/*************************************************************** * Function: applyTranslation() * * 'gridSVect': number of snapping segments along each direction * 'gridUnitLegnth': actual length represented by each segment, * only one component of 'gridSVect' is supposed to be non-zero * ***************************************************************/ void CAVEGroupEditGeodeWireframe::applyTranslation(const osg::Vec3s &gridSVect, const float &gridUnitLegnth, const string &gridUnitLegnthInfo) { mMoveSwitch->setAllChildrenOn(); /* move to other direction: clear all children of 'mMoveSwitch' except child[0], rebuild offset tree */ if ((mMoveSVect.x() * gridSVect.x() + mMoveSVect.y() * gridSVect.y() + mMoveSVect.z() * gridSVect.z()) <= 0) { unsigned int numChildren = mMoveSwitch->getNumChildren(); if (numChildren > 1) { mMoveSwitch->removeChildren(1, numChildren - 1); MatrixTransVector::iterator itrMatTrans = mMoveMatTransVector.begin(); mMoveMatTransVector.erase(itrMatTrans + 1, itrMatTrans + numChildren); } mMoveSVect = Vec3s(0, 0, 0); } /* decide unit offset vector and start/end index of children under 'mMoveSwitch' */ Vec3 gridOffsetVect; short idxStart = 0, idxEnd = 0; if (gridSVect.x() != 0) { idxStart = mMoveSVect.x(); idxEnd = gridSVect.x(); if (gridSVect.x() > 0) gridOffsetVect = Vec3(gridUnitLegnth, 0, 0); else gridOffsetVect = Vec3(-gridUnitLegnth, 0, 0); } else if (gridSVect.y() != 0) { idxStart = mMoveSVect.y(); idxEnd = gridSVect.y(); if (gridSVect.y() > 0) gridOffsetVect = Vec3(0, gridUnitLegnth, 0); else gridOffsetVect = Vec3(0, -gridUnitLegnth, 0); } else if (gridSVect.z() != 0) { idxStart = mMoveSVect.z(); idxEnd = gridSVect.z(); if (gridSVect.z() > 0) gridOffsetVect = Vec3(0, 0, gridUnitLegnth); else gridOffsetVect = Vec3(0, 0, -gridUnitLegnth); } idxStart = idxStart > 0 ? idxStart: -idxStart; idxEnd = idxEnd > 0 ? idxEnd : -idxEnd; /* update the first wireframe with global translation and rotation */ if (idxStart == 0) mMoveMatTransVector[0]->setMatrix(mBoundBoxScaleMat * mAccRootMat); /* create or remove a sequence of extra children under 'mMoveSwitch' */ if (idxStart < idxEnd) { for (short i = idxStart + 1; i <= idxEnd; i++) { Matrixd transMat; transMat.makeTranslate(gridOffsetVect * i); MatrixTransform *moveTrans = new MatrixTransform; CAVEGeodeEditWireframeMove *moveGeode = new CAVEGeodeEditWireframeMove; mMoveSwitch->addChild(moveTrans); mMoveMatTransVector.push_back(moveTrans); moveTrans->addChild(moveGeode); moveTrans->setMatrix(mBoundBoxScaleMat * mAccRootMat * transMat); } } else if (idxStart > idxEnd) { mMoveSwitch->removeChildren(idxEnd + 1, idxStart - idxEnd); MatrixTransVector::iterator itrMatTrans = mMoveMatTransVector.begin(); itrMatTrans += idxEnd + 1; mMoveMatTransVector.erase(itrMatTrans, itrMatTrans + (idxStart - idxEnd)); } mMoveSVect = gridSVect; if (!mPrimaryFlag) return; /* update info text if 'this' wireframe is primary */ mEditInfoTextSwitch->setAllChildrenOn(); char info[128]; sprintf(info, "Offset = %3.2f m\nSnapping = ", gridUnitLegnth * idxEnd); mEditInfoText->setText(info + gridUnitLegnthInfo); }
/*************************************************************** * Function: applyRotation() * * 'axisSVect': rotational snapping values around each axis, * for instance, Vec3(2, 0, 0) means rotation around X-axis by * two times of 'gridUnitAngle' * only one component of 'axisIntVect' is supposed to be non-zero * ***************************************************************/ void CAVEGroupEditGeodeWireframe::applyRotation(const osg::Vec3s &axisSVect, const float &gridUnitAngle, const string &gridUnitAngleInfo) { if (!mPrimaryFlag) return; mRotateSwitch->setAllChildrenOn(); /* rotate in other direction: clear all children of 'mRotateSwitch' except child[0], rebuild offset tree */ if ((mRotateSVect.x() * axisSVect.x() + mRotateSVect.y() * axisSVect.y() + mRotateSVect.z() * axisSVect.z()) <= 0) { unsigned int numChildren = mRotateSwitch->getNumChildren(); if (numChildren > 1) { mRotateSwitch->removeChildren(1, numChildren - 1); MatrixTransVector::iterator itrMatTrans = mRotateMatTransVector.begin(); mRotateMatTransVector.erase(itrMatTrans + 1, itrMatTrans + numChildren); } mRotateSVect = Vec3s(0, 0, 0); } /* decide unit rotation quat and start/end index of children under 'mRotateSwitch' */ Vec3 gridRotationAxis; short idxStart = 0, idxEnd = 0; if (axisSVect.x() != 0) { idxStart = mRotateSVect.x(); idxEnd = axisSVect.x(); if (axisSVect.x() > 0) gridRotationAxis = Vec3(1, 0, 0); else gridRotationAxis = Vec3(-1, 0, 0); } else if (axisSVect.y() != 0) { idxStart = mRotateSVect.y(); idxEnd = axisSVect.y(); if (axisSVect.y() > 0) gridRotationAxis = Vec3(0, 1, 0); else gridRotationAxis = Vec3(0, -1, 0); } else if (axisSVect.z() != 0) { idxStart = mRotateSVect.z(); idxEnd = axisSVect.z(); if (axisSVect.z() > 0) gridRotationAxis = Vec3(0, 0, 1); else gridRotationAxis = Vec3(0, 0, -1); } idxStart = idxStart > 0 ? idxStart: -idxStart; idxEnd = idxEnd > 0 ? idxEnd : -idxEnd; /* create or remove a sequence of extra children under 'mRotateSwitch' */ if (idxStart < idxEnd) { for (short i = idxStart + 1; i <= idxEnd; i++) { Matrixd rotMat; rotMat.makeRotate(gridUnitAngle * i, gridRotationAxis); MatrixTransform *rotateTrans = new MatrixTransform; CAVEGeodeEditWireframeRotate *rotateGeode = new CAVEGeodeEditWireframeRotate; mRotateSwitch->addChild(rotateTrans); mRotateMatTransVector.push_back(rotateTrans); rotateTrans->addChild(rotateGeode); rotateTrans->setMatrix(mBoundSphereScaleMat * rotMat); } } else if (idxStart > idxEnd) { mRotateSwitch->removeChildren(idxEnd + 1, idxStart - idxEnd); MatrixTransVector::iterator itrMatTrans = mRotateMatTransVector.begin(); itrMatTrans += idxEnd + 1; mRotateMatTransVector.erase(itrMatTrans, itrMatTrans + (idxStart - idxEnd)); } mRotateSVect = axisSVect; /* update info text if 'this' wireframe is primary */ mEditInfoTextSwitch->setAllChildrenOn(); char info[128]; const float gridUnitAngleDegree = gridUnitAngle * 180 / M_PI; sprintf(info, "Angle = %3.2f\nSnapping = ", gridUnitAngleDegree * idxEnd); mEditInfoText->setText(info + gridUnitAngleInfo); }
static bool buildBoxData( const osg::Vec3& halfExtents, const osg::Vec3s& subdivisions, osg::Geometry* geom ) { if( ( subdivisions.x() <= 0. ) || ( subdivisions.y() <= 0. ) || ( subdivisions.z() <= 0. ) ) { osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "osgwTools: makeBox: Invalid subdivisions." << std::endl; return( false ); } const unsigned short subX( (unsigned short)( subdivisions.x() ) ); const unsigned short subY( (unsigned short)( subdivisions.y() ) ); const unsigned short subZ( (unsigned short)( subdivisions.z() ) ); const float xMin( -halfExtents[ 0 ] ); const float xMax( halfExtents[ 0 ] ); const float yMin( -halfExtents[ 1 ] ); const float yMax( halfExtents[ 1 ] ); const float zMin( -halfExtents[ 2 ] ); const float zMax( halfExtents[ 2 ] ); geom->setVertexArray( new osg::Vec3Array ); geom->setNormalArray( new osg::Vec3Array ); geom->setNormalBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX ); geom->setTexCoordArray( 0, new osg::Vec2Array ); { osg::Vec4Array* osgC = new osg::Vec4Array; osgC->push_back( osg::Vec4( 1., 1., 1., 1. ) ); geom->setColorArray( osgC ); geom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL ); } // +x addPlaneData( osg::Vec3( xMax, yMin, zMin ), osg::Vec3( 0., yMax-yMin, 0. ), subY, osg::Vec3( 0., 0., zMax-zMin ), subZ, osg::Vec3( 1., 0., 0. ), geom ); // -x addPlaneData( osg::Vec3( xMin, yMax, zMin ), osg::Vec3( 0., yMin-yMax, 0. ), subY, osg::Vec3( 0., 0., zMax-zMin ), subZ, osg::Vec3( -1., 0., 0. ), geom ); // +y addPlaneData( osg::Vec3( xMax, yMax, zMin ), osg::Vec3( xMin-xMax, 0., 0. ), subX, osg::Vec3( 0., 0., zMax-zMin ), subZ, osg::Vec3( 0., 1., 0. ), geom ); // -y addPlaneData( osg::Vec3( xMin, yMin, zMin ), osg::Vec3( xMax-xMin, 0., 0. ), subX, osg::Vec3( 0., 0., zMax-zMin ), subZ, osg::Vec3( 0., -1., 0. ), geom ); // +z addPlaneData( osg::Vec3( xMin, yMin, zMax ), osg::Vec3( xMax-xMin, 0., 0. ), subX, osg::Vec3( 0., yMax-yMin, 0. ), subY, osg::Vec3( 0., 0., 1. ), geom ); // -z addPlaneData( osg::Vec3( xMax, yMin, zMin ), osg::Vec3( xMin-xMax, 0., 0. ), subX, osg::Vec3( 0., yMax-yMin, 0. ), subY, osg::Vec3( 0., 0., -1. ), geom ); return( true ); }