NULL, attr, pool); if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) throw IOException(stat); apr_proc_wait(&pid, NULL, NULL, APR_WAIT); if (deleteSource) { source.deleteFile(p); } return true; } return false; }
const std::string TimeBasedRollingPolicy::createFile(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& suffix, log4cxx::helpers::Pool& pool) { char szUid[MAX_FILE_LEN] = {'\0'}; char szBaseName[MAX_FILE_LEN] = {'\0'}; char szDirName[MAX_FILE_LEN] = {'\0'}; memcpy(szDirName, fileName.c_str(), fileName.size() > MAX_FILE_LEN ? MAX_FILE_LEN : fileName.size()); memcpy(szBaseName, fileName.c_str(), fileName.size() > MAX_FILE_LEN ? MAX_FILE_LEN : fileName.size()); apr_uid_t uid; apr_gid_t groupid; apr_status_t stat = apr_uid_current(&uid, &groupid, pool.getAPRPool()); if (stat == APR_SUCCESS){ snprintf(szUid, MAX_FILE_LEN, "%u", uid); } return std::string(::dirname(szDirName)) + "/." + ::basename(szBaseName) + szUid + suffix; }