 * Test that backoff works.
 * This is quite brittle and should be fixed at some stage.
void AdvancedTCPConnectorTest::testBackoff() {
  uint16_t port = ReservePort();
  OLA_ASSERT_NE(0, port);
  IPV4SocketAddress target(m_localhost, port);

  // we advance the clock so remove the timeout closure
  m_timeout_id = ola::thread::INVALID_TIMEOUT;

  AdvancedTCPConnector connector(
      TimeInterval(0, CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS * 1000));

  // 5s per attempt, up to a max of 30
  LinearBackoffPolicy policy(TimeInterval(5, 0), TimeInterval(30, 0));
  connector.AddEndpoint(target, &policy);
  OLA_ASSERT_EQ(1u, connector.EndpointCount());

  // failed_attempts may be 0 or 1, depending on the platform.
  AdvancedTCPConnector::ConnectionState state;
  unsigned int failed_attempts;
  connector.GetEndpointState(target, &state, &failed_attempts);

  OLA_ASSERT_EQ(AdvancedTCPConnector::DISCONNECTED, state);
  OLA_ASSERT_TRUE(failed_attempts == 0 || failed_attempts == 1);

  // the timeout is 500ms, so we advance by 490 and set a 200ms timeout
  m_clock.AdvanceTime(0, 490000);
  m_ss->RunOnce(TimeInterval(0, 200000));

  // should have one failure at this point
  ConfirmState(__LINE__, connector, target,
               AdvancedTCPConnector::DISCONNECTED, 1);

  // the next attempt should be in 5 seconds
  m_clock.AdvanceTime(4, 900000);
  m_ss->RunOnce(TimeInterval(1, 0));

  // wait for the timeout
  m_clock.AdvanceTime(0, 490000);
  m_ss->RunOnce(TimeInterval(0, 200000));

  ConfirmState(__LINE__, connector, target,
               AdvancedTCPConnector::DISCONNECTED, 2);

  // run once more to clean up
  m_ss->RunOnce(TimeInterval(0, 10000));

  // clean up
  OLA_ASSERT_EQ(0u, connector.EndpointCount());
 * Test that backoff works.
 * This is quite brittle and should be fixed at some stage.
void AdvancedTCPConnectorTest::testBackoff() {
  // we advance the clock so remove the timeout closure
  m_timeout_id = ola::thread::INVALID_TIMEOUT;

  AdvancedTCPConnector connector(
      TimeInterval(0, CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS * 1000));

  // 5s per attempt, up to a max of 30
  LinearBackoffPolicy policy(TimeInterval(5, 0), TimeInterval(30, 0));
  connector.AddEndpoint(m_localhost, SERVER_PORT, &policy);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1u, connector.EndpointCount());

  ConfirmState(__LINE__, connector, m_localhost, SERVER_PORT,
               AdvancedTCPConnector::DISCONNECTED, 0);

  // the timeout is 500ms, so we advance by 490 and set a 200ms timeout
  m_clock.AdvanceTime(0, 490000);
  m_ss->RunOnce(0, 200000);

  // should have one failure at this point
  ConfirmState(__LINE__, connector, m_localhost, SERVER_PORT,
               AdvancedTCPConnector::DISCONNECTED, 1);

  // the next attempt should be in 5 seconds
  m_clock.AdvanceTime(4, 900000);
  m_ss->RunOnce(1, 0);

  // wait for the timeout
  m_clock.AdvanceTime(0, 490000);
  m_ss->RunOnce(0, 200000);

  ConfirmState(__LINE__, connector, m_localhost, SERVER_PORT,
               AdvancedTCPConnector::DISCONNECTED, 2);

  // run once more to clean up
  m_ss->RunOnce(0, 10000);

  // clean up
  connector.RemoveEndpoint(m_localhost, SERVER_PORT);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0u, connector.EndpointCount());