static void
getargs (int argc, const char *argv[])
    bool help = false;
    OIIO::ArgParse ap;
    ap.options ("oslnoise_test  (" OSL_INTRO_STRING ")\n"
                "Usage:  oslnoise_test [options]",
                // "%*", parse_files, "",
                "--help", &help, "Print help message",
                "-v", &verbose, "Verbose mode",
                "--img", &make_images, "Make test images",
                "--iterations %d", &iterations,
                    ustring::format("Number of iterations (default: %d)", iterations).c_str(),
                "--trials %d", &ntrials, "Number of trials",
    if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) {
        std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl;
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    if (help) {
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
static void
getargs (int argc, const char *argv[])
    static bool help = false;
    OIIO::ArgParse ap;
    ap.options ("Usage:  testshade [options] shader...",
                "%*", add_shader, "",
                "--help", &help, "Print help message",
                "-v", &verbose, "Verbose messages",
                "--debug", &debug, "Lots of debugging info",
                "--debug2", &debug2, "Even more debugging info",
                "--stats", &stats, "Print run statistics",
                "-g %d %d", &xres, &yres, "Make an X x Y grid of shading points",
                "-o %L %L", &outputvars, &outputfiles,
                        "Output (variable, filename)",
                "-od %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of: "
                        "uint8, half, float",
                "--layer %s", &layername, "Set next layer name",
                "--fparam %L %L",
                        &fparams, &fparams,
                        "Add a float param (args: name value)",
                "--iparam %L %L",
                        &iparams, &iparams,
                        "Add an integer param (args: name value)",
                "--vparam %L %L %L %L",
                        &vparams, &vparams, &vparams, &vparams,
                        "Add a vector or color param (args: name x y z)",
                "--sparam %L %L",
                        &sparams, &sparams,
                        "Add a string param (args: name value)",
                "--connect %L %L %L %L",
                    &connections, &connections, &connections, &connections,
                    "Connect fromlayer fromoutput tolayer toinput",
                "--raytype %s", &raytype, "Set the raytype",
                "--iters %d", &iters, "Number of iterations",
                "-O0", &O0, "Do no runtime shader optimization",
                "-O1", &O1, "Do a little runtime shader optimization",
                "-O2", &O2, "Do lots of runtime shader optimization",
                "--center", &pixelcenters, "Shade at output pixel 'centers' rather than corners",
                "--debugnan", &debugnan, "Turn on 'debugnan' mode",
                "--options %s", &extraoptions, "Set extra OSL options",
//                "-v", &verbose, "Verbose output",
    if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0 || shadernames.empty()) {
        std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl;
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    if (help) {
        std::cout <<
            "testshade -- Test Open Shading Language\n"
            "(c) Copyright 2009-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n";
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

    if (debug || verbose)
        errhandler.verbosity (ErrorHandler::VERBOSE);
bool parse_parameters(int argc, const char **argv, CompilationSettings &settings)
	OIIO::ArgParse ap;
	ap.options("Usage: cycles_cubin_cc [options]",
		"-target %d", &settings.target_arch, "target shader model",
		"-m %d", &settings.bits, "Cuda architecture bits",
		"-i %s", &settings.input_file, "Input source filename",
		"-o %s", &settings.output_file, "Output cubin filename",
		"-I %L", &settings.includes, "Add additional includepath",
		"-D %L", &settings.defines, "Add additional defines",
		"-v", &settings.verbose, "Use verbose logging",
		"--use_fast_math", &settings.fast_math, "Use fast math",
		"-cuda-toolkit-dir %s", &settings.cuda_toolkit_dir, "path to the cuda toolkit binary directory",

	if(ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ap.geterror().c_str());
		return false;

	if(!settings.output_file.size()) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Output file not set(-o), required\n\n");
		return false;

	if(!settings.input_file.size()) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Input file not set(-i, required\n\n");
		return false;

	if(!settings.target_arch) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: target shader model not set (-target), required\n\n");
		return false;

	return true;
static void
getargs (int argc, const char *argv[])
    static bool help = false;
    OIIO::ArgParse ap;
    ap.options ("Usage:  testshade [options] shader...",
                "%*", add_shader, "",
                "--help", &help, "Print help message",
                "-v", &verbose, "Verbose messages",
                "-t %d", &num_threads, "Render using N threads (default: auto-detect)",
                "--debug", &debug, "Lots of debugging info",
                "--debug2", &debug2, "Even more debugging info",
                "--runstats", &runstats, "Print run statistics",
                "--stats", &runstats, "",  // DEPRECATED 1.7
                "--profile %@", &set_profile, NULL, "Print profile information",
                "--path %s", &shaderpath, "Specify oso search path",
                "-g %d %d", &xres, &yres, "Make an X x Y grid of shading points",
                "-res %d %d", &xres, &yres, "", // synonym for -g
                "--options %s", &extraoptions, "Set extra OSL options",
                "-o %L %L", &outputvars, &outputfiles,
                        "Output (variable, filename)",
                "-d %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of: "
                        "uint8, half, float",
                "-od %s", &dataformatname, "", // old name
                "--print", &print_outputs, "Print values of all -o outputs to console instead of saving images",
                "--groupname %s", &groupname, "Set shader group name",
                "--layer %s", &layername, "Set next layer name",
                "--param %@ %s %s", &action_param, NULL, NULL,
                        "Add a parameter (args: name value) (options: type=%s, lockgeom=%d)",
                "--connect %L %L %L %L",
                    &connections, &connections, &connections, &connections,
                    "Connect fromlayer fromoutput tolayer toinput",
                "--reparam %@ %s %s %s", &action_reparam, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                        "Change a parameter (args: layername paramname value) (options: type=%s)",
                "--group %@ %s", &action_groupspec, &groupspec,
                        "Specify a full group command",
                "--archivegroup %s", &archivegroup,
                        "Archive the group to a given filename",
                "--raytype %s", &raytype, "Set the raytype",
                "--raytype_opt", &raytype_opt, "Specify ray type mask for optimization",
                "--iters %d", &iters, "Number of iterations",
                "-O0", &O0, "Do no runtime shader optimization",
                "-O1", &O1, "Do a little runtime shader optimization",
                "-O2", &O2, "Do lots of runtime shader optimization",
                "--entry %L", &entrylayers, "Add layer to the list of entry points",
                "--entryoutput %L", &entryoutputs, "Add output symbol to the list of entry points",
                "--center", &pixelcenters, "Shade at output pixel 'centers' rather than corners",
                "--debugnan", &debugnan, "Turn on 'debug_nan' mode",
                "--debuguninit", &debug_uninit, "Turn on 'debug_uninit' mode",
                "--groupoutputs", &use_group_outputs, "Specify group outputs, not global outputs",
                "--oslquery", &do_oslquery, "Test OSLQuery at runtime",
                "--inbuffer", &inbuffer, "Compile osl source from and to buffer",
                "--shadeimage", &use_shade_image, "Use shade_image utility",
                "--noshadeimage %!", &use_shade_image, "Don't use shade_image utility",
                "--expr %@ %s", &specify_expr, NULL, "Specify an OSL expression to evaluate",
                "--offsetuv %f %f", &uoffset, &voffset, "Offset s & t texture coordinates (default: 0 0)",
                "--offsetst %f %f", &uoffset, &voffset, "", // old name
                "--scaleuv %f %f", &uscale, &vscale, "Scale s & t texture lookups (default: 1, 1)",
                "--scalest %f %f", &uscale, &vscale, "", // old name
                "--userdata_isconnected", &userdata_isconnected, "Consider lockgeom=0 to be isconnected()",
                "-v", &verbose, "Verbose output",
    if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0 || (shadernames.empty() && groupspec.empty())) {
        std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl;
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    if (help) {
        std::cout << "testshade -- Test Open Shading Language\n"
                     OSL_COPYRIGHT_STRING "\n";
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

    if (debug || verbose)
        errhandler.verbosity (ErrorHandler::VERBOSE);
    raytype_bit = shadingsys->raytype_bit (ustring (raytype));
static void
getargs (int argc, const char *argv[])
    static bool help = false;
    OIIO::ArgParse ap;
    ap.options ("Usage:  testshade [options] shader...",
                "%*", add_shader, "",
                "--help", &help, "Print help message",
                "-v", &verbose, "Verbose messages",
                "-t %d", &num_threads, "Render using N threads (default: auto-detect)",
                "--debug", &debug, "Lots of debugging info",
                "--debug2", &debug2, "Even more debugging info",
                "--stats", &stats, "Print run statistics",
                "--profile", &profile, "Print profile information",
                "-g %d %d", &xres, &yres, "Make an X x Y grid of shading points",
                "-o %L %L", &outputvars, &outputfiles,
                        "Output (variable, filename)",
                "-od %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of: "
                        "uint8, half, float",
                "--groupname %s", &groupname, "Set shader group name",
                "--layer %s", &layername, "Set next layer name",
                "--param %@ %s %s", &action_param, NULL, NULL,
                        "Add a parameter (args: name value) (options: type=%s, lockgeom=%d)",
                "--connect %L %L %L %L",
                    &connections, &connections, &connections, &connections,
                    "Connect fromlayer fromoutput tolayer toinput",
                "--reparam %@ %s %s %s", &action_reparam, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                        "Change a parameter (args: layername paramname value) (options: type=%s)",
                "--group %@ %s", &action_groupspec, &groupspec,
                        "Specify a full group command",
                "--archivegroup %s", &archivegroup,
                        "Archive the group to a given filename",
                "--raytype %s", &raytype, "Set the raytype",
                "--iters %d", &iters, "Number of iterations",
                "-O0", &O0, "Do no runtime shader optimization",
                "-O1", &O1, "Do a little runtime shader optimization",
                "-O2", &O2, "Do lots of runtime shader optimization",
                "--center", &pixelcenters, "Shade at output pixel 'centers' rather than corners",
                "--debugnan", &debugnan, "Turn on 'debug_nan' mode",
                "--debuguninit", &debug_uninit, "Turn on 'debug_uninit' mode",
                "--options %s", &extraoptions, "Set extra OSL options",
                "--groupoutputs", &use_group_outputs, "Specify group outputs, not global outputs",
                "--oslquery", &do_oslquery, "Test OSLQuery at runtime",
                "--inbuffer", &inbuffer, "Compile osl source from and to buffer",
//                "-v", &verbose, "Verbose output",
    if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0 || (shadernames.empty() && groupspec.empty())) {
        std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl;
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    if (help) {
        std::cout <<
            "testshade -- Test Open Shading Language\n"
            "(c) Copyright 2009-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n";
        ap.usage ();
        exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

    if (debug || verbose)
        errhandler.verbosity (ErrorHandler::VERBOSE);
    raytype_bit = shadingsys->raytype_bit (ustring (raytype));