void testIsomorphism1()
  OBMol mol;
  OBConversion conv;
  conv.ReadString(&mol, "CC1CCC(C)CC1");

  OBQuery *query = CompileMoleculeQuery(&mol);
  OBIsomorphismMapper *mapper = OBIsomorphismMapper::GetInstance(query);
  OBIsomorphismMapper::Mappings maps;
  mapper->MapAll(&mol, maps);

  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 4 );

  delete query;
  delete mapper;

  query = CompileSmilesQuery("C1(C)CCC(C)CC1");
  mapper = OBIsomorphismMapper::GetInstance(query);

  OBIsomorphismMapper::Mapping map;
  mapper->MapFirst(&mol, map);
  OB_ASSERT( map.size() == 8 );

  mapper->MapUnique(&mol, maps);
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 1 );

  mapper->MapAll(&mol, maps);
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 4 );

  delete query;
  delete mapper;
void testAutomorphismMask() {
  // read file: 3 6-rings
  //     /\ /\ /\
  //    |  |  |  |
  //     \/ \/ \/
  cout <<  "testAutomorphismMask" << endl;
  OBMol mol;
  OBConversion conv;
  std::ifstream ifs(OBTestUtil::GetFilename("isomorphism1.cml").c_str());
  OB_REQUIRE( ifs );
  conv.Read(&mol, &ifs);

  OBIsomorphismMapper::Mappings maps;

  // First of all, how many automorphisms are there without any mask?
  // This takes about 20 seconds, so you may want to comment this out while debugging
  FindAutomorphisms(&mol, maps);
  cout << maps.size() << endl;
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 4 );

  // Now, let's remove the bridge (atomId 6) of the central ring.
  //     /\ /\ /\
  //    |  |  |  |
  //     \/    \/
  // both rings can be flipped around exocyclic bond, the whole molecule can be mirrored
  // horizontally, this results in 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 automorphisms
  OBBitVec mask;
  mask.SetRangeOn(1, mol.NumAtoms());
  FindAutomorphisms(&mol, maps, mask);
  cout << maps.size() << endl;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maps.size(); ++i) {
    OBIsomorphismMapper::Mapping::const_iterator j;
    for (j = maps[i].begin(); j != maps[i].end(); ++j)
      cout << j->second << " ";
    cout << endl;
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 8 );

  // Verify that atom Id 6 does not occur anywhere in the mappings
  OBIsomorphismMapper::Mappings::const_iterator a;
  OBIsomorphismMapper::Mapping::const_iterator b;
  for (a = maps.begin(); a != maps.end(); ++a)
    for (b = a->begin(); b!= a->end(); ++b) {
      OB_ASSERT( b->first != 6 );
      OB_ASSERT( b->second != 6 );
void testIsomorphism4()
  cout << "testIsomorphism4" << endl;
  OBMol mol;
  OBConversion conv;
  conv.ReadString(&mol, "C12C(C2)C1");

  OBQuery *query = CompileSmilesQuery("C1CC1");
  OBIsomorphismMapper *mapper = OBIsomorphismMapper::GetInstance(query);
  OBIsomorphismMapper::Mappings maps;
  mapper->MapUnique(&mol, maps);

  cout << maps.size() << endl;

  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 2 );

  delete query;
  delete mapper;
void testIsomorphismMask()
  // read file: 3 6-rings
  //     /\ /\ /\
  //    |  |  |  |
  //     \/ \/ \/
  OBMol mol;
  OBConversion conv;
  std::ifstream ifs(OBTestUtil::GetFilename("isomorphism1.cml").c_str());
  OB_REQUIRE( ifs );
  conv.Read(&mol, &ifs);

  OBQuery *query = CompileSmilesQuery("C1CCCCC1");
  OBIsomorphismMapper *mapper = OBIsomorphismMapper::GetInstance(query);

  // no mask
  OBIsomorphismMapper::Mappings maps;
  mapper->MapUnique(&mol, maps);
  cout << maps.size() << endl;
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 3 );

  // mask first ring
  OBBitVec mask;
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
  mapper->MapUnique(&mol, maps, mask);
  cout << maps.size() << endl;
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 1 );

  // mask second ring also
  for (int i = 6; i < 10; ++i)
  mapper->MapUnique(&mol, maps, mask);
  cout << maps.size() << endl;
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 2 );

  // just mask last ring (atomIds 7-8, 10-13)
  for (int i = 10; i < 14; ++i)
  mask.SetBitOn(7 + 1); mask.SetBitOn(8 + 1);
  mapper->MapUnique(&mol, maps, mask);
  cout << maps.size() << endl;
  OB_ASSERT( maps.size() == 1 ); // Should be same result as masking just the first ring

  delete query;
  delete mapper;