// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  phaseTravel
//  Compute the sinusoidal phase travel between two Breakpoints.
//  Return the total unwrapped phase travel.
static double phaseTravel( Partial::const_iterator bp0, Partial::const_iterator bp1 )
    double f0 = bp0->frequency();
    double t0 = bp0.time();
    double f1 = bp1->frequency();
    double t1 = bp1.time();
    double favg = .5 * ( f0 + f1 );
    double dt = t1 - t0;
    return 2 * Pi * favg * dt;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  setup
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Prepare internal structures for synthesis. PartialList is transformed to
//! to more conveniant structure for real-time processing. reset() is also called.
//! Fade in/out Breakpoints are inserted at either end of the Partial.
//! Partials with start times earlier than the Partial fade
//! time will have shorter onset fades. 
//! \param  partials The Partials to synthesize.
//! \param  pitch original pitch of the partials
//! \return Nothing.
//! \post   This RealTimeSynthesizer's is ready for synthesise the sound specified
//!         by given partials.
void RealTimeSynthesizer::setup(PartialList & partials, double pitch) noexcept
    this->pitch = pitch;
    // assuming I am getting sorted partials by time
    for (auto it : partials)
        if (it.numBreakpoints() <= 0) continue;
        PartialStruct pStruct;
        pStruct.numBreakpoints = it.numBreakpoints() + 2;// + fade in + fade out

        pStruct.label = it.label();
        pStruct.startTime = ( m_fadeTimeSec < it.startTime() ) ? ( it.startTime() - m_fadeTimeSec ) : 0.;// compute fade in bp time
        pStruct.endTime = it.endTime() + m_fadeTimeSec;// compute fade out bp time

        // breakpoints
        Partial::const_iterator jt = it.begin();
        // fade in breakpoint, compute fade in time
        pStruct.breakpoints.push_back(std::make_pair(pStruct.startTime, BreakpointUtils::makeNullBefore( jt.breakpoint(), it.startTime() - pStruct.startTime)));

        double sumF = 0;
        for (; jt != it.end(); jt++)
            sumF += jt->frequency();
            pStruct.breakpoints.push_back(std::make_pair(jt.time(), jt.breakpoint()));
        pStruct.avgFrequency = sumF / (float) it.numBreakpoints();
        // fade out breakpoint
        pStruct.breakpoints.push_back(std::make_pair(jt.time() + m_fadeTimeSec, BreakpointUtils::makeNullAfter( jt.breakpoint(), m_fadeTimeSec )));
//        pStruct.breakpoints[0].second.setAmplitude(pStruct.breakpoints[1].second.amplitude());

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	avgFrequency
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Return the average frequency over all Breakpoints in this Partial.
//! Return zero if the Partial has no Breakpoints.
//! \param  p is the Partial to evaluate
//! \return the average frequency (Hz) of Breakpoints in the Partial p
double avgFrequency( const Partial & p )
    double avg = 0;
    for ( Partial::const_iterator it = p.begin();
          it != p.end();
          ++it )
        avg += it->frequency();
    if ( avg != 0 )
        avg /= p.numBreakpoints();
    return avg;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	weightedAvgFrequency
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Return the average frequency over all Breakpoints in this Partial, 
//! weighted by the Breakpoint amplitudes.
//! Return zero if the Partial has no Breakpoints.
//! \param  p is the Partial to evaluate
//! \return the average frequency (Hz) of Breakpoints in the Partial p
double weightedAvgFrequency( const Partial & p )
    double avg = 0;
    double ampsum = 0;
    for ( Partial::const_iterator it = p.begin();
          it != p.end();
          ++it )
        avg += it->amplitude() * it->frequency();
        ampsum += it->amplitude();
    if ( avg != 0 && ampsum != 0 )
        avg /= ampsum;
        avg = 0;
    return avg;