DECLARE_EXPORT void Load::validate(Action action)
  // Catch null operation and resource pointers
  Operation *oper = getOperation();
  Resource *res = getResource();
  if (!oper || !res)
    // Invalid load model
    if (!oper && !res)
      throw DataException("Missing operation and resource on a load");
    else if (!oper)
      throw DataException("Missing operation on a load on resource '"
          + res->getName() + "'");
    else if (!res)
      throw DataException("Missing resource on a load on operation '"
          + oper->getName() + "'");

  // Check if a load with 1) identical resource, 2) identical operation and
  // 3) overlapping effectivity dates already exists
  Operation::loadlist::const_iterator i = oper->getLoads().begin();
  for (; i != oper->getLoads().end(); ++i)
    if (i->getResource() == res
        && i->getEffective().overlap(getEffective())
        && &*i != this)

  // Apply the appropriate action
  switch (action)
    case ADD:
      if (i != oper->getLoads().end())
        throw DataException("Load of '" + oper->getName() + "' and '"
            + res->getName() + "' already exists");
    case CHANGE:
      throw DataException("Can't update a load");
    case ADD_CHANGE:
      // ADD is handled in the code after the switch statement
      if (i == oper->getLoads().end()) break;
      throw DataException("Can't update a load");
    case REMOVE:
      // This load was only used temporarily during the reading process
      delete this;
      if (i == oper->getLoads().end())
        // Nothing to delete
        throw DataException("Can't remove nonexistent load of '"
            + oper->getName() + "' and '" + res->getName() + "'");
      delete &*i;
      // Set a flag to make sure the level computation is triggered again

  // The statements below should be executed only when a new load is created.

  // Set a flag to make sure the level computation is triggered again
void SolverMRP::solve(const Load* l, void* v)
  // Note: This method is only called for decrease loadplans and for the leading
  // load of an alternate group. See SolverMRP::checkOperation
  SolverMRPdata* data = static_cast<SolverMRPdata*>(v);
  unsigned int loglevel = data->getSolver()->getLogLevel();

  if (data->state->q_qty >= 0.0)
    // The loadplan is an increase in size, and the resource solver only needs
    // the decreases.
    data->state->a_qty = data->state->q_qty;
    data->state->a_date = data->state->q_date;

  if (!l->hasAlternates() && !l->getAlternate())
    // CASE I: It is not an alternate load.
    // Delegate the answer immediately to the resource
    chooseResource(l, data);

  // CASE II: It is an alternate load.
  // We ask each alternate load in order of priority till we find a load
  // that has a non-zero reply.

  // 1) collect a list of alternates
  list<const Load*> thealternates;
  const Load *x = l->hasAlternates() ? l : l->getAlternate();
  SearchMode search = l->getSearch();
  for (Operation::loadlist::const_iterator i = l->getOperation()->getLoads().begin();
      i != l->getOperation()->getLoads().end(); ++i)
    if ((i->getAlternate() == x || &*i == x)
        && i->getEffective().within(data->state->q_loadplan->getDate()))

  // 2) Sort the list
  thealternates.sort(sortLoad);  // @todo cpu-intensive - better is to maintain the list in the correct order

  // 3) Control the planning mode
  bool originalPlanningMode = data->constrainedPlanning;
  data->constrainedPlanning = true;

  // Don't keep track of the constraints right now
  bool originalLogConstraints = data->logConstraints;
  data->logConstraints = false;

  // 4) Loop through all alternates or till we find a non-zero
  // reply (priority search)
  Date min_next_date(Date::infiniteFuture);
  LoadPlan *lplan = data->state->q_loadplan;
  double bestAlternateValue = DBL_MAX;
  double bestAlternateQuantity = DBL_MIN;
  const Load* bestAlternateSelection = NULL;
  double beforeCost = data->state->a_cost;
  double beforePenalty = data->state->a_penalty;
  OperationPlanState originalOpplan(lplan->getOperationPlan());
  double originalLoadplanQuantity = data->state->q_loadplan->getQuantity();
  for (list<const Load*>::const_iterator i = thealternates.begin();
      i != thealternates.end();)
    const Load *curload = *i;
    data->state->q_loadplan = lplan; // because q_loadplan can change!

    // 4a) Switch to this load
    if (lplan->getLoad() != curload) lplan->setLoad(curload);
    data->state->q_qty = lplan->getQuantity();
    data->state->q_date = lplan->getDate();

    // 4b) Ask the resource
    // TODO XXX Need to insert another loop here! It goes over all resources qualified for the required skill.
    // The qualified resources need to be sorted based on their cost. If the cost is the same we should use a decent tie breaker, eg number of skills or number of loads.
    // The first resource with the qualified skill that is available will be used.
    CommandManager::Bookmark* topcommand = data->setBookmark();
    if (search == PRIORITY)
      try {curload->getResource()->solve(*this,data);}
      catch (...)
        // Restore the planning mode
        data->constrainedPlanning = originalPlanningMode;
        data->logConstraints = originalLogConstraints;

    // 4c) Evaluate the result
    if (data->state->a_qty > ROUNDING_ERROR
        && lplan->getOperationPlan()->getQuantity() > 0)
      if (search == PRIORITY)
        // Priority search: accept any non-zero reply
        // Restore the planning mode
        data->constrainedPlanning = originalPlanningMode;
        data->logConstraints = originalLogConstraints;
        // Other search modes: evaluate all
        double deltaCost = data->state->a_cost - beforeCost;
        double deltaPenalty = data->state->a_penalty - beforePenalty;
        // Message
        if (loglevel>1 && search != PRIORITY)
          logger << indent(l->getOperation()->getLevel()) << "   Operation '"
              << l->getOperation()->getName() << "' evaluates alternate '"
              << curload->getResource() << "': cost " << deltaCost
              << ", penalty " << deltaPenalty << endl;
        if (deltaCost < ROUNDING_ERROR && deltaPenalty < ROUNDING_ERROR)
          // Zero cost and zero penalty on this alternate. It won't get any better
          // than this, so we accept this alternate.
          if (loglevel>1)
            logger << indent(l->getOperation()->getLevel()) << "   Operation '"
                << l->getOperation()->getName() << "' chooses alternate '"
                << curload->getResource() << "' " << search << endl;
          // Restore the planning mode
          data->constrainedPlanning = originalPlanningMode;
          data->logConstraints = originalLogConstraints;
        data->state->a_cost = beforeCost;
        data->state->a_penalty = beforePenalty;
        double val = 0.0;
        switch (search)
          case MINCOST:
            val = deltaCost / lplan->getOperationPlan()->getQuantity();
          case MINPENALTY:
            val = deltaPenalty / lplan->getOperationPlan()->getQuantity();
          case MINCOSTPENALTY:
            val = (deltaCost + deltaPenalty) / lplan->getOperationPlan()->getQuantity();
            LogicException("Unsupported search mode for alternate load");
        if (val + ROUNDING_ERROR < bestAlternateValue
            || (fabs(val - bestAlternateValue) < ROUNDING_ERROR
                && lplan->getOperationPlan()->getQuantity() > bestAlternateQuantity))
          // Found a better alternate
          bestAlternateValue = val;
          bestAlternateSelection = curload;
          bestAlternateQuantity = lplan->getOperationPlan()->getQuantity();
    else if (loglevel>1 && search != PRIORITY)
      logger << indent(l->getOperation()->getLevel()) << "   Operation '"
          << l->getOperation()->getName() << "' evaluates alternate '"
          << curload->getResource() << "': not available before "
          << data->state->a_date << endl;

    // 4d) Undo the plan on the alternate

    // 4e) Prepare for the next alternate
    if (data->state->a_date < min_next_date)
      min_next_date = data->state->a_date;
    if (++i != thealternates.end() && loglevel>1 && search == PRIORITY)
      logger << indent(curload->getOperation()->getLevel()) << "   Alternate load switches from '"
          << curload->getResource()->getName() << "' to '"
          << (*i)->getResource()->getName() << "'" << endl;

  // 5) Unconstrained plan: plan on the first alternate
  if (!originalPlanningMode && !(search != PRIORITY && bestAlternateSelection))
    // Switch to unconstrained planning
    data->constrainedPlanning = false;
    bestAlternateSelection = *(thealternates.begin());

  // 6) Finally replan on the best alternate
  if (!originalPlanningMode || (search != PRIORITY && bestAlternateSelection))
    // Message
    if (loglevel>1)
      logger << indent(l->getOperation()->getLevel()) << "   Operation '"
          << l->getOperation()->getName() << "' chooses alternate '"
          << bestAlternateSelection->getResource() << "' " << search << endl;

    // Switch back
    data->state->q_loadplan = lplan; // because q_loadplan can change!
    data->state->a_cost = beforeCost;
    data->state->a_penalty = beforePenalty;
    if (lplan->getLoad() != bestAlternateSelection)
    // TODO XXX need to restore also the selected resource with the right skill!
    data->state->q_qty = lplan->getQuantity();
    data->state->q_date = lplan->getDate();

    // Restore the planning mode
    data->constrainedPlanning = originalPlanningMode;
    data->logConstraints = originalLogConstraints;

  // 7) No alternate gave a good result
  data->state->a_date = min_next_date;
  data->state->a_qty = 0;

  // Restore the planning mode
  data->constrainedPlanning = originalPlanningMode;

  // Maintain the constraint list
  if (originalLogConstraints)
    const Load *primary = *(thealternates.begin());
      primary->getResource(), originalOpplan.start, originalOpplan.end,
  data->logConstraints = originalLogConstraints;

  if (loglevel>1)
    logger << indent(lplan->getOperationPlan()->getOperation()->getLevel()) <<
        "   Alternate load doesn't find supply on any alternate : "
        << data->state->a_qty << "  " << data->state->a_date << endl;