// find links in a "context" void EntityLinkDecorator::gatherLinks(Vec4f::List& vListLocal, Vec4f::List& vListContext, RenderContext& context, Model::Entity& curEnt, Model::EntitySet& visitedEntities) { Model::EntitySet::iterator vIt = visitedEntities.lower_bound(&curEnt); if (*vIt == &curEnt) return; visitedEntities.insert(vIt, &curEnt); if (!context.filter().entityVisible(curEnt)) return; Model::EntityList::const_iterator it, end; const Model::EntityList& targetList = curEnt.linkTargets(); for (it = targetList.begin(), end = targetList.end(); it != end; ++it) { Model::Entity& targetEnt = **it; if (!context.filter().entityVisible(targetEnt)) continue; if (curEnt.selected() || targetEnt.selected()) addArrowVerts(vListLocal, curEnt.center(), targetEnt.center()); else addArrowVerts(vListContext, curEnt.center(), targetEnt.center()); gatherLinks(vListLocal, vListContext, context, targetEnt, visitedEntities); } const Model::EntityList& sourceList = curEnt.linkSources(); for (it = sourceList.begin(), end = sourceList.end(); it != end; ++it) { Model::Entity& sourceEnt = **it; if (!context.filter().entityVisible(sourceEnt)) continue; gatherLinks(vListLocal, vListContext, context, sourceEnt, visitedEntities); } }
void EntityLinkDecorator::render(Vbo& vbo, RenderContext& context) { if (context.viewOptions().linkDisplayMode() == View::ViewOptions::LinkDisplayNone) return; const Model::EntityList& entities = map().entities(); if (entities.empty()) return; SetVboState activateVbo(vbo, Vbo::VboActive); if (m_doRebuild) { delete m_vertexArray; m_vertexArray = NULL; m_doRebuild = false; // for keeping track of which entities have already been visited by the link-gathering algorithm - should this be part of each entity instead ? Model::EntitySet visitedEntities; Vec4f::List vertsLocal; // links directly connected to a selected entity Vec4f::List vertsContext; // links not directly connected, but in the same context Vec4f::List vertsUnrelated; // links not related to the current selection Model::EntityList::const_iterator it, end; // first pass, outputs local or local+context links for (it = entities.begin(), end = entities.end(); it != end; ++it) { Model::Entity& entity = **it; if (entity.selected()) { if (context.viewOptions().linkDisplayMode() == View::ViewOptions::LinkDisplayLocal) { gatherLinksLocal(vertsLocal, context, entity); } else { gatherLinks(vertsLocal, vertsContext, context, entity, visitedEntities); } } } // second pass, only used in "display all" mode, outputs target links of entities the first pass didn't visit if (context.viewOptions().linkDisplayMode() == View::ViewOptions::LinkDisplayAll) { Model::EntitySet::const_iterator vIt; for (it = entities.begin(), end = entities.end(); it != end; ++it) { Model::Entity& entity = **it; vIt = visitedEntities.lower_bound( &entity ); if( *vIt != &entity ) gatherLinksUnrelated(vertsUnrelated, context, entity); } } unsigned int vertexCount = static_cast<unsigned int>(vertsLocal.size() + vertsContext.size() + vertsUnrelated.size()); if (vertexCount == 0) return; //FIXME : doesn't need to be a color4f at the moment m_vertexArray = new VertexArray(vbo, GL_LINES, vertexCount, Attribute::position3f(), Attribute::color4f(), 0); SetVboState mapVbo(vbo, Vbo::VboMapped); // draw order : unrelated -> context -> local // vertData.y sets the type of link for the shader ( 0 = unrelated, 0.5 = context, 1.0 = local ) Vec4f vertData(1.0f); vertData.y = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i != vertsUnrelated.size(); ++i ) { vertData.x = vertsUnrelated[i].w; m_vertexArray->addAttribute(Vec3f(vertsUnrelated[i].x, vertsUnrelated[i].y, vertsUnrelated[i].z)); m_vertexArray->addAttribute(vertData); } vertData.y = 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i != vertsContext.size(); ++i) { vertData.x = vertsContext[i].w; m_vertexArray->addAttribute(Vec3f(vertsContext[i].x, vertsContext[i].y, vertsContext[i].z)); m_vertexArray->addAttribute(vertData); } vertData.y = 1.0f; for (int i = 0; i != vertsLocal.size(); ++i) { vertData.x = vertsLocal[i].w; m_vertexArray->addAttribute(Vec3f(vertsLocal[i].x, vertsLocal[i].y, vertsLocal[i].z)); m_vertexArray->addAttribute(vertData); } m_valid = true; } if (!m_valid || m_vertexArray == NULL) return; ActivateShader shader(context.shaderManager(), Shaders::EntityLinkShader ); shader.currentShader().setUniformVariable("CameraPosition", context.camera().position()); //shader.currentShader().setUniformVariable("Color", m_color); // unused at the moment, make color view-prefs for the different types of links ? shader.currentShader().setUniformVariable("Occluded", 1.0f); // render the "occluded" portion without depth-test glLineWidth(2.0f); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); m_vertexArray->render(); shader.currentShader().setUniformVariable("Occluded", 0.0f); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); m_vertexArray->render(); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glLineWidth(1.0f); }