  const QUESO::GslVector&                    paramValues,
  const QUESO::GslVector*                    paramDirection,
  const void*                                functionDataPtr,
        QUESO::GslVector&                    qoiValues,
        QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslVector*>* gradVectors,
        QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslMatrix*>* hessianMatrices,
        QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslVector*>* hessianEffects)
  // Logic just to avoid warnings from INTEL compiler
  const QUESO::GslVector* aux1 = paramDirection;
  if (aux1) {};
  QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslVector*>* aux2 = gradVectors;
  if (aux2) {};
  aux2 = hessianEffects;
  QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslMatrix*>* aux3 = hessianMatrices;
  if (aux3) {};

  // Just checking: the user, at the application level, expects
  // vector 'paramValues' to have size 2 and
  // vector 'qoiValues' to have size 1.
  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(paramValues.sizeGlobal() != 2,
                      "paramValues vector does not have size 2");

  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(qoiValues.sizeGlobal() != 1,
                      "qoiValues vector does not have size 1");

  // Actual code
  // This code exemplifies multiple Monte Carlo solvers, each calling this qoi routine. 
  // In this simple example, only node 0 in each sub-environment does the job even though 
  // there might be more than one node per sub-environment.
  // In a more realistic situation, if the user is asking for multiple nodes per sub-
  // environment, then the model code in the qoi routine might really demand more than one
  // node. Here we use 'env.subRank()' only. A realistic application might want to use 
  // either 'env.subComm()' or 'env.subComm().Comm()'.
  const QUESO::BaseEnvironment& env = paramValues.env();
  if (env.subRank() == 0) {
    double coef1 = ((qoiRoutine_DataType *) functionDataPtr)->coef1;
    double coef2 = ((qoiRoutine_DataType *) functionDataPtr)->coef2;
    qoiValues[0] = (coef1*paramValues[0] + coef2*paramValues[1]);
  else {
    qoiValues[0] = 0.;
void qoiRoutine(
    const QUESO::GslVector&                    paramValues,
    const QUESO::GslVector*                    paramDirection,
    const void*                                functionDataPtr,
    QUESO::GslVector&                    qoiValues,
    QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslVector*>* gradVectors,
    QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslMatrix*>* hessianMatrices,
    QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslVector*>* hessianEffects)
    //logic to avoid warnings from intel compiler
    const QUESO::GslVector* aux1 = paramDirection;
    if (aux1) {};
    QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslVector*>* aux2 = gradVectors;
    if (aux2) {};
    aux2 = hessianEffects;
    QUESO::DistArray<QUESO::GslMatrix*>* aux3 = hessianMatrices;
    if (aux3) {};

    //checking size of paramValues and qoiValues
    //both should be size 1
    UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(paramValues.sizeGlobal() != 1,
                        "paramValues vector does not have size 1");

    UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(qoiValues.sizeGlobal() != 1,
                        "qoiValues vector does not have size 1");

//compute qoi
    const QUESO::BaseEnvironment& env = paramValues.env();
    if(env.subRank() == 0) {
        double coef1 = ((qoiRoutine_DataType *) functionDataPtr)->coef1;
        qoiValues[0] = coef1*paramValues[0];
    else {
        qoiValues[0] = 0.;
