// redraw the window void display(void) { // redraw the client window _mgr->redraw(); OSG::commitChanges(); try { if(_cluster_win != NULL) { OSG::Thread::getCurrentChangeList()->dump(); // redraw the server windows _cluster_win->render((OSG::RenderAction *) _mgr->getRenderAction()); } } catch(OSG_STDEXCEPTION_NAMESPACE::exception &e) { //printf("error: '%s'\n", e.what()); printf("ClusterServer was killed!\n"); _cluster_win = NULL; } OSG::commitChanges(); OSG::clearChangeList(); }
static void connectCluster(void) { if(_cluster_win != NULL) return; OSG::Viewport *clientvp = _client_win->getPort(0); // create the viewports for the cluster just a simple one ... OSG::ViewportUnrecPtr vp = OSG::Viewport::create(); vp->setCamera (_mgr->getCamera()); vp->setBackground(clientvp->getBackground()); vp->setRoot (clientvp->getRoot()); vp->setSize (0,0, 1,1); // the connection between this client and the servers _cluster_win = OSG::MultiDisplayWindow::create(); // all changes must be enclosed in beginEditCP and endEditCP // otherwise the changes will not be transfered over the network. for(OSG::UInt32 i=0;i<_pipenames.size();++i) _cluster_win->editMFServers()->push_back(_pipenames[i]); // dummy size for navigator _cluster_win->setSize(300,300); _cluster_win->addPort(vp); OSG::Thread::getCurrentChangeList()->commitChangesAndClear(); OSG::Thread::getCurrentChangeList()->fillFromCurrentState(); OSG::Thread::getCurrentChangeList()->dump(); // create from the current state a changelist. // initialize window _cluster_win->init(); // apply changelist to the servers _cluster_win->render((OSG::RenderAction *) _mgr->getRenderAction()); // clear changelist OSG::Thread::getCurrentChangeList()->clear(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { OSG::osgInit(argc,argv); { int winid = setupGLUT(&argc, argv); //this time we'll have not a GLUTWindow here, but this one OSG::MultiDisplayWindowRecPtr multiWindow = OSG::MultiDisplayWindow::create(); //set some necessary values // we connect via multicast multiWindow->setConnectionType("Multicast"); //multiWindow->setServiceAddress(""); // we want to rendering servers... multiWindow->editMFServers()->push_back("Server1"); multiWindow->editMFServers()->push_back("Server2"); //any scene here scene = OSG::makeTorus(.5, 2, 16, 16); // and the ssm as always mgr = new OSG::SimpleSceneManager; mgr->setWindow(multiWindow); mgr->setRoot (scene); mgr->showAll(); multiWindow->init(); OSG::commitChanges(); } glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
int doMain(int argc,char **argv) { int i; char *opt; std::vector<std::string> filenames; std::vector<std::string> servers; std::string connectionType = "StreamSock"; std::string connectionParameters; int rows=1; int cols=-1; char type='M'; bool clientRendering=true; bool compose=false; std::string composerType=""; std::string autostart; for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { if(strlen(argv[i])>1 && argv[i][0]=='-') { switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'o': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; connectionParameters = opt; printf("connectionParameters: '%s'\n", connectionParameters.c_str()); break; case 'A': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; autostart = opt; break; case 'D': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; if(sscanf(opt,"%f,%f,%f",&ca,&cb,&cc)!=3) { std::cout << "Copy opton -D x,y,z" << std::endl; return 1; } break; case 'b': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; serviceInterface.assign(opt); serviceInterfaceValid = true; break; case 'B': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; serviceAddress.assign(opt); serviceAddressValid = true; break; case 'f': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; filenames.push_back(opt); printf("<%s>\n",opt); break; case 'm': connectionType="Multicast"; break; case 'r': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; if(sscanf(opt,"%d,%d",&rows,&cols) != 2) sscanf(opt,"%d",&rows); break; case 't': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; subtilesize=atoi(opt); break; #ifdef FRAMEINTERLEAVE case 'i': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; interleave=atoi(opt); break; #endif case 'C': compose=true; break; case 'F': type='F'; break; case 'X': type='X'; break; case 'P': type='P'; break; case 'L': { type='L'; int lpos=2; while(argv[i][lpos]) { if(argv[i][lpos] == 'B') composerType = "BinarySwapComposer"; if(argv[i][lpos] == 'P') composerType = "PipelineComposer"; if(argv[i][lpos] == 'S') composerType = "SepiaComposer"; if(argv[i][lpos] == 'p') pipelinedBufferRead = true; ++lpos; } break; } case 'M': type='M'; break; case 'I': type='I'; break; case 's': stereoMode=1; break; case 'c': stereoMode=2; break; case 'S': info=true; break; case 'e': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; sscanf(opt,"%f",&eyedistance); break; case 'z': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; sscanf(opt,"%f",&zeroparallax); break; case 'd': clientRendering=false; break; case 'v': multiport=true; break; case 'x': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; sscanf(opt,"%d",&serverx); break; case 'y': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; sscanf(opt,"%d",&servery); break; case 'a': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; animName=opt; loadAnim(); animate=true; break; case 'l': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; if(sscanf(opt,"%d,%d",&animLoops,&animLength) != 2) { animLength = 30; if(sscanf(opt,"%d",&animLoops) != 1) { animLoops = -1; } } break; case 'g': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; if(sscanf(opt,"%d,%d,%d,%d", &winwidth,&winheight,&winx,&winy) != 4) sscanf(opt,"%d,%d",&winwidth,&winheight); break; case 'G': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; connectionDestination = opt; break; case 'i': opt = argv[i][2] ? argv[i]+2 : argv[++i]; connectionInterface = opt; break; default: std::cout << argv[0] << "-ffile -m -rrows[,cols] -C -M" << std::endl; std::cout << "-m use multicast" << std::endl << "-G multicast group" << std::endl << "-i interface" << std::endl << "-b service interface" << std::endl << "-M multi display" << std::endl #ifdef FRAMEINTERLEAVE << "-I frame interleave" << std::endl #endif << "-r number of display rows" << std::endl << "-C compose" << std::endl << "-F sort-first" << std::endl << "-L sort-last" << std::endl << "-h this msg" << std::endl << "-s stereo" << std::endl << "-c red/cyan stereo" << std::endl << "-e eye distance" << std::endl << "-z zero parallax" << std::endl << "-d disable client rendering"<<std::endl << "-v use two viewports" << std::endl << "-x server x resolution" << std::endl << "-y server y resolution" << std::endl << "-t subtile size for img composition" << std::endl << "-D x,y,z duplicate geometry" << std::endl << "-A Autostart command" << std::endl << "-o connection parameter string e.g. \"TTL=8\"" << std::endl; return 0; } } else { servers.push_back(argv[i]); } } OSG::ChangeList::setReadWriteDefault(true); OSG::osgInit(argc, argv); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE ); if(winx >=0 && winy >=0) glutInitWindowPosition(winx,winy); glutInitWindowSize(winwidth,winheight); winid = glutCreateWindow("OpenSG Cluster Client"); glutKeyboardFunc(key); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutDisplayFunc(display); if(animate) glutIdleFunc(display); glutMouseFunc(mouse); glutMotionFunc(motion); ract = OSG::RenderAction::create(); #ifdef OSG_OLD_RENDER_ACTION ract->setSortTrans(true); ract->setZWriteTrans(true); ract->setLocalLights(true); ract->setCorrectTwoSidedLighting(true); #endif // clear changelist from prototypes OSG::Thread::getCurrentChangeList()->clear(); // create cluster window switch(type) { case 'M': multidisplay=OSG::MultiDisplayWindow::create(); clusterWindow=multidisplay; break; case 'X': balancedmultidisplay=OSG::BalancedMultiWindow::create(); clusterWindow=balancedmultidisplay; break; case 'F': sortfirst=OSG::SortFirstWindow::create(); if(compose) sortfirst->setCompose(true); else sortfirst->setCompose(false); clusterWindow=sortfirst; break; case 'L': sortlast=OSG::SortLastWindow::create(); if(!composerType.empty()) { OSG::FieldContainerUnrecPtr fcPtr = OSG::FieldContainerFactory::the()-> createContainer(composerType.c_str()); OSG::ImageComposer *icPtr = dynamic_cast<OSG::ImageComposer *>(fcPtr.get()); if(icPtr != NULL) { if(dynamic_cast<OSG::PipelineComposer *>(icPtr) != NULL) { if(subtilesize>0) dynamic_cast<OSG::PipelineComposer *>(icPtr)->setTileSize(subtilesize); dynamic_cast<OSG::PipelineComposer *>(icPtr)->setPipelined(pipelinedBufferRead); } if(dynamic_cast<OSG::BinarySwapComposer *>(icPtr) != NULL) { if(subtilesize>0) dynamic_cast<OSG::BinarySwapComposer *>(icPtr)->setTileSize(subtilesize); } icPtr->setStatistics(info); // icPtr->setShort(false); sortlast->setComposer(icPtr); } } clusterWindow=sortlast; break; #ifdef FRAMEINTERLEAVE case 'I': frameinterleave=OSG::FrameInterleaveWindow::create(); clusterWindow=frameinterleave; if(compose) frameinterleave->setCompose(true); else frameinterleave->setCompose(false); break; #endif case 'P': sortfirst=OSG::SortFirstWindow::create(); sortfirst->setCompose(false); clusterWindow=sortfirst; break; } if(!autostart.empty()) clusterWindow->editMFAutostart()->push_back(autostart); for(i=0 ; i<int(servers.size()) ; ++i) clusterWindow->editMFServers()->push_back(servers[i]); if(cols < 0) cols = clusterWindow->getMFServers()->size32() / rows; switch(type) { case 'M': multidisplay->setHServers(cols); multidisplay->setVServers(rows); break; case 'X': balancedmultidisplay->setHServers(cols); balancedmultidisplay->setVServers(rows); // balancedmultidisplay->setShowBalancing(true); // balancedmultidisplay->setShowBalancing(info); break; } #ifdef FRAMEINTERLEAVE clusterWindow->setInterleave(interleave); #endif // create client window clientWindow=OSG::GLUTWindow::create(); // glutReshapeWindow(800,600); glutReshapeWindow(winwidth,winheight); clientWindow->setGlutId(winid); clientWindow->init(); // init scene graph init(filenames); // init client clusterWindow->setConnectionType(connectionType); // needs to be called before init()! clusterWindow->setConnectionParams(connectionParameters); if(clientRendering) { clusterWindow->setClientWindow(clientWindow); } clusterWindow->setConnectionDestination(connectionDestination); clusterWindow->setConnectionInterface(connectionInterface); clusterWindow->init(); if(serverx > 0) clusterWindow->resize(serverx,servery); else clusterWindow->resize(winwidth,winheight); clientWindow->resize(winwidth,winheight); // OSG::FieldContainerFactory::the()->dump(); OSG::commitChanges(); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }