bool ide::printDeclUSR(const ValueDecl *D, raw_ostream &OS) {
  if (!D->hasName() && !isa<ParamDecl>(D) && !isa<AccessorDecl>(D))
    return true; // Ignore.
  if (D->getModuleContext()->isBuiltinModule())
    return true; // Ignore.
  if (isa<ModuleDecl>(D))
    return true; // Ignore.

  auto interpretAsClangNode = [](const ValueDecl *D)->ClangNode {
    ClangNode ClangN = D->getClangNode();
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      // NSErrorDomain causes the clang enum to be imported like this:
      // struct MyError {
      //     enum Code : Int32 {
      //         case errFirst
      //         case errSecond
      //     }
      //     static var errFirst: MyError.Code { get }
      //     static var errSecond: MyError.Code { get }
      // }
      // The clang enum constants are associated with both the static vars and
      // the enum cases.
      // But we want unique USRs for the above symbols, so use the clang USR
      // for the enum cases, and the Swift USR for the vars.
      if (auto *ClangEnumConst = dyn_cast<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(ClangD)) {
        if (auto *ClangEnum = dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(ClangEnumConst->getDeclContext())) {
          if (ClangEnum->hasAttr<clang::NSErrorDomainAttr>() && isa<VarDecl>(D))
            return ClangNode();
    return ClangN;

  if (ClangNode ClangN = interpretAsClangNode(D)) {
    llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(ClangD, Buf);
      if (!Ignore)
        OS << Buf.str();
      return Ignore;

    auto &Importer = *D->getASTContext().getClangModuleLoader();

    auto ClangMacroInfo = ClangN.getAsMacro();
    bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForMacro(
        Importer.getClangASTContext().getSourceManager(), Buf);
    if (!Ignore)
      OS << Buf.str();
    return Ignore;

  if (shouldUseObjCUSR(D)) {
    return printObjCUSR(D, OS);

  if (!D->hasInterfaceType())
    return true;

  // Invalid code.
  if (D->getInterfaceType().findIf([](Type t) -> bool {
        return t->is<ModuleType>();
    return true;

  Mangle::ASTMangler NewMangler;
  std::string Mangled = NewMangler.mangleDeclAsUSR(D, getUSRSpacePrefix());

  OS << Mangled;

  return false;