bool BazaarPlugin::submitEditorAboutToClose(VCSBase::VCSBaseSubmitEditor *submitEditor) { if (!m_changeLog) return true; Core::IFile *editorFile = submitEditor->file(); const CommitEditor *commitEditor = qobject_cast<const CommitEditor *>(submitEditor); if (!editorFile || !commitEditor) return true; bool dummyPrompt = m_bazaarSettings.boolValue(BazaarSettings::promptOnSubmitKey); const VCSBase::VCSBaseSubmitEditor::PromptSubmitResult response = commitEditor->promptSubmit(tr("Close Commit Editor"), tr("Do you want to commit the changes?"), tr("Message check failed. Do you want to proceed?"), &dummyPrompt, dummyPrompt); switch (response) { case VCSBase::VCSBaseSubmitEditor::SubmitCanceled: return false; case VCSBase::VCSBaseSubmitEditor::SubmitDiscarded: deleteCommitLog(); return true; default: break; } QStringList files = commitEditor->checkedFiles(); if (!files.empty()) { //save the commit message if (!m_core->fileManager()->saveFile(editorFile)) return false; //rewrite entries of the form 'file => newfile' to 'newfile' because //this would mess the commit command for (QStringList::iterator iFile = files.begin(); iFile != files.end(); ++iFile) { const QStringList parts = iFile->split(" => ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!parts.isEmpty()) *iFile = parts.last(); } const BazaarCommitWidget *commitWidget = commitEditor->commitWidget(); QStringList extraOptions; // Author if (!commitWidget->committer().isEmpty()) extraOptions.append(QLatin1String("--author=") + commitWidget->committer()); // Fixed bugs foreach (const QString &fix, commitWidget->fixedBugs()) { if (!fix.isEmpty()) extraOptions << QLatin1String("--fixes") << fix; } // Whether local commit or not if (commitWidget->isLocalOptionEnabled()) extraOptions += QLatin1String("--local"); m_client->commit(m_submitRepository, files, editorFile->fileName(), extraOptions); } return true; }
bool BazaarPlugin::submitEditorAboutToClose() { CommitEditor *commitEditor = qobject_cast<CommitEditor *>(submitEditor()); QTC_ASSERT(commitEditor, return true); Core::IDocument *editorDocument = commitEditor->document(); QTC_ASSERT(editorDocument, return true); bool dummyPrompt = false; const VcsBase::VcsBaseSubmitEditor::PromptSubmitResult response = commitEditor->promptSubmit(tr("Close Commit Editor"), tr("Do you want to commit the changes?"), tr("Message check failed. Do you want to proceed?"), &dummyPrompt, !m_submitActionTriggered); m_submitActionTriggered = false; switch (response) { case VcsBase::VcsBaseSubmitEditor::SubmitCanceled: return false; case VcsBase::VcsBaseSubmitEditor::SubmitDiscarded: return true; default: break; } QStringList files = commitEditor->checkedFiles(); if (!files.empty()) { //save the commit message if (!Core::DocumentManager::saveDocument(editorDocument)) return false; //rewrite entries of the form 'file => newfile' to 'newfile' because //this would mess the commit command for (QStringList::iterator iFile = files.begin(); iFile != files.end(); ++iFile) { const QStringList parts = iFile->split(QLatin1String(" => "), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!parts.isEmpty()) *iFile = parts.last(); } BazaarCommitWidget *commitWidget = commitEditor->commitWidget(); QStringList extraOptions; // Author if (!commitWidget->committer().isEmpty()) extraOptions.append(QLatin1String("--author=") + commitWidget->committer()); // Fixed bugs foreach (const QString &fix, commitWidget->fixedBugs()) { if (!fix.isEmpty()) extraOptions << QLatin1String("--fixes") << fix; } // Whether local commit or not if (commitWidget->isLocalOptionEnabled()) extraOptions += QLatin1String("--local"); m_client->commit(m_submitRepository, files, editorDocument->filePath(), extraOptions); } return true; }
// Parse a <g> tag while opening a file void svgParseGroup(const QDomElement &element, NoteEditor *editor, QPen pen) { if (element.tagName() != "g") return; // Convert the <g> tag into a QPen if (element.hasAttribute("stroke-width")) pen.setWidthF(element.attribute("stroke-width").toDouble()); if (element.hasAttribute("stroke")) { // Colors by hex value with '#' prefix if (element.attribute("stroke").at(0) == '#') { pen.setColor(QColor(element.attribute("stroke") .right(6).toInt(0, 16))); } // TODO: handle colors by name } if (element.hasAttribute("stroke-linecap")) { QString linecap = element.attribute("stroke-linecap"); if (linecap == "square") { pen.setCapStyle(Qt::SquareCap); } else if (linecap == "round") { pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); } else if (linecap == "butt") { pen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap); } } QDomElement child = element.firstChildElement(); while (!child.isNull()) { if (child.tagName() == "g") { svgParseGroup(child, editor, pen); } else if (child.tagName() == "polyline") { // Get curve from points, add to editor Curve *curve = new Curve(pen); QStringList pointStrs = child.attribute("points") .split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList::iterator itr; for (itr = pointStrs.begin(); itr != pointStrs.end(); ++itr) { QStringList curPointStr = itr->split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QPointF point(curPointStr[0].toDouble(), curPointStr[1].toDouble()); editor->addPointToCurve(point, curve); } editor->addCurve(curve); } child = child.nextSiblingElement(); } }
void ParsetTreeViewer::view(QString parset, const OTDBtree &otdb_tree) { if (!parset.isEmpty()) { ui.treeWidget->clear(); parset.remove("LOFAR."); parset.remove("ObsSW."); QStringList lines(parset.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts)); lines.sort(); if (otdb_tree.treeID()) { // add meta data from the OTDB tree lines += QString("current status in SAS=") + sasStateString(otdb_tree.state()).c_str(); lines += QString("actual start time=") + otdb_tree.startTime().toString().c_str(); lines += QString("actual stop time=") + otdb_tree.stopTime().toString().c_str(); lines += QString("creation date=") + otdb_tree.creationDate().toString().c_str(); lines += QString("modified date=") + otdb_tree.modificationDate().toString().c_str(); lines += QString("SAS ID=") + QString::number(otdb_tree.treeID()); lines += QString("group ID=") + QString::number(otdb_tree.groupID()); lines += QString("MoM ID=") + QString::number(otdb_tree.momID()); lines += QString("parent template=") + QString::number(otdb_tree.originalTree()); lines += QString("campaign=") + otdb_tree.campaign().c_str(); lines += QString("processType=") + otdb_tree.processType(); lines += QString("processSubType=") + PROCESS_SUBTYPES[otdb_tree.processSubType()]; lines += QString("strategy=") + otdb_tree.strategy(); } QStringList key_value_pair, prev_line, current_line, item_pair; QTreeWidgetItem *newItem; QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> parents, prevParents; QString value, tooltip; int idx, nrElements; for (QStringList::iterator it = lines.begin()+1; it != lines.end(); ++it) { key_value_pair = it->split('='); // key_value_pair.first() = full node/key parset name, key_value_pair.last() = value if (key_value_pair.size() > 1) { value = key_value_pair.last(); } else value = ""; current_line = key_value_pair.first().split('.'); prevParents = parents; parents.clear(); idx = 0; nrElements = current_line.size(); while (idx < nrElements) { // while not arrived at last element and not beyond the length of the previous line if (idx < prev_line.size()) { // if not beyond the number of elements in the previous line if ( != { // if the item on this position is different from the item on that position of the previous line // insert element if (idx+1 == nrElements) { item_pair << << value; tooltip = commaWordWrap(item_pair.first() + " = " + value,100); } else { item_pair <<; tooltip = item_pair.first(); } if (parents.empty()) newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.treeWidget, item_pair); else newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parents.last(), item_pair); newItem->setToolTip(0,tooltip); newItem->setToolTip(1,tooltip); parents.push_back(newItem); item_pair.clear(); } else parents.push_back(; } else { // insert element if (idx+1 == nrElements) { item_pair << << value; tooltip = commaWordWrap(item_pair.first() + " = " + value,100); } else { item_pair <<; tooltip = item_pair.first(); } if (parents.empty()) newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.treeWidget, item_pair); else newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parents.last(), item_pair); newItem->setToolTip(0,tooltip); newItem->setToolTip(1,tooltip); parents.push_back(newItem); item_pair.clear(); } ++idx; } prev_line = current_line; } this->show(); } }
GeoDataDocument *CycleStreetsRunner::parse( const QByteArray &content ) const { QDomDocument xml; if ( !xml.setContent( content ) ) { mDebug() << "Cannot parse xml file with routing instructions."; return 0; } GeoDataDocument *result = new GeoDataDocument(); result->setName( "CycleStreets" ); GeoDataPlacemark *routePlacemark = new GeoDataPlacemark; routePlacemark->setName( "Route" ); GeoDataLineString *routeWaypoints = new GeoDataLineString; QDomNodeList features = xml.elementsByTagName( "gml:featureMember" ); if ( features.isEmpty() ) { return 0; } QDomElement route = 0 ).toElement().firstChild().toElement(); QDomElement lineString = route.elementsByTagName( "gml:LineString" ).at( 0 ).toElement(); QDomElement coordinates = lineString.toElement().elementsByTagName( "gml:coordinates" ).at( 0 ).toElement(); QStringList coordinatesList = coordinates.text().split( ' ' ); QStringList::iterator iter = coordinatesList.begin(); QStringList::iterator end = coordinatesList.end(); for( ; iter != end; ++iter) { QStringList coordinate = iter->split(','); if ( coordinate.size() == 2 ) { double const lon = 0 ).toDouble(); double const lat = 1 ).toDouble(); GeoDataCoordinates const position( lon, lat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); routeWaypoints->append( position ); } } routePlacemark->setGeometry( routeWaypoints ); QDomElement durationElement = route.elementsByTagName( "cs:time" ).at(0).toElement(); QTime duration; duration = duration.addSecs( durationElement.text().toInt() ); qreal length = routeWaypoints->length( EARTH_RADIUS ); const QString name = nameString( "CS", length, duration ); const GeoDataExtendedData data = routeData( length, duration ); routePlacemark->setExtendedData( data ); result->setName( name ); result->append( routePlacemark ); int i; for ( i = 1; i < features.count() && i ).firstChildElement().tagName() != "cs:segment"; ++i ); for ( ; i < features.count(); ++i) { QDomElement segment = i ).toElement(); QString name = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:name" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text(); QString maneuver = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:turn" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text(); QStringList points = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:points" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text().split( ' ' ); QStringList const elevation = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:elevations" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text().split( ',' ); GeoDataPlacemark *instructions = new GeoDataPlacemark; QString instructionName; if ( !maneuver.isEmpty() ) { instructionName = maneuver.left( 1 ).toUpper() + maneuver.mid( 1 ); } else { instructionName = "Straight"; } if ( name != "Short un-named link" && name != "Un-named link" ){ instructionName.append( " into " + name ); } instructions->setName( instructionName ); GeoDataExtendedData extendedData; GeoDataData turnType; turnType.setName( "turnType" ); turnType.setValue( maneuverType( maneuver ) ); extendedData.addValue( turnType ); instructions->setExtendedData( extendedData ); GeoDataLineString *lineString = new GeoDataLineString; QStringList::iterator iter = points.begin(); QStringList::iterator end = points.end(); for ( int j=0; iter != end; ++iter, ++j ) { QStringList coordinate = iter->split( ',' ); if ( coordinate.size() == 2 ) { double const lon = 0 ).toDouble(); double const lat = 1 ).toDouble(); double const alt = j < elevation.size() ? elevation[j].toDouble() : 0.0; lineString->append( GeoDataCoordinates( lon, lat, alt, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); } } instructions->setGeometry( lineString ); result->append( instructions ); } return result; }
bool OutputOptions::validateValue(const QString& optionName, const QString& value) { QStringList allowValues; QStringList allowColors; if (!m_list.contains(optionName)) { // Option does not exist return false; } allowValues = m_allow[optionName].split('|'); switch (m_type[optionName]) { case Integer: /* If the allow string is empty, then any number is allowed */ if (m_allow[optionName].isEmpty()) { return true; } /* See if value is in on of the ranges */ for (QStringList::iterator it = allowValues.begin(); it != allowValues.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).indexOf(':') >= 0) { QStringList limits = it->split(':'); int val = value.toInt(); int ulimit = limits[1].toInt(); int llimit = limits[0].toInt(); if ((val >= llimit) && (val <= ulimit)) { return true; } } } if (allowValues.contains(value)) { return true; } return false; case String: if (m_allow[optionName].isEmpty()) { return true; } if (allowValues.contains(value)) { return true; } return false; case Boolean: if ((value == "1") || (value == "0") || (value == "true") || (value == "false")) { return true; } else { return false; } case Color: allowColors.append("red"); allowColors.append("blue"); allowColors.append("black"); allowColors.append("white"); allowColors.append("green"); allowColors.append("purple"); if ((allowColors.contains(value)) || (value.contains(QRegExp("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}")))) { return true; } else { return false; } break; default : /* Unknown type */ return false; } /* Error because method should have returned by now. */ return false; }