GeomTree::GeomTree(Serializer::Reader &rd) { Profiler::Timer timer; timer.Start(); m_numVertices = rd.Int32(); m_numEdges = rd.Int32(); m_numTris = rd.Int32(); m_radius = rd.Double(); m_aabb.max = rd.Vector3d(); m_aabb.min = rd.Vector3d(); m_aabb.radius = rd.Double(); const Uint32 numAabbs = rd.Int32(); m_aabbs.resize(numAabbs); for (Uint32 iAabb = 0; iAabb < numAabbs; ++iAabb) { m_aabbs[iAabb].max = rd.Vector3d(); m_aabbs[iAabb].min = rd.Vector3d(); m_aabbs[iAabb].radius = rd.Double(); } m_edges.resize(m_numEdges); for (Sint32 iEdge = 0; iEdge < m_numEdges; ++iEdge) { m_edges[iEdge].Load(rd); } m_vertices.resize(m_numVertices); for (Sint32 iVert = 0; iVert < m_numVertices; ++iVert) { m_vertices[iVert] = rd.Vector3f(); } const int numIndicies(m_numTris * 3); m_indices.resize(numIndicies); for (Sint32 iIndi = 0; iIndi < numIndicies; ++iIndi) { m_indices[iIndi] = rd.Int16(); } m_triFlags.resize(m_numTris); for (Sint32 iTri = 0; iTri < m_numTris; ++iTri) { m_triFlags[iTri] = rd.Int32(); } // activeTris = tris we are still trying to put into leaves std::vector<int> activeTris; activeTris.reserve(m_numTris); // So, we ignore tris with flag >= 0x8000 for (int i = 0; i<m_numTris; i++) { if (m_triFlags[i] >= IGNORE_FLAG) continue; activeTris.push_back(i * 3); } // regenerate the aabb data Aabb *aabbs = new Aabb[activeTris.size()]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i<activeTris.size(); i++) { const vector3d v1 = vector3d(m_vertices[m_indices[activeTris[i] + 0]]); const vector3d v2 = vector3d(m_vertices[m_indices[activeTris[i] + 1]]); const vector3d v3 = vector3d(m_vertices[m_indices[activeTris[i] + 2]]); aabbs[i].min = aabbs[i].max = v1; aabbs[i].Update(v2); aabbs[i].Update(v3); } m_triTree.reset(new BVHTree(activeTris.size(), &activeTris[0], aabbs)); delete[] aabbs; // int *edgeIdxs = new int[m_numEdges]; memset(edgeIdxs, 0, sizeof(int)*m_numEdges); for (int i = 0; i<m_numEdges; i++) { edgeIdxs[i] = i; } m_edgeTree.reset(new BVHTree(m_numEdges, edgeIdxs, &m_aabbs[0])); timer.Stop(); //Output(" - - GeomTree::GeomTree(Serializer::Reader &rd) took: %lf milliseconds\n", timer.millicycles()); }
void Pi::Init(const std::map<std::string, std::string> &options, bool no_gui) { #ifdef PIONEER_PROFILER Profiler::reset(); #endif Profiler::Timer timer; timer.Start(); OS::EnableBreakpad(); OS::NotifyLoadBegin(); FileSystem::Init(); FileSystem::userFiles.MakeDirectory(""); // ensure the config directory exists #ifdef PIONEER_PROFILER FileSystem::userFiles.MakeDirectory("profiler"); profilerPath = FileSystem::JoinPathBelow(FileSystem::userFiles.GetRoot(), "profiler"); #endif PROFILE_SCOPED() Pi::config = new GameConfig(options); if (config->Int("RedirectStdio")) OS::RedirectStdio(); std::string version(PIONEER_VERSION); if (strlen(PIONEER_EXTRAVERSION)) version += " (" PIONEER_EXTRAVERSION ")"; const char *platformName = SDL_GetPlatform(); if (platformName) Output("ver %s on: %s\n\n", version.c_str(), platformName); else Output("ver %s but could not detect platform name.\n\n", version.c_str()); Output("%s\n", OS::GetOSInfoString().c_str()); ModManager::Init(); Lang::Resource res(Lang::GetResource("core", config->String("Lang"))); Lang::MakeCore(res); Pi::SetAmountBackgroundStars(config->Float("AmountOfBackgroundStars")); Pi::detail.planets = config->Int("DetailPlanets"); Pi::detail.cities = config->Int("DetailCities"); // Initialize SDL Uint32 sdlInitFlags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) sdlInitFlags |= SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE; #endif if (SDL_Init(sdlInitFlags) < 0) { Error("SDL initialization failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } OutputVersioningInfo(); Graphics::RendererOGL::RegisterRenderer(); // determine what renderer we should use, default to Opengl 3.x const std::string rendererName = config->String("RendererName", Graphics::RendererNameFromType(Graphics::RENDERER_OPENGL_3x)); Graphics::RendererType rType = Graphics::RENDERER_OPENGL_3x; //if(rendererName == Graphics::RendererNameFromType(Graphics::RENDERER_OPENGL_3x)) //{ // rType = Graphics::RENDERER_OPENGL_3x; //} // Do rest of SDL video initialization and create Renderer Graphics::Settings videoSettings = {}; videoSettings.rendererType = rType; videoSettings.width = config->Int("ScrWidth"); videoSettings.height = config->Int("ScrHeight"); videoSettings.fullscreen = (config->Int("StartFullscreen") != 0); videoSettings.hidden = no_gui; videoSettings.requestedSamples = config->Int("AntiAliasingMode"); videoSettings.vsync = (config->Int("VSync") != 0); videoSettings.useTextureCompression = (config->Int("UseTextureCompression") != 0); videoSettings.useAnisotropicFiltering = (config->Int("UseAnisotropicFiltering") != 0); videoSettings.enableDebugMessages = (config->Int("EnableGLDebug") != 0); videoSettings.gl3ForwardCompatible = (config->Int("GL3ForwardCompatible") != 0); videoSettings.iconFile = OS::GetIconFilename(); videoSettings.title = "Pioneer"; Pi::renderer = Graphics::Init(videoSettings); Pi::CreateRenderTarget(videoSettings.width, videoSettings.height); Pi::rng.IncRefCount(); // so nothing tries to free it Pi::rng.seed(time(0)); input.Init(); input.onKeyPress.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&Pi::HandleKeyDown)); // we can only do bindings once joysticks are initialised. if (!no_gui) // This re-saves the config file. With no GUI we want to allow multiple instances in parallel. KeyBindings::InitBindings(); RegisterInputBindings(); navTunnelDisplayed = (config->Int("DisplayNavTunnel")) ? true : false; speedLinesDisplayed = (config->Int("SpeedLines")) ? true : false; hudTrailsDisplayed = (config->Int("HudTrails")) ? true : false; TestGPUJobsSupport(); EnumStrings::Init(); // get threads up Uint32 numThreads = config->Int("WorkerThreads"); const int numCores = OS::GetNumCores(); assert(numCores > 0); if (numThreads == 0) numThreads = std::max(Uint32(numCores) - 1, 1U); asyncJobQueue.reset(new AsyncJobQueue(numThreads)); Output("started %d worker threads\n", numThreads); syncJobQueue.reset(new SyncJobQueue); Output("ShipType::Init()\n"); // XXX early, Lua init needs it ShipType::Init(); // XXX UI requires Lua but Pi::ui must exist before we start loading // templates. so now we have crap everywhere :/ Output("Lua::Init()\n"); Lua::Init(); Pi::pigui.Reset(new PiGui); Pi::pigui->Init(Pi::renderer->GetSDLWindow()); float ui_scale = config->Float("UIScaleFactor", 1.0f); if (Graphics::GetScreenHeight() < 768) { ui_scale = float(Graphics::GetScreenHeight()) / 768.0f; } Pi::ui.Reset(new UI::Context( Lua::manager, Pi::renderer, Graphics::GetScreenWidth(), Graphics::GetScreenHeight(), ui_scale)); #ifdef ENABLE_SERVER_AGENT Pi::serverAgent = 0; if (config->Int("EnableServerAgent")) { const std::string endpoint(config->String("ServerEndpoint")); if (endpoint.size() > 0) { Output("Server agent enabled, endpoint: %s\n", endpoint.c_str()); Pi::serverAgent = new HTTPServerAgent(endpoint); } } if (!Pi::serverAgent) { Output("Server agent disabled\n"); Pi::serverAgent = new NullServerAgent(); } #endif LuaInit(); Gui::Init(renderer, Graphics::GetScreenWidth(), Graphics::GetScreenHeight(), 800, 600); // twice, to initialize the font correctly draw_progress(0.01f); draw_progress(0.01f); Output("GalaxyGenerator::Init()\n"); if (config->HasEntry("GalaxyGenerator")) GalaxyGenerator::Init(config->String("GalaxyGenerator"), config->Int("GalaxyGeneratorVersion", GalaxyGenerator::LAST_VERSION)); else GalaxyGenerator::Init(); draw_progress(0.1f); Output("FaceParts::Init()\n"); FaceParts::Init(); draw_progress(0.2f); Output("new ModelCache\n"); modelCache = new ModelCache(Pi::renderer); draw_progress(0.3f); Output("Shields::Init\n"); Shields::Init(Pi::renderer); draw_progress(0.4f); //unsigned int control_word; //_clearfp(); //_controlfp_s(&control_word, _EM_INEXACT | _EM_UNDERFLOW | _EM_ZERODIVIDE, _MCW_EM); //double fpexcept = Pi::timeAccelRates[1] / Pi::timeAccelRates[0]; Output("BaseSphere::Init\n"); BaseSphere::Init(); draw_progress(0.5f); Output("CityOnPlanet::Init\n"); CityOnPlanet::Init(); draw_progress(0.6f); Output("SpaceStation::Init\n"); SpaceStation::Init(); draw_progress(0.7f); Output("NavLights::Init\n"); NavLights::Init(Pi::renderer); draw_progress(0.75f); Output("Sfx::Init\n"); SfxManager::Init(Pi::renderer); draw_progress(0.8f); if (!no_gui && !config->Int("DisableSound")) { Output("Sound::Init\n"); Sound::Init(); Sound::SetMasterVolume(config->Float("MasterVolume")); Sound::SetSfxVolume(config->Float("SfxVolume")); GetMusicPlayer().SetVolume(config->Float("MusicVolume")); Sound::Pause(0); if (config->Int("MasterMuted")) Sound::Pause(1); if (config->Int("SfxMuted")) Sound::SetSfxVolume(0.f); if (config->Int("MusicMuted")) GetMusicPlayer().SetEnabled(false); } draw_progress(0.9f); OS::NotifyLoadEnd(); draw_progress(0.95f); #if 0 // frame test code Frame *root = new Frame(0, "root", 0); Frame *p1 = new Frame(root, "p1", Frame::FLAG_HAS_ROT); Frame *p1r = new Frame(p1, "p1r", Frame::FLAG_ROTATING); Frame *m1 = new Frame(p1, "m1", Frame::FLAG_HAS_ROT); Frame *m1r = new Frame(m1, "m1r", Frame::FLAG_ROTATING); Frame *p2 = new Frame(root, "p2", Frame::FLAG_HAS_ROT); Frame *p2r = new Frame(p2, "pr2", Frame::FLAG_ROTATING); p1->SetPosition(vector3d(1000,0,0)); p1->SetVelocity(vector3d(0,1,0)); p2->SetPosition(vector3d(0,2000,0)); p2->SetVelocity(vector3d(-2,0,0)); p1r->SetAngVelocity(vector3d(0,0,0.0001)); p1r->SetOrient(matrix3x3d::BuildRotate(M_PI/4, vector3d(0,0,1))); p2r->SetAngVelocity(vector3d(0,0,-0.0004)); p2r->SetOrient(matrix3x3d::BuildRotate(-M_PI/2, vector3d(0,0,1))); root->UpdateOrbitRails(0, 0); CargoBody *c1 = new CargoBody(Equip::Type::SLAVES); c1->SetFrame(p1r); c1->SetPosition(vector3d(0,180,0)); // c1->SetVelocity(vector3d(1,0,0)); CargoBody *c2 = new CargoBody(Equip::Type::SLAVES); c2->SetFrame(p1r); c2->SetPosition(vector3d(0,200,0)); // c2->SetVelocity(vector3d(1,0,0)); vector3d pos = c1->GetPositionRelTo(p1); vector3d vel = c1->GetVelocityRelTo(p1); double speed = vel.Length(); vector3d pos2 = c2->GetPositionRelTo(p1); vector3d vel2 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(p1); double speed2 = vel2.Length(); double speed3 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(c1).Length(); c2->SwitchToFrame(p1); vector3d vel4 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(c1); double speed4 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(c1).Length(); root->UpdateOrbitRails(0, 1.0); //buildrotate test matrix3x3d m = matrix3x3d::BuildRotate(M_PI/2, vector3d(0,0,1)); vector3d v = m * vector3d(1,0,0); /* vector3d pos = p1r->GetPositionRelTo(p2r); vector3d vel = p1r->GetVelocityRelTo(p2r); matrix3x3d o1 = p1r->GetOrientRelTo(p2r); double speed = vel.Length(); vector3d pos2 = p2r->GetPositionRelTo(p1r); vector3d vel2 = p2r->GetVelocityRelTo(p1r); matrix3x3d o2 = p2r->GetOrientRelTo(p1r); double speed2 = vel2.Length(); */ root->UpdateOrbitRails(0, 1.0/60); delete p2r; delete p2; delete m1r; delete m1; delete p1r; delete p1; delete root; delete c1; delete c2; #endif #if 0 // test code to produce list of ship stats FILE *pStatFile = fopen("shipstat.csv","wt"); if (pStatFile) { fprintf(pStatFile, "name,modelname,hullmass,capacity,fakevol,rescale,xsize,ysize,zsize,facc,racc,uacc,sacc,aacc,exvel\n"); for (auto iter : ShipType::types) { const ShipType *shipdef = &(iter.second); SceneGraph::Model *model = Pi::FindModel(shipdef->modelName, false); double hullmass = shipdef->hullMass; double capacity = shipdef->capacity; double xsize = 0.0, ysize = 0.0, zsize = 0.0, fakevol = 0.0, rescale = 0.0, brad = 0.0; if (model) { std::unique_ptr<SceneGraph::Model> inst(model->MakeInstance()); model->CreateCollisionMesh(); Aabb aabb = model->GetCollisionMesh()->GetAabb(); xsize = aabb.max.x-aabb.min.x; ysize = aabb.max.y-aabb.min.y; zsize = aabb.max.z-aabb.min.z; fakevol = xsize*ysize*zsize; brad = aabb.GetRadius(); rescale = pow(fakevol/(100 * (hullmass+capacity)), 0.3333333333); } double simass = (hullmass + capacity) * 1000.0; double angInertia = (2/5.0)*simass*brad*brad; double acc1 = shipdef->linThrust[Thruster::THRUSTER_FORWARD] / (9.81*simass); double acc2 = shipdef->linThrust[Thruster::THRUSTER_REVERSE] / (9.81*simass); double acc3 = shipdef->linThrust[Thruster::THRUSTER_UP] / (9.81*simass); double acc4 = shipdef->linThrust[Thruster::THRUSTER_RIGHT] / (9.81*simass); double acca = shipdef->angThrust/angInertia; double exvel = shipdef->effectiveExhaustVelocity; fprintf(pStatFile, "%s,%s,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.3f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%f,%.1f\n", shipdef->name.c_str(), shipdef->modelName.c_str(), hullmass, capacity, fakevol, rescale, xsize, ysize, zsize, acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4, acca, exvel); } fclose(pStatFile); } #endif luaConsole = new LuaConsole(); KeyBindings::toggleLuaConsole.onPress.connect(sigc::mem_fun(Pi::luaConsole, &LuaConsole::Toggle)); planner = new TransferPlanner(); draw_progress(1.0f); timer.Stop(); #ifdef PIONEER_PROFILER Profiler::dumphtml(profilerPath.c_str()); #endif Output("\n\nLoading took: %lf milliseconds\n", timer.millicycles()); }
GeomTree::GeomTree(const int numVerts, const int numTris, const std::vector<vector3f> &vertices, const Uint16 *indices, const unsigned int *triflags) : m_numVertices(numVerts) , m_numTris(numTris) , m_vertices(vertices) { Profiler::Timer timer; timer.Start(); const int numIndices = numTris * 3; m_indices.reserve(numIndices); for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i) { m_indices.push_back(indices[i]); } m_triFlags.reserve(numTris); for (int i = 0; i < numTris; ++i) { m_triFlags.push_back(triflags[i]); } m_aabb.min = vector3d(FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX); m_aabb.max = vector3d(-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX); // activeTris = tris we are still trying to put into leaves std::vector<int> activeTris; activeTris.reserve(numTris); // So, we ignore tris with flag >= 0x8000 for (int i=0; i<numTris; i++) { if (triflags[i] >= IGNORE_FLAG) continue; activeTris.push_back(i*3); } typedef std::map< std::pair<int,int>, int > EdgeType; EdgeType edges; #define ADD_EDGE(_i1,_i2,_triflag) \ if ((_i1) < (_i2)) edges[std::pair<int,int>(_i1,_i2)] = _triflag; \ else if ((_i1) > (_i2)) edges[std::pair<int,int>(_i2,_i1)] = _triflag; // eliminate duplicate vertices for (int i=0; i<numVerts; i++) { const vector3f &v1 = m_vertices[i]; for (int j=i+1; j<numVerts; j++) { const vector3f &v2 = m_vertices[j]; if (v2.ExactlyEqual(v1)) { for (int k=0; k<numIndices; k++) { if ((indices[k] == j) && (triflags[k / 3] < IGNORE_FLAG)) { m_indices[k] = i; } } } } } // Get radius, m_aabb, and merge duplicate edges m_radius = 0; for (int i=0; i<numTris; i++) { const unsigned int triflag = m_triFlags[i]; if (triflag < IGNORE_FLAG) { const int vi1 = m_indices[3*i+0]; const int vi2 = m_indices[3*i+1]; const int vi3 = m_indices[3*i+2]; ADD_EDGE(vi1, vi2, triflag); ADD_EDGE(vi1, vi3, triflag); ADD_EDGE(vi2, vi3, triflag); vector3d v[3]; v[0] = vector3d(m_vertices[vi1]); v[1] = vector3d(m_vertices[vi2]); v[2] = vector3d(m_vertices[vi3]); m_aabb.Update(v[0]); m_aabb.Update(v[1]); m_aabb.Update(v[2]); for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { const double rad = v[j].x*v[j].x + v[j].y*v[j].y + v[j].z*v[j].z; if (rad>m_radius) m_radius = rad; } } } m_radius = sqrt(m_radius); { Aabb *aabbs = new Aabb[activeTris.size()]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < activeTris.size(); i++) { const vector3d v1 = vector3d(m_vertices[m_indices[activeTris[i] + 0]]); const vector3d v2 = vector3d(m_vertices[m_indices[activeTris[i] + 1]]); const vector3d v3 = vector3d(m_vertices[m_indices[activeTris[i] + 2]]); aabbs[i].min = aabbs[i].max = v1; aabbs[i].Update(v2); aabbs[i].Update(v3); } //int t = SDL_GetTicks(); m_triTree.reset(new BVHTree(activeTris.size(), &activeTris[0], aabbs)); delete[] aabbs; } //Output("Tri tree of %d tris build in %dms\n", activeTris.size(), SDL_GetTicks() - t); m_numEdges = edges.size(); m_edges.resize( m_numEdges ); // to build Edge bvh tree with. m_aabbs.resize( m_numEdges ); int *edgeIdxs = new int[m_numEdges]; int pos = 0; typedef EdgeType::iterator MapPairIter; for (MapPairIter i = edges.begin(), iEnd = edges.end(); i != iEnd; ++i, pos++) { // precalc some j**z const std::pair<int, int> &vtx = (*i).first; const int triflag = (*i).second; const vector3f &v1 = m_vertices[vtx.first]; const vector3f &v2 = m_vertices[vtx.second]; vector3f dir = (v2-v1); const float len = dir.Length(); dir *= 1.0f/len; m_edges[pos].v1i = vtx.first; m_edges[pos].v2i = vtx.second; m_edges[pos].triFlag = triflag; m_edges[pos].len = len; m_edges[pos].dir = dir; edgeIdxs[pos] = pos; m_aabbs[pos].min = m_aabbs[pos].max = vector3d(v1); m_aabbs[pos].Update(vector3d(v2)); } //t = SDL_GetTicks(); m_edgeTree.reset(new BVHTree(m_numEdges, edgeIdxs, &m_aabbs[0])); delete [] edgeIdxs; //Output("Edge tree of %d edges build in %dms\n", m_numEdges, SDL_GetTicks() - t); timer.Stop(); //Output(" - - GeomTree::GeomTree took: %lf milliseconds\n", timer.millicycles()); }