App() : console(glm::ivec2(80, 4)) , luaVm([this](std::string const& error) { this->console.write(error); }) , world(world_shader) , fence("../Data/models/fence2.obj", texturing_shader) , player([this](Minefield::WorldCoord const& wc) { return (world.get(wc).value) ? false : true; }) { console.setCallback([this](std::string const& s){ this->luaVm.eval(s); }); luaVm.register_function("exit", [this]{ this->console.write("OMG EXIT"); }); luaVm.register_function("print", [this](std::string s){ this->console.write(std::move(s)); }); luaVm.register_function("recalc", [this]{ this->world.recalcInstances(); }); luaVm.register_function("recalc_full", [this]{ this->world.recalcInstances(true); }); luaVm.register_function("save", [this]{ this->world.saveToFile("world.mcw"); }); luaVm.register_function("load", [this]{ this->world.loadFromFile("world.mcw"); }); luaVm.register_function("set", [this](int x, int y, int z, int v) { world.set(Minefield::WorldCoord(x,y,z), v); }); luaVm.register_function("get", [this](int x, int y, int z) { return static_cast<int>(world.get(Minefield::WorldCoord(x,y,z)).value); }); luaVm.register_function("fly", [this]{ player.flying = !player.flying; }); init(); initShadersEngine(); initResources(); world.init(); world.recalcInstances(); }
void lua::RegisterEngine(lua::state &st) { st.getglobal("engine"); if(<lua::nil>()) { st.pop(); st.newtable(); } lua::RegFunctionsLocal(st,lua_engine_func); st.setglobal("engine"); }
int index(lua::state& L, lua::parameters& P) { const char* c = L.tostring(2); if(!c) { L.pushnil(); return 1; } std::string c2(c); if(!mappings.count(c2)) { L.pushnil(); return 1; } auto& x = mappings[c2];, x.addr, false); return 1; }
void handle_unregisterX(lua::state& L, uint64_t addr, int lfn) { lua_debug_callback_dict* Dx; lua_debug_callback2* D = NULL; L.pushlightuserdata(&CONST_lua_cb_list_key); L.rawget(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); if(!L.isnil(-1)) { Dx = (lua_debug_callback_dict*)L.touserdata(-1); auto key = std::make_pair(type, addr); if(Dx->cblist.count(key)) D = Dx->cblist[key]; L.pop(1); while(D) { if(D->dead || D->type != type || D->addr != addr || L.topointer(lfn) != D->lua_fn) { D = D->next; continue; } //Remove this. auto Dold = D; D = D->next; Dold->unregister(); } } else L.pop(1); }
int newindex(lua::state& L, lua::parameters& P) { const char* c = L.tostring(2); if(!c) return 0; std::string c2(c); if(!mappings.count(c2)) return 0; auto& x = mappings[c2];, x.addr, true); return 0; }
void lua::RegisterProcess(lua::state &st,DFHack::Process *p) { st.getglobal("Process"); if(<lua::nil>()) { st.pop(); st.newtable(); } st.pushlightuserdata(p); st.setfield("__pointer"); lua::RegFunctionsLocal(st, lua_process_func); st.setglobal("Process"); }
void lua::RegCommon(lua::state &L) { L.newtable(); //L.push(&GetOffset); lua_pushcfunction(L,&GetOffset); L.setfield("get"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&GetOffset2); L.setfield("getEx"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&Find); L.setfield("find"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&NewOffset); L.setfield("new"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&NewLazyOffset); L.setfield("newlazy"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&GetBase); L.setfield("base"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&Save); L.setfield("save"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&GetVecs); L.setfield("getvectors"); lua_pushcfunction(L,&GetCalls); L.setfield("getcalls"); L.setglobal("offsets"); //find functionality... /* #define EOL 0x100 #define ANYBYTE 0x101 //#define FF_OR_00 0x102 // deprecated #define HERE 0x103 #define EITHER 0x104 #define SKIP_UP_TO 0x105 #define RANGE_LO 0x106 // deprecated #define RANGE_HI 0x107 // deprecated #define DWORD_ 0x108 #define ANYDWORD 0x109 #define ADDRESS 0x10A #define BYTERANGE 0x10B #define DWORDRANGE 0x10C #define JZ 0x174 #define JNZ 0x175 #define JCC 0x170 #define CALL 0x1E8 #define JUMP 0x1E9 */ L.push(EOL); L.setglobal("EOL"); L.push(ANYBYTE); L.setglobal("ANYBYTE"); L.push(HERE); L.setglobal("HERE"); L.push(EITHER); L.setglobal("EITHER"); L.push(SKIP_UP_TO); L.setglobal("SKIP_UP_TO"); L.push(DWORD_); L.setglobal("DWORD_"); L.push(ANYDWORD); L.setglobal("ANYDWORD"); L.push(ADDRESS); L.setglobal("ADDRESS"); L.push(BYTERANGE); L.setglobal("BYTERANGE"); L.push(DWORDRANGE); L.setglobal("DWORDRANGE"); L.push(JZ); L.setglobal("JZ"); L.push(JNZ); L.setglobal("JNZ"); L.push(JCC); L.setglobal("JCC"); L.push(CALL); L.setglobal("CALL"); L.push(JUMP); L.setglobal("JUMP"); luaopen_bit(L); }
void handle_registerX(lua::state& L, uint64_t addr, int lfn) { //Put the context in userdata so it can be gc'd when Lua context is terminated. lua_debug_callback2* D = (lua_debug_callback2*)L.newuserdata(sizeof(lua_debug_callback2)); new(D) lua_debug_callback2; L.newtable(); L.pushstring("__gc"); L.push_trampoline(&lua_debug_callback2::on_lua_gc, 0); L.rawset(-3); L.setmetatable(-2); L.pushlightuserdata(D); L.pushvalue(-2); L.rawset(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); L.pop(1); //Pop the copy of object. D->L = &L.get_master(); D->addr = addr; D->type = type; D->dead = false; D->set_lua_fn(lfn); D->link_to_list(); CORE().dbg->add_callback(addr, type, *D); }
return boost::get<T>(variant) && boost::get<T>(variant) == value; } //[](std::string const& s) { std::cerr << "Lua ERROR : " << s << std::endl; } void defaultErrorReporter(std::string const& s) { std::cerr << "Lua ERROR : " << s << std::endl; } void exceptionErrorReporter(std::string const& s) { throw lua::exception(s); } } TEST_CASE( "simple/set_global", "Check if the set_global works properly." ) { lua::state lua(&exceptionErrorReporter); lua.set_global("a", 9); REQUIRE_NOTHROW( lua.eval("if a ~= 9 then error('wrong value') end") ); lua.set_global("d", "hello"); REQUIRE_NOTHROW( lua.eval("if d ~= 'hello' then error('expected \\'hello\\', got '.. tostring(d)) end") ); lua.set_global("e", std::string("hello")); REQUIRE_NOTHROW( lua.eval("if d ~= 'hello' then error('expected \\'hello\\', got '.. tostring(d)) end") ); lua.set_global("f", true); REQUIRE_NOTHROW( lua.eval("if f ~= true then error('wrong value') end") ); } TEST_CASE( "simple/get_global", "Tests if the get_global function works properly." ) {