bool PathPaymentOpFrame::doCheckValid(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics) { if (mPathPayment.destAmount <= 0 || mPathPayment.sendMax <= 0) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "invalid", "malformed-amounts"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_MALFORMED); return false; } if (!isAssetValid(mPathPayment.sendAsset) || !isAssetValid(mPathPayment.destAsset)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "invalid", "malformed-currencies"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_MALFORMED); return false; } auto const& p = mPathPayment.path; if (!std::all_of(p.begin(), p.end(), isAssetValid)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "invalid", "malformed-currencies"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_MALFORMED); return false; } return true; }
// makes sure the currencies are different bool ManageOfferOpFrame::doCheckValid(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics) { Asset const& sheep = mManageOffer.selling; Asset const& wheat = mManageOffer.buying; if (!isAssetValid(sheep) || !isAssetValid(wheat)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "invalid-asset"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_MALFORMED); return false; } if (compareAsset(sheep, wheat)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "equal-currencies"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_MALFORMED); return false; } if (mManageOffer.amount < 0 || mManageOffer.price.d <= 0 || mManageOffer.price.n <= 0) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "negative-or-zero-values"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_MALFORMED); return false; } return true; }
bool CreateAccountOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { AccountFrame::pointer destAccount; Database& db = ledgerManager.getDatabase(); destAccount = AccountFrame::loadAccount(mCreateAccount.destination, db); if (!destAccount) { if (mCreateAccount.startingBalance < ledgerManager.getMinBalance(0)) { // not over the minBalance to make an account metrics.NewMeter({"op-create-account", "failure", "low-reserve"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CREATE_ACCOUNT_LOW_RESERVE); return false; } else { int64_t minBalance = mSourceAccount->getMinimumBalance(ledgerManager); if (mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance < (minBalance + mCreateAccount.startingBalance)) { // they don't have enough to send metrics.NewMeter({"op-create-account", "failure", "underfunded"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CREATE_ACCOUNT_UNDERFUNDED); return false; } mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance -= mCreateAccount.startingBalance; mSourceAccount->storeChange(delta, db); destAccount = make_shared<AccountFrame>(mCreateAccount.destination); destAccount->getAccount().seqNum = delta.getHeaderFrame().getStartingSequenceNumber(); destAccount->getAccount().balance = mCreateAccount.startingBalance; destAccount->storeAdd(delta, db); metrics.NewMeter({"op-create-account", "success", "apply"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS); return true; } } else { metrics.NewMeter({"op-create-account", "failure", "already-exist"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CREATE_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXIST); return false; } }
// make sure these issuers exist and you can hold the ask asset bool ManageOfferOpFrame::checkOfferValid(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, Database& db) { Asset const& sheep = mManageOffer.selling; Asset const& wheat = mManageOffer.buying; if (sheep.type() != ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { mSheepLineA = TrustFrame::loadTrustLine(getSourceID(), sheep, db); if (!mSheepLineA) { // we don't have what we are trying to sell metrics.NewMeter( {"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "underfunded-absent"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_SELL_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (mSheepLineA->getBalance() == 0) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "underfunded-absent"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_UNDERFUNDED); return false; } if (!mSheepLineA->isAuthorized()) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); // we are not authorized to sell innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_SELL_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } } if (wheat.type() != ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { mWheatLineA = TrustFrame::loadTrustLine(getSourceID(), wheat, db); if (!mWheatLineA) { // we can't hold what we are trying to buy metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_BUY_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (!mWheatLineA->isAuthorized()) { // we are not authorized to hold what we are trying to buy metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_BUY_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } } return true; }
bool PaymentOpFrame::doCheckValid(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics) { if (mPayment.amount <= 0) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "invalid", "malformed-negative-amount"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PAYMENT_MALFORMED); return false; } if (!isAssetValid(mPayment.asset)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "invalid", "malformed-invalid-asset"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PAYMENT_MALFORMED); return false; } return true; }
bool ChangeTrustOpFrame::doCheckValid(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics) { if (mChangeTrust.limit < 0) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-change-trust", "invalid", "malformed-negative-limit"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_MALFORMED); return false; } if (!isAssetValid(mChangeTrust.line)) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-change-trust", "invalid", "malformed-invalid-asset"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_MALFORMED); return false; } return true; }
bool CreateAccountOpFrame::doCheckValid(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics) { if (mCreateAccount.startingBalance <= 0) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-create-account", "invalid", "malformed-negative-balance"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CREATE_ACCOUNT_MALFORMED); return false; } if (mCreateAccount.destination == getSourceID()) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-create-account", "invalid", "malformed-destination-equals-source"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CREATE_ACCOUNT_MALFORMED); return false; } return true; }
LoadGenerator::TxMetrics::TxMetrics(medida::MetricsRegistry& m) : mAccountCreated(m.NewMeter({"loadgen", "account", "created"}, "account")) , mPayment(m.NewMeter({"loadgen", "payment", "any"}, "payment")) , mNativePayment(m.NewMeter({"loadgen", "payment", "native"}, "payment")) , mTxnAttempted(m.NewMeter({"loadgen", "txn", "attempted"}, "txn")) , mTxnRejected(m.NewMeter({"loadgen", "txn", "rejected"}, "txn")) , mTxnBytes(m.NewMeter({"loadgen", "txn", "bytes"}, "txn")) { }
// make sure these issuers exist and you can hold the ask asset bool ManageOfferOpFrame::checkOfferValid(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, Database& db, LedgerDelta& delta) { Asset const& sheep = mManageOffer.selling; Asset const& wheat = mManageOffer.buying; if (mManageOffer.amount == 0) { // don't bother loading trust lines as we're deleting the offer return true; } if (sheep.type() != ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { auto tlI = TrustFrame::loadTrustLineIssuer(getSourceID(), sheep, db, delta); mSheepLineA = tlI.first; if (!tlI.second) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "sell-no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_SELL_NO_ISSUER); return false; } if (!mSheepLineA) { // we don't have what we are trying to sell metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "sell-no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_SELL_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (mSheepLineA->getBalance() == 0) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "underfunded"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_UNDERFUNDED); return false; } if (!mSheepLineA->isAuthorized()) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "sell-not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); // we are not authorized to sell innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_SELL_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } } if (wheat.type() != ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { auto tlI = TrustFrame::loadTrustLineIssuer(getSourceID(), wheat, db, delta); mWheatLineA = tlI.first; if (!tlI.second) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "buy-no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_BUY_NO_ISSUER); return false; } if (!mWheatLineA) { // we can't hold what we are trying to buy metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "buy-no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_BUY_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (!mWheatLineA->isAuthorized()) { // we are not authorized to hold what we are trying to buy metrics.NewMeter( {"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "buy-not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_BUY_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } } return true; }
// you are selling sheep for wheat // need to check the counter offers selling wheat for sheep // see if this is modifying an old offer // see if this offer crosses any existing offers bool ManageOfferOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { Database& db = ledgerManager.getDatabase(); if (!checkOfferValid(metrics, db, delta)) { return false; } Asset const& sheep = mManageOffer.selling; Asset const& wheat = mManageOffer.buying; bool creatingNewOffer = false; uint64_t offerID = mManageOffer.offerID; if (offerID) { // modifying an old offer mSellSheepOffer = OfferFrame::loadOffer(getSourceID(), offerID, db, &delta); if (!mSellSheepOffer) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "not-found"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_NOT_FOUND); return false; } // rebuild offer based off the manage offer mSellSheepOffer->getOffer() = buildOffer( getSourceID(), mManageOffer, mSellSheepOffer->getOffer().flags); mPassive = mSellSheepOffer->getFlags() & PASSIVE_FLAG; } else { // creating a new Offer creatingNewOffer = true; LedgerEntry le;; = buildOffer(getSourceID(), mManageOffer, mPassive ? PASSIVE_FLAG : 0); mSellSheepOffer = std::make_shared<OfferFrame>(le); } int64_t maxSheepSend = mSellSheepOffer->getAmount(); int64_t maxAmountOfSheepCanSell; innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_SUCCESS); soci::transaction sqlTx(db.getSession()); LedgerDelta tempDelta(delta); if (mManageOffer.amount == 0) { mSellSheepOffer->getOffer().amount = 0; } else { if (sheep.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { maxAmountOfSheepCanSell = mSourceAccount->getBalanceAboveReserve(ledgerManager); } else { maxAmountOfSheepCanSell = mSheepLineA->getBalance(); } // the maximum is defined by how much wheat it can receive int64_t maxWheatCanSell; if (wheat.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { maxWheatCanSell = INT64_MAX; } else { maxWheatCanSell = mWheatLineA->getMaxAmountReceive(); if (maxWheatCanSell == 0) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "line-full"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_LINE_FULL); return false; } } Price const& sheepPrice = mSellSheepOffer->getPrice(); { int64_t maxSheepBasedOnWheat; if (!bigDivide(maxSheepBasedOnWheat, maxWheatCanSell, sheepPrice.d, sheepPrice.n)) { maxSheepBasedOnWheat = INT64_MAX; } if (maxAmountOfSheepCanSell > maxSheepBasedOnWheat) { maxAmountOfSheepCanSell = maxSheepBasedOnWheat; } } // amount of sheep for sale is the lesser of amount we can sell and // amount // put in the offer if (maxAmountOfSheepCanSell < maxSheepSend) { maxSheepSend = maxAmountOfSheepCanSell; } int64_t sheepSent, wheatReceived; OfferExchange oe(tempDelta, ledgerManager); const Price maxWheatPrice(sheepPrice.d, sheepPrice.n); OfferExchange::ConvertResult r = oe.convertWithOffers( sheep, maxSheepSend, sheepSent, wheat, maxWheatCanSell, wheatReceived, [this, &maxWheatPrice](OfferFrame const& o) { if (o.getOfferID() == mSellSheepOffer->getOfferID()) { // don't let the offer cross itself when updating it return OfferExchange::eSkip; } if ((mPassive && (o.getPrice() >= maxWheatPrice)) || (o.getPrice() > maxWheatPrice)) { return OfferExchange::eStop; } if (o.getSellerID() == getSourceID()) { // we are crossing our own offer innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_CROSS_SELF); return OfferExchange::eStop; } return OfferExchange::eKeep; }); switch (r) { case OfferExchange::eOK: case OfferExchange::ePartial: break; case OfferExchange::eFilterStop: if (innerResult().code() != MANAGE_OFFER_SUCCESS) { return false; } break; } // updates the result with the offers that got taken on the way for (auto const& oatom : oe.getOfferTrail()) { innerResult().success().offersClaimed.push_back(oatom); } if (wheatReceived > 0) { // it's OK to use mSourceAccount, mWheatLineA and mSheepLineA // here as OfferExchange won't cross offers from source account if (wheat.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance += wheatReceived; mSourceAccount->storeChange(delta, db); } else { if (!mWheatLineA->addBalance(wheatReceived)) { // this would indicate a bug in OfferExchange throw std::runtime_error("offer claimed over limit"); } mWheatLineA->storeChange(delta, db); } if (sheep.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance -= sheepSent; mSourceAccount->storeChange(delta, db); } else { if (!mSheepLineA->addBalance(-sheepSent)) { // this would indicate a bug in OfferExchange throw std::runtime_error("offer sold more than balance"); } mSheepLineA->storeChange(delta, db); } } // recomputes the amount of sheep for sale mSellSheepOffer->getOffer().amount = maxSheepSend - sheepSent; } if (mSellSheepOffer->getOffer().amount > 0) { // we still have sheep to sell so leave an offer if (creatingNewOffer) { // make sure we don't allow us to add offers when we don't have // the minbalance if (!mSourceAccount->addNumEntries(1, ledgerManager)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-manage-offer", "invalid", "low reserve"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(MANAGE_OFFER_LOW_RESERVE); return false; } mSellSheepOffer-> = tempDelta.getHeaderFrame().generateID(); innerResult().success().offer.effect(MANAGE_OFFER_CREATED); mSellSheepOffer->storeAdd(tempDelta, db); mSourceAccount->storeChange(tempDelta, db); } else { innerResult().success().offer.effect(MANAGE_OFFER_UPDATED); mSellSheepOffer->storeChange(tempDelta, db); } innerResult().success().offer.offer() = mSellSheepOffer->getOffer(); } else { innerResult().success().offer.effect(MANAGE_OFFER_DELETED); if (!creatingNewOffer) { mSellSheepOffer->storeDelete(tempDelta, db); mSourceAccount->addNumEntries(-1, ledgerManager); mSourceAccount->storeChange(tempDelta, db); } } sqlTx.commit(); tempDelta.commit(); metrics.NewMeter({"op-create-offer", "success", "apply"}, "operation") .Mark(); return true; }
bool ChangeTrustOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { Database& db = ledgerManager.getDatabase(); auto tlI = TrustFrame::loadTrustLineIssuer(getSourceID(), mChangeTrust.line, db, delta); auto& trustLine = tlI.first; auto& issuer = tlI.second; if (trustLine) { // we are modifying an old trustline if (mChangeTrust.limit < trustLine->getBalance()) { // Can't drop the limit below the balance you are holding with them metrics.NewMeter({"op-change-trust", "failure", "invalid-limit"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_INVALID_LIMIT); return false; } if (mChangeTrust.limit == 0) { // line gets deleted trustLine->storeDelete(delta, db); mSourceAccount->addNumEntries(-1, ledgerManager); mSourceAccount->storeChange(delta, db); } else { if (!issuer) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-change-trust", "failure", "no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_NO_ISSUER); return false; } trustLine->getTrustLine().limit = mChangeTrust.limit; trustLine->storeChange(delta, db); } metrics.NewMeter({"op-change-trust", "success", "apply"}, "operation") .Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_SUCCESS); return true; } else { // new trust line if (mChangeTrust.limit == 0) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-change-trust", "failure", "invalid-limit"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_INVALID_LIMIT); return false; } if (!issuer) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-change-trust", "failure", "no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_NO_ISSUER); return false; } trustLine = std::make_shared<TrustFrame>(); auto& tl = trustLine->getTrustLine(); tl.accountID = getSourceID(); tl.asset = mChangeTrust.line; tl.limit = mChangeTrust.limit; tl.balance = 0; trustLine->setAuthorized(!issuer->isAuthRequired()); if (!mSourceAccount->addNumEntries(1, ledgerManager)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-change-trust", "failure", "low-reserve"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_LOW_RESERVE); return false; } mSourceAccount->storeChange(delta, db); trustLine->storeAdd(delta, db); metrics.NewMeter({"op-change-trust", "success", "apply"}, "operation") .Mark(); innerResult().code(CHANGE_TRUST_SUCCESS); return true; } }
bool InflationOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { LedgerDelta inflationDelta(delta); auto& lcl = inflationDelta.getHeader(); time_t closeTime = lcl.scpValue.closeTime; uint32_t seq = lcl.inflationSeq; time_t inflationTime = (INFLATION_START_TIME + seq * INFLATION_FREQUENCY); if (closeTime < inflationTime) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-inflation", "failure", "not-time"}, "operation") .Mark(); innerResult().code(INFLATION_NOT_TIME); return false; } /* Inflation is calculated using the following 1. calculate tally of votes based on "inflationDest" set on each account 2. take the top accounts (by vote) that get at least .05% of the vote 3. If no accounts are over this threshold then the extra goes back to the inflation pool */ int64_t totalVotes = lcl.totalCoins; int64_t minBalance = bigDivide(totalVotes, INFLATION_WIN_MIN_PERCENT, TRILLION); std::vector<AccountFrame::InflationVotes> winners; auto& db = ledgerManager.getDatabase(); AccountFrame::processForInflation( [&](AccountFrame::InflationVotes const& votes) { if (votes.mVotes >= minBalance) { winners.push_back(votes); return true; } return false; }, INFLATION_NUM_WINNERS, db); int64 amountToDole = bigDivide(lcl.totalCoins, INFLATION_RATE_TRILLIONTHS, TRILLION); amountToDole += lcl.feePool; lcl.feePool = 0; lcl.inflationSeq++; // now credit each account innerResult().code(INFLATION_SUCCESS); auto& payouts = innerResult().payouts(); int64 leftAfterDole = amountToDole; for (auto const& w : winners) { AccountFrame::pointer winner; int64 toDoleThisWinner = bigDivide(amountToDole, w.mVotes, totalVotes); if (toDoleThisWinner == 0) continue; winner = AccountFrame::loadAccount(w.mInflationDest, db); if (winner) { leftAfterDole -= toDoleThisWinner; lcl.totalCoins += toDoleThisWinner; winner->getAccount().balance += toDoleThisWinner; winner->storeChange(inflationDelta, db); payouts.emplace_back(w.mInflationDest, toDoleThisWinner); } } // put back in fee pool as unclaimed funds lcl.feePool += leftAfterDole; inflationDelta.commit(); metrics.NewMeter({"op-inflation", "success", "apply"}, "operation").Mark(); return true; }
bool PathPaymentOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { Database& db = ledgerManager.getDatabase(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_SUCCESS); // tracks the last amount that was traded int64_t curBReceived = mPathPayment.destAmount; Asset curB = mPathPayment.destAsset; // update balances, walks backwards // build the full path to the destination, starting with sendAsset std::vector<Asset> fullPath; fullPath.emplace_back(mPathPayment.sendAsset); fullPath.insert(fullPath.end(), mPathPayment.path.begin(), mPathPayment.path.end()); bool bypassIssuerCheck = false; // if the payment doesn't involve intermediate accounts // and the destination is the issuer we don't bother // checking if the destination account even exist // so that it's always possible to send credits back to its issuer bypassIssuerCheck = (curB.type() != ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) && (fullPath.size() == 1) && (mPathPayment.sendAsset == mPathPayment.destAsset) && (getIssuer(curB) == mPathPayment.destination); AccountFrame::pointer destination; if (!bypassIssuerCheck) { destination = AccountFrame::loadAccount(mPathPayment.destination, db); if (!destination) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-destination"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NO_DESTINATION); return false; } } // update last balance in the chain if (curB.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { destination->getAccount().balance += curBReceived; destination->storeChange(delta, db); } else { TrustFrame::pointer destLine; if (bypassIssuerCheck) { destLine = TrustFrame::loadTrustLine(mPathPayment.destination, curB, db); } else { auto tlI = TrustFrame::loadTrustLineIssuer(mPathPayment.destination, curB, db); if (!tlI.second) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NO_ISSUER); innerResult().noIssuer() = curB; return false; } destLine = tlI.first; } if (!destLine) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (!destLine->isAuthorized()) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } if (!destLine->addBalance(curBReceived)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "line-full"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_LINE_FULL); return false; } destLine->storeChange(delta, db); } innerResult().success().last = SimplePaymentResult(mPathPayment.destination, curB, curBReceived); // now, walk the path backwards for (int i = (int)fullPath.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int64_t curASent, actualCurBReceived; Asset const& curA = fullPath[i]; if (curA == curB) { continue; } if (curA.type() != ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { if (!AccountFrame::loadAccount(getIssuer(curA), db)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NO_ISSUER); innerResult().noIssuer() = curA; return false; } } OfferExchange oe(delta, ledgerManager); // curA -> curB OfferExchange::ConvertResult r = oe.convertWithOffers( curA, INT64_MAX, curASent, curB, curBReceived, actualCurBReceived, [this, &metrics](OfferFrame const& o) { if (o.getSellerID() == getSourceID()) { // we are crossing our own offer, potentially invalidating // mSourceAccount (balance or numSubEntries) metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "offer-cross-self"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_OFFER_CROSS_SELF); return OfferExchange::eStop; } return OfferExchange::eKeep; }); switch (r) { case OfferExchange::eFilterStop: return false; case OfferExchange::eOK: if (curBReceived == actualCurBReceived) { break; } // fall through case OfferExchange::ePartial: metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "too-few-offers"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_TOO_FEW_OFFERS); return false; } assert(curBReceived == actualCurBReceived); curBReceived = curASent; // next round, we need to send enough curB = curA; // add offers that got taken on the way // insert in front to match the path's order auto& offers = innerResult().success().offers; offers.insert(offers.begin(), oe.getOfferTrail().begin(), oe.getOfferTrail().end()); } // last step: we've reached the first account in the chain, update its // balance int64_t curBSent; curBSent = curBReceived; if (curBSent > mPathPayment.sendMax) { // make sure not over the max metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "over-send-max"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_OVER_SENDMAX); return false; } if (curB.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { int64_t minBalance = mSourceAccount->getMinimumBalance(ledgerManager); if ((mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance - curBSent) < minBalance) { // they don't have enough to send metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "underfunded"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_UNDERFUNDED); return false; } mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance -= curBSent; mSourceAccount->storeChange(delta, db); } else { TrustFrame::pointer sourceLineFrame; if (bypassIssuerCheck) { sourceLineFrame = TrustFrame::loadTrustLine(getSourceID(), curB, db); } else { auto tlI = TrustFrame::loadTrustLineIssuer(getSourceID(), curB, db); if (!tlI.second) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NO_ISSUER); innerResult().noIssuer() = curB; return false; } sourceLineFrame = tlI.first; } if (!sourceLineFrame) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "src-no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_SRC_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (!sourceLineFrame->isAuthorized()) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-path-payment", "failure", "src-not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_SRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } if (!sourceLineFrame->addBalance(-curBSent)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "underfunded"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_UNDERFUNDED); return false; } sourceLineFrame->storeChange(delta, db); } metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "success", "apply"}, "operation") .Mark(); return true; }
bool PathPaymentOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { AccountFrame::pointer destination; Database& db = ledgerManager.getDatabase(); destination = AccountFrame::loadAccount(mPathPayment.destination, db); if (!destination) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-destination"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NO_DESTINATION); return false; } innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_SUCCESS); // tracks the last amount that was traded int64_t curBReceived = mPathPayment.destAmount; Asset curB = mPathPayment.destAsset; // update balances, walks backwards // build the full path to the destination, starting with sendAsset std::vector<Asset> fullPath; fullPath.emplace_back(mPathPayment.sendAsset); fullPath.insert(fullPath.end(), mPathPayment.path.begin(), mPathPayment.path.end()); // update last balance in the chain { if (curB.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { destination->getAccount().balance += curBReceived; destination->storeChange(delta, db); } else { TrustFrame::pointer destLine; destLine = TrustFrame::loadTrustLine(destination->getID(), curB, db); if (!destLine) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (!destLine->isAuthorized()) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-path-payment", "failure", "not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } if (!destLine->addBalance(curBReceived)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "line-full"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_LINE_FULL); return false; } destLine->storeChange(delta, db); } innerResult().success().last = SimplePaymentResult(destination->getID(), curB, curBReceived); } // now, walk the path backwards for (int i = (int)fullPath.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int64_t curASent, actualCurBReceived; Asset const& curA = fullPath[i]; if (curA == curB) { continue; } OfferExchange oe(delta, ledgerManager); // curA -> curB OfferExchange::ConvertResult r = oe.convertWithOffers(curA, INT64_MAX, curASent, curB, curBReceived, actualCurBReceived, nullptr); switch (r) { case OfferExchange::eFilterStop: assert(false); // no filter -> should not happen break; case OfferExchange::eOK: if (curBReceived == actualCurBReceived) { break; } // fall through case OfferExchange::ePartial: metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "too-few-offers"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_TOO_FEW_OFFERS); return false; } assert(curBReceived == actualCurBReceived); curBReceived = curASent; // next round, we need to send enough curB = curA; // add offers that got taken on the way // insert in front to match the path's order auto& offers = innerResult().success().offers; offers.insert(offers.begin(), oe.getOfferTrail().begin(), oe.getOfferTrail().end()); } // last step: we've reached the first account in the chain, update its // balance int64_t curBSent; curBSent = curBReceived; if (curBSent > mPathPayment.sendMax) { // make sure not over the max metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "over-send-max"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_OVER_SENDMAX); return false; } if (curB.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) { int64_t minBalance = mSourceAccount->getMinimumBalance(ledgerManager); if ((mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance - curBSent) < minBalance) { // they don't have enough to send metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "underfunded"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_UNDERFUNDED); return false; } mSourceAccount->getAccount().balance -= curBSent; mSourceAccount->storeChange(delta, db); } else { AccountFrame::pointer issuer; if(curB.type()==ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM4) issuer = AccountFrame::loadAccount(curB.alphaNum4().issuer, db); else if(curB.type()==ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM12) issuer = AccountFrame::loadAccount(curB.alphaNum12().issuer, db); if (!issuer) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); throw std::runtime_error("sendCredit Issuer not found"); } TrustFrame::pointer sourceLineFrame; sourceLineFrame = TrustFrame::loadTrustLine(getSourceID(), curB, db); if (!sourceLineFrame) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "src-no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_SRC_NO_TRUST); return false; } if (!sourceLineFrame->isAuthorized()) { metrics.NewMeter( {"op-path-payment", "failure", "src-not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_SRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return false; } if (!sourceLineFrame->addBalance(-curBSent)) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "failure", "underfunded"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PATH_PAYMENT_UNDERFUNDED); return false; } sourceLineFrame->storeChange(delta, db); } metrics.NewMeter({"op-path-payment", "success", "apply"}, "operation") .Mark(); return true; }
bool InflationOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { LedgerDelta inflationDelta(delta); auto& lcl = inflationDelta.getHeader(); time_t closeTime = lcl.scpValue.closeTime; uint32_t seq = lcl.inflationSeq; time_t inflationTime = (INFLATION_START_TIME + seq * INFLATION_FREQUENCY); if (closeTime < inflationTime) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-inflation", "failure", "not-time"}, "operation") .Mark(); innerResult().code(INFLATION_NOT_TIME); return false; } /* Inflation is calculated using the following 1. calculate tally of votes based on "inflationDest" set on each account 2. take the top accounts (by vote) that exceed 1.5% (INFLATION_WIN_MIN_PERCENT) of votes, up to 50 accounts (INFLATION_NUM_WINNERS) exception: if no account crosses the INFLATION_WIN_MIN_PERCENT, the top 50 is used 3. share the coins between those accounts proportionally to the number of votes they got. */ int64_t totalVotes = 0; bool first = true; int64_t minBalance = bigDivide(lcl.totalCoins, INFLATION_WIN_MIN_PERCENT, TRILLION); std::vector<AccountFrame::InflationVotes> winners; auto& db = ledgerManager.getDatabase(); AccountFrame::processForInflation( [&](AccountFrame::InflationVotes const& votes) { if (first && votes.mVotes < minBalance) { // need to take the entire set if nobody crossed the threshold minBalance = 0; } first = false; bool res; if (votes.mVotes >= minBalance) { totalVotes += votes.mVotes; winners.push_back(votes); res = true; } else { res = false; } return res; }, INFLATION_NUM_WINNERS, db); int64 amountToDole = bigDivide(lcl.totalCoins, INFLATION_RATE_TRILLIONTHS, TRILLION); amountToDole += lcl.feePool; lcl.feePool = 0; lcl.inflationSeq++; // now credit each account innerResult().code(INFLATION_SUCCESS); auto& payouts = innerResult().payouts(); if (totalVotes != 0) { for (auto const& w : winners) { AccountFrame::pointer winner; int64 toDoleThisWinner = bigDivide(amountToDole, w.mVotes, totalVotes); if (toDoleThisWinner == 0) continue; winner = AccountFrame::loadAccount(w.mInflationDest, db); if (winner) { lcl.totalCoins += toDoleThisWinner; winner->getAccount().balance += toDoleThisWinner; winner->storeChange(inflationDelta, db); payouts.emplace_back(w.mInflationDest, toDoleThisWinner); } else { // put back in fee pool as unclaimed funds lcl.feePool += toDoleThisWinner; } } } else { // put back in fee pool as unclaimed funds lcl.feePool += amountToDole; } inflationDelta.commit(); metrics.NewMeter({"op-inflation", "success", "apply"}, "operation").Mark(); return true; }
bool PaymentOpFrame::doApply(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, LedgerDelta& delta, LedgerManager& ledgerManager) { // if sending to self directly, just mark as success if (mPayment.destination == getSourceID()) { metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "success", "apply"}, "operation") .Mark(); innerResult().code(PAYMENT_SUCCESS); return true; } // build a pathPaymentOp Operation op; op.sourceAccount = mOperation.sourceAccount; op.body.type(PATH_PAYMENT); PathPaymentOp& ppOp = op.body.pathPaymentOp(); ppOp.sendAsset = mPayment.asset; ppOp.destAsset = mPayment.asset; ppOp.destAmount = mPayment.amount; ppOp.sendMax = mPayment.amount; ppOp.destination = mPayment.destination; OperationResult opRes; opRes.code(opINNER);; PathPaymentOpFrame ppayment(op, opRes, mParentTx); ppayment.setSourceAccountPtr(mSourceAccount); if (!ppayment.doCheckValid(metrics) || !ppayment.doApply(metrics, delta, ledgerManager)) { if (ppayment.getResultCode() != opINNER) { throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected error code from pathPayment"); } PaymentResultCode res; switch (PathPaymentOpFrame::getInnerCode(ppayment.getResult())) { case PATH_PAYMENT_UNDERFUNDED: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "underfunded"}, "operation").Mark(); res = PAYMENT_UNDERFUNDED; break; case PATH_PAYMENT_SRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "src-not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); res = PAYMENT_SRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED; break; case PATH_PAYMENT_SRC_NO_TRUST: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "src-no-trust"}, "operation").Mark(); res = PAYMENT_SRC_NO_TRUST; break; case PATH_PAYMENT_NO_DESTINATION: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "no-destination"}, "operation").Mark(); res = PAYMENT_NO_DESTINATION; break; case PATH_PAYMENT_NO_TRUST: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "no-trust"}, "operation") .Mark(); res = PAYMENT_NO_TRUST; break; case PATH_PAYMENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "not-authorized"}, "operation").Mark(); res = PAYMENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED; break; case PATH_PAYMENT_LINE_FULL: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "line-full"}, "operation").Mark(); res = PAYMENT_LINE_FULL; break; case PATH_PAYMENT_NO_ISSUER: metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "failure", "no-issuer"}, "operation").Mark(); res = PAYMENT_NO_ISSUER; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected error code from pathPayment"); } innerResult().code(res); return false; } assert(PathPaymentOpFrame::getInnerCode(ppayment.getResult()) == PATH_PAYMENT_SUCCESS); metrics.NewMeter({"op-payment", "success", "apply"}, "operation").Mark(); innerResult().code(PAYMENT_SUCCESS); return true; }
void checkDBAgainstBuckets(medida::MetricsRegistry& metrics, BucketManager& bucketManager, Database& db, BucketList& bl) { CLOG(INFO, "Bucket") << "CheckDB starting"; auto execTimer = metrics.NewTimer({"bucket", "checkdb", "execute"}).TimeScope(); // Step 1: Collect all buckets to merge. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Bucket>> buckets; for (size_t i = 0; i < BucketList::kNumLevels; ++i) { CLOG(INFO, "Bucket") << "CheckDB collecting buckets from level " << i; auto& level = bl.getLevel(i); auto& next = level.getNext(); if (next.isLive()) { CLOG(INFO, "Bucket") << "CheckDB resolving future bucket on level " << i; buckets.push_back(next.resolve()); } buckets.push_back(level.getCurr()); buckets.push_back(level.getSnap()); } if (buckets.empty()) { CLOG(INFO, "Bucket") << "CheckDB found no buckets, returning"; return; } // Step 2: merge all buckets into a single super-bucket. auto i = buckets.begin(); assert(i != buckets.end()); std::shared_ptr<Bucket> superBucket = *i; while (++i != buckets.end()) { auto mergeTimer = metrics.NewTimer({"bucket", "checkdb", "merge"}).TimeScope(); assert(superBucket); assert(*i); superBucket = Bucket::merge(bucketManager, *i, superBucket); assert(superBucket); } CLOG(INFO, "Bucket") << "CheckDB starting object comparison"; // Step 3: scan the superbucket, checking each object against the DB and // counting objects along the way. uint64_t nAccounts = 0, nTrustLines = 0, nOffers = 0; { auto& meter = metrics.NewMeter({"bucket", "checkdb", "object-compare"}, "comparison"); auto compareTimer = metrics.NewTimer({"bucket", "checkdb", "compare"}).TimeScope(); for (Bucket::InputIterator iter(superBucket); iter; ++iter) { meter.Mark(); auto& e = *iter; if (e.type() == LIVEENTRY) { switch (e.liveEntry().data.type()) { case ACCOUNT: ++nAccounts; break; case TRUSTLINE: ++nTrustLines; break; case OFFER: ++nOffers; break; } EntryFrame::checkAgainstDatabase(e.liveEntry(), db); if (meter.count() % 100 == 0) { CLOG(INFO, "Bucket") << "CheckDB compared " << meter.count() << " objects"; } } } } // Step 4: confirm size of datasets matches size of datasets in DB. soci::session& sess = db.getSession(); compareSizes("account", AccountFrame::countObjects(sess), nAccounts); compareSizes("trustline", TrustFrame::countObjects(sess), nTrustLines); compareSizes("offer", OfferFrame::countObjects(sess), nOffers); }