int body(mysqlpp::Connection& c) { std::cout << "<div class=\"body\"><div class=\"main\">"; //Here, list all user int count=0; const int MAX=4; mysqlpp::Query query = c.query("SELECT login FROM game_account ORDER BY login ASC;"); query.parse(); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult r =; if (r && r.num_rows() > 0) { std::cout << "<table class=\"playerList\">"; for (size_t i = 0; i < r.num_rows(); ++i) { if (count == 0) std::cout << "<tr>"; std::string n; r[i]["login"].to_string(n); std::cout << "<td><a href=\"info-" << n << "\">" << n << "</a></td>" << std::endl; count ++; if (count == MAX) { std::cout << "</tr>"; count=0; } } std::cout << (count != 0 ? "</tr>":"") << "</table>" << std::endl; } std::cout << "</div></div>"; return 0; }
inline bool TableExists(mysqlpp::Connection& databaseConnection, const std::string& schema, const char* table) { mysqlpp::Query query = databaseConnection.query(); query << "SHOW TABLES IN " << schema << " LIKE " << mysqlpp::quote << table; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult result =; return !result.empty(); }
void Durability::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection& conn, const uint32_t itemID, const uint32_t durability) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "update items set Durability =" << durability << " where ID = " << itemID; query.exec(); }
void EnchantLv::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection& conn, const uint32_t itemID, const uint8_t level) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "update items set EnchantLevel = " << mysqlpp::quote << level << " where ID = " << itemID; query.exec(); }
void Quantity::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection& conn, const uint32_t itemID, const uint16_t quantity) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "update items set Quantity = " << quantity << " where ID =" << itemID; query.exec(); }
void Position::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection &conn, const uint32_t itemID, const uint8_t pos) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "update items set Position = " << mysqlpp::quote << pos << " where ID = " << itemID; query.exec(); }
void MagicOption::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection &conn, const uint32_t itemID, const uint32_t optionID, const uint32_t value) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "insert into items_magicoptions values (" << itemID << "," << optionID << "," << value << ")"; query.exec(); }
inline bool LoadDirectoriesTable(mysqlpp::Connection& databaseConnection, const std::string& schema) { if(TableExists(databaseConnection, schema, "directories")) { return true; } mysqlpp::Query query = databaseConnection.query(); query << "CREATE TABLE directories (" "id INTEGER UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," "name VARCHAR(100) BINARY NOT NULL)"; return query.execute(); }
inline bool LoadChildrenTable(mysqlpp::Connection& databaseConnection, const std::string& schema) { if(TableExists(databaseConnection, schema, "children")) { return true; } mysqlpp::Query query = databaseConnection.query(); query << "CREATE TABLE children (" "entry INTEGER NOT NULL," "child INTEGER NOT NULL)"; return query.execute(); }
inline bool LoadPermissionsTable(mysqlpp::Connection& databaseConnection, const std::string& schema) { if(TableExists(databaseConnection, schema, "permissions")) { return true; } mysqlpp::Query query = databaseConnection.query(); query << "CREATE TABLE permissions (" "source INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL," "target INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL," "permission INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL)"; return query.execute(); }
inline bool LoadSettings(mysqlpp::Connection& databaseConnection, Out<unsigned int> nextEntryId) { mysqlpp::Query query = databaseConnection.query(); query << "SELECT * FROM settings"; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult result =; if(!result) { return false; } settings row = result.front(); *nextEntryId = row.next_entry_id; return true; }
// Print information about each of the tables we found static void show_table_info(mysqlpp::Connection& con, const vector<string>& tables) { vector<string>::const_iterator it; for (it = tables.begin(); it != tables.end(); ++it) { mysqlpp::Query query = con.query(); query << "describe " << *it; separator(cout, query.str()); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; size_t columns = res.num_fields(); vector<size_t> widths; for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i) { string s = res.field_name(int(i)); if ("field") == 0) { widths.push_back(22); } else if ("type") == 0) { widths.push_back(20); } else if ("null") == 0) { widths.push_back(4); } else if ("key") == 0) { widths.push_back(3); } else if ("extra") == 0) { widths.push_back(0); } else { widths.push_back(15); } if (widths[i]) { cout << '|' << setw(widths[i]) << res.field_name(int(i)) << '|'; } } cout << endl; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult::iterator rit; for (rit = res.begin(); rit != res.end(); ++rit) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < columns; ++i) { if (widths[i]) { cout << ' ' << setw(widths[i]) << (*rit)[i].c_str() << ' '; } } cout << endl; } } }
int show(const std::string& login, mysqlpp::Connection& c) { std::map<std::string, unsigned int> unitList; int id=0,faction=0,xp=0,level=0; mysqlpp::Query query = c.query("SELECT id,faction,xp,level FROM game_account where login = %0Q;"); query.parse(); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult r =; if (r && r.num_rows() > 0) { //Should only be one account with that name id = r[0]["id"]; faction = r[0]["faction"]; xp = r[0]["xp"]; level = r[0]["level"]; //Now we have the account, get its units and their number query.reset(); query << "select unit_name,unit_number from game_unit_available where id_account = %0;"; query.parse(); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult u =; if (u && u.num_rows() > 0) for (size_t i = 0; i < u.num_rows(); ++i) { int num = u[i]["unit_number"]; if(num > 0) { std::string name; u[i]["unit_name"].to_string(name); unitList[name] = num; } } } //Should never happen, as we are connected ! //Display both form and information std::cout << "<div class=\"body\"><div class=\"main\" >" << "<center>" << __tr("faction") << ": <strong>" << __tr(factionName[faction]) << "</strong><br />" << "<strong>" << __tr("army_composition") << "</strong><br />"; if (unitList.size() > 0) { std::cout << "<table class=\"army\"><tr>" << "<td><strong>" << __tr("unit") << "</strong></td>" << "<td><strong>" << __tr("number") << "</strong></td></tr>"; for (auto it = unitList.begin(); it != unitList.end(); ++it) { std::cout << "<tr><td><strong>" << __tr(it->first) << "</strong></td>" << "<td><strong>" << it->second << "</strong></td></tr>"; } std::cout << "</table>"; } else std::cout << "<em>" << __tr("army_empty") << "</em>"; std::cout << "</center></div>"; std::cout << "</div></div>" << std::endl; return 0; }
uint32_t ID::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection &conn, const std::string &name) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "select id from refitemdata where name = " << mysqlpp::quote << name; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; if (res.num_rows()) return res[0]["id"]; return 0; }
uint32_t TransportID::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection &conn, const std::string &name) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "select ID from refcharacterdata where NameID = " << mysqlpp::quote << name; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; if (res.num_rows()) return res[0]["ID"]; return 0; }
// Print out the names of all the databases managed by the server static void show_databases(mysqlpp::Connection& con) { mysqlpp::Query query = con.query("show databases"); separator(cout, query.str()); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; cout << "Databases found: " << res.size(); cout.setf(ios::left); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult::iterator rit; for (rit = res.begin(); rit != res.end(); ++rit) { cout << "\n\t" << (*rit)[0]; } }
inline bool LoadAccountsTable(mysqlpp::Connection& databaseConnection, const std::string& schema) { if(TableExists(databaseConnection, schema, "accounts")) { return true; } mysqlpp::Query query = databaseConnection.query(); query << "CREATE TABLE accounts (" "id INTEGER UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," "name VARCHAR(100) BINARY NOT NULL," "password VARCHAR(100) BINARY NOT NULL," "registration_time DATETIME NOT NULL," "last_login_time DATETIME NOT NULL)"; return query.execute(); }
void Delete::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection& conn, const uint32_t itemID) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "delete from items where ID =" << itemID; query.exec(); query.reset(); query << "delete from items_magicoptions where itemID = " << itemID; query.exec(); }
inline bool LoadSettingsTable(mysqlpp::Connection& databaseConnection, const std::string& schema) { if(TableExists(databaseConnection, schema, "settings")) { return true; } mysqlpp::Query query = databaseConnection.query(); query << "CREATE TABLE settings (next_entry_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL)"; if(!query.execute()) { return false; } query.reset(); SqlInsert::settings settingsRow(0); query.insert(settingsRow); return query.execute(); }
std::vector<Item::extended_type> Select::operator () (mysqlpp::Connection& conn, const uint32_t CharID, const uint8_t location) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "select * from items where CharID =" << CharID << " and Location = " << mysqlpp::quote << location; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; Item::extended_type attr; std::vector<Item::extended_type> v; for (size_t j=0; j < res.num_rows(); ++j) { attr.dbid = res[j]["ID"]; = res[j]["refItemID"]; attr.enchant_lv = res[j]["EnchantLevel"]; attr.quantity = res[j]["Quantity"]; attr.pos = res[j]["Position"]; = res[j]["Location"]; attr.durability = res[j]["Durability"]; attr.phy_percent = res[j]["Phy"]; attr.mag_percent = res[j]["Mag"]; attr.dur_percent = res[j]["Dur"]; attr.ap_percent = res[j]["AP"]; attr.cb_percent = res[j]["CB"]; attr.phyreinf_percent = res[j]["PhyReinf"]; attr.magreinf_percent = res[j]["MagReinf"]; query.reset(); query << "select * from items_magicoptions where itemID = " << attr.dbid; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult ires =; for (size_t i = 0; i < ires.num_rows(); ++i) attr.attr_list.push_back(std::make_pair(ires[i]["optionID"],ires[i]["Value"])); v.push_back(attr); attr.attr_list.clear(); } return v; }
void createRSS(const std::string& locale, mysqlpp::Connection& c) { std::ofstream f("rss/"+locale+".xml"); if(f) { f << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n" "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n" " <channel>\n" " <description>" << __tr("description") << "</description>\n" " <link></link>\n" " <title>Okzoniom::RPG</title>\n"; //write all mysqlpp::Query query = c.query(); query << "SELECT * FROM web_news WHERE locale='" << locale << "'ORDER BY date DESC"; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult r =; if(r && r.num_rows() > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < r.num_rows(); ++i) { std::string title, titleLink; std::string content; std::string date; std::string id; r[i]["id"].to_string(id); r[i]["title"].to_string(title); r[i]["content"].to_string(content); r[i]["date"].to_string(date); titleLink = title; f << " <item>\n" " <title>" << title << "</title>\n" " <link>" << ""+id+"-"+urlHTML(titleLink) << "</link>\n" " <description>" << "<![CDATA[<p>" << content << "</p>]]>"<< " </description>\n" " <pubDate>" << date << "</pubDate>\n" " </item>\n"; } } f << " </channel>\n" "</rss>\n"; f.close(); } }
inline bool LoadEntriesTable(mysqlpp::Connection& connection, const std::string& schema) { if(Beam::MySql::TestTable(schema, "entries", connection)) { return true; } auto query = connection.query(); query << "CREATE TABLE entries (" "name VARCHAR(16) BINARY NOT NULL," "item_a INTEGER NOT NULL," "item_b BIGINT NOT NULL," "item_c BIGINT NOT NULL," "item_d VARCHAR(256) BINARY NOT NULL," "timestamp BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," "query_sequence BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," "INDEX sequence_index(name, query_sequence)," "INDEX timestamp_index(name, timestamp, query_sequence))"; return query.execute(); }
// Print out the names of all tables in the sample database, and // return the list of tables. static void show_tables(mysqlpp::Connection& con) { mysqlpp::Query query = con.query("show tables"); separator(cout, query.str()); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; cout << "Tables found: " << res.size(); cout.setf(ios::left); vector<string> tables; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult::iterator rit; for (rit = res.begin(); rit != res.end(); ++rit) { string tbl((*rit)[0]); cout << "\n\t" << tbl; tables.push_back(tbl); } show_table_info(con, tables); }
uint32_t Create::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection& conn, const uint32_t ID, const Item& item) { if (!item.get_id()) return 0; using mysqlpp::quote; mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "insert into items (charID,refItemID, EnchantLevel, Quantity, Location, " << "Position, Durability, Phy, Mag, Dur, AP, CB, PhyReinf, MagReinf) values (" << quote << ID << "," << quote << (mysqlpp::sql_int)item.get_id() << "," << quote << item.get_enchant_lv() << "," << quote << (mysqlpp::sql_int)item.get_quantity() << "," << quote << item.get_place() << "," << quote << item.get_position() << "," << quote << (mysqlpp::sql_int)item.get_durability() << "," << quote << item.get_physical_percent() << "," << quote << item.get_magical_percent() << "," << quote << item.get_durability_percent() << "," << quote << item.get_ap_ratio_percent() << "," << quote << item.get_cb_ratio_percent() << "," << quote << item.get_physical_reinf_percent() << "," << quote << item.get_magical_reinf_percent() << ")"; query.exec(); uint32_t itemID = query.insert_id(); std::vector<Item::attribute> attr = item.get_attr_list(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < attr.size(); ++i) { query.reset(); query << "insert into items_magicoptions values (" << itemID << "," << attr[i].first << "," << attr[i].second << ")"; query.exec(); } return itemID; }
void Percent::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection& conn, const std::string& name, const Item& item) { using mysqlpp::quote; mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "update items set " << "Phy=" << quote << item.get_physical_percent() << "," << "Mag=" << quote << item.get_magical_percent() << "," << "Dur=" << quote << item.get_durability_percent() << "," << "AP=" << quote << item.get_ap_ratio_percent() << "," << "CB=" << quote << item.get_cb_ratio_percent() << "," << "PhyReinf=" << quote << item.get_physical_reinf_percent() << "," << "MagReinf=" << quote << item.get_magical_reinf_percent() << " " << "where name=" << quote << name << " " << "and Position =" << quote << item.get_position() << " " << "and Location =" << quote << item.get_place(); query.exec(); }
uint32_t SkillID::operator() (mysqlpp::Connection &conn, const uint32_t ID) { mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query(); query << "select arg1 from refitemdata where id = " << ID; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; if (res.num_rows()) { query.reset(); query << "select id from refskilldata where name = " << mysqlpp::quote << res[0]["arg1"]; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; if (res.num_rows()) return res[0]["id"]; } return 0; }