bool FileExtensionFilter::accept(const Poco::Path& path) const { std::string extension = path.getExtension(); std::set<std::string>::iterator iter = _extensions.begin(); while(iter != _extensions.end()) { bool match = false; if(_ignoreCase) { match = (0 == Poco::UTF8::icompare(extension,*iter)); } else { match = (0 ==*iter)); } if(_acceptMatches && match) { return true; } ++iter; } return !_acceptMatches; }
/** * Confirm that an executable file exists at location. */ void TskExecutableModule::setPath(const std::string& location) { try { // Autogenerate filename extension if needed Poco::Path tempPath = location; if (tempPath.getExtension().empty()) { std::string os = Poco::Environment::osName(); if (os.find("Windows") != std::string::npos || os.find("CYGWIN") != std::string::npos || os.find("MINGW") != std::string::npos ) { tempPath.setExtension("exe"); } // Else we assume the user is on a platform that doesn't use executable extensions. } // Call our parent to validate the location. TskModule::setPath(tempPath.toString()); m_name = Poco::Path(m_modulePath).getBaseName(); // Verify that the file is executable. Poco::File exeFile(m_modulePath); if (!exeFile.canExecute()) { std::wstringstream msg; msg << L"TskExecutableModule::setPath - File is not executable: " << m_modulePath.c_str(); LOGERROR(msg.str()); throw TskException("File is not executable."); } } catch (TskException& tskEx) { throw tskEx; } catch(std::exception& ex) { // Log a message and throw a framework exception. std::wstringstream msg; msg << "TskExecutableModule::setPath : " << ex.what(); LOGERROR(msg.str()); throw TskException("Failed to set location: " + m_modulePath); } }
void CloneMDWorkspace::doClone(const typename MDEventWorkspace<MDE, nd>::sptr ws) { std::string outWSName = getPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace"); Progress prog(this, 0.0, 10.0, 100); BoxController_sptr bc = ws->getBoxController(); if (!bc) throw std::runtime_error("Error with InputWorkspace: no BoxController!"); if (bc->isFileBacked()) { // Generate a new filename to copy to"Copying File"); std::string originalFile = bc->getFilename(); std::string outFilename = getPropertyValue("Filename"); if (outFilename.empty()) { // Auto-generated name Poco::Path path = Poco::Path(originalFile).absolute(); std::string newName = path.getBaseName() + "_clone." + path.getExtension(); path.setFileName(newName); outFilename = path.toString(); } // Perform the copying g_log.notice() << "Cloned workspace file being copied to: " << outFilename << std::endl; Poco::File(originalFile).copyTo(outFilename); g_log.information() << "File copied successfully." << std::endl; // Now load it back IAlgorithm_sptr alg = createSubAlgorithm("LoadMD", 0.5, 1.0, false); alg->setPropertyValue("Filename", outFilename); alg->setPropertyValue("FileBackEnd", "1"); alg->setPropertyValue("Memory", "0"); //TODO: How much memory? alg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", outWSName); alg->executeAsSubAlg(); // Set the output workspace to this IMDEventWorkspace_sptr outWS = alg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace"); this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outWS); } else { // Perform the clone in memory. boost::shared_ptr<MDEventWorkspace<MDE,nd> > outWS(new MDEventWorkspace<MDE,nd>(*ws)); this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IMDEventWorkspace>(outWS) ); } }
Poco::Path CExtract::to(Poco::Path & downloadedPackage, Poco::Path extractPath) { //verification of the extension std::string extension = downloadedPackage.getExtension(); if ((!boost::iends_with(extension, "zip")) && (!boost::iends_with(extension, "tar.gz"))) throw exception::CNotSupported("Invalid extension package : " + downloadedPackage.toString() + ". Only zip or tar.gz supported. " + extension); Poco::FileStream inp(downloadedPackage.toString(), std::ios::binary); // decompress to current working dir Poco::Zip::Decompress dec(inp, extractPath); // if an error happens invoke the ZipTest::onDecompressError method m_unzipError = false; dec.EError += Poco::Delegate<CExtract, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const std::string> >(this, &CExtract::onDecompressError); dec.decompressAllFiles(); dec.EError -= Poco::Delegate<CExtract, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const std::string> >(this, &CExtract::onDecompressError); inp.close(); if (m_unzipError) { throw shared::exception::CExtract("Fail to uncompress package : " + m_unzipErrorMessage); } return extractPath; }
std::vector<Poco::Path> getModulePaths(const Poco::Path &path) { poco_information(Poco::Logger::get("Pothos.PluginLoader.load"), path.toString()); std::vector<Poco::Path> paths; const Poco::File file(path); if (not file.exists()) return paths; else if (file.isFile() and (path.getExtension() == "@MODULE_EXT@")) { paths.push_back(path); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { std::vector<std::string> files; file.list(files); for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { auto subpaths = getModulePaths(Poco::Path(path, files[i]).absolute()); paths.insert(paths.end(), subpaths.begin(), subpaths.end()); } } return paths; }
Poco::Net::MediaType MediaTypeMap::getMediaTypeForPath(const Poco::Path& path) const { Poco::File file(path); if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) { return Poco::Net::MediaType("inode/directory"); } else { FileExtensionConstIterator iter = _fileExtensionToMediaTypeMap.find(Poco::UTF8::toLower(path.getExtension())); if (iter != _fileExtensionToMediaTypeMap.end()) { return (*iter).second; } else { return _defaultMediaType; } } }