void QXmppStreamManagement::failedReceived(const QDomElement &element, QXmppStanza::Error::Condition &condition) { QXmppStanza::Error error; error.parse(element); condition = error.condition(); d->resumeEnabled = false; d->inboundCounter = false; d->outboundEnabled = false; /// TO-DO if resume failed the buffer has to be emptied notifying the packets that couldn't be acknoledged. d->resumming = false; }
void CFrmGroupChat::slotError(const QXmppStanza::Error &error) { LOG_MODEL_DEBUG("Group chat", "code:%d;type:%d;Condition:%d;error:%s", error.code(), error.type(), error.condition(), qPrintable(error.text())); QString szMsg; switch(error.type()) { case QXmppStanza::Error::Auth: szMsg = tr("Don't join room"); break; default: szMsg = tr("Error code:") + QString::number(error.code()) + tr("type:") + QString::number(error.type()) + tr("condition:") + QString::number(error.condition()) + tr("text:") + error.text(); }; QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), szMsg); }