  minitensor::Vector<T, N>
  gradient(minitensor::Vector<T, N> const& x)
    // Firewalls.
    minitensor::Index const dimension = x.get_dimension();

    ALBANY_EXPECT(dimension == Base::DIMENSION);

    // Variables that potentially have Albany::Traits sensitivity
    // information need to be handled by the peel functor so that
    // proper conversions take place.
    T const K     = peel<EvalT, T, N>()(K_);
    T const smag  = peel<EvalT, T, N>()(smag_);
    T const mubar = peel<EvalT, T, N>()(mubar_);
    T const Y     = peel<EvalT, T, N>()(Y_);

    // This is the actual computation of the gradient.
    minitensor::Vector<T, N> r(dimension);

    T const& X     = x(0);
    T const  alpha = eqps_old_ + SQ23 * X;
    T const  H     = K * alpha + sat_mod_ * (1.0 - std::exp(-sat_exp_ * alpha));
    T const  R     = smag - (2.0 * mubar * X + SQ23 * (Y + H));

    r(0) = R;

    return r;
MiniTensorVector<T, N>::
axpy(T const alpha, Vector<T> const & x)
  minitensor::Vector<T, N> const
  xval = MTfromROL<T, N>(x);

  auto const
  dim = xval.get_dimension();

  assert(vector_.get_dimension() == dim);

  for (minitensor::Index i{0}; i < dim; ++i) {
    vector_(i) += alpha * xval(i);