/** Convert physical position to UV projection
 * @param pos :: position in 3D
 * @param u :: set to U
 * @param v :: set to V
 * @param uscale :: scaling for u direction
 * @param vscale :: scaling for v direction
void UnwrappedCylinder::project(const Mantid::Kernel::V3D &pos, double &u,
                                double &v, double &uscale,
                                double &vscale) const {
  // projection to cylinder axis
  v = pos.scalar_prod(m_zaxis);
  double x = pos.scalar_prod(m_xaxis);
  double y = pos.scalar_prod(m_yaxis);
  u = applyUCorrection(-atan2(y, x));

  uscale = 1. / sqrt(x * x + y * y);
  vscale = 1.;
/** Convert physical position to UV projection
 * @param u :: set to U
 * @param v :: set to V
 * @param uscale :: scaling for u direction
 * @param vscale :: scaling for v direction
 * @param pos :: position in 3D
void UnwrappedSphere::project(double & u, double & v, double & uscale, double & vscale, const Mantid::Kernel::V3D & pos) const
  // projection to cylinder axis
  v = pos.scalar_prod(m_zaxis);
  double x = pos.scalar_prod(m_xaxis);
  double y = pos.scalar_prod(m_yaxis);

  double r = sqrt(x*x+y*y+v*v);
  uscale = 1./sqrt(x*x+y*y);
  vscale = 1./r;

  u = applyUCorrection( -atan2(y,x) );
  v = -acos(v/r);
void UnwrappedSphere::calcUV(UnwrappedDetector& udet)
  //static const double pi2 = 2*acos(-1.);
  Mantid::Kernel::V3D pos = udet.detector->getPos() - m_pos;

  // projection to cylinder axis
  udet.v = pos.scalar_prod(m_zaxis);
  double x = pos.scalar_prod(m_xaxis);
  double y = pos.scalar_prod(m_yaxis);

  double r = sqrt(x*x+y*y+udet.v*udet.v);
  udet.uscale = 1./sqrt(x*x+y*y);
  udet.vscale = 1./r;

  udet.u = -atan2(y,x);
  udet.v = -acos(udet.v/r);


void UnwrappedCylinder::rotate(const UnwrappedDetector &udet,
                               Mantid::Kernel::Quat &R) const {
  // direction in which to look
  Mantid::Kernel::V3D eye;
  const auto &componentInfo = m_instrActor->componentInfo();
  // rotation from the global axes to those where
  // the z axis points to the detector
  Mantid::Kernel::Quat R1;
  eye = m_pos - componentInfo.position(udet.detIndex);
  if (!eye.nullVector()) {
    // eye must point towards the detector and be perpendicular to the
    // cylinder's axis
    Mantid::Kernel::V3D up = m_zaxis;
    eye = eye - up * eye.scalar_prod(up);
    if (!eye.nullVector()) {
      InstrumentActor::rotateToLookAt(eye, up, R1);
  // add detector's own rotation
  R = R1 * componentInfo.rotation(udet.detIndex);
  * Find a rotation from one orthonormal basis set (Xfrom,Yfrom,Zfrom) to
  * another orthonormal basis set (Xto,Yto,Zto). Both sets must be right-handed
  * (or same-handed, I didn't check). The method doesn't check the sets for orthogonality
  * or normality. The result is a rotation quaternion such that:
  *   R.rotate(Xfrom) == Xto
  *   R.rotate(Yfrom) == Yto
  *   R.rotate(Zfrom) == Zto
  * @param Xfrom :: The X axis of the original basis set
  * @param Yfrom :: The Y axis of the original basis set
  * @param Zfrom :: The Z axis of the original basis set
  * @param Xto :: The X axis of the final basis set
  * @param Yto :: The Y axis of the final basis set
  * @param Zto :: The Z axis of the final basis set
  * @param R :: The output rotation as a quaternion
  * @param out :: Debug printout flag
void InstrumentActor::BasisRotation(const Mantid::Kernel::V3D& Xfrom,
                                    const Mantid::Kernel::V3D& Yfrom,
                                    const Mantid::Kernel::V3D& Zfrom,
                                    const Mantid::Kernel::V3D& Xto,
                                    const Mantid::Kernel::V3D& Yto,
                                    const Mantid::Kernel::V3D& Zto,
                                    Mantid::Kernel::Quat& R,
                                    bool out
    // Find transformation from (X,Y,Z) to (XX,YY,ZZ)
    // R = R1*R2*R3, where R1, R2, and R3 are Euler rotations

//  std::cerr<<"RCRotation-----------------------------\n";
//  std::cerr<<"From "<<Xfrom<<Yfrom<<Zfrom<<'\n';
//  std::cerr<<"To   "<<Xto<<Yto<<Zto<<'\n';

    double sZ = Zfrom.scalar_prod(Zto);
    if (fabs(sZ - 1) < m_tolerance) // vectors the same
        double sX = Xfrom.scalar_prod(Xto);
        if (fabs(sX - 1) < m_tolerance)
            R = Mantid::Kernel::Quat();
        else if (fabs(sX + 1) < m_tolerance)
            R = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(180,Zfrom);
            R = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(Xfrom,Xto);
    else if(fabs(sZ + 1) < m_tolerance) // rotated by 180 degrees
        if (fabs(Xfrom.scalar_prod(Xto)-1) < m_tolerance)
            R = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(180.,Xfrom);
        else if (fabs(Yfrom.scalar_prod(Yto)-1) < m_tolerance)
            R = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(180.,Yfrom);
            R = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(180.,Xto)*Mantid::Kernel::Quat(Xfrom,Xto);
        // Rotation R1 of system (X,Y,Z) around Z by alpha
        Mantid::Kernel::V3D X1;
        Mantid::Kernel::Quat R1;

        X1 = Zfrom.cross_prod(Zto);

        double sX = Xfrom.scalar_prod(Xto);
        if (fabs(sX - 1) < m_tolerance)
            R = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(Zfrom,Zto);

        sX = Xfrom.scalar_prod(X1);
        if (fabs(sX - 1) < m_tolerance)
            R1 = Mantid::Kernel::Quat();
        else if (fabs(sX + 1) < m_tolerance) // 180 degree rotation
            R1 = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(180.,Zfrom);
            R1 = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(Xfrom,X1);
        if (out)

        // Rotation R2 around X1 by beta
        Mantid::Kernel::Quat R2(Zfrom,Zto); // vectors are different
        if (out)

        // Rotation R3 around ZZ by gamma
        Mantid::Kernel::Quat R3;
        sX = Xto.scalar_prod(X1);
        if (fabs(sX - 1) < m_tolerance)
            R3 = Mantid::Kernel::Quat();
        else if (fabs(sX + 1) < m_tolerance) // 180 degree rotation
            R3 = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(180.,Zto);
            R3 = Mantid::Kernel::Quat(X1,Xto);
        if (out)

        // Combined rotation
        R = R3*R2*R1;