   * Send a block (nonblocking)
   void MemoryOArchive::iSend(MPI::Intracomm& comm, MPI::Request& req, int dest)
      int  comm_size = comm.Get_size();
      int  myRank = comm.Get_rank();

      // Preconditions
      if (dest > comm_size - 1 || dest < 0) {
         UTIL_THROW("Destination rank out of bounds");
      if (dest == myRank) {
         UTIL_THROW("Source and desination identical");

      size_t  sendBytes = cursor_ - buffer_;
      size_t* sizePtr = (size_t*)buffer_;
      *sizePtr = sendBytes;
      req = comm.Isend(buffer_, sendBytes, MPI::UNSIGNED_CHAR, dest, 5);
   * Send and receive buffer.
   void Buffer::sendRecv(MPI::Intracomm& comm, int source, int dest)

      MPI::Request request[2];
      int  sendBytes = 0;
      int  myRank    = comm.Get_rank();
      int  comm_size = comm.Get_size();

      // Preconditions
      if (dest > comm_size - 1 || dest < 0) {
         UTIL_THROW("Destination rank out of bounds");
      if (source > comm_size - 1 || source < 0) {
         UTIL_THROW("Source rank out of bounds");
      if (dest == myRank) {
         UTIL_THROW("Destination and my rank are identical");
      if (source == myRank) {
         UTIL_THROW("Source and my rank are identical");

      // Start nonblocking receive.
      request[0] = comm.Irecv(recvBufferBegin_, bufferCapacity_ , 
                              MPI::CHAR, source, 5);

      // Start nonblocking send.
      sendBytes = sendPtr_ - sendBufferBegin_;
      request[1] = comm.Isend(sendBufferBegin_, sendBytes , MPI::CHAR, dest, 5);

      // Wait for completion of receive.
      recvPtr_ = recvBufferBegin_;

      // Wait for completion of send.

      // Update statistics.
      if (sendBytes > maxSendLocal_) {
         maxSendLocal_ = sendBytes;
* Send a block.
void PackedData::send(MPI::Intracomm& comm, int dest)
    MPI::Request request;
    int  sendBytes = 0;
    int  comm_size = comm.Get_size();
    int  myRank = comm.Get_rank();

    // Preconditions
    if (dest > comm_size - 1 || dest < 0) {
        UTIL_THROW("Destination rank out of bounds");
    if (dest == myRank) {
        UTIL_THROW("Source and desination identical");

    sendBytes = cursor_ - begin_;
    request = comm.Isend(begin_, sendBytes, MPI::UNSIGNED_CHAR, dest, 5);

   * Send a buffer.
   void Buffer::send(MPI::Intracomm& comm, int dest)
      MPI::Request request;
      int  sendBytes = 0;
      int  comm_size = comm.Get_size();
      int  myRank = comm.Get_rank();

      // Preconditions
      if (dest > comm_size - 1 || dest < 0) {
         UTIL_THROW("Destination rank out of bounds");
      if (dest == myRank) {
         UTIL_THROW("Source and destination identical");

      sendBytes = sendPtr_ - sendBufferBegin_;
      request = comm.Isend(sendBufferBegin_, sendBytes, MPI::CHAR, dest, 5);

      // Update statistics.
      if (sendBytes > maxSendLocal_) {
         maxSendLocal_ = sendBytes;